You Are Reading Vol. 08 Issue. 1
Small Business
July, 2018
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Building Networks; Creating Wealth
Avoid Discrimination in the Workplace During the last quarter the Small Business Association continued its focused on sensitising members on current affairs issues through several educational fora. Of note, were presentations by two Human Resource Specialists in the persons of Ms. Donna Hope and Mr. Tony Walcott on two key pieces of legislation, namely, the Employment Sexual Harassment (Prevention) Act 2017-21 and the Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill.
seriousness of this was underscored in the penalties applicable to anyone who contravenes the Act. These penalties include a fine of $5,000 or imprisonment for a term of 12 months or both. Businesses were given six months from the commencement of the legislation to put in place the necessary policy provisions to govern the working environment within the firm. This deadline for compliance was in essence, June 15, 2018.
discussed and business owners were encouraged to strive to maintain a professionally structured and operated workplace in light of the recent legislative improvements. Notwithstanding behaviors and practices that have become engrained in the interactions between the sexes, recent legislation suggests that the employer more so, has to ensure that the organisation is reoriented to reflect a non-discriminatory environment that all persons can feel safe in the workplace.
The Bill defined discrimination as any situation “when a person directly or indirectly, whether intentionally or not, . makes a distinction, creates an exclusion or shows a preference, the intent or effect of which is to subject the other person to any disadvantage, restriction or other detriment”. The consultants advised the members that the best way to prevent discrimination in employment was to have a well written policy that clearly stated the definition of discrimination and the consequences if an employee failed to act within the policy. The cultural nuances of the Barbadian environment were Mr. Tony Walcott of the Barbados Employers’ Confederation
Business owners were reminded of the various incidents of Sexual Harassment in the work environment according to the Act, and the responsibilities of both the employee and employer in such situations. Sexual Harassment according to legislation, was defined as “the use of sexually suggestive words, comments, jokes, gestures or actions that annoy, alarm or abuse a person.” The business owner/manager had a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the working environment of the firm was conducive for the employee to perform his/her duties free from any form of oppression. The
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UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Training & Development The N/CVQ programme, Accounting for Small Business Level 3, commences on August 13, 2018 and will continue for four months. Persons with QuickBooks training may apply.
Sensitisation Session A Members’ forum will be held on August 30, 2018 on the General Data Protection Regulation recently past in the European Union and its implications for persons doing business in the EU
Small Business Awards The deadline for submission of applications for the Small Business Awards 2018 is August 24th. Members can visit the SBA’s website to download an application from. Ms. Donna Hope of Donna Hope HR Services.
Small Business Association of Barbados Suite 101 Building 4 Harbour Industrial Estate Bridgetown, Barbados
Phone: (246) 228-0162 Fax: (246) 228-0613 Email: Website:
This Barbadian owned manufacturing company specialising in Aroma Therapy Products, consistently produces quality brands that to meet their customers’ needs. They are sure that you will find something in their range of products to exceed your expectations, no matter what you are looking for. “At Sister Sister Naturals our aim is to produce the finest quality skin care, muscle and joint relief, insect repellent and other products to meet the needs of all our valued customers.â€? “We are constantly researching alternatives to the harsh toxic products which ultimately damage your health. To this end the use of natural products in our formulation is a sure way of protecting not only your skin but your body from the harmful effects of harsh chemicals.â€? The future goals for Sister Sister Naturals? “Our aim is to establish our presence beyond Barbados and explore the regional and international markets as well. We want the name Sister Sister Naturals to create an excitement about all our products not just of the brand but more so because the brand exemplifies wholesome products that fully satisfy the needs and expectations of customers at affordable cost.â€? Products offered: • Sugar scrubs • Lotion bars, • Shea butter, • Candles, • Lip balms, • Insect Repellent, • Vapour and Muscle rubs • Facial and bath soaps and much more Also provided: • Personalise gift sets for those special occasion • Candles for weddings • Specials on selected products for limited time only • We can accommodate customers who wish to have special blends of essential oils with their favourite soap --- Just let us know 2 weeks in advance. Contact information: 246-824-5312/246-267-9207 & 428-7239 Facebook: - Sister Sister Naturals Instagram: - Sistersisternaturals
