February 5, 2018 Please check www.sbaeagles.org for sports schedules. Follow us on
February 7: Wednesday Dismissal, 2pm NCAA Letter of Intent Signing Day, 2pm February 12-27: Drivers’ Ed February 19: Presidents’ Day Holiday (No School) NCAA Letter of Intent Signing Day, 2pm March 2: 1st Friday Adoration March 3: Trivia Night for Project Graduation March 4: Mother/Son dinner (seniors) March 7: 1st Wednesday dismissal, 2pm March 8: All-School Mass, 10am /Departmental HS Induction March 12-16: Spring Break March 25: Father/Daughter dance (juniors/seniors) March 29: Holy Thursday (1/2 day) March 30: Good Friday (No School) April 2: Easter Break April 4: 1st Wednesday dismissal, 2pm Junior Retreat
April 6: 1st Friday Adoration April 9: Home & School Meeting, 8am April 11: NCAA Letter of Intent Signing Day, 3pm April 21: Prom April 12: Mother/Daughter Tea (seniors) April 22: Father/Son Bowling (seniors) April 23: Senior Skip Day April 30: Senior Retreat May 3: May Crowning May 4: 1st Friday Adoration May 11: Baccalaureate, 7pm May 12: Graduation, 9:30 am Senior Project Graduation, 11pm May 16: Honors day (grds 9-11) May 21-24: Final exams (1/2 days) May 24: Last Day of School
March 8: Departmental Honor Society Induction following All-School Mass, 10am
Signing Day for senior student/athletes officially signing to play sports in college, Wed, Feb. 7, 2:00 pm in DLC. If you have a student who is signing February 7, please contact Sports Information Director Sharon Masterson to make arrangements – mastersons@sbaeagles.org
TIME TO ENROLL for the 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR! The enrollment process for current students to secure their space for the 2018-2019 school year begins this week! The enrollment form link, along with instructions, will be emailed to our families this Wednesday, February 7, 2018. The Enrollment Form is due Wednesday, February 21, 2018. Please review the following checklist for the enrollment process: ✓ An email will be sent to the primary email address and will include a link to your student’s “online” 2018-2019 Enrollment Form. (You will receive a separate email for each student.) o If you DO NOT receive the email, contact Ann O’Leary at olearya@sbaegles.org or 260-2875. ✓ The Online Enrollment Form and $250 Enrollment Fee must be submitted and paid online no later than February 21, 2018. ✓ After February 21, the Enrollment Form link will expire and a second link will need to be emailed. ✓ A $100 late fee will apply to all enrollment forms that need to be re-emailed after the original due date.
Diocesan policy requires that families must fulfill all financial obligations for the current school year to be allowed to reenroll for the next school year. If you have an active FACTS agreement that will settle the balance due for 2017-18, you will receive the email to complete your child’s enrollment form. If you have any questions about your current tuition account, please contact Kathy Hurt in our Business Office at hurtk@sbaeagles.org or 260-2876.
SOFTBALL TRYOUTS – Monday, February 12, 4:00pm at the softball field. Questions - Email Coach Ashley Scarborough at Ashley.scarborough@sfawolves.org.
DRIVER’S PERMIT ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Required, for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form. ADMISSIONS - Applications are being accepted for 2018-19. Please visit our website atwww.sbaeagles.org/admissionsfor procedures and application. Parents Please Note: All siblings who wish to attend SBA must complete the Application form.
Faith at SBA!
A Look Ahead – February 14: All-School Mass, 10 ASH WEDNESDAY 16: Mass 7:10am Adoration/Penance at lunch
Would you like a Mass offered in memory
Sacraments Schedule Chapel Masses – This Week Tuesday – 3rd & 4th periods Wednesday – 5th & 6th periods Thursday – 7th & 8th periods Friday – Mass – 7:10 am & Lunch-time Adoration & Penance
FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION SIGN – UP! Wonderful way to spend time with the Lord and pray for SBA! Contact: Deacon Jeff Drzycimski 260-2888 • drzycimskij@sbaeagles.org
or honor of a loved one or friend? Please contact Deacon Jeff Drzycimski at 260-2888 or drzycimskij@sbaeagles.org
Join Us On Facebook… Stay up-to-date with the latest Home & School and SBA news on our Facebook page. Simply visit “SBA Home and School” on Facebook and join the group!
February TEACHER TREATS Is Next Week… This month’s Teacher Treats Tuesday is coming up on February 13. That’s the day when SBA families share their appreciation for the school’s faculty and staff by sending in delicious snacks of all kinds. This month, a Valentine’s theme is a great way to show some love to our amazing faculty & staff! You can help make Teacher Treats a success by volunteering to contribute a snack or help with set-up and take-down. Please visit the SignUp Genius page and add your name to the list of snack contributors or helpers: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4aadac29a7fa7-20172018
SBA’s Mother/Son Dinner for Seniors Is March 4… Senior moms and sons: please note that the annual Mother/Son Dinner is coming up on Sunday, March 4 from 6-9 at the Butcher Shop’s Grand Ballroom. Watch for details and the e-vite later this week—and make plans to attend this very special senior occasion!
