Fall/Winter On Eagles' Wings

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Happy Merry Christmas New Year

FALL 2014

From the Principal To all our SBA families and friends, As I sit down to write this, it is the first day of Advent. As Father Robert Barron puts it – “Advent is the time we prepare for Christ. It’s the great liturgical season of waiting, but not a passive waiting. We yearn, we search and we reach out for the God who will come to us in human flesh.” If we spend some time with those words, and I committed myself to do just that during Advent, it makes Christmas even more special. St. Benedict has a lot of good things going on and I invite you to grab a cup of coffee and spend some time with this issue of On Eagle’s Wings. We spend our days surrounded by almost 900 teenagers and young adults. For many, that would be a very scary thought, but not here. Take a look at the many good things our students (your children, grandchildren, neighbors) are doing for the good of others. Don’t get me wrong, we have our moments – in November we had to evacuate campus because of an odor of gas. Picture almost 1,000 people being asked to stop what they were doing and immediately evacuate campus. We were very careful with our instructions on where to evacuate, and, to my knowledge, we didn’t lose any to the Mall or area eating establishments. Our gathering place was the St. Francis Church Parish Life Center. We are thankful to Fr. Marshall and the staff at St. Francis for allowing us to interrupt their day. Our faculty and students did just what we asked them to do. After more than an hour, it was deemed safe to return to campus and, again picture 1,000 people streaming out of the SFA PLC for the return trek to SBA. Luckily, it ended with us being able to chalk that exercise up to a “drill,” but we’ll take that news any day. Even better, once we returned to SBA, we had exactly the same number of students with which we left campus! The major disaster was that our kitchen staff wasn’t able to return to the kitchen in time to get all the French fries ready for the 4th period lunch crew! To those parents and guardians of our current student body, thank you. Thank you for how you have raised your teenager – it makes our job so much easier. To our past families, please stop by and visit. Check out our new look, but we are still St. Benedict: Catholic-CoedCollege Prep just with a new and unified look. We would not be who we are today without you. To our prospective families, we want you to be a part of what we share. Please visit our school’s website, sbaeagles.org for admissions information or to schedule a tour. Consider joining the SBA family as we build our traditions and continue to establish SBA as one of the premier high schools in Memphis. All of us here at SBA wish for you the holiest of Seasons as we prepared and now celebrate the birth of our Lord. God Bless, Sondra Morris, Principal

From the Editor One semester is done and one more makes up the 2014-15 year. Amazing how we have jammed so much into just one semester! And what a semester it has been! Please look inside and see all the many accomplishments and events that we have brought to our campus this year already. We are especially proud that we were nominated and then selected as one of three finalists in the school category of the inaugural Spark Awards, sponsored by Lipscomb and Pitts Company and the Spark TV Program on WKNO. In addition, two of our alums were selected finalists in their categories, too. It’s all in “Headline News.” So much more to see and read! Please enjoy and know that, as always, all the SBA family (That’s you!) remains in our prayers throughout the year and wishes you the most blessed Holiday Season. Christ’s Blessings, Sharon Masterson, Editor Director of Communications & Sports Information

Catholic Schools: Educating Our Youth in Truth for the Honor and Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.


St. Benedict at Auburndale High School is a diocesan, coeducational, college preparatory school committed to academic excellence through a comprehensive and challenging multi-level curriculum presented in an atmosphere permeated with the aims, values and teachings of the Roman Catholic faith. On Eagles’ Wings is a publication of St. Benedict at Auburndale High School. Editor/Director of Communications & Sports Information Sharon Masterson Principal Sondra Morris Director of Alumni & Development Lori Trew Regis ‘91 Director of Admissions Terri Heath

Table of Contents 4



Parent Connection


About Our Faith


Headline News

19 Achievements 22 Faculty Focus 23 On and Off Campus

Director of PLUS Program Robin Ciancioso Athletic Director Caleb Marcum Advisory Board 2014-15 Jon Bascom Madonna Bond Msgr. Peter Buchignani, V.G. Dana Capocaccia Chad Harrell, Chair John Hyden (’93) Joe Incardona Chris LeBlanc Patty Neuhoff Paul Schuhlein Duane Sell Phil Sisneros Don Williams Wanda Winnette Andy Wise Beth York





ON EAGLES’ WINGS magazine is published by the St. Benedict at Auburndale High School Office of Communications. Change of address or correspondence: Please send all changes to: Editor - On Eagles’ Wings St. Benedict at Auburndale High School 8250 Varnavas Drive Cordova, TN 38016 mastersons@sbaeagles.org








Alumni Athletes Give Back Once an Eagle – ALWAYS an Eagle 2014-15 Alumni Coaches and Volunteers !

Leadership. Impact. Family. Blessing. Influence. These are the words our Alumni used when asked why they choose to give back to SBA Athletics. Every!year,!there!are!SBA!alumni!who!volunteer!their! time!or!are!after>school!coaches!for!the!sport!that!they! loved!so!much!when!they!were!students!here.!!That!has! never!changed.!!But!what!does!seem!to!have!changed!is! the!NUMBER!of!alumni!coaches.!!This!year!there!are! TWENTY>FOUR!alumni!giving!back!to!the!athletes!of! SBA.!!! What!a!wonderful!testament!to!their!character!AND!to! our!school!!!Here!are!a!few!of!their!stories…! !

Austin'Aeschilman'.08!–!Soccer! Michael'Allen'.08!–!Basketball! Bret'Bilbrey'.01!–!Trap! Tom'Davis'.02'–!Soccer! Paul'Frierott'.10!–!Basketball! John'Hyden'.93!–!Team!Doctor! Sara'Ann'Jeffrey'.09!–!Basketball! Ben'Johnson'.09!–!Wrestling! Ben'Kurtz'.13'–!Wrestling! Jeff'Lamer'.12!–!Wrestling! Brad'Linehan'.13'–!Wrestling! Ethan'Livingston'.09!–!Basketball! Ryan'McKenzie'.08!–!Wrestling! Kelsey'Miles'.09!–!Volleyball! Meagan'Nichols'.10!–!Track! Lynn'Jennings'Park'.01!–!Basketball! Cody'Quon'.12!–!Football! Houston'Russell'.07'–!Wrestling! Kaitlyn'Stoddard'.10!–!Cross!Country! Samantha'Thompson'.07!–!Lacrosse! Kyle'Treece'.10!–!Cross!Country! Philip'Valle'.07!–! Football/Wrestling/Track! Jennifer'Watts'.07!–!Volleyball! Garrett'Wimberly'.07!>!Lacrosse! !



“Playing!multiple!sports! at!SBA!in!high!school! taught!me!so!much! about!life.!ThereXs!no! better!place!to!learn! things!like!selflessness! and!leadership!than!on!a! sports!team.!I!wanted!to! be!able!to!instill!those! lessons!in!others!that! were!instilled!in!me! during!my!time!at!SBA.”!

“Having!been!my!first!year!coaching!at!SBA,!it!was!one! of!the!best!experiences!I!have!had!so!far.!!Having!the! opportunity!to!come!back!and!give!knowledge!of!the! game!as!well!as!life!experiences,!to!the!young!men!and! women!of!the!future,!just!gives!me!a!feeling!that!I!cant! explain.!Watching!individuals!grow!and!work!together! on!the!field!to!reach!a!certain!goal!is!one!of!the!main! tools!that!they!need!when!they!enter!the!workforce,! being!able!to!communicate!through!different!obstacles! and!get!to!the!end!goal.!!Ever!since!graduation,!I!knew! that!I!wanted!to!help!out!in!some!way!whether!it!was! helping!the!special!teams!on!the!football!team!or! helping!the!soccer!program.!I!was!able!to!play!with!one! of!my!younger!brothers!in!high!school!but!was!not!able! to!with!the!other!due!to!age!difference,!so!the!next!best! thing!to!playing!is!standing!on!the!sidelines!watching! and!coaching!him!on!the!field.!!I!appreciate!those!that! allowed!me!the!opportunity!to!become!part!of!the! family!of!which!I!was!once!part.”! ! ! ! T'Austin'Aeschilman'‘08' !


T'Lynn'Jennings'Park'‘01' ! !

VIt!really!is!an!honor!being!able!to!come!back!and!coach! at!the!same!school!that!coached!me.!Once!an!Eagle,! always!an!Eagle!V!







“The!coaches!when!I!was!playing!impacted!my!life! so!I!wanted!to!give!back!to!the!girls!in!the!same! way.”!

“I!coach!at!St.!Benedict!because!it!gives!me!the! opportunity!to!give!back!to!a!school/community!that! gave!so!much!to!me!as!a!student.”! ! ! ! T'Houston'Russell'‘07' !







“Why!I!love!coaching!at!SBA:!I!think!its!a!great! opportunity!to!kill!two!birds!with!one!stone.!I!get!to! influence!the!guys!and!help!them!become!better! athletes,!as!well!as!men.!Also,!I!have!an!opportunity! to!give!back!to!the!school!that!did!so!much!for!me!and! made!me!a!better!person!!“! ! ! ! ! T'Philip'Valle'‘07'

VI!have!had!the!privilege!of!having!a!few!coaches!throughout! my!volleyball!career!who!not!only!taught!me!volleyball!but! taught!me!lessons!that!have!proved!to!be!vital!throughout! life.!I!wanted!to!come!back!and!be!a!positive!influence!on! these!girls!like!these!coaches!were!for!me!along!the!way.V! ! ! ! ! ! T'Kelsey'Miles'‘09'

“For!me,!cross!country!has!always!been!about!so!much!more!than!just! running.!The!great!thing!about!this!sport!is!that!anyone!can!do!it!if!they!are! willing!to!put!the!time!and!effort!into!it,!and!that!carries!over!into!other!areas! of!life!as!well.!There!have!been!so!many!times!where!the!things!I!have!learned! from!cross!country!have!been!applicable!outside!of!running.!That’s!what!I! want!most!to!share!with!our!runners.!State!Championships!are!awesome,!but! in!the!grand!scheme!of!things!it’s!the!discipline,!determination!and!faith!and! trust!in!your!teammates!that!you!learn!that!gets!you!where!you!need!to!go.”! ! ! ! ! ! ! T'Kaitlyn'Stoddard'‘10'

“Coaching!the!trap!team!is!another!way!for!me!to! mentor!the!students!and!help!them!transition!into!the! world!outside!of!SBA.!I!had!teachers!who!I! considered!to!be!mentors!while!I!was!a!student,!so!I! hope!I!can!pass!the!knowledge!I!learned!from!them!to! our!current!students!and!future!alumni.”! ! ! ! ! T'Bret'Bilbrey'‘01'

“I!enjoy!coaching!at!SBA!because!I!enjoyed!my!time!playing! sports!here!and!it!feels!good!to!do!everything!I!can!to!make! sure!current!SBA!athletes!can!have!the!same!sort!of!positive! experience.”! ! ! ! ! T'Paul'Frierott'‘10' !