Yiga (Caribbean) Ltd is a digital marketing company, committed to creating an easy access, functional, interactive online platform that promotes offers, events and information for its users: - locals and tourists. “Our service yiga! (Your Island Guide App), is a free download app for both android and apple mobile phones with a fully interfaced website at Yiga! is island life at your fingertips.� “Our objective is to build relationships with local businesses and event promoters in Barbados and eventually throughout the Caribbean region.� Any business can use the new digital platform to upload limited or discounted offers and promote products, services or events. With 15 different categories to choose from, Yiga! puts businesses firmly in control of their digital marketing at any time and any place. The Yiga! app also has a social networking capability (Yiga! Buddies) to connect friends and build customer networks, along with a Business Directory and Island News functions. Subscriptions are $180 monthly or $1,660 annually, a saving of $500. Visit our website to sign up your business and a sales associate will contact you to demonstrate the app and discuss how Yiga! can promote your business, boost sales and build a vibrant network of customers for you. “Why not sign up today?� Directors: Errol McCollin Jaslyn Hall Tel: (246)260-5000 Email: Website:
Chocolatier and Chef, Margaret King, started making chocolate in the early 90’s in Stamford, Connecticut, USA after making character cakes for children’s birthday parties and small cakes for functions. She was a supplier of party and wedding items and decorated for those events. After discovering chocolate making items at a nearby cake supply store, Ms King decided to embark on the journey of making chocolate. She returned to Barbados six years ago, and brought that love of chocolate making to the island. Ms. King received professional training from E’cole Chocolat; Cocoa Research Centre of The University West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad; L’ecole Valrhona in Brooklyn, New York; and Wilton School of Cake Design, where she took her first course in cake decorating in her early 20's. Her motto is “learning is ongoing�, and strives to continue on this educational journey of continuous learning of every facet of this deliciously wonderful business. As a chocolatier, she is inspired to take you away from the ordinary. She sources premium-quality ingredients from around the world, choosing local options first, as you'll see in their Mauby & Nuts Chocolate Bar and their Pomegranate Orange Chocolate Bar. Ms. King also enjoys creating unique flavor profiles with complex combinations to bring you beautiful artisanal chocolates and confections that awaken your senses (as seen in their artisan chocolate bars, bonbons, granola, energy bars, cookies and more). “At Magnolia Chocolatier we produce in small batches to focus on quality. Taste some today.� “Welcome to Magnolia Chocolatier.� Magnolia Chocolatier Barbados Chocolate & Pastry Academy Christ Church, Barbados (246) 571-6691 Barbados Office (246) 240-3801 Barbados (Mobile) Magnolia Chocolatier: Barbados Chocolate & Pastry Academy:
Solar Express Promotion In its effort to build the patronage of the Solar Tours project, the SBA recently ran a series of promotional activities via it social media platforms. Aspects of the promotion included:
Solar Express Quiz - a trivia-based contest featuring a number of questions on Barbadian history and infrastructure, particularly in the capital city of Bridgetown.
Fill in the Blank - Another trivia-based contest that utilized Barbadian sayings and phrases, where participants were required to correctly filled the missing word to the posted phrase.
All winning participants received complimentary tours aboard the Solar Express – Expressions of Bridgetown solar-powered vehicle.
Solar Express Raffle - An in-house contest which provided association members and students of the Entrepreneurial Training Series, the opportunity to participate through submitting their names to be raffled.
Winners Katrina Sobers (left) and Keisha Sobers
Dr. Biz
Winners in the Solar project posing with tour guide Rasheed Pilgrim (left)
What should small businesses know about Human Resources Management (HRM)?
