Monday Mail - 8/1/11

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Monday Mail for the Week of August 1st, 2011: Calendar Reminders August 5th……Student Schedules will be mailed by this date August 8th……Registration Day (8:30am-11:30am & 5:00pm-6:30pm) August 9th……Freshman Parent Meeting at 6:30pm August 10th…..1st Day of Classes for NEW STUDENTS August 11th…..1st Day of Classes for ALL STUDENTS

From Our Business Office: The most recent tuition statements were emailed to all families on Friday July 15th. In case you missed it, the following note was included on each statement: “This statement is for the 11/12 school year. Unless you are participating in the FACTS plan, quarterly payments are due May 1, 2011, August 1, 2011, November 1, 2011 and February 1, 2012. Individual course fees will be billed in September after schedules are finalized.” Official student schedules (which include teachers, periods, locker numbers & combinations, edline activation codes for new students, etc.) will be e-mailed by August 5, 2011. However, no schedule can be released until the equivalent of two quarterly payments has been paid or your FACTS payment plan is current. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Hurt in our business office ( or 260-2868). Please note that the school office will be closed on Friday, August 5th – SBA will be hosting fellow teachers from our Catholic Schools for an Inservice Day. The office will reopen on Monday, August 8 – which is also our registration day.

Registration Day

**The Registration Packet is now available online**

Registration Day for all students will be held on Monday, August 8th. There will be a morning session from 8:30am to 11:30am and an evening session from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Registration day is a great way for students to locate their classes & lockers, order parking passes, purchase items from our spirit shop, and much more. Parents will be able to purchase PE Uniforms, join our Home & School association, & fill out any forms regarding student medications and carpool/volunteer opportunities.

SBA Uniform Information In order to help out some of our new SBA families, SBA has created two Uniform Guideline Videos (one for boys and one for girls) to help demonstrate what is and is not acceptable to wear to school. These videos have been posted to our website at

Summer Reading Information The first day of classes is almost upon us. All students are required to read one summer reading book from the REQUIRED list for their grade level that can be found on our website ( Students will be tested on their summer reading book on Monday, August 22nd. This test will be preceded by classroom discussions so it is imperative that all students have completed this reading assignment before the start of school.

MBS Bookstore The MBS Bookstore officially opened online on July 7th. Make sure that you have begun the process of ordering books for your student. Students are expected to have books on the first day of classes, August 11th. The link to MBS Online Bookstore can be found in the “Quicklinks� menu on the school website (

Host Families Needed Private School Exchange (PSE) is seeking Host Families to host foreign exchange students attending St. Benedict at Auburndale School. Host Families are compensated up to $550 a month for Private High School Placements under the F-1 VISA Program. Private School Exchange (PSE) is an international exchange student company dedicated to promoting world peace and understanding through intercultural education and student exchange. PSE only works with placing carefully screened students at PRIVATE high schools in the USA that issue F-1 visas. For that reason, we are seeking host families and community representatives to assist us in this mission. As a Host Family, you will provide a loving home and meals for an international student. Students can have a private room or share a room with a same-sex sibling of a similar age. Families with children in the home are preferred although single mother households and “empty nesters� will also be considered. Students are carefully screened, speak competent English, and come with spending money and insurance.

For additional information please contact Crystal Allis at or Terrie Wolff, toll free 1.877.222.9803

Sincerely, Private School Exchange (PSE)

Terrie A. Wolff Program Assistant

1029 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 877-222-9803 Toll Free 503-222-9803 Main 503-227-7224 Fax Skype: etc-pse

Visit our new PSE website!

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