SENIOR PARENTS, Please Make a Note of These Dates Each spring, Home & School coordinates a number of special events for our senior families. These “SBA traditions” are a cherished part of our seniors’ final semester in high school—and it’s Home & School’s honor to make them happen. If your son or daughter is a senior, be sure to mark these dates on your calendar and watch for official e-vites in the coming months: • Sunday, March 4 - Mother & Son Dinner @ The Butcher Shop • Sunday, March 25 - Father & Daughter Dance (for JR & SR girls) @ Club Windward • Sunday, April 22 - Mother & Daughter Tea @ Memphis Botanic Garden • Sunday, April 22 – Father & Son Outing @ Andy B’s in Bartlett
SBA Project Graduation 2017-2018 Dear St. Benedict at Auburndale Parents: Saturday, May 12, 2018 is Graduation for St. Benedict seniors. A tradition for the St. Benedict seniors is a drug and alcohol free “lock-in” given by the senior parents. Over 95% of our seniors participate each year and they have a wonderful time. We rent out Incredible Pizza and they have unlimited play time, as well as unlimited pizza, drinks and snacks. Whether your child loves go-karts, bowling, putt-putt, laser tag or lots of video games-there is something for everyone. Each child receives a goodie bag valued at over $150 as well as super door prizes that have included 32-inch flat screen TV’s, Microwaves and Gift Cards to name a few. It will also be the last time they will all be together as a group. The SBA Project Graduation committee also hosts two “Trivia Nights” in order to raise money to provide a funfilled night for our graduating seniors, to keep them safe and off the streets on graduation night. Our Project Graduation committee needs your help in a variety of ways. Our Trivia Night Fundraiser is Saturday, March 3 at 6:30 pm in the SBA Dining Hall. Only one Trivia Night this year. We would like to invite you to be a part of this fun-filled night as a sponsor, volunteer or player. Trivia Night is an event that involves a competition of many teams of “experts” on various subjects. It is a competition that requires teams to answer ten rounds of ten questions about anything from science to nonsense. Prizes are awarded from sponsors’ donations to the winning 1st, 2nd and last place teams. Sponsor prizes will be presented as door prizes after each round of questions. We are also looking for parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors to get involved with Project Graduation to keep this wonderful tradition going in order that the future years maintain the success level we have experienced. If you have underclassmen, please contact the project chair for volunteer opportunities. Also, we encourage you to consider co-chairing Project Graduation next year. On behalf of St. Benedict Project Graduation, we appreciate your help. Donations are tax deductible, and we would also like to offer our sponsors complimentary notice in our SBA Annual Report. Again, thank you for your support of this important event. SENIOR PARENTS, BE SURE TO SEND IN YOUR STUDENT’S RESERVATION AND PAYMENT! Sincerely, Amy Iovinelli SBA Project Graduation Committee Chair 901.849.9644 amyiov6@gmail.com
Ticket Price - $175.
St Benedict Project Graduation Rules & Permission Form SBA Project Graduation (PG) is held on the night of graduation at Incredible Pizza from 11:30 pm-5:00 am. Incredible Pizza is located at 1245 Germantown Parkway Cordova, 309-3132. The purpose of SBA Project Graduation is to have a drug and alcohol-free evening of fun and fellowship one last time. RULES: If graduate arrives and is suspected to be “under the influence” (either alcohol or drugs) and the student fails a Breathalyzer test, the parents will be called and the student will not be admitted to Project Graduation regardless of the paid admission. ▪
We strongly suggest that parents drop off their students and pick them up due to the long hours of fun, they will be very tired.
No guests are allowed; only members of the SBA Class of 2018 who have paid.
Check-in is between 11:15 pm - 12:00 am. No one will be able to enter after 12:00 am.
No backpacks or large bags. All items brought must be checked in. The less students bring with them the better. Storage is limited.
No one will be allowed to leave early without a signed parental form. If a student has permission to leave, a parent will be notified and the student will not be allowed to re-enter. Students will not be eligible for door prizes if they leave early.
There will be food and drink provided all night long.
PG ends at 5:00 am. If a student does not feel capable driving home, please notify any of the chaperones and we will call a parent to come pick-up him/he.
Any questions or if you need to reach us during the event: Amy Iovinelli (901.849.9644)
SBA Project Graduation Permission Form I/We do give our child ______________________________permission to attend Project Graduation, and we acknowledge the rules listed above. I/We can be reached at ___________________________ in the event of an emergency. I/We DO______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation at any time during the event. WE acknowledge that we will be notified by the phone number listed above that he/she is leaving. I/We DO NOT______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation until the event is finished. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________________ Please return the permission slip along with $175.00 check to return to SBA office. Make your check payable to SBA Project Graduation.
FOR INFORMATION – Contact Matt Stark, starkm@sbaeagles.org