Monday Mail - 4/18/11

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Monday Mail for the Week of April 18th, 2011: Calendar Reminders - Tuesday, April 19th ---- Senior Retreat Day - Thursday, April 21st ---- Holy Thursday, Noon Dismissal - Thursday, April 21st ---- Deadline for Senior Spring Sport Athletes to turn in the Senior Night Form ( - Friday, April 22nd ---- Good Friday, No Classes - Saturday, April 23rd ---- Deadline for RSVP and money to be turned in for Mother/Daughter Tea (

Business News The first quarterly statement for the 2011/12 school year was emailed last week. If you are paying quarterly the first payment is due May 1, 2011. The remaining quarters are due August 1, 2011, November 1 2011; and February 1, 2012. If you did not receive a statement, please email our business office at to request another copy. Families that wish to enroll with the automatic deductions (monthly or quarterly) can enroll with FACTS for only $38 per year. There is a link directly from the SBA website. The link is in the QUICK LINKS menu in the top right hand corner of the home page and you can electronically enroll.

Salad Bar in Dining Hall There is a major problem with the cooling unit in the Dining Hall serving area that cools the salad bar. The problem requires a major and time-consuming overhaul. Because of this issue starting on Tuesday, April 19th, there will not be a salad bar during lunch for the rest of the year. The Dining Staff will prepare some salads in containers (some medium and some large) and ice them down for each lunch. They will still be sold at the same prices as before. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Extra Graduation Invitations We’ve had some families turn in extra Graduation Invitations – we’ll sell them in bundles on 10 for $11.00 a bundle. Please make check payable to: SBA. Please email Mrs. Morris ( if you are interested.

Spring Sports Senior Night All senior athletes who participate in spring sports will be recognized between the JV and Varsity baseball games against MUS on Wednesday, April 27. We will host a social event for families of spring sport athletes in our new baseball fieldhouse between 5:00 and 7:00 PM. All spring sport athletes and their families will gather at 5:45 on the concrete patio on the east side of the fieldhouse to be introduced before the Varsity game. We hope that all families of spring sport athletes are able to attend. All student-athletes are encouraged to fill out the Senior Night form in their religion class and turn it in before Thursday, April 21. Please remind them to mark “No” if they do not plan to attend to avoid unnecessary expenses. The Senior Night form can be found on the school website for your convenience ( Forms can also be faxed to (901)260-2851 or emailed to Game passes will be available for all family members of senior athletes. We look forward to seeing you at Senior Night 2011!

First Friday Adoration First Friday Adoration at SBA is in immediate need for parents to fill 30 minute to one hour shifts on May 6. The time slots in most need are: o 7:30-8:00am o 8:00-8:30am o 10:00-10:30am o 10:30-11:00am o 1:00-1:30pm o 1:30-2:00pm o 2:00-2:30pm The United States conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Devine Worship states, “…a minimum of two people must always be present during Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist. During this time, under no circumstances is our Lord to be left alone.” Please help us to ensure that this does not happen at SBA on May 6. Please E-mail Cathy MacDonald at

Seniors – Mother/Daughter Tea The Mother/Daughter Tea will be held on Sunday, May 1st, 2011 from 3:00pm-5:00pm at the Colonial Country Club. The rd deadline to register is April 23 . There will be a video put together for the event and we you’re your help!! Please have your daughter bring in a BABY picture of themselves and a picture of them WITH THEIR MOTHER. All pictures need to be turned into the SBA front office by Tuesday, April 19th if they wish to be in the video. Make sure that the pictures are turned in an envelope and that each picture has the daughter’s name on the back so that pictures can be easily returned during the Mother/Daughter Tea. If you have any questions about the video, please contact Kim Turner at

Please join us in celebration of our daughters, step-daughters, granddaughters, goddaughters, and nieces. Put on your best Sunday dress or your Kentucky Derby attire and don’t forget your hat!! To register and pay online, visit or for more information please e-mail Becky Siano at

Call Your Senator!! We received the following request from the Catholic Schools Office‌

ALERT: PLEASE CALL YOUR SENATOR ASK YOUR SENATOR TO VOTE FOR SB 485 SB 485 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP On April 21st the TN Senate will be voting on SB485 known as the "Equal Opportunity Scholarship Bill". This important legislation will allow low income families in Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga to receive scholarships so their children can attend the public, independent, parochial or charter school of their choice. The public school where the student is assigned will continue receiving half of the normal funding with the other half follows the student to the school of their choice. In order to receive this scholarship, students must be qualified for a free or reduced price lunch program. In other states that have passed similar legislation, such as Florida, this competition for students has caused public schools to improve while providing educational choices for those families who could not otherwise afford them.

SBA Sports Results (4/11/11 – 4/18/11) April 11th Boys Soccer: SBA 0, CBHS 4 (Varsity) Boys Soccer: SBA 2, CBHS 3 (JV) Boys Lacrosse: SBA 2, St. Georges 8 April 12th Baseball: SBA 14, Liberty-Tech 3 Boys Soccer: SBA 1, Briarcrest 1 (Varsity) Boys Soccer: SBA 4, Briarcrest 0 (JV) Softball: SBA 1, USJ 2 Boys Tennis: SBA 0, MUS 9 Girls Tennis: SBA 1, Hutchison 6 April 13th Softball: SBA 3, Brighton 0 Boys Tennis: SBA 6, Brighton 3 Girls Tennis: SBA 8, Brighton 1 Boys Lacrosse: SBA 4, Lausanne 14 April 14th Baseball: SBA 4, Briarcrest 2 Softball: SBA 5, Brighton 4 April 15th Baseball: SBA 7, Briarcrest 1 Boys Soccer: SBA 2, Kingsbury 1 Boys Lacrosse: SBA 6, Collierville 14 April 16th Baseball: SBA 12, Briarcrest 3 Boys Soccer: SBA 1, Henry County 2

Community News Section

The 25th Annual


WINDYKE COUNTRY CLUB 8535 Winchester Rd., Memphis, TN 38125 Shotgun Starts: 8:00 a.m. and 1:15 p.m.

to benefit the

CATHOLIC EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND 4 PERSON TEAMS SCRAMBLE FORMAT ALL ENTRIES INCLUDE: Green’s Fee  Cart  Golf Balls Lunch  Beverages  Prizes  Free Range Balls & MORE!!! For more information call (901) 373-1205 or visit us on the web!

WWW.BISHOPSOPEN.ORG Angel of the Catholic Schools Award Dinner Thursday, May 5, 2011 Cocktails at 6; Dinner at 6:30 at St. Benedict at Auburndale To benefit the Catholic Education Scholarship Fund

In recognition of their dedication to Catholic education, join us as we honor:

Christian Brothers of the Midwest Province


Knights of Columbus of the Diocese of Memphis

David Wedaman


Individual Dinner Tickets (golfer’s ticket price included in golf package): $25 per person X _____ = $______________ Table sponsorships available! regret I am unable to attend; Please accept my donation in honor of the Angels of the Catholic Schools. $______________ Mail to: Angel of the Catholic Schools Dinner I would like to pay by: Diocese of Memphis ___ Check (Payable to: Catholic Schools Office) 5825 Shelby Oaks Drive ___ Credit Card #______________________________________ Exp._______ Memphis, TN 38134 For more information call: Mary Helen Carmack (901) 373-1205 or email:

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