Monday Mail for the Week of February 6th, 2012: Calendar Reminders February 13th …. Faculty Retreat – NO CLASSES February 18th …. Mardis Gras PG Trivia Night (more information to follow) February 19th …. Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish/French National Honor Societies Inductions; 2:00pm in the Theater February 26th …. Father/Daughter Dance (for Junior & Senior Girls) at Colonial at 6:30pm
Home & School The Home & School association Mother/ Daughter Tea committee is looking for 11th grade parents to help with the committee and/or host the event on April 1, 2012 at 2:00pm. Please contact Debbie Demirorz at 901-395-9269 or by e-mail at . Thank you for your support!
“Show Your Love for SBA” We will have a $2 “Show Your Love for SBA” jeans day on Tuesday, Feb. 14th - Valentine’s Day! (We will be out of school next Monday, so DON’T FORGET!) Bring $2 to your first period teacher ON Valentine’s Day and wear jeans with a nice shirt (think RED) to “Show your Love for SBA”. With the money we collect, we will be able to purchase additional items (that might not be donated) for the class baskets for our Fashionista Fiesta Fashion Show. Of course, if you are moved to give more than $2, we will gratefully accept it. (Please remember our jeans day dress code.)
St. Benedict at Auburndale 2nd Annual Fashion Show Mark your calendar for a
“Fashionista Fiesta” Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:30 pm, SBA Dining Hall Fashion Show by
Famous Class Basket Giveaway & Door Prizes!
Delicious Food from Taco
Last year’s event was a HUGE success and so much fun! Our class baskets were very impressive and filled with awesome items. This year’s baskets will be even better!!
Tickets available end of January!
MARDI GRAS “TRIVIA NIGHT” Benefiting St. Benedict Seniors Project Graduation Saturday Night, February 18, 2012 SBA Dining Hall Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. Questions begin at 7:30 p.m. $15 per player Teams will consist of 8 people. In the interest of fairness – no more than 8 people per team. Walk-Ins accepted at the door IF tables are available. GOLD SPONSOR TABLES $20 per player (these tables must consist of 8 players) Each of these tables will receive 2 bottles of wine, appetizer, priority seating and additional door prize drawings. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to give you time to set up and visit with competing teams. Questions by Brother Ignatius (CBU) will begin at 7:30 p.m. The contest will consist of ten rounds of ten questions for a total of 100 questions. Categories cover a wide range – something for everyone!! All team members placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and last will receive prizes! Table Decorating Contest!!! Come up with a theme centered around Mardi Gras and decorate your table. Most outstanding table will win a prize!! Silent Auction / Heads & Tails Game Mulligans – tokens that can be used as a correct answer when a team is stumped on a question. ($5.00 each or 6 for $20.00) Limit 6 per team. Everyone is invited!!!
Call: Call: St Benedict High School 260-2840, Darla Boston 277-8694; or email for any questions. Mail completed registration forms with checks made payable to Project Graduation to: St Benedict High School 8250 Varnavas Dr. Cordova, TN 38016 Drop off at SBA High School office with envelope marked Project Graduation or Trivia Night
We do expect a full house and tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We are limited to 45 tables. Sign up early so you won’t be disappointed!
Trivia Night Registration
Reservations will be accepted for teams at $15 per person; or at $20 per person for a Gold Sponsor table. To reserve a Gold Sponsor Table, you must have 8 players. If you prepay the registration fee – we will let you know your table assignment in advance and you will be able to go straight to your table and bypass the line at the registration table. If you pay at the door, the team captain is responsible for collecting the team’s registration fees and paying for the entire team at check-in, either by check or cash. Team Members:
(Please designate one person as team captain)
1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________________
Team Captain:______________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________ e-mail:________________________________
Please provide an e-mail address so a copy of the rules can be sent to the team captain.
You are invited to bring your own refreshments and BYOB for your table. Desserts and soft drinks will be provided!! Door prizes will be drawn throughout the night and the silent auction will end during the 8th round. Brother Ignatius has promised two “heads or tails” contest, which will be fun for all!!
Yearbook Ads Did you miss your chance to purchase a senior ad? Well here is your last chance to get one! Since we had an over whelming response we were able to purchase 5 more pages. We have 3 left! They are first come first serve so get your ad in as soon as possible! Please make sure that the contract, check and ad are all together. Your ad will not be processed until all 3 have been received. The contract is on the SBA website. Go to and click on 2012 yearbook forms. Please deliver to the front office or e-mail us at
Winterfest T-Shirts Winterfest T-Shirts will be on sale during all 3 lunches from Thursday, February 2nd to Wednesday, February 8th. The cost is $12. Get yours early before they sell out!!
AP/Honors Fair Parents and students are invited for the 1st Annual AP/Honors Fair on February 21, 2012 at 6:00pm in the dining hall. This is open to any parent or student who is interested in finding out more about our AP and Honors Level Classes. Tables will be set up for each subject area and after a general welcome, parents and students will be able to visit the tables of classes they are interested in. On the same day, a similar Fair will be held for our elective classes during all three lunches that all students are encouraged to attend.
Tennis Tryouts for Spring 2012 Tennis Tryouts are scheduled for February 13th & 14th, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm at the SBA Tennis Courts. Practice will begin on Wednesday, February, 15th. Should you have any questions, please contact Coach Hervey at There will also be a Parents Meeting on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30pm in the SBA Gym for all parents of players who make the team. It is important for at least one parent to attend.
