You Are Reading Vol. 05 Issue. 6 June, 2017
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In This Issue 1 Call for Clarity on NSRL 2 Over 185 Graduates Receive Certification from the SBA 3 Spotlight On Our Members 4 SBA Welcomes New Members 5
From left: CEO of SBA, Ms. Lynette Holder, President Mr. Dean Straker and Vice President Mrs. Gayle Headley Lowe at the press conference.
The recently increased National Social Responsibility Levy from 2% to 10% has left many business owners in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise sector concerned about the future of their firms. Conveying these concerns in a press conference held at the Small Business Association’s secretariat, president of the SBA Mr. Dean Straker assured the public that the association was cognisant of the economic situation facing Barbados and the urgent need for revenue streams. Despite this, Straker declared that the NSRL was “the surest and quickest way to wipe out the workers and the businesses” in the country. The levy which was first announced in September 2016, is a tax imposed on all goods manufactured or produced in Barbados by a registrant and all imported goods into the island. It was created to aid in alleviating the burden of the costs associated with health care and the costs required to provide continued sanitation services for the island.
However, along with the various exceptions to the levy, many of the nation’s sectors and members of these sectors have cried out for exemption. In light of this, the SBA is adamant that the MSME sector must also be heard and is also desirous of exemption or the levy being repealed. However, if neither of these options were possible, the association is calling on the Barbados Revenue Authority to bring clarity to the Levy via a clearly outlined and published document. This clarity, according to Straker, was imperative to the prevention of potential financial losses of business owners who were still uncertain of how the Levy was to be calculated and implemented. Straker asserted that the imposition of the NSRL on local manufacturers who were already struggling to survive and compete against imports was unfair. Furthermore, he stated that with the NSRL and VAT now to be added to every item the manufacturer produces, sales were bound to decline and staff would inevitably be sent home, accelerating the decline of the industry in Barbados.
Dr.Biz on Social Media
CEO of the SBA, Ms. Lynette Holder, informed the media that the MSME sector was critical to the development of the country as 96.3% of the island’s formal businesses and 60.7% of private sector jobs were as a result of this sector. In light of this, Holder stated that provisions which facilitated growth should be made for the sector instead of the constant tax grab which had inflated the cost of doing business. Holder went on to indicate that the NSRL was possibly ill advised and ought to be reviewed and instead the government should resume engaging in economic dialogue, with all stakeholders bringing forth proposals to ensure positive progress in the country’s economy.
Question for this issue
How can social media benefit my business ? See Page 4 Reach the SBA Tel: 246 - 228-0162 Fax: 246 - 228-0613 Email: Website:
Over 185 Graduates Receive Certification from the SBA There is therefore a need for the small business community to take greater advantage of the courses provided. Giving the featured address at the ceremony, Senator the Hon. Dr. Esther Byer-Suckoo stated that small business owners and entrepreneurs across the island must play an important role in the further enhancement of the country through strengthening their knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Senator The Hon. Dr. Esther Byer-Suckoo addressing the graduates at the Entrepreneurial Training Programme graduation ceremony
The Small Business Association continues to prove its commitment to the development of small businesses and entrepreneurs across the island. This was evident at the SBA’s recent graduation ceremony for its Entrepreneurial Training Programme, held under the theme “Make your Mark for the Future- Improve your Skills Today.”
Senator Byer-Suckoo also made it clear that there were unique skills and competencies required to do any job and congratulated the SBA for recognising the benefits of qualification and for the association’s efforts in enabling the country’s business environment to prosper.
Addressing the graduates, president of the SBA, Mr. Dean Straker, expressed that it was necessary to develop effective listening and Outstanding students of the Entrepreneurial Training Programme communicating skills to ensure success in any business venture. Additionally, certified as an approved 152 of the graduates were trained NVQ Centre in 2015, the SBA has in five disciplines including demonstrated the ability to offer QuickBooks, Marketing for Small training in several occupational areas Enterprises, Maximising Social to assist small business owners to Media, Supervisory Management improve their overall marketability. and Customer Service Excellence. Additionally, 35 candidates were successfully trained and received the National Vocational Qualification through the competency-based training programme, “Developing A New or Existing Business Enterprise Level 3”.
Most recently, the SBA proudly partnered with the Technical Vocational & Education Training Council and the Barbados Association of Professional Cleaners to commence the first set of Competency-Based Training programmes in Janitorial Services Level 2.
Speaking at the ceremony, CEO of the SBA, Ms. Lynette Holder, commented on the importance of education as a tool to better oneself and one’s circumstances. Taking this into consideration, the SBA emphasised the significance of its training product and has made training and education a key focus in its mission to develop the skills of small business owners and entrepreneurs.
This however was just the beginning for the SBA as Holder announced that the association was currently working with the TVET Council to develop a standard for E-Commerce and Small Business Accounting at the NVQ Level. Training programmes and workshops were scheduled to follow the completion of the standard.
Since the official commencement of training in 2009 at the SBA secretariat, the association has seen 1492 persons participate in its training courses.