“Coaching!the!girls!lacrosse!team!has!been!an!honor!and!a! blessing.!The!girls!on!the!team!know!what!dedication,!hard! work,!and!teamwork!takes;!but!they!also!know!how!to!have! fun!and!are!very!close!to!one!another.!I!am!very!proud!to!be! their!coach!and!very!proud!of!them!for!all!of!their!dedication! and!hard!work.!!It’s!not!easy!learning!a!new!sport!during! high!school.!!I!wanted!to!give!back!to!St.!Benedict!by!coaching! because!this!is!where!I!fell!in!love!with!the!sport!and!without! St.!Benedict!I!donXt!think!I!would!have!ever!found!lacrosse.!I! also!want!more!generations!of!St.!Benedict!girls!to!fall!in!love! with!such!an!unique!sport.”! ! ! ! ! T'Samantha'Thompson'‘07'

! “I!decided!to!return!to!SBA!and!coach!because!I!wanted!to! somehow!say!thank!you!to!Coach!Cervetti.!She!had!a! tremendous!impact!on!my!life!and!it!is!because!of!her! coaching!that!I!was!able!to!run!at!the!collegiate!level.!I!also! absolutely!love!track!and!field,!so!it!is!a!privilege!to!teach! others!about!this!amazing!sport.!Last!track!season,!every!one! of!my!hurdlers!achieved!a!personal!best!time!and!I!could!not! have!been!more!proud!of!their!accomplishments!”! T' Meagan' Nichols'‘10!

“One!of!the!most!rewarding!parts!of!my!job!as!a!Sports! Medicine!Physician!is!taking!care!of!athletes!and!covering! games.!Being!a!former!SBA!athlete!myself,!I!enjoy!taking! care!of!kids!that!were!like!me!in!high!school.!SBA!was!a!big! part!of!my!life!and!still!is.!I!learned!a!lot!from!being!an! athlete!including!how!to!handle!success,!how!to!handle! adversity,!and!how!to!be!a!leader.!Every!time!I!cover!a!game! it!takes!me!back!to!my!days!of!playing!and!reminds!me!how! much!I!enjoyed!those!times.!I!feel!it!is!very!important!to!give! back!to!the!people!and!places!that!helped!me!get!to!the!place! I!am!at!in!life!today.!That!is!a!big!reason!why!I!volunteer!my! time!to!be!the!Team!Physician!for!SBA.”! ! ! ! ! T'Dr.'John'Hyden'’93'

“I!came!back!to!coach!at!SBA!to!“SCHAPE”!young!men! for!the!next!step!in!their!lives!both!on!and!off!the!court.”! ! ! ! T'Michael'Allen'‘08'



What Really Matters By Chad Harrell, Chair SBA Advisory Board

So often I am asked by people in the community what sets SBA apart…what really makes it special? I love when they ask me this!! I am filled with such pride for St. Benedict that explaining what makes SBA exceptional is easy. I start by boasting about SBA’s excellence in education. Honestly, the accomplishments that our students, administrators, faculty and staff continue to make on a daily basis are overwhelming. But, there’s so much more to SBA than academics, for example, our Catholic identity. SBA takes every opportunity to weave our Catholic identity into instruction and interactions with each other. And, January 2015 marks the 26th consecutive year that SBA will chaperone students to be a part of March for Life in Washington, D.C. What an incredible experience and blessing! SBA is truly cultivating a rich spiritual foundation which will stay with these young men and women for a lifetime! The sports program and fine arts are yet another aspect of which SBA should be proud. Both programs are helping our children to understand teamwork while developing them into leaders and goal-driven adults. But, the one thing I tell everyone that really sets SBA apart from the other college prep choices in Memphis, the one element that really makes the difference… that one “it” factor is our community. It’s the synergy that is created by all of us working together to continue to move SBA forward. Whether it’s coming together to support a family in need or organizing a communitywide event like “Trunk or Treat,” the SBA community is always “ALL IN.” Our strength is in our diversity. It’s the time, treasure and many talents that come together to make SBA the amazing school that it is. As you will see in this and other issues of On Eagles Wings, the accomplishments are many and a source of pride for the school. Serving on the SBA Board of Advisors for the past two years has been a privilege. It has been a humbling experience seeing the clear devotion so many have to continuing the efforts in making SBA the school of choice for the young men and women in the Memphis area. To that end, the Board of Advisors has helped develop a strategic plan for future growth in athletics, education and fine arts. We recognize that to draw the most talented young men and women to our school that we need not only a vision, but a plan! We are both building and strengthening St. Benedict’s relationships with community partners and businesses. Incredible things are happening at SBA! We know you agree! So, we ask you to consider what role you can play in our efforts to help ensure SBA’s excellence. In the words of Blessed Mother Teresa, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin!”

Vino and Vogue St. Benedict at Auburndale 5th Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser Saturday, February 28th SBA Dining Hall 6:30 p.m. Reservations $25 sbaeagles.org/fashionshow


Simple Ways To Help


From the Development Office The Annual Fund Drive is up and running and it is nice to report that we are 5 months in and $7,000 ahead of where we were at this time last year. We attribute this to our awesome SBA families and friends, but also to our first Parent Giving Drive and our first Class Giving Incentive Drive. Of course, even though those were both concentrated in the first semester of our school year, you can ALWAYS give to our SBA Annual Fund. The Annual Fund is such a vital part of our school and without it we would be unable to offer the many extras that our students take part in. To those who have participated already, we would like to say thank you, thank you , thank you! To those who are still considering a gift, please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Our door is always open and we would love to tell you about the difference your donation can make. Gifts of all sizes are needed and appreciated, but our goal is always PARTICIPATION. You can give online now at www.sbaeagles.org/donate or you can mail your gift in the enclosed envelope. You can also scan the QR code below with your smart phone. Thank you so much for your consideration!

SBA Eagle Bucks Gift Card Program

The SBA Eagle Bucks Program allows you to earn money for our school programs while shopping! Just buy your gift cards from us! They make GREAT Christmas gifts! To place your order, you can fill out the form on our website or you can stop by the office. We have many gift cards in stock, but orders are also placed on a weekly basis. SBA receives a percentage of the sale of the gift card – it’s that SIMPLE.

Kroger Community Rewards If you shop at Kroger, you more than likely have a K roger Plus card on your keychain. If you go to Kroger.com and create an account using your Plus number found on the card, you can select St. Benedict at Auburndale as your Community Rewards Program organization of choice. A portion of every shopping trip you make using your Kroger Plus card will then go to SBA! It costs you nothing and really is SIMPLE!

Target REDcard Program

Target’s Take Charge of Education Program donates millions of dollars to education each year by giving 1% of your purchases at Target back to your eligible school. Please designate SBA as your school of choice for their Take Charge of Education Program. It is SIMPLE and very effective. Apply in store or go online to Target.com/tcoe.

SBA Development Office

8250 Varnavas Drive Cordova, TN 38016 www.sbaeagles.org/donate



St. Benedict 2nd Semester

JANUARY 6 7 9 13 19 20-23 26-30

Professional Development - Faculty Classes resume 1st Friday Adoration Home & School meeting, 8 am Martin Luther King Holiday (no classes) March for Life Trip, Washington DC Catholic Schools Week

FEBRUARY 6 7 2 4 16 18 28

1st Friday Adoration Project Graduation Trivia Night High School Placement Test NCAA National Signing Day Presidents’ Day – No classes Ash Wednesday Fashion Show

MARCH 6 6 9 16 26-29

1st Friday Adoration End of 3rd academic quarter Begin Spring Break Classes resume Spring Musical-The Wedding Singer

Admission & Guidance Information ADMISSIONS Applications for the 2015-16 school-year are now being accepted. Please visit our website at www.sbaeagles. org/admissions for procedures and application. Parents Please Note: All siblings who wish to attend SBA must complete the Application for Admission. If you have questions, please contact Terri Heath, Director of Admissions, at 260-2873; heatht@sbaeagles.org.

GUIDANCE Parents of seniors (Class of 2015) – if you would like a conference concerning college plans for your child, please E-mail College Placement Counselor Stephanie Scates at scatess@sbaeagles.org to set up an appointment. Please see the following schedule for College Entrance Testing.

ACT TEST DATES (www.act.com) Test Date Registration Deadline Feb. 7, 2015 Jan. 9, 2015 Apr. 18, 2015 Mar. 13, 2015 June 13, 2015 May 8, 2015

APRIL 2 Holy Thursday (½ day-begin Easter Break) 3 Good Friday 5 Easter Sunday 7 Classes Resume 15 NCAA National Signing Day 21 Home & School meeting, 8 am 30-May 3 Spring Play MAY 1 8 9 19-22 22

SAT TEST DATES (www.collegeboard.com) Test Date Registration Deadline Jan. 24, 2015 Dec. 29, 2014 Mar. 14, 2015 Feb.13, 2015 May 2, 2015 Apr. 6, 2015 June 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 SBA Code needed for registration – 430-451

1st Friday Adoration Baccalaureate-Church of the Incarnation, 7 pm Commencement-Hope Church, 11 am Senior Project Graduation Party Final exams Last day of classes


DRIVER’S PERMIT attendance verification form is required in order for a student to get a Driver’s Permit. Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form.

Parent Connection News from Home and School Association

Project Graduation 2015

The “New to the Nest” coffee early in September provided parents with the opportunity to meet each other, school staff and have any questions answered.

Well once again we are racing through the school year. Here we are at the half way mark. Soon those wide-eyed freshmen roaming our halls and looking for their classes will be sophomores and our seniors will be saying good-bye and starting a new chapter of their lives. Time flies! But we aren’t done quite yet and the next semester is our busiest time of year. We need our parents (and grandparents) to step up and volunteer to continue on with time-honored traditions started at Saint Benedict at Auburndale School many years ago. Volunteer opportunities are always posted in Monday Mail with the links to volunteer through Sign-Up Genius. You can search Sign-Up Genius by our email sbahomeandschool@gmail.com at www.signupgenius.com . Please consider helping us out with our winter and spring events. There are many and it requires help from all of us. Mark your calendars for the remainder of our 2014- 2015 Home and School meetings on January 13, 2015 and April 21, 2015. Each of these meetings will be held in the Faculty Dining Hall at 8:00am. Your input into our organization and events is valued and we hope you will come get involved. Our 5th Annual Fund Fashion Show is also coming up on February 28. It is the only fundraiser that SBA has to benefit the Annual Fund. We are looking for sponsors, people to help decorate for the event, donations for auction baskets, door prizes and more. If you are interested in helping out, you can sign up online or contact Lori Regis at regisl@sbaeagles.org or call 901.260.2892. As always, if you have questions or would like to volunteer or receive more information about Home and School, please contact Romy Schaaf at rbschaaf64@att.net or call 901.359.7821.