Father/Daughter Dance The Father/Daughter dance (for Junior and Senior Girls) is Sunday, February 26, 2012 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at the Colonial Country Club. The theme for the dance will be “Glitter and Glam.” Tickets are $35 per person and must be paid for by February 21st. Please make checks payable to “SBA – Father/Daughter Dance.”
Cheerleading Show Night The SBA Cheerleading team will be having a Show Night on Wednesday, February 8th at 7:00pm in the SBA Gym. Come out and support the Eagles Cheerleaders before they leave for Nationals!!
SBA Athletics Upcoming Events Monday, February 6th - Freshman Boys Basketball vs St. George’s (HOME @ 7:00pm)
Tuesday, February 7th - Boys & Girls Basketball vs FCA (HOME) o JV Girls @ 3:30pm o JV Boys @ 4:30pm o Varsity Girls @ 6:00pm o Varsity Boys @ 7:30pm
Wednesday, February 8th - C-Team Girls Basketball vs Collierville (AWAY)
Friday, February 10th - Boys & Girls Basketball vs Briarcrest (HOME) o JV Girls @ 3:30pm o JV Boys @ 4:30pm o Varsity Girls @ 6:00pm o Varsity Boys @ 7:30pm - Swimming – State Swim Meet (AWAY)
Saturday, February 11th -
- Freshman Boys Basketball Tournament (HOME @ TBA) - Swimming – State Swim Meet (AWAY)
Community News Section
2012 MOTHER/DAUGHTER PROGRAMS Sundays, March 11 or March 25 for 10* - 12 year old girls 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
(These two programs fill up very quickly. Please register early.)
Sunday, March 18 for 13 - 16 year old girls 2:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Saint Francis Hospital Auditorium 5959 Park Avenue The Mother/Daughter Programs explore God’s special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of God’s plan for growing up and becoming a woman. Topics include: the changes in a young woman’s body as it prepares for motherhood; the onset of ovulation and subsequent menstrual periods; the functions of the female reproductive system; the sacredness of human life; the virtue of chastity; and a question and answer segment. Healthy dating ideas with a strong emphasis on chastity and reverence for our sexuality are also discussed with the older girls. It is good to come to both programs at the age appropriate time for each girl since the older girls’ program is an extension of the first one. The purpose of the programs is to provide an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss the important topic of growing up and to establish a foundation for continued communication between parent and child. The programs are presented by Natural Family Planning Teachers who will emphasize respect, understanding and appreciation for God’s gifts. T-shirts and boxer shorts promoting chastity and pro-life materials will be offered for sale at each program. *Girls younger than 10 who are already developing and showing signs of puberty are also welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.
Discount fee is $25.00 per family (non-refundable) if RECEIVED 6 days PRIOR to selected program. Within 6 days of each program, the fee is $30.00 per family (non-refundable.) (If you have daughters in both age groups and need to attend two programs, the cost is $40.00 per family for both programs if RECEIVED 6 days prior to the first selected program. Within 6 days of first selected program, the fee is $45 per family.) Please complete the registration form below and mail it with your check to the NFP Center at least 6 days prior to program or you can register online at NFP Center ♥ 5825 Shelby Oaks Dr.♥ Memphis, TN 38134 ♥ (901) 373-1285 ♥
2012 Mother/Daughter Program Reservation Form We want to attend the program for 10 - 12 year olds on: March 11 OR March 25 * Please check one * We want to attend the program for 13 - 16 year olds on: March 18 Mother’s Name________________________________________________ Home Phone__________________________ ( Please PRINT and use names as you want them to appear on the name tags. )
Daughter’s Name______________________________ Age______ DOB____________ School_____________________ 2nd Daughter’s Name___________________________ Age______ DOB____________ School_____________________ Address:____________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________ Work or Cell Phone_____________________ E-mail Address_______________________________________________ Please make $25.00 check ($40.00 for two programs) payable to NFP CENTER and mail with the reservation form to:
Diocese of Memphis NFP Center 5825 Shelby Oaks Dr. Memphis, TN 38134 Seating is limited. Reservations must be RECEIVED at least 6 days prior to your selected program for the discount fee.
Confirmation of your reservation will be sent by E-mail or post card. Please call (901) 373-1285 if you do not receive a confirmation.
Saturday, February 11
Live music provided by Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster 7 p.m. $30 per ticket Hosted by Holy Rosary Mothers’ Club * Silent Auction * Dancing * Cash Bar * Food provided by Humdingers * Class Basket Giveaway * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ticket Order Form Name:__________________________________________
Phone Number:_____________________________
E-mail address:__________________________________________________________________________________ Number of tickets desired:__________ ($30 per person. Early bird discount = $25 per person if purchased before January 31.)
Total amount:____________________________ Circle one:
Name on card:___________________________
Credit Card Card number:_______________________________
Expiration date:_______________
Return to Holy Rosary School Office, 4851 Park Ave., Memphis, Tennessee 38117. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you within two weeks of ticket purchase. If you have any questions regarding tickets, please contact Laina Haff (6C or 6W) or Sarah Curtis via kid mail or send an e-mail to
Join us for an evening of food, fun and fellowship featuring:
* Food from Jim's Place Grille * * Wine from Buster's Liquors and Wines * * Beer provided by The Blue Monkey * Our live and silent auction will feature:
* Paintings Crafted by our Clients and Local "Celebrities" * * Sports Memorabilia * * Much, Much More! * Tickets are $30 in advance and $40 at the door. Space is limited so purchase your tickets early! Call Alie Lifsey at 901-722-4750 for tickets or more information.