Holder highlighted that NVQ certification was recognised in both regional and international jurisdictions and offered entrepreneurs the opportunity to hone their skills to make themselves more globally marketable and competitive.
Graduates of the Entrepreneurial Training and the NCVQ training programmes.
Seventeen years ago, REA Envirohealth International became a reality for entrepreneur and Registered Occupational Hygienist, Harold Oxley. Based in Barbados, the firm provides occupational and environmental health and safety consulting and training services to clients in the Caribbean, and are poised to extend these services to South and Central America. REA-EHI offers a wide range of services including Safety & Health policy development, workplace inspections and testing of both soil and surface water. Approved as a tertiary training institution, the firm offers professional training courses in various subject areas and is also an accredited provider of the “International Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health” offered by NEBOSH of England. The company also acts as a distributor of safety, health and hygiene products for various companies in the USA and Canada and have recently begun to distribute a line of waterproofing and thermal insulation products. For more information, contact them at 436-5833 or visit their website at
Corbar Business Solutions was established over 10 years ago as a one stop shopping experience for businesses, in the areas of equipment, technology and services. Their offering starts from as little as a self-inking rubber stamp, to a variety of ICT solutions like point of sale, time & attendance, HR and Payroll just to name a few. During the last 9 years, ICT has been their main focus and over the last year they have gone even deeper with the introduction of software development. The firm’s movement into software development now gives them the ability to help businesses to become more efficient. By offering automated software solutions, they help businesses to remove human errors and time wastage resulting from the manual extraction and collating information. For more information, visit their office at #8 Oistins Plaza, Christ Church or contact them at 428-9611.
UN Designates 27 June as MSME Day The United Nations General Assembly on 6 April adopted a resolution recognising the crucial role Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) played in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also designated 27 June ’Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day’.
Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, all countries have been working for its implementation, aiming to ensure that every actor could contribute in the best possible way.
Micro, small and medium enterprises have the potential to make a long-lasting positive impact on global development Following the International Council needs, since they are the engine for for Small Business (ICSB) 2016 World economic growth and job creation. Conference Declaration on the urgent need to recognise MSMEs’ role in global (Article taken from the International development, the Permanent Mission Trade Forum, Issue 1, 2017) of Argentina to the United Nations, with support from ICSB, authored the resolution that was presented to and negotiated with all UN member states. The resolution was co-sponsored by 45 member states, representing over 5 billion people.
Ruk-A-Tuk was incorporated officially in 1998 providing local performances at a range of events such as major festivals and high profile public functions for local and international dignitaries. Additionally, Ruk-A-Tuk International as the performing leg of Ruk-a-Tuk Inc, has won the Tuk Band competition on seven consecutive occasions and has represented Barbados over the past 20 years in various destinations including New York, England, Scotland and Cuba. The entertainment firm also performs regularly on the hotel circuit with Tuk Band & characters while offering Jazz ensembles as required with or without a vocalist and facilitates MC duties in English, French and Spanish. Most recently, the firm has held workshops in flute playing, fire-eating and limbo, and is responsible for the entertainment bands at a leading all-inclusive hotel on the south coast. The company also provides recordings and jingles and offers training in Strategic Planning. Check out their website at or call 418-1035.
SBA Welcomes New Members The Small Business Association welcomed 10 new small businesses to its membership during the last quarter of the financial year. Members at the latest orientation meeting in June were encouraged to view knowledge as power as they were given a brief history of the SBA and how the association could help to fuel the success of a small business. CEO of the SBA, Ms. Lynette Holder apprised the entrepreneurs that even though the association did not offer assistance in the form of financing, the association remained dedicated to lobbying, training and providing networking opportunities for its members. In addition to this, attendees were reminded of the role they must play as members of the SBA. The small business owners were implored to make a special effort to be active members by attending both members’ meetings and the annual general meetings.
The support and feedback garnered at these and other events would enable the SBA to continue to advocate for changes within the small business sector based on issues raised by members. The new members were also prompted to become a part of the Be SME SMART Programme pioneered by the SBA where consumers were encouraged to patronise small businesses via firms offering discounts to those who show their Be SME SMART card. Those signed up for the programme were also featured in the Be SME SMART Marketplace on the SBA’s website where consumers could browse to find good deals on products and services.
New members of the association with CEO, Ms. Lynette Holder (centre).
This phase would be an e-commerce platform where customers would also be able to buy from small businesses online and have their products delivered. This idea, though relatively new, is geared towards pushing small businesses to use technology and the internet in order to boost sales and Ms. Holder announced that in productivity and was definitely an initiative addition to the marketplace, the that all members of the SBA could look association was looking towards the forward to in the future. launch of the programme’s second phase.
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Do You Have A Question For Dr.Biz ? Email it to
Small Business Association of Barbados Suite 101 Bldg #4 Harbour Industrial Estate, Bridgetown, Barbados Tel: 246 - 228-0162 | Fax: 246 - 228-0613| Email: | Website: