St. Benedict Monday Mail June 26, 2017

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June 26, 2017 Please check for sports schedules. Follow us on




2017-2018 Calendar Highlights August 3: Soar Day (1) 8:30-11:30am; (2) 5-6:30pm January 3: Classes Resume August 8: 1st day of school ½ day (New Students) January 15: MLK Holiday (No School) August 9: 1st full day for all students February 19: Presidents’ Day Holiday (No School) August 15: Feast of the Assumption-Holy Day (No School) March 12-16: Spring Break September 4: Labor Day March 29: Holy Thursday (1/2 day) September 8: Homecoming March 30: Good Friday (No School) October 6: PD Day (No School) April 2: Easter Break October 9: Fall Break (No School) May 25: Last day of school (1/2 day) Oct. 21: Trivia Night for Project Graduation, 6:30 Baccalaureate Mass/Graduation requested on May 11 & 12,2018, November 1: Feast of All Saints-Holy Day (No School) but will not be confirmed with host churches until Fall, 2017. November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception-Holy Day (No School) December 19: (1/2 day) December 20-January 2: Christmas Break

CONTRIBUTE TO 2016-17 ANNUAL FUND! It’s here, the final push for the 2016-2017 Annual Fund! Thank You to all who have already generously invested in SBA this year. Your support means everything. For those who haven’t yet contributed- it’s not too late! We ask that you prayerfully consider making a gift, no amount is too great or too small. Check out video from Mrs. Morris on our Facebook page today!


Reminder for upcoming school year, all medicine forms expire at the end of each school year and must be updated yearly. The medicine distribution form can be found on the website under the parent tab then the forms link. If your child needs any medicine during the school day these forms must be filled out and signed by a physician. This is for over the counter medicines, as well. I hope everyone has a healthy summer!


Required, for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form. ADMISSIONS Applications are still being accepted for 2017-18. Please visit our website at for procedures and application. Parents Please Note: All siblings who wish to attend SBA must complete the Application for Admission. If you have questions, please contact Terri Heath, Director of Admissions, at 2602873; SENIORS: Any senior student/athlete who is interested in the Wendy’s Heisman Scholarship needs to Mrs. Masterson in the main office or

CROSS COUNTRY NEW & RETURNING students interested in running Cross Country contact Coach Nancy-Margaret Wehby at for conditioning and workout information. All are welcome! GOLF NEW AND RETURNING Students interested in joining the Boys or Girls Golf Team, contact Coach Hervey @ 901 674-1658;

Faith at SBA!

Would you like to have Mass offered in memory or honor of a loved one or friend? Please contact us!

REMEMBER TO SIGN – UP NEXT YEAR FOR FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION! Wonderful way to spend time with the Lord and pray for SBA!

Welcome to AmazonSmile! Thank you for supporting Catholic Diocese of Memphis We receive those that come from SBA Remember, always start at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases.

With the purchase of these gift cards through Eagles Bucks orders, SBA receives a percentage & saves you time, too!

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