Plans are underway for Project Graduation, a drug and alcohol free graduation party that is now a senior tradition, held this year on the night of graduation, Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Incredible Pizza. Senior parents, be sure to get your student’s reservation check ($125 until Feb. 1) and permission form in so we can begin ordering all the terrific gifts and prizes for the event. Parents from all classes are welcomed and needed in planning and hosting PG. We would also like to invite you to be a part of our next major fundraiser, Trivia Night on Saturday, February 7, 2015. If you would like to become a volunteer, sponsor or donate prizes for either event, please contact Beth Jackson (826-2112) aubreyandbeth@att.net.,or Angie Disalvo (833-3626), amdisalvo@ fedex.com. Financial support is vital for the success of this event. Thank you in advance for your generous response on behalf of the class of 2015.

Trivia Night, November 2014


About Our Faith What is ‘Catholic Education’ and how Does it Manifest itself at SBA

man beings are created in the image and likeness of God illuminates the truth that there is an inherent order and form within reality. We call this form creation. Catholic education ultimately results in a student’s ability to see the richness and depth of creation. Forming wonder and imagination in students in front of God’s creation cultivates reason and problem-solving, and this creates a space for the student to experience the true continuity between reason and faith. Reality is therefore not simply made up of equations to be solved, or questions that a simple stark fact can answer, but rather presents to man his own questions and mysteries. In other words, Catholic education is interested in educating the person to be able to respond to God’s call to love. Why? Because we believe this “call to love” is the most fundamental piece of our humanity, and that this call is man’s way of serving the whole world. So, while there is a rich and deep spiritual tradition at SBA, our Catholic identity does not stop there. Our Catholic identity begins with our love for the created world, and our existence, which is a gift. It then moves from there to an interest in literature, history, math, writing, science, debate, the arts, athletics, service and ultimately, God—from Whom all of these things spring. Our task is to educate our students to live their lives within the wonder that is reality itself, and to pray that this education continues to break open for them what is True, Good and Beautiful. We are on a great track and are growing more and more every day. Please pray for us! 1Luigi Giussani, The Risk of Education, 7. SBA welcomes Hannah Keegan as our new Director of Spiritual Affairs/Theology faculty member. She received her BA from Hendrix College in Philosophy and a Masters in Theological Studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, D.C.

By Hannah Keegan Director of Spiritual Affairs Education is our path to true humanity and wisdom. Stratford Caldecott

Although I am new to SBA, I can already see that the school has a beautiful soul. The faculty and staff are intensely devoted to their students, and the students are thoughtful and bright. The Catholic identity of the school is solid. We have a long-standing tradition of First Friday Eucharistic Adoration, we have monthly Mass for all students, class Masses throughout the year, opportunity for Confession is now offered each Monday during all three lunch periods, each day begins and ends with a prayer, and, one of our greatest joys, this year two Nashville Dominican Sisters have joined our faculty! One thing that has truly struck me in my time so far at SBA is the desire to educate the whole person. As Catholics, we believe that each person exists as a unified whole of body and soul. This means that our person is not just physical, not just spiritual, not just intellectual, but all of the above. The understanding of each student as a “unified whole” penetrates to the core of SBA, and this is what makes it Catholic. A Catholic education is that which “educates what is human in us.”1 In other words, a Catholic education fosters and strengthens our capacity for what is True, Good and Beautiful. The fact that hu-

Rosary for Peace offered across the Diocese

St. Benedict joined with all the schools across the Diocese in the annual Rosary for Peace on The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Sister Marie Monique led the student body and faculty in recitation of the Rosary, as class was suspended for this special time of prayer.


About Our Faith

SBA students and staff join others at Historic Magnificat Day

On November 1, the City and Diocese of Memphis were privileged to host the Magnificat Day. Many SBA students and faculty attended and participated in the full-day event that began with Morning Prayers, Mass and confessions. There was an opportunity to venerate the relics of St. Thérèse of the Infant Jesus (The Little Flower) and her parents. And, our own teachers, Sister Marie Monique and Sister Rita Marie helped to lead the singing with the St. Cecilia’s Schola. After hearing extraordinary international speakers and evening prayer, hundreds of Memphians processed down Main Street in an historic Eucharistic procession with the relics, as well. Father Robert Barron, of the Catholicism Series, gave a public address before our Bishop Steib closed with Benediction and the Blessed Sacrament was reposed. Junior Alex Peyton spent some of his free time to venerate the relics.

Life Training Institute speaker visits National speaker Jay Watts addressed students at an assembly in November on “The Case for Life.” Watts is a speaker and writer for Life Training Institute (LTI). He served as Coordinator at Cobb Pregnancy Services for three years, experiencing first-hand the powerful impact pregnancy centers have on their communities. He started with LTI as a full-time staff member in 2010 and lives in Atlanta. Jay speaks to churches, youth groups, schools and others throughout the US. In his presentation, “The Case for Life,” Jay offered a positive case for the value of human life starting out with the question, “What is the unborn.” He noted that the morality of the unborn comes down to that one question. In his discussion of embryology, Jay reminded the students that the unborn is living and distinct from the mother or father. His presentation is a step-bystep system of apologetics, using science and philosophy to help the students from this pro-life school use indisputable facts in their discussions on the immorality of abortion. Watts was the second speaker from LTI. The Founder and President Scott Klusendorf addressed the students four years ago.


Following his presentation, the SBA Students for LIfe presented Jay with the official club shirt.

About Our Faith Vocations and talks on the Faith fill Vocations Week at SBA The BenedicTeens group invited Diocesan Vocations Director Fr. Patrick Gallagher to address the group on the topic of Purgatory. Father also joined both our Dominican Sisters, Sister Marie Monique and Sister Rita Marie, and Coach Valle in a day-long discussion on vocations during Vocations Week.

Traditions help celebrate the season of Advent The annual religious goods sale held at St. Benedict is always a favorite of students and adults alike. Several vendors from Memphis and Nashville spend a day in the first week of December offering a variety of books, music, sacramentals, holy cards and much more for purchase. This tradition began when St. Benedict at Auburndale opened in 1988.


About Our Faith

SBA junior Alex Heath receives his ring from Principal Sondra Morris

At SBA, the annual Junior Ring ceremony is held in early December preceded by Mass, offered this year by St. Patrick Parish Pastor Father Adam Rust, and the blessing of the rings. In addition to the class rings presented to the juniors (as Alex Heath-above), Fr. Rust also blessed Miraculous Medals presented to the winter sport athletes. This is also a long-time tradition at SBA as athletes receive blessed medals during each of the seasons to remind them that their talents come from God and, through the Blessed Mother, they honor Him by wearing the medals. After Mass and the distribution of the rings, juniors and their parents enjoyed a reception.

† In Memoriam

The faculty, staff and students of St. Benedict at Auburndale offer our most sincere condolences to all those families who have lost loved ones. We remember them and all our dearly beloved in our daily prayers and Masses.

Michael McGuire, 18, SBA class of 2014 passed away on August 22, 2014.

Mary Ann Brenner, 69, mother of Thomas Brenner (’94), passed away on September 10, 2014.

Sheila Pickering, mother-in-law of PE teacher and swim coach Molly Pickering, passed away on October 15, 2014.

Delores David, 86, mother of PE teacher and Head Football Coach Mike David and mother-in-law of Guidance Counselor Laura David, passed away on November 21, 2014.

John “J.R.” Rutland, Jr, 56, Auburndale class of 1976, passed away on September 13, 2014.

Kim Otts Falanga, 31, SBA Class of 2001, wife of Joey Falanga (2000) and sister of Lee Otts (2000), passed away on November 22, 2014. (see Alumni Photo Album)

Chris Graham, 37, SBA Class of 1995, passed away on November 20, 2014.

Dr. Heymoore Schettler, 76, father of Bill (Auburndale ’84), Ashley (SBA ’02) and John Schettler (SBA ’03) and long-time friend of SBA, passed away on September 9, 2014. Lillian Mary Timmins, 86, mother-in-law of economics teacher Karen Timmins passed away on October 23, 2014. James Wiggins, 81, father-in-law of SBA science teacher Jennifer Wiggins, passed away on October 21, 2014. Brandie Yokie, 40, wife of Matt Yokie (’91), passed away on September 14, 2014.


Headline News St. Benedict one of top three schools in area In November, St. Benedict was honored at the SPARK AWARDS Luncheon. The award ceremony was taped for a TV broadcast that aired on WKNO on November 26 at 8:00 p.m. SBA was one of three finalists in the Schools category, along with Rhodes College and Belle Forest Community School. This is the first year for the Spark Awards which is a creation of the Spark TV show on WKNO/Channel 10. The selection committee saw the community service and character-building attributes of our school as being so superior that we were chosen one of three finalists. So SBA received a magnificent honor to be among the very first nominees and finalists. Two SBA alums, Taylor Seaman (’11) and Justin Miller (’00) were also among the three finalists in their categories. Justin is Director of Sales for Yuletide Office Solutions. Taylor, a student at CBU, was a finalist in the collegiate individual level and Yuletide was a nominee for the Corporation category of 100 employees or fewer.

Scholars are numerous at SBA

SBA is pleased to announce this year’s National Merit Scholars. Achieving Commended status are Easton Williams, Brad Reber, Jack Fletcher and JD Dudek. Semi-finalists are Jake McClure and Meghan Brino. These students were selected for their test scores in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Jake and Meghan will be considered for the National Merit Finalist status and Scholarship in the spring.


Headline News

30 PLUS This year, The Academic Affairs and Guidance Offices created the “30 Plus” club to honor those students achieving 30 or above on the ACT. These students were treated to a breakfast on December 2 and recognized at the All- School Mass the next day. Two of these students, Jake McClure and Easton Williams have achieved a perfect score of 36. Listed below in alphabetical order, are the 2014-15 30 Plus students – Juniors Ben Jones, Simon Montgomery, Carter Pruett. Seniors Jackie Banks, Mallory Barbier, Michael Bardos, Katie Barkley, Catie Blackwood, Jack Borg, Meghan Brino, Robert Caprio, Cassandra Carrasco, Tia Clorina, Ryan Cobb, Bailey Coppedge, JD Dudek, Randolph Dupont, Jenna Fisher, Jackson Fletcher, Jared Flynn, Shayla Gaffney, Matthew Hailey, Bryanna Hall, Nicole Harty, David Jackson, JR Jamora, Jake McClure, Clare Morris, Paige Murin, Luke Parker, Bradley Reber, Kirkland Schuler, Easton Williams, Gabby Velasquez.

Again, this year, SBA is leading the way with Commercial Appeal Academic All-Star selections. These bright young men and women represent our superior education and their ingenuity in academics, character and service. We congratulate those that have been selected so far.

Meghan Brino General Scholarship

Ryan Cobb Foreign Language

Bailey Coppedge English/Literature


JR Jamora Mathematics

Breanna Parker Art

Headline News

The Wendy’s High School Heisman Award is awarded to high school seniors who exemplify superior athletics, academics and character. This year two students were not only selected as winners for the school, but also for being named to the top ten male and female finalists list. Brad Reber and Bailey Coppedge have excelled in all categories and are among the top 20 Wendy’s Heisman winners in Tennessee.

As depicted on our cover, the new statue of our patron St. Benedict has been erected. The statue was blessed during Homecoming Week with St. Francis of Assisi Pastor Fr. Robert Marshall presiding. A plaque on the base of the statue relates that the statue was erected in honor of Nancy and George Valadie. This honor is extended for their 14 years of service to SBA, especially for the arduous job of opening our new high school building. The Valadies were able to be present for the ceremony and reception that followed and stayed for the Homecoming game that evening before they made their way back to Chattanooga.



SBA’s All- Southwest Choir selections are (from left) 1st row, Senior High 2nd Soprano Sophie Bougeois and Somer Smith; Junior High 2nd Soprano Lauren Hagood; Sr. High 1st Soprano Baylee Thielemier. Other Senior High selections (standing, from left) are 2nd Soprano Cassandra Carrasco; 2nd Alto Maria Marconi; 2nd Soprano Lily Newbern; 2nd Soprano Caroline King; 1st Soprano Tia Clorina; 1st Soprano Malia Sorce. In December, seven students auditioned for All-State with Sophie Bougeois, Cassandra Carassco, Tia Clorina and Lily Newbern being selected. Malia Source and Baylee Thielemier were chosen alternates.

Forensics Team First Competition To kick off its second year, the SBA competitive speech team participated in the Bartlett High School tournament in early November, bringing home a handful of trophies. Seniors Thomas Trouy and Kyle Van Frank and earned 1st place in Duet Improv. Kyle also won 1st place in Impromptu. Senior Cassandra Carrasco took home 3rd place in Prose, senior Gabby Velasquez received 5th place for Impromptu, Baylee Thielemier also took home 5th in Humorous Interpretation and Ben Chappell along with Gabby earned 5th for Duet Improv. Eight students competed and six took home awards. Great job, Speaking Eagles!

Junior Sarah Ryan was recently selected to the Bartlett Mayor’s (Keith McDonald) Youth Council. She was honored with other council members at a reception with Mayor McDonald. As council members, middle and high school students from the Bartlett area learn of the importance of the city’s government and how it works, as well as learning about community services. Throughout their term with the MYC, the group participates in tours of city facilities and plans and organizes various cleanups and outreach programs and other activities. As MYC members, they are required to attend at least one committee meeting for the city. The selection process began at the start of the school year. Applications were available at all middle and high schools serving Bartlett youth with students going through an interview process and then selected by a group of MYC adult liaisons.

Junior Violet Durden was selected as a member of the West Tennessee Senior High Orchestra for Harp. She is among a select group of 60-65 musicians from the West Tennessee area who will perform at the Cannon Center on February 13.


Achievements ROBOTICS TEAM FORMED Through the efforts of the Engineering Club, SBA has formed a Robotics Team. They were recently invited by Mississippi State University to the Mississippi Best (Boosting Engineering, Science & Technology) competition. They had great success and the team is eager for the next competition.

Saba Scholarship Awarded On hand for the presentation of Cassandra’s scholarship for her winning essay are (from left) SBA Principal Sondra Morris; Cassandra’s pastor Father Robert Marshall, Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church; her parents Rick and Maureen Carrasco; Cassandra; Superintendent of Catholic Schools Janet Donato; SBA Direc - tor of Academics Beth Fischer and Pamela Saba.

Senior Cassandra Carrasco was recently named the recipient of the annual Nabil “Bill” Scholarship. She received the scholarship based on her essay, “How my St. Benedict education will help me succeed in college.” In her essay, Cassandra says, “….In Addition to lessons about challenges, social roles and dreams, I’ve learned about acceptance, both giving and receiving…. I’ve learned how to be a leader both inside and out of the classroom. The most important thing I have learned, though, is how to live with love. Every day I try to replicate the kindness and compassion that is so characteristic of the administration and students. I know that the many lessons I’ve learned at SBA will help me succeed not only in college, but will guide me and help me to succeed for the rest of my life.” The Saba Scholarship was established in 2010 in memory of Nabil “Bill” Saba by his family following his untimely death in 2006 at the young age of 37. Each year the family honors a worthy SBA senior with the Saba scholarship to use toward tuition at the school. Saba’s niece, SBA junior Pamela Saba, represented the family in the presentation.


Achievements 2014-15 STUDENT LEADERS Make a Wish – President Grant Burks,Vice President Catherine Saig, Secretary Emma McDonald, Treasurer Haley Kilpatrick Mock Trial – President Jon McCurdy,Vice President Dalton Bailey Model UN – Secretary General James Duffley, Under Secretary General Simon Montgomery, Under Secretary General/Jacob Timmins Mu Alpha Theta – President Mallory Barbier,Vice President Ryan Cobb, Secretary/ Treasurer Meghan Brino, Junior Representatives Savannah Boettcher & Lily Newbern National Art Honor Society – President Breanna Parker, Vice President Noah Frank, Secretary Ashley Hammond National Honor Society – President Meghan Brino,Vice President Michael Mendez, Secretary Alexa Kintanar, Treasurer Sarah Kutas, Chaplain Anthony Bologna Newspaper (The Eagle’s Eye) – Editor Bailey Coppedge Pep Club – President Catie Blackwood,Vice President Jillian Cunningham, Treasurer Darrielle Nelson, Secretary Cynthia DeOchoa, Chaplain Carly McBride Photography Club – President Evy Montgomery, Secretary Kourtnei Neely, Treasurer David McDonald Poetry Club – President Malachi Marrero,Vice President Jack Borg Random Acts of Kindness – President Emily Reber Rho Kappa – President Easton Williams,Vice President Randon Dupont, Secretary/Treasurer Jon McCurdy Science National Honor Society – President Bailey Coppedge, Vice President Jake McClure, Secretary Clare Morris Senior Retreat Leaders – Dominica Angotti, Maddie Arnold, Dalton Bailey, Jackie Banks, Mallory Barbier, Michael Bardos, Catie Blackwood, Madison Bond, Stephen Botto, Cara Carpenter, Cassandra Carrasco, Melanie Chando, Gavin Clark, Shannon Conway, Bailey Coppedge, Ciscily Crislip, Alex Evans, Allie Evans, Patrick Freel, Shayla Gaffney, Ciara Giaroli, Emily Gillenwater, Grace Gilman, Brittany Grisanti, Zayrion Harris, Nicole Harty, David Jackson, Hannah Jones, LaDarius Jordan, Ben June, Caroline King, Grant King, Hannah King, Sarah Kutas, Arielle Labilles, Raymond Lelis, Zach Lindsey, Maria Marconi, Malachi Marrero, Ronson Marsh, Clare Morris, Will Nash, McKenzie Nelson, Jessica O’Brien, Breanna Parker, Kendal Pearson, Cole Peevy, Rachel Powell, John Prascak, Brad Reber, Lizzie Ryan, Kirkland Schuler, Matthew Smith, Spencer Smith, Maddison Stafford, Julie Stoll, Hunter Thompson, Kyle Van Frank, Peter Wagner, John Yarbro, Macie Zarshenas, Piper Ziebarth Spanish Honor Society – President Kyle Van Frank,Vice President Jackie Banks, Secretary Grace Gilman, Treasurer Shayla Gaffney Students for Life – Chairmen Seniors Emily Gillenwater, Hannah Jones, Jake McClure, Kyle Van Frank; Juniors Nick Giles, Zoe Thompson International Thespian Society – President Kyle Van Frank,Vice President Maddie Arnold, Secretary Gabby Velasquez, Treasurer Catie Blackwood Yearbook (The Talon)– Co-Editors Blake Gerard & Matthew Smith, Design Editors Ashley Evans & Shea Wells, Photo Editors Caroline King & Loren VanBlankenstein, Copy Editor Allie Denegri

SGA – President Kyle Van Frank,Vice President Maddie Arnold, Secretary Kirkland Schuler, Treasurer Ryan Cobb, Chaplain Ben Chappell, Historian Gabby Vasquez, Sergeant-at-Arms Brad Reber; Senior Class Representatives Mackenzie Nelson, Julie Stoll, Thomas Trouy, Easton Williams; Junior Class Representatives Emma McDonald, Sarah McMahon, Monika Milczek, Shea Short; Sophomore Class Representatives Anna Armour, Betsy Blumenfeld, Ricky Carrasco, Alyssa Kintanar; Freshman Class Representatives Jack Brannon, Lawrence Cabe, Kaleb Davis, Lauren Williams Senior Class – President Grayson Golightly,Vice President Nicole Harty, Secretary Grace Gilman, Treasurer Michael Bardos, Chaplain Alexa Kintanar Junior Class – President Patrick Vassallo,Vice President Catherine Saig, Secretary Blake Gerard, Treasurer Darielle Nelson, Chaplain Rose Sudduth, Prom Chairman Santia McCraw Sophomore Class – President Baylor Bearden,Vice President Shane Gaffney, Secretary Courtney Cremerius, Treasurer Jack Dyles, Chaplain Mary Ornosky Freshman Class – President Mark Brouwer,Vice President Alex Miller, Secretary Victor Honang, Treasurer Christian Kriss, Chaplin Andrew Barczak A Capella Club – President Kennedy Davis,Vice President Caryn Tate, Secretary Rachel Powell Ambassadors – Juniors Matthew Barczak, Savannah Boettcher, Sophie Bougeois, Josh Craig-Langston, Harley Chapman, Landon Choi, Leah Cluck, Shannon Dunn, Joseph Ferrante, Nick Giles, Alex Heath, Kendyl Heath, Emmy Houston, Ben Jones, Katie Koch, Sammy Lunsford, Santia McCraw, Monica Milczek, Mia Mullen, Lily Newbern, Gwen Parry, Catherine Saig, Curtis Scott, Margaret Sell, Karen Talens, Rachel Tong, Patrick Vassallo, Jack Visca, Allison Weske, Erin Yoser, Regina Zipperer; Seniors Maddie Arnold, Dalton Bailey,Vice Chair Jackie Banks, Catie Blackwood, Griffin Booth, Cassandra Carrasco, Melanie Chando, Shannon Conway, Bailey Coppedge, Alex Evans, Allie Evans, Patrick Freel Shayla Gaffney, Emily Gillenwater, Lauren Greif, Bryanna Hall, Nicole Harty, Caroline King, Hannah King, Sarah Kutas, Arielle Labilles, Raymond Lelis, Maria Marconi, Malachi Marrero, Sarah McClain, Clare Morris, Jessica O’Brien, John Prascak, Bradley Reber, Chair Kirkland Schuler, Matthew Smith, Spencer Smith, Julie Stoll, Kyle Van Frank, Easton Williams, Piper Ziebarth Art Club – President Violet Durden, Secretary Abby McGuire, Treasurer Courtney Melvin BenedicTeens – President Andy Madeksho,Vice President Mary Hannah Garner, Secretary Jennifer Bond, Chaplain Becca Elliott Bridge Builders – Freshman Blake White; Sophomores Joey Nabors, Conner Nichols, Malia Sorce; Juniors Savannah Boettcher, David McDonald, Sarah Ryan, Jacob Timmins, Claire Tracy, Brooklynn White; Seniors Maddie Arnold, Eden Booth, Melanie Chando, James Duffley, Grayson Golightly, JR Jamora, Alexa Kintanar, Raymond Lelis, Milissen Scruggs, Caroline Siciliano, Alexandra Wakefield,Victoria Wakefield Bridge Club – President Piper Ziebarth,Vice President Eric Rodriguez Chess Club – President Andy Madeksho,Vice President Randon Dupont Chinese Club – President Stephanie Le Climbing Club – President Faye Ward Club St. Jude – Co-Presidents Hannah King & Clare Morris, Secretary Jackie Banks, Treasurer Jessica O’Brien, Publications Madison Bond Engineering/Robotics Club – President Easton Williams,Vice President JR Jamora, Secretary/Treasurer Jake McClure French Club – President Ashley-Marie Evans,Vice President Shannon Dunn, Secretary Cameron Beltran, Treasurers Haley Rainwater & Rose Sudduth French National Honor Society – President Shannon Dunn,Vice President Caroline Canon, Secretary Cameron Caldwell, Treasurer Rose Sudduth German Club – Co-Presidents Ryan Cobb, Brad Reber, Vice President Catie Blackwood, Secretary Kate Dudek Global Outreach – President Kyle Van Frank,Vice President Jackie Banks, Treasurer Shayla Gaffney, Secretary Kate Kheradvar Honor Council – Freshmen Nic Ferrante, Emily Odom; Sophomores Ricky Carrasco, Liz Holliday; Juniors Ben Jones, Maddie Selden; Seniors Michael Bardos, Sarah Kutas I Love Japan Club – Leaders Alexandria Wakefiled,Victoria Wakefield Key Club – President Kate Barkley,Vice President Shannon Conway & Alexa Kintanar, Secretary Melanie Chando, Treasurer Sarah Kutas Knowledge Bowl – Team Captains JR Jamora, Jake McClure Latin Club (Tennessee Junior Classical League) – President Alexa Kintanar, Vice President Katie Groendyke Latin Honor Society – President Will Nash,Vice President Amada Reeve


Faculty Focus

St. Benedict High School Faculty Recognized at Awards Ceremony The following SBA faculty members were recently honored at the Diocese of Memphis Catholic Schools Professional Day with awards denoting exemplary teaching. English teacher Heather Freel received recognition with the Good Samaritan Award for one who emulates the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke by helping and showing compassion to her neighbors in the Catholic Schools. Art and photography instructor Michelle Haysley received the St. Cecilia Fine Arts Award for setting an example of visionary leadership in promoting fine and performing arts in school. Science teacher and tennis coach Mary Sutton received the St. John Neumann Award for exhibiting outstanding organizational skills and spreading the Good News of Christ in the school community. The Sister Ruth Ann Schmitt Award was given to Spanish teacher Paul Bryant for exhibiting outstanding leadership, dedication and commitment in providing educational opportunities for special needs students. The last recipient was Nicole Chrestman who received the Sister Elizabeth Ann Seton Award for designing and successfully implementing teaching techniques in the classroom.

Science teacher Kelsey Beno and husband Joseph welcomed daughter, Rylee Cynthia, on August 17, 2014. Rylee weighed in at 7lb, 1oz and measured 20” long. The family participated in the St. Jude Marathon, too, in December, baby and all.

History teacher Philip Valle (SBA class of ’07) and his wife Katie welcomed their first child, Lyla Rae (7 lbs, 12 oz) on October 7, 2014.

SBA’s new Director of Religious Affairs Hannah Keegan was married to Duncan Keegan in August just after school started. Duncan is in Med School at UTSchool of Medicine and Hannah also teaches in the Theology Department.


SBA’s first ever “Trunk-or-Treat” was a huge success, even faculty families stopped by for some fun. Laura Beck showed off her little super heroes, Ewan and Ethan.

On And Off Campus ADMISSIONS EFFORTS A HUGE SUCCESS St. Benedict welcomed 8th graders from around the area to our first ever “Be an Eagle for a Day” Shadow Day visit in October. Each visitor shadowed a current SBA student to classes, lunch and to our famous, most spirited and best pep rally in town. It was topped off with a special Eagle cookie from our equally famous dining hall staff. There are other “Be an Eagle for a Day” visit opportunities throughout the year.Visit sbaeagles. org/admissions for information. In addition to this popular event, SBA hosted the annual 8th Grade Visit Days when several hundred students from our 8th grade feeder schools visit for a morning. Parents attend these days, as well, and are provided an overview of the school in a separate session. The SBA Guidance Department, along with the Admissions Office, hosted feeder school guidance counselors and principals to a coffee and a discussion on high school expectations. In an off campus event, Principal Sondra Morris, Admissions Director Terri Heath and other school representatives were invited to the St. Francis Parish Confraternity of Catholic Mothers (CCM) dinner meeting.


On And Off Campus SBA hosts a variety of events and groups in November. The Catholic Quest Retreat was on campus with Fr. Joey Kaump leading the group. Quest gives younger high school students the opportunity to experience the Faith in action. Also, the SBA Knowledge Bowl Team hosted a Quiz Bowl Competition for other schools around the area - Bolton, Briacrest, Brighton, Cordova, ECS, Houston, Lausanne, Millington and MUS. A lot of bright kids in this group! Helping with the check-in, questions, judging and distributing trophies was the SBA Knowledge Bowl Team – Seniors Meghan Brino, Ryan Cobb, Jenna Fisher, Jack Fletcher, JR Jamora, Jake McClure, Jon McCurdy, Easton Williams; Juniors Savannah Boettcher, Jake Griesmer, Zoe Thompson, Jacob Timmins; Sophomores Stella Cea, Luis Romero; Freshman Celia Kaplan. Knowledge Bowl sponsor is Dr. Kristin Hennessey-McDonald. Finally, in December the All-State Choir auditions were held at SBA.

Goings On

SBA always has a variety of guest speakers that enhance classroom study and preparation for college.

Andy Wise, Chief Consumer Investigator for Action News 5, entertains Coach Daleke’s computer classes with a discussion on best practices in utilizing and engaging in Social Media.


On And Off Campus

SBA freshmen Emily and Erin Haff were asked to serve the Catholic Schools Professional Day Mass in October.

SBA Students for Life give their time during this fall’s 40 Days for Life witness in front of Memphis Planned Parenthood abortion facility.

Each Year, “The Eagle’s Eye” (student newspaper) sponsors a Christmas door decorating contest to benefit SGA’s Food Bank effort. Mrs. Beck’s art classes decorated the doors, but included the art hall and bulletin board as well.

SBA’s annual visit with Action News 5 for the Mid-South Food Bank collection was in early December. During the live remote at the Walmart on Hwy 64, SGA President Kyle Van Frank announced that SBA raised $5,800 for the Food Bank along with hundreds of canned good items.

Members of government classes attended the annual Red Mass at St. Peter’s Church with Bishop Steib (center) presiding. The Mass is sponsored by the St. Thomas More Catholic Lawyers’ Guild of Memphis. Judge Jennie Latta (at right) spoke to the students, as well.


On And Off Campus

Juniors celebrate their “rite of passage” after the ring ceremony.

French students were privileged to visit the Rodin Exhibit at Dixon Gallery

Two SBA students displayed their talents on the Harrell Theater in Collierville this fall – sophomore Malia Sorce appeared in “Beauty and the Beast” and senior Kyle Van Frank visits with history teachers Hyatt and Jim Epley following a performance in “Oklahoma.”

Senior Dalton Bailey provided us with a beautiful addition to our courtyard – an outdoor Stations of the Cross display around the art patio. Here is one of the stations of the project that Dalton finished last summer.

Sophomore Laura Beth Grissom visited with Sister Mary Samuel, O.P., first Principal of St. Benedict, when sister was in town for the Magnificat Day on November 1. Sister is a founding member of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, MI.


On And Off Campus

We, once again, honored our nation’s veterans in a Veterans’ Day ceremony on November 11. Rev. LCDR Gary Lamb (ret.), Associate Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Germantown opened with a prayer and was the keynote speaker while the University of Memphis Army ROTC served as color guards.

Raising funds for St. Sebastian Services at the Memphis-area Catholic Charities is becoming a tradition as we celebrate our veterans.

TRUNK or TREAT goes beyond all expectations

Another tradition that is shared by sister schools CBHS and St. Agnes is the annual Wings Foundation fundraiser in conjunction with the annual Brothers/Eagles football game in October.

Well over a 1,000 people of all ages came out to the SBA “trunk or Treat” event on October 30. With the help of a KIX 106 live remote, people flocked to the SBA lots around the soccer field. SBA clubs, faculty and staff opened their trunks and offered treats to little goblins from around the community. And, the night was capped off with a firstever “Glow Bash” Pep Rally on the soccer field to get the students ready for the big region game the next night with CBHS.


Sports SPORTS ROUND-UP Cross Country

The Eagles Cross Country teams had a great league championship series with the girls finishing fourth out of 17 and the boys, ninth out of 19. Even with many runners sick, the Eagles finished ninth at state and the girls finished sixth. The team was recently notified that they have been awarded a grant from the Scripps Howard Foundation for new warmups.


Seniors Tyler Currie, LaDarius Jordan and Joey Magnifico

were selected to play in the AutoZone Liberty Bowl High School All-Star Football Game in December. This is the first threeplayer selection for the Eagles in this annual game. An addition to our football program was this water station donated to the team by the parents of this year’s senior players.

Varsity/JV Dance Teams The Varsity Dance team captured the State Title for the fourth straight year in large varsity hip-hop. Earlier, they performed a first place routine for regionals, launching them to Nationals in the spring. The JV team also captured a first place state finish in hiphop and finished third in Pom in regionals to advance to Nationals. A proud moment was when the JV captured the Sportsmanship Award at the Regionals competition. Golf The annual Fr. Ryan Tournament in Nashville proved to be a good outing for Eagles golf, with Cole Peevy finishing second and Nick Giles, third, out of a field of 60 players. The boys finished third out of 10 teams in the tourney. Maribeth Peevy also finished second with the team coming in fourth out of 11 teams and she finished as region runner-up. Three players advanced to the individual state tournament – Nick Giles, Anikka Ferro and Maribeth Peevy. Girls Soccer


The Lady Eagles advanced to the sub-state this year. Senior goalie Bailey Coppedge was chosen to the Tennessee Soccer Coaches’ All-Star Game for the West in November with Bailey’s team winning the game.

Sports Volleyball The Lady Eagles Volleyball Team finished third in the region with a 24-14 record advancing to the “Elite Eight” in the State Playoffs. Senior Captain Madison Bond was named MaxPreps Player of the Week during the season.

Eagle Lane is a huge success

The Athletic Department promoted to new “Eagle Lane” tailgating area prior to all home football games. Early on, fans came out and put up their tents and enjoyed pregame refreshments, games and music provided by the SBA Soul Band. As the season went on, the number of tents and fans increased and they have already “marked” their spot on Eagle Lane for next season.

Around the Turf Junior Nick Giles won the Hurricane Junior Golf Tournament championship in Orlando, Fl. in December. Nick shot a twoday total of 141 (69,72), 3 under par in a field of over 96 players. Nick also played in the Major Championships at Silver Lake Golf Tournament in Northeast Alabama in September. He tied for 7th place out of 30 players in the tournament, which is a leg of the Hurricane tournament.

The Eagles varsity football team had some great help in the latter part of the season. A new crew, Little Eagles Water Boys, made sure everyone including the referees had plenty of hydration. Meet our new crew (from left), Daniel Capocaccia, Coy Stiles, Christian Jordan, Michael Iovenelli, Seamus Carrasco, Nick Ross and TJ Pangonas. Thanks and great job, fellas!

These faculty and staff members (from left), Athletic Director Caleb Marcum, history teacher and Head Baseball Coach Steve Heinz, PLUS Program Director and math teacher Robin Ciancioso and Dean of Students and history teacher John Beattie, represented SBA in this year’s Bishop’s Open Golf Tournament at Quail Ridge in September.

Congratulations are in order for the First Volleyball Talon League Champion and runner-up. The Talon League offers intramural sports in volleyball, basketball and soon-tobe started kickball. The Volleyball league winners are the Notorious D.I.G with the Vollaholics finishing as runner-up.


Sports Athletes plan to continue to use their skills in college

Libby Bickenbach signs with Catawba College in Salisbury, NC to play volleyball.

Tyler Culpepper signs to play baseball at Harris-Stowe University in St. Louis, Mo.

Alex Fuelling signs to play volleyball with the University of West Alabama in Livingston, AL.

Cole Peevy signs with King University in Bristol, TN to play golf.

CHECK www.sbaeagles.org/athletics FOR ALL SPORTS SCHEDULES Lizzie Ryan signs with The University of Alabama-Birmingham to play softball.


Alumni News Class Notes

1991 Sara Stansbury is living in Memphis and started a band about a year ago, “Breaking Sara.” She is the lead singer in the group that plays around the Memphis area.

1980 Leslie Ragland Gattuso has two children, Megan (23) and Dylan (16), and is living in Collierville on a small farm with horses, dogs and cats. She rides and trains and is General Manager of Café Society in midtown Memphis.

1993 Lori Johanyak Morris was married in October to Joe Morris. They make their home in Memphis and are in the planning stages of starting an internet radio station.


1998 Chris Connolly was elected as a Republican State Executive Committeeman for the 32nd Senatorial District in the August Primary for Tennessee. He beat out two other candidates.


Jack Koban and his family along with the Pigford family (both diehard Ole Miss fans) were featured in the Oct., 2014 issue of Bon Appetit in an article about tailgating at Ole Miss. Check out this entertaining article at http://www.bonappetit.com/entertaining-style/parties/ article/southern-tailgating-party


Suzy Sawyer Mayhan married James Mayhan in June, 2014. Suzy is an RN/Nursing Supervisor and has two children, Melissa (22) and William (20). The Family makes their home in Little Rock, AR.

1989 Sherrie Overton Rojas is married to Renzo Rojas and the couple has two children, Mason, 13 and Gaby (SBA class of 2016), 16. The family makes their home in Eads. Jenna Adcock married Dave Mewes on May 10, 2014 at the Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis. The Couple makes their home in New York City. Adam Heitzman and his wife Candy live in East Memphis. The family’s beautiful home was featured in the Memphis Commercial Appeal’s Sunday “HomeFinder” insert on October 5, 2014. Adam is managing partner of Higher Visibility, an online marketing firm. Candy is director of national corporate and cause marketing with Boys & Girls Clubs of America.


Alumni News Danny Koban and wife Lauren welcomed their new son, Daniel Anthony on Sept. 19, 2014. He joins big sis Annabelle and weighed in at 8 lbs., was 19 ½” long. The family now makes their home in West Point, NY, where they both are Majors and teaching at the Academy. Lauren teaches geography and Danny teaches math.

Bryant Kroll graduated with a Juris Doctorate degree from Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law in May, 2014. He is an associate with The Blackburn Firm in Nashville and is specializing in civil litigation and trial advocacy.

2003 Alex Habashy is an Orthopedic Surgery Resident at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans. He graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Memphis this year. Alex is engaged to be married. Jennifer Oros married Byron Brown of Memphis, on September 20, 2014 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church. The reception followed at The Peabody with several SBA alumni attending. A great time was had by all. (see alumni Photo Album)

Meredith Kroll married Jeremy Brocato in a candle-light ceremony at The Cadre Building in Memphis on April 27, 2014. Meredith is a 2005 Summa cum Laude graduate of the University of Memphis, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.The couple resides in Memphis, where Jeremy is a pilot for FedEx and Meredith is the manager of Sache Design.

2004 Brandon Goode graduated from the University of Memphis with a BS degree in Sports and Leisure Management. He also studied in the area of Physical Therapy. Brandon makes his home in Germantown.

Jennifer Kersting Ohman is married to Joseph Ohman, They have three children, Brianna (11), Aubrey (10) and Kendall (3). Jennifer is a second grade teacher and the family makes their home in Walton, KY.

Jamiee Johnson is the owner of Datavoice Communications and Manager of Tricie’s Treasures Antique Mall in Bartlett.

Justin Miller is Director of Sales for Yuletide Office Solutions of Memphis. He was named by The Proficiency Post as one of its Top 40 under 40 for Personal Productivity Services and was recently re-elected as event chair for the Make-A-Wish Mid-South Associate Board for 2015. His company was honored with SBA at the Spark Awards luncheon recently. (See Headline News)

Kristin Haynes Meier is married to Joshua Meier and the couple has a daughter Michaela Layne, 10 mos. Kristin and her family live in Cordova and she is an accountant.

2002 Scott Coll is a Durability Test Engineer at Nissan Technical Center North America-Arizona Testing center. He has been married to Rachel Miller for a year and started with Nissan in July, 2013. Scott has been in charge of durability development for the new, soon-to-be released Nissan Titan truck. He tells us to be on the lookout for a YouTube video to debut on Nissan’s channel soon.

Allison Rose is a pediatric nurse practitioner in Chicago. Sarah Sudduth Spivey is married to Nick Spivey and the couple has two children, Noah (7) and Aiden (9 mos). They make their home in Knoxville, TN. Sarah graduated from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. She is currently Food Service Manager at Hardin Valley Academy of the Knox County Schools.

Chad Connolly and wife Laura welcomed Lochlann Craig Connolly on June 16, 2014, weighing 7 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 20” long. Lochlann joins big sis, Carrington.

2005 Brittany Bacon Chance is married to Roth Chance. The couple is expecting their second child in February and they make their home in Collierville.


Alumni News Joe Chando lives in Memphis and works for Triumph Bank. He was recently promoted to Assistant Vice President of Commercial Lending. Joe is involved with the Memphis Society of Entrepreneurs and is an active member of the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce.

John Nichols has been an English teacher at Soulsville Charter High School for three years. He has established travel experiences for his students including an annual trip to Paris and a hiking trip in the American Southwest.

Chelsea Hilliard Romaine married Zach Romaine in April, 2014 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Memphis. The reception was held at the Memphis Pink Palace. Chelsea is a Pharmacy Coordinator at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital. (See Alumni Photo Album)

Ben Prudhomme is Chairman of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Memphis Young Professionals Council. In August he spearheaded a drive to provide clothing items and school supplies for school children in need. (see Alumni Photo Album) Sara Schneider Packer is married to Matt Packer and the couple makes their home in Memphis. Sara is a fifth grade social studies teacher.

Jessica Cozart Mauck was recently married to Sam Mauck and the couple makes their home in Memphis. Jessica is the Youth Director for Holy Rosary Parish.

Jason Smith is married to Caroline Smith and living in Washington, DC where he teaches history and English for St. Jude Catholic Elementary School. Jason graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2010 and worked for Youth Villages as a teacher/counselor. He formerly taught at St. Louis Catholic School in Memphis.

John McNeel is a production technology engineer in Memphis. William Pulido is a dental office administrator. He makes his home in Collierville.

Hillary Thompson graduated from LSU in 2011. She is a Civil Engineer, GIS Technician with a company that her father owns in the New Orleans area. Hillary is engaged to Michael Ambrosia.

Bailey Ryan Billen married Harrison Billen last April in Hilton Head, SC. They make their home in Bartlett. Bailey is a pilot with Delta Connection out of JFK Airport in New York and Harrison flies for Frontier, based in Denver.

2007 Lauren Tucci Boswell married David Boswell on June 21, 2014. The couple met at the University of Tennessee. Lauren is a 4th year pharmacy student at the University of Tennessee in Memphis and will graduate in May, 2015 and then will join David in Oklahoma where he is a 1st Lieutenant in the Air Force. Whiteny Carpenter Gass is married to Brian Gass and is a District Recruiter for Farmers Insurance. The couple makes their home in East Ridge, TN.


Fraser Gaulden is the owner of ACE Landscaping and lives in Cordova.

Nancy Hargest Rosenberg is married to John Rosenberg and they have a one-year old daughter, Savannah. The family makes their home in Valdosta, GA. Whitney Jackson is living in Nashville and is a Fraud Analyst and Certified Fraud Examiner.

Lauren Gordon is a Mondelez Sales Representative and living in Cordova.


Alumni News Ann-Katherine Hailey Stukenborg and husband John have a home in the in the Highpoint Terrace area of Memphis. They spent two weeks in Europe last summer, one week on a cruise in the Mediterranean, the other week they traveled by land. They visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. Their most memorable highlights were seeing the Pope in Rome and visiting Sagrada de Familia in Barcelona. AnnKatherine recently received her LMSW license (License Master Social Worker) and she works as an Early Intervention Specialist for Le Bonheur’s Early Intervention and Development (LEAD) program. John works in Human Resources at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Amy Winkler is a Director in Catholic Formation and living in Falls Church,VA.

Chad Holmes is a Senior Accountant at Ernst & Young in the Memphis area. He graduated from UT-Martin with a BS in Accounting and received his MS in Accounting from the University of Memphis. He attained his Active CPA License. Chad is engaged to be married.

Katelyn Jeffrey is a logistics coordinator and living in Memphis.

2008 Kailey Bir graduated dental hygiene school in May, 2014. She lives in Bartlett and is a paralegal and dental hygienist. Michael Currence is married to Amanda Currence and the couple has a child, Wyatt (2). Michael is a 2nd Class Petty Officer for the U.S. Coast Guard. Brandon Edwards is the co-owner of Marie’s Restaurant in Ashley, North Dakota. Andrew Greenop graduated from CBU with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and Math. He worked two years for Diversified Conveyors, Inc. and is a PhD student in the Nuclear Engineering Program at the University of California-Berkley. Casey Houston is a Commercial Banker Loan Administrator in Memphis.

Virginia Kerr graduated with an Associates’ Degree in Culinary Arts from Southwest Community College in 2013. She is currently attending the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY.

Katie Nichols is a Replenishment Planner in Supply Chain Management for International Paper. She makes her home in Memphis. She and her sister Meagan (’10) were featured in a recent article in Memphis Health and Fitness Magazine.

Myles McGuire received his Bachelor of Business administration from the University of Mississippi in 2012. He began his career in insurance at Brown & Brown Insurance in Nashville. In 2013, he obtained his Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist designation and joined Insight Risk Management McDonnell Insurance as a commercial lines broker. He is married to Memphis native Mallory Johnson McGuire and the couple makes their home in Eads. He was recently profiled in The Daily News. Check it out at http://www. memphisdailynews. com/news/2014/nov/12/ mcguire-joins-insight-riskmanagement/

Zack Ring graduated with an undergraduate and graduate degree in Accounting from Mississippi State University. He has been senior accountant with a CPA firm in Jackson, MS. since June, 2012. He was married in September 2012 and he and wife, Elizabeth, make their home in Ridgeland, MS. Samantha Vitale graduated from Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in May, 2014. She received the Neurology Award, Mississippi Veterinary Medical Association Companion Animal Award and Associate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Leadership and Professionalism. Samantha is currently living in Athens, GA where she is working as intern at the University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine. She hopes to pursue a residency in Veterinary Neurology after completing her internship.


Alumni News Anna Cabe graduated Summa cum Laude and as a Phi Beta Kappa from Agnes Scott University with a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing. She received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Indonesia for 2013-14. After her grant ended, Anna decided to stay in Indonesia another year to teach English and freelancewrite. She currently writes for Pink Pangea and has several pieces coming up for other publications.

Mark Pulido graduated from the University of Memphis with a Biology Degree and works with Vector Marketing as a Division Office Manager.

David Cervetti graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Animal Science and a minor in Biology from UTKnoxville. He received his white coat at St. George’s University of Veterinary Medicine in Grenada, West Indies in September. His Mom Dianna Cervetti was there to congratulate him.

Zach Ricketts graduated from the United States Military Academy (West Point) in May, 2013, and, in July, earned the prestigious distinction of becoming a United States Army Ranger. Zach is currently a 2nd Lieutenant and is

Sarah Hervey has accepted a sales & advertising account executive position for the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY. Sarah is a Mississippi State graduate and worked as an intern in the MSU athletic department throughout college. Upon graduation she moved to Jonesboro, AR to work for the Red Wolves of Arkansas State as General Manager for Red Wolves Sports Properties. She is excited to take the next step in her sports marketing career.

stationed in Schofield Barracks outside of Honolulu, Hawaii as part of the 25th Infantry Division. (see Alumni Photo Album)

Kathryn Jones graduated from the University of Memphis in May 2014, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Chemistry. In June she published her first research paper while working under Dr. Charles Lessman, a developmental biologist, at the University of Memphis. She is now a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry. She serves as a teaching assistant while beginning her new research work dealing with Biosensors and Electrochemistry.

Rachel Treece Brewer is married to Jason Brewer and they have a daughter Mae (2) and are expecting their second baby in the spring. Rachel is a medical assistant and the family makes their home in Southaven.

Kelly Latiolais graduated from the University of Memphis in May, 2014 with a BA and a concentration in graphic design. She is a graphic designer for Sullivan Branding. Some of her work can be found at behance. net/Kelly.

2009 Rebekah Baird graduated from the University of TennesseeKnoxville in May, 2013 with a BS in Health and Human Services. Rebekah is a nanny for a Memphis family.

Ethan Livingston graduated from the University of Memphis in August, 2014 with a degree in marketing management. He serves as a coach for the SBA freshman boys’ basketball team.

Emily Ballard is married to Nick O’Donnell and their child, Hadley, is 22 months old. The family makes their home in Germantown.


Alumni News Natalie Lloyd graduated from the University of Memphis in December, 2013 with a BA in Journalism/Public Relations. She is currently working for the U of M Alumni Association Marketing Department and is planning a wedding for May, 2015.

Cayley Turrin is in her second year at Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham. She plans to finish a semester early next December. Jenna Wright is living in Cordova and is working with the Germantown Police Department as a dispatcher/jailer.

Dareen McCloud graduated in December from the University of Memphis

2010 Royce Alfred is currently serving his country overseas with the US Navy.

Robbie Moffit graduated from the University of Memphis and is currently working locally as Direct Import analyst for AutoZone.

Beau Gordon graduates in December from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville with a degree in Supply Chain Management.

Lauren O’Connor graduated Magna cum Laude from MTSU in August, 2013. She is Sales and Marketing Coordinator at Essex Technology Group and living in Murfreesboro. She is engaged to be married in April in Costa Rica.

Courtney Crudup attended Sullivan University School of Culinary Arts in Louisville, KY and is currently Head Pastry Chef at True Foods Kitchen in Atlanta, GA.

Ryan O’Connor is a speed school director and performance coach and lives in Cornelius, NC. Trey Pence graduated from the University of TennesseeKnoxville in May, 2013. Shortly after, he moved to New York City to get his start in a career in film and television. Over the course of his first year, he worked on sets for projects such as: Movies-”Love Is Strange;” Documentary- “Happy Valley,” “Fandom;” TV-Discovery Channel’s “Clash of The Ozarks” and “Dual Survival;” MTV’s “Girl Code,” “Guy Code” and “Off The Bat;” Food Network’s “Food Network Star” and several others. Before accepting his current position of Executive Assistant, he worked as an Associate Producer for “Fashion Rocks Backstage Livestream Presented by Verizon Wireless.”

Rebekah Herrman graduated Summa cum Laude and as an Honors Diploma recipient from CBU. She has degrees in mathematics and physics. Rebekah interned at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where she studied continuous time quantum walks on graphs and is preparing two publications from the work. She will begin to work towards her doctorate in mathematics at the University of Memphis, concentrating in combinatorics and graph theory in the fall of 2015. She is engaged to Stephen Menezes. Natalie Hogan did a gap year after graduating as an exchange student with Rotary International in Pamplona, Spain for a year. She attended high school and lived with a Spanish family. Then she moved to Madrid to complete her degree. She doublemajored in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations and Spanish at Saint Louis University-Madrid. Finishing her degree a year early, she graduated in 2014. During college Natalie also spent one summer in St. Petersburg, Russia as an au pair. She will be living in New York for an internship with AFS (an exchange student program) for 3-6 months.

Maria Pizano is pursuing a graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health with a specialization in addiction at the University of Denver. Garrett Shouse is married to Rachel Shouse and is a 2nd Lt US Army engineer based in Lakewood, WA.

Brittany Taylor graduated from the Lowenberg School of Nursing at the University of Memphis this December.


Alumni News Megan Van Eaton graduated this December from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga with a degree in Sports Management and Minor in Business. This year, Megan served as Chapter President of the Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.

Austin (Boomer) Martin graduated this December with a marketing major from Mississippi State University. He is seeking employment in the athletic marketing field. Patrick McGinnis is IT director at Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering (MASE). He will graduate from CBU in May with a dual degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering.

Christina Vanelli graduated from the University of Memphis last August. She is a Pre-Closer/Title Officer for Home Surety Title & Escrow, LLC in Memphis.

Emma Kate Morse has had the chance to gain experience in the real world of architecture through four different internships. Despite studying in a 5-year accredited architecture program at Mississippi State, she has also been able to earn a minor in Interior Design. She is also working towards earning a LEED Green Associate (and later LEED Accredited Professional) certificate and is finishing up a 4th year of studio in Starkville and will complete the 5-year program in Jackson, MS. She is a member of Alpha Rho Chi (APX), a national professional co-ed architecture fraternity, of which she has held leadership roles (Secretary, Social Committee Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, again).

Kayla Walker graduated Magna cum Laude from Murray State University in May, 2014 with a BA in Music. She is currently in music ministry at St. Ann Church in Bartlett.

Meagan Nichols placed 3rd overall in the women’s division of the annual Memphis Turkey Trot Race in November and she was the top female runner in the 5th Navy 10 Nautical Miler in June. (see Development section)

Zach Wheat graduated, December 2014, from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville with a B.S. in Marketing.

Megan Pulido played volleyball at the University of Memphis and graduated in December, 2013 with a BA in psychology. She is currently attending Barry University in Miami to obtain a licensure in family and marital counseling, as well as clinical mental health therapy.

Claire Yates graduated from Bellarmine University with a degree in Business administration and a minor in Communications. She served as Secretary and President of Phi-Mu-Rho Zeta. Claire is currently a sales associate with Nordstrom in Nashville.

Ariel Revere received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting in May, 2014 from Xavier University-Louisiana. She is a Systems Accountant for the US Department of Agriculture in New Orleans, where she makes her home.

2011 Daven Aldrich is a senior at Ole Miss studying International Studies, Mandarin and Psychology. He was named Head Counselor for the University’s High School Summer Program .

Chase Smith will graduate in May, 2015 with honors. He has accepted a position with International Paper in Memphis beginning in May.

Serina Branch was featured on the cover of the August, 2014 issue of Memphis Health Fitness Magazine and in the story, “2014 Memphis Most Fittest.” Serina is a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer and works at Ultimate Foods in Memphis.

David Tolbert is a Tipton County Deputy Sheriff and a full-time student working on his Criminal Justice Degree at Bethel University.


Alumni News 2012

Jackson Butler was recently accepted to the Tennessee Valley of Oncology Nurses Society as a student member and the American Assembly for Men in Nursing. He was also a part of All Campus Events as Homecoming Chair and organized homecoming at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville in 2013. Jackson is working on a research project for his Nursing Research class focusing on the new Tennessee law that incarcerates women who give birth to babies addicted to illicit substances to see if this new law will have any effect on pregnant women seeking prenatal care. He hopes to get it approved to present it at Eureca, a showcase event at UT that highlights research performed by undergraduates. Jackson is also House Manager for FarmHouse Fraternity, a brotherhood that promotes building men morally, spiritually and physically.

Chelsea Casaccia was named 2nd Team All-GSC (Gulf -South Conference) for women’s soccer. Chelsea is a junior midfielder for the CBU Lady Bucs. Trey McGinnis is in his third year at CBU pursuing a triple major in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering and Mathematics. Trey plans to graduate in 2017. At CBU he also works in the technology department as tech support. Maria Rodriguez is a student at the University of Memphis and has appeared on the Dean’s List each semester.

2013 West Covington signed with East Carolina University (Div I, AAC) to play baseball. He has been playing for Gulf Coast State for the past two years and will be a junior at East Carolina.

Julie Eckel was sidelined for the University of TennesseeKnoxville Women’s Fall Soccer season with a knee injury. She is so critical to the Lady Vols soccer program that they have red-shirted her this year and she will have another year of eligibility next season. Julie will begin the pursuit of her master’s degree next year during her last year of eligibility.

2014 Alex Rittman is playing football at Maryville College. He made the travel team for the Scots, who were tied for 1st in the USA-South Conference.

Taylor Seaman, who has maintained a 4.0 GPA each semester at CBU and has appeared on the Dean’s List, received the Delta Sigma Pi Chapter and Regional Collegian of the Year Award. He was selected Mr. CBU last spring and was recently elected President of the inaugural chapter of the CBU Enactus Team. Taylor spent last summer interning with FedEx Services. Taylor was also a top three contender for the Spark Award. (See Headline News)

Grace Summers is already making news at tennis for her school, Eastern Illinois University. http:// www.dailyeasternnews. com/2014/10/07/womenstennis-victorious-against-olivetnazarane/ Andrew Wadovick has been accepted to the newspaper staff at Austin Peay University.

Matt McCurdy placed 2nd overall in the men’s division of the annual Memphis Turkey Trot Race. (see alumni Photo Album)

Reunions Alumni, make sure you join “The OFFICIAL St. Benedict at Auburndale Alumni Group” on Facebook & Twitter to reunite with your classmates and to stay up to date with the latest SBA Alumni information!

Chandler Williams is due to graduate in May with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Chandler has been selected to the Dean’s List during her college career and to the Order of the Omega Honor Society. She has worked as a Nurse Extern and Patient Care Assistant at the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in Knoxville and is a member of the Knox County Foster Care Review Board. Chandler is an active member and community service chair of Chi Omega Sorority and currently serves as President of the Student Nurses’ Association.

WE NEED YOUR INFORMATION!!! Any Auburndale and SBA alumni can update database information by Emailing Sharon Masterson, Director of Communications at mastersons@sbaeagles.org or logging on to www.sbaeagles.org/alumni. We want to hear from you and help everyone stay connected! Send us something about yourself, too.


Alumni News ALUMNI PHOTO ALBUM Homecoming 2014

Faculty Alums bringing the gifts at the Homecoming Mass

At the Pep Rally

Visiting Teachers

At Eagle Lane before the game

Class of 1989


Alumni News 2004 Reunion


Alumni News

Jennifer Oros and Byron Brown were married on September 20, 2014 with several friends from the class of 2003 in attendance, (from left) Jessica Kronberg Govan (a bridesmaid), Shannon Crosby Lyons and Mary Claire Massey Ortiz.

Chelsea Hilliard Romaine and some of her SBA friends who attended her wedding and reception. (see Class Notes) Emily Vasco Sieger (’99) and husband Justin stopped by SBA in October. Emily had not previously been in the new high school and wanted to stop by to see it. She was very impressed.The Siegers make their home in the Chicago area.


Alumni News

On Eagles’ Wings

Many SBA alums are now members of the Kappa Delta Sorority at the University of Memphis.They got together for “Go Greek” week. First Row (from left) Marella Baccay (’14), Desi Chavez (’12), Marisa Loeffel (’14), Allsion Fetz (’12), Meredith Wylie (’14), Ashley Maganifico (’11) and Grace Call (’11).Top Row, all from the class of 2014, (from left)Harley Hamlet , Brooke Deason , Katherine Zaleski, Kendyl Jennings, Bobbie Gillespie, Catherine Wylie and Taylor Etter.

A bunch of Eagles’ alums got together in The Gove at Ole Miss when the Rebels hosted the UTK Vols this season.

Alums from the class of 2007 greet classmate Nick Maurizi as he arrives home for a visit after boot camp recently. He is currently in Marine Combat Training in North Carolina. (from left) Tyler Tansey, Houston Russell, Fraser Gaulden, Michael McCaffery, Nick Maurizi, Philip Valle, Katie Valle, Jordan Zarshenas and Nathan Miller.

Caitlin Doyle Motte (’03) and husband Jason hosted their third annual “Strike Out Cancer” gala and auction in November.They started the Jason Motte Foundation to provide support for cancer research when Jason joined the St. Louis Cardinals and Caitlin’s grandfather Lynn Doyle died of cancer. This year’s event was held at the Great Hall in Germantown. Jason recently signed with the Chicago Cubs.


Alumni News

On Eagles’ Wings

Zach Ricketts stopped by SBA on his way to his next assignment in Hawaii (see Class Notes). He was happy to catch up with other alums, now working with SBA in various capacities (from left) Philip Valle (’07), Zach (’08), Michael Allen (’08) and Paul Frierott (’10).

2006 alum Ben Prudhomme (top 2nd right) is Chairman of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Memphis Young Professionals Council. In August he spearheaded a drive to provide clothing items and school supplies for school children in need.Through the inspiration of Coach Valle (top center), SBA students were among the first to support the effort.

McCurdy kids after Matt ran for Centre College in the NCAA Div. III South/Southeast Regional Cross Country meet at Berry College. He placed #32 out of 201 runners and made the Regional team. (from left) Caitlin (’13), Matt (’11) and Jon, a current senior.

Auburndale alums Christy Burns Ford ‘88, Jennifer HarrisSomogyi ‘88 and Renae Adcock-McElwain ‘88 still having good times together at Pinot’s Palette on Sanderlin in Memphis recently. Christy is a local artist (CBFord) and was recently a featured artist exhibit at Memphis Botanic Garden.


Alumni News

On Eagles’ Wings

If you have pictures you would like to share on our ALUMNI PHOTO ALBUM PAGES, Please E-mail them in JPEG format to mastersons@sbaeagles.org.

Bret Bilbrey (’01) met up with Bill Courtney (Auburndale ’86) at the Lipscomb and Pitts Breakfast Club in November. Bill, of “Undefeated” fame and author of “Against the Grain,” was the guest speaker. (Right) Bret and his girlfriend Laura Fenton, both who received their undergraduate and masters’ degrees from the University of Memphis, were chosen for a marketing and recruitment poster recently issued by the University

Three SBA alums (from left) Andrew Raffanti (’14), Joseph Hastings (’05) and Jeff Bogue (’07), entered the seminary this year for the Diocese of Memphis.

Kim Otts (’01) and Joey Falanga (’00) were married on September 21, 2014 with several SBA alums as members of the wedding party. Sadly, Kim passed away just two months and a day after the wedding (See About Our Faith-In Memorium).With the blessings of Kim’s family, we wanted to share their wedding photo with all the SBA family. Following Kim’s internment at Memphis Funeral Home on Germantown Pkwy, the same members of the wedding party (below) Melissa Falanga (’04), Lee Otts (’00), Pearson Allen (’00), Shannon Lynch Maki (’01), Bret Bilbrey (’01), Brenna Ragghianti (’01) and Joey gathered for a last sparkler and tennis shoe tribute to Kim.



Alumni News

On Eagles’ Wings

Kathleen Aldrich, SBA Class of 2008 Kathleen Aldrich entered the University of Tennessee with a general idea to study international affairs, but, as she says, “lacked a definite direction.” She says, “My parents challenged me to try a semester of Mandarin, and, to my very great surprise, I enjoyed it. I committed to a language and world business with a Mandarin concentration major, and studied abroad in Shanghai, China. A semester traveling to new places every other weekend and living in a city different from everything I had known with new experiences everyday was enough to convince me to return for an extended stay.”

Kathleen shares some of her travel photos –

Houhai Lake in Beijing.

to absorb the culture and immerse myself into the life of my temporary home. My goal for moving to Beijing was to build on my Chinese, travel, and to live like a local as much as a blonde woman from the south can in China. I practiced my Mandarin every chance that presented itself - like bargaining while shopping, traveling to Yunnan and other exciting cities and dining on delicious street food, to name a few.”

After her contract ended, Kathleen moved to Washington DC and accepted a job as a Staff Assistant for International Policy at the US Chamber of Commerce, her current position. She says, “My main responsibilities are organizing and running events, everything from meetings to Trade Symposiums, assisting other teams with Heads of State visits, such as hosting 12 African leaders during the African Leaders Summit in August, scheduling meetings for my team, and outreach. The most exciting part of my job is the events organized by the International Division. I have met Embassy staff, Hill staff and businessmen from all over the world, and listen to Heads of State – like Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. On other days, I have accompanied my colleagues to Capitol Hill to Near the bottom of Tiger Leaping Gorge outside of Yunnan, China discuss hot-button trade issues with Congressmen and Senator staff. It is a fast-paced environment and always busy, but never dull! I am lucky to have the job!” After graduating from UT, Kathleen interned with Senator Alexander for the summer in Washington DC. Kathleen ends with, “Looking back over the last few years, I know that none of this would have ever hapShe reports, “I quickly figured out this was a place where pened if I had not stepped out of my comfort zone. I would like to live eventually, but was not ready to settle Pushing the boundarthere yet. I still had a pretty bad travel bug, and still had ies gave me the best my sights set on returning to China for a year or longer. experiences of my So I began to look for a way to return to China, and life to date – from accepted a job as an English teacher for a year with EF studying abroad and Education First in Beijing. My center was a total English teaching, traveling to immersion environment, consisting of half foreign teachLijiang, Inner Mongolia ers and half Chinese teachers. It was easily the hardest and everywhere in thing I’ve ever done. At the peak of my schedule I had between, to sharing around 150 students between 3-18 years old at various insane daily experienclevels of fluency. Despite the difficulty and newness of it es with friends from all, it was rewarding to watch my students practice and across the globe.” gain confidence in their speaking skills. One of the best moments was the day my shyest student began to talk after months of silence. Outside of work, I did all I could Kathleen and Brian, one of her students in China


Alumni News


On Eagles’ Wings

Paige Scrivener, SBA Class of 2012 Paige Scrivener has been appointed as the University of Tennessee-Knoxville Confucius Institute’s new student ambassador. As an ambassador she serves as the liaison between the Confucius Institute and the UT and Knoxville communities. Paige is a junior in global studies with a concentration in global politics and economics and a double minor in Chinese and Asian studies. Having just participated in the US Department of State Critical Language Scholarship Program this summer, which allowed her to study Mandarin in Suzhou, China, she hopes to apply her personal experiences there in an ambassador position. With the support of Hanban in Beijing and a partnership with Southeast University in Nanjing, the Confucius Institute of UT was established to bridge the gap between Chinese and US cultures. By offering Chinese language and culture classes, planning events and activities and reaching out to


both the UT and local communities, the Confucius Institute enhances the Chinese learning experience. Learn more about the Confucius Institute at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville at their website http:// confucius.utk.edu/.

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