ment due HRM Depart r o ff e a st n o man resourc ecialist ble about hu g a HRM Sp a n e vi g a d h . le st w w o o in a g kn uld kn ma ag owever, bein owners sho sually a stig of the firm. H es there is u ices business ze ct ss si e ra ll n p a si st u e sm b b ll e For sma urces or th w are some financial reso for MSMEs. Listed belo to a lack of ity ss still a nece therefore practices is operation. Its nt ie fic ef ndidates, an rative to to attract ca pe n im tio is rip s sc sk de r job ndidates. ’ daily ta Process ur business oviding a clea r potential ca pr yo fo e e as ut The Hiring ag ch ec ck su ex pa to fits place e best staff laries & bene ocedures in Choosing th mpetitive sa llent hiring pr co ce a ex ng vi ve ha ha and important to r interviews and preparing fo d objectives adequately ss’ goals an siness ne si bu bu ur e yo th of d vision abreast of Speed e an to ad on p m u si is s be e m t e mus ith the Employ the employee ning new employees w Bring New is complete ig s ing. al in es ly ra oc ck T ui pr nd Q g ganisation. ook and Bra After the hirin or db e an th H in le ee ploy their ro aring an Em understand through prep ed ev hi process that ac can be ance review m ance or rf pe a The Perform epare nts e rformance; pr ployee is doing their job. m pe re u ee s oy a pl e eM em g em is measurin how well the Performanc point of HRM ations must be met and t an rt po im oyee. Another t expect er and empl unicating wha th the employ bo clearly comm to ul ef cess is us ated solely by Review Pro oyees motiv pl em e wing what ar ; of HRM rships? Kno ct be pe . em as t M an le rt ym free G should have her impo and Mora d managers Insurance or an ivated is anot lth Motivation ot rs ea m H ne e ar as ow s such ness employee b incentives a skill all busi Ensure your otivated by jo eir morale is m th t ey os th bo e ly ar money or to continuous fety aff and how motivates st se include sa nisation. The . ga es or tic e th no l of ns d lega s and regulatio rmination an the policies Regulation discipline, te ith d t, n w a uc ar s ili nd ie m co c fa li of Po de be made statement, co oyees must and equality k. ity Finally, empl oo rs db ve di an H s, s code ployee policies, dres so be outlined in the Em al ld ou sh These
DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR DR. BIZ? Email it to Small Business Association of Barbados Suite 101 Bldg #4 Harbour Industrial Estate, Bridgetown, Barbados Tel: 246 - 228-0162 | Fax: 246 - 228-0613 | Email: | Website:
What’s in it for Me? The SBA hosted a sensitisation session on the mini-budget, recently presented by the Minister of Finance & Economic Affairs and approved by the Parliament of Barbados. The purpose of the session was to consider the implication of the Budgetary Proposal and Financial Statements on the small business sector.
ability on the other. Taken as a whole, the net effect was dependent on the sector within which the firm operated. Whereas retail and distribution stood to realise a positive net result from the measures, businesses in the transport sector and agriculture may realise a negative impact. The enclosed provides a breakdown of the key measures affecting the sector.
Mr. Shane Lowe President of the Barbados Economic Society
Mr. Shane Lowe, president of the Barbados Economics Society, made the presentation, JUNE 2018 MINI-BUDGET – IMPACT ON MSMEs which included an overview of the budgetary proposals, the impact on Barbadians in Improved Profitability/Access to Lower Profitability/Access to Financing general, and micro, small & medium enter- Financing prises in particular. Mr. Lowe defined the 1% Health levy paid by employees recent trends in the fiscal performance of Removal of NSRL Barbados, outlining the insufficiency of Garbage and Sewage Contribution: annual revenues to meet the recurrent Introduction of Trust loans worth $1.50/day applied to water bills expenditures of government, compounded up to $5,000 by the decline in foreign reserves. Fuel Tax levied at 40 cents per litre of 50% reduction in annual registration petrol and diesel and 5 cents per litre The presentation also included a discussion fee for commercial vehicles on kerosene on the International Monetary Fund’s recommendations which suggested inter alia, Waiver of penalties and interest on Highest corporate tax rate up to 30% a reform of state-owned enterprises to cut taxes due between 2000 and 2017 from 25% transfers and subsidies and eliminating the central bank funding of government to Taxes levied on tourism sector reduce the downward pressure on foreign reserves. New 40% personal income tax bracket for annual income >$75,000 The budgetary proposals’ impact on the MSME sector, of which 30% were in retail & The meeting further discussed the next steps for the local economy which include further distribution, was a balance of improved reduction in government expenditure and strategies to accelerate economic growth, particuprofitability on one hand, and lower profit- larly among the productive sectors.
2018 Small Business Awards Sectoral Groups ICT Arts and Craft Manufacturing Retail/Wholesale General Services Cultural Industries Group Membership Professional Services Tourism-Related Services How to Register Registration forms are available from the office of the Small Business Association and online at The deadline for the submission of application is August 24th, 2018.