Monday Mail - 1/27/2014

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Monday Mail January 27, 2014: Calendar Reminders (Check for athletic calendar dates.) January 27-31…………Catholic Schools Week January 28…………….ALL School Mass 10am February 1…………….ACT Practice Test (see details) February 6…………….Elective Fair during lunches and AP/Honors Fair from 6pm-7pm (see details) February 8…………….High School Placement Test

The COMMUNITY NEWS section of our Monday Mail is now separate and can be found on our website below the Monday Mail.

To#celebrate#Catholic#Schools#Week,#we#are#going#to#have#a#BIG#Kroger#PUSH#to#get# our#families#signed#up#for#the#Community#Rewards#Program.# The#good#news#is#that#we#have#just#been#informed#that#you#do#not#have#to#register# every#year.##Whew!##Our#last#gift#card#drawing#raised#our#family#count#from#163#to# 249,#which#is#great,#but#that's#still#not#all#of#us!# SO,#this#time#we#are#going#to#offer#an#"OUT#OF#UNIFORM#SHOE#WEEK"!# Beginning#tomorrow#–#if#your#student#brings#in#proof#that#you#have#signed#up#for# the#program,#they#will#receive#a#shoe#pass#to#use#for#the#remainder#of#THIS# WEEK.##Their#pass#will#be#good#from#the#day#they#bring#in#their#proof#through#this# Friday.##Their#first#period#teacher#will#check#EVERY#MORNING,#so#be#sure#they#have# their#proof#or#their#pass!# # IF#YOU#HAVE#NOT#SIGNED#UP#FOR#THE#KROGER#PROGRAM#YET,#please#view#the# Kroger#flyer#included#in#this#Monday#Mail#or#on#our#website#for#instructions#and#be# sure#to#print#your#proof#at#the#end.# # IF#YOU#HAVE#ALREADY#SIGNED#UP#FOR#THE#KROGER#PROGRAM,#PLEASE#PRINT#A# SCREENSHOT#OF#YOUR#ACCOUNT#WHERE#WE#CAN#SEE#YOU#HAVE#CHOSEN#SAINT# BENEDICT#AS#YOUR#SCHOOL#OF#CHOICE.# For#help#with#screenshots#–#view#this#link:#http://www.take]a] # We#understand#that#this#process#takes#a#few#minutes#and#we#TRULY#appreciate#you# taking#the#time#to#do#it.# YOU#WOULDN’T#BELIEVE#THE#DIFFERENCE#IT#MAKES#FOR#OUR#SCHOOL!!!!# !

OUT OF UNIFORM SHOE WEEK! Follow the instructions and be comfy the rest of the week!! !

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Please!read!the!details!below!on!how!your!purchases!at!Kroger!can!help!St.!Benedict.!!! You!won’t!believe!what!a!difference!it!makes!!!! Please!consider!making!SBA!your!Kroger!Community!Rewards!school!of!choice.!!Thank!you!! !



If!you!will!go!to!their!website!at!,!and!follow!the!steps!to!create!an! account!you!can!then!do!the!following!things:! ! • Once!you!have!signed!in,!select!“My!Account”!and!then!“Account!Settings”.! • Select!edit!under!“Plus!Card”!to!enter!your!Plus!card!number!or!your! alternate!ID,!which(is(your(telephone(number.( • Select!edit!under!“Community!Rewards”!and!enter!your!contact! information.! • Enter!St.)Benedict)at)Auburndale!or!enter!our!number!80116!under! “Find!Your!Organization”.! • Select!the!check!box!next!to!St.)Benedict)at)Auburndale.!!! • Click)SAVE)CHANGES!at!the!bottom.! ! You!can!now!see!our!school!under!your!Community!Rewards!tab.!!Once!you! have!completed!this!process,!a!portion!of!every!shopping!trip!you!make!using! your!Kroger!Plus!card!will!now!go!to!support!St.!Benedict!High!School.! THANK!YOU!SO!MUCH!!

SBA Trivia Night - Love American Style Join us for SBA's Trivia Night, Saturday, February 1, 2014 with Brother Ignatius Brown. It will be a fun filled evening with food, fun, friends, and prizes! Registration forms may be mailed to or turned into the school office. Hope to see you there!

Elective/AP/Honors Fair On February 6, we will hold an Elective Fair during all 3 lunch periods for students to inquire about their elective classes for next fall. That evening, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., we will have an AP/Honors Fair. All students and parents interested in AP or Honors classes should attend.

Practice ACT SBA will host two PRACTICE ACT dates. They will be January 18 and Feb 1 from 9am-12:15pm. The cost is $10. Please register your student with Jennifer Brannon in the guidance office at There will also be a SCIENCE help session for the ACT this Thursday at 3:05 in room B229.

HOME AND SCHOOL PARENT CONNECTION Project Graduation will be hosting their 2nd Trivia Night on February 1st. Get a team together and come out and support this great event. This events theme – Love American Style. Our 4th Annual Fashion Show benefiting the Annual Fund will be Saturday, Feb 22nd. Our theme is Jeans and Jazz. This will be another exciting night of fun and fashion. Mark your calendars and if you would like to get involved contact Lori Regis at or click on the Sign Up Genius link below:

Our Monthly Teacher Treats continue to be a huge success and our Faculty and Staff appreciate a day of being spoiled. The link for sending in treats for the spring semester is listed below:

2014-15 REGISTRATION Current parents - It's that time of year to begin the reregistration process. Online registration forms will be emailed in the next two weeks. This registration form is your opportunity to re-enroll and confirm your child's spot for the 2014-2015 school year.

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St. Benedict at Auburndale

Jeans and Jazz FASHION SHOW

Thank!you!so!much!for!considering!an!item!donation!to! any!of!the!Fashion!Show’s!Dazzling!Displays!that!we!will! have!drawings!for!at!the!end!of!the!night!on!February! 22nd.!!For!a!complete!list!of!display!themes!and! suggested!items,!visit!! Of!course,!all!donations!are!appreciated!!!Send!items!in! with!your!student!or!drop!them!off!in!the!front!office!at! any!time!! Thank!you!SO!much!!

Top$5$Items$Needed$this$Week$ $ 1. Kitchen$Gadgets/Small$ Appliances$ $ 2. Jewelry/Accessories$ $ 3. Tickets$–$to$any$local$events$or$ venues$ $ 4. Garden$Accessories$ $ 5. Chairs$–$Lawn,$Beach$or$Stadium$

A Message from Project Graduation Graduation may seem so far off, if you are the parent of a freshman, but it is really amazing how that event comes barreling towards you with each year completed. Even if you are the parent of a sophomore or junior, it may be one of those events that you decide can be tackled when it is on your doorstep. To some extent that is true, but thinking ahead to the festivities that surround that event, and the safety that you desire for your child's celebrating is the stuff of our prayers today. Many of you are familiar with Project Graduation, but you may not be aware of the planning that must be done in order to supply the celebrating and safety that your child will enjoy when that time comes. We have been blessed to have a couple that have headed up this event for several years, and it has operated like a well oiled machine. They have left us with a wonderful structure and detailed instructions for the 2 fundraising events and the grand lock-in which follows graduation. Would you consider stepping up for next year and leading a team to ensure that Project Graduation continues to serve the upcoming graduating classes? Ideally a team of 2 or 3 could divide leading in the responsibilities of Trivia Night and Project Graduation. If at least two of those parents come from the freshman or sophomore class, then only one leader needs to be replaced each year and the experience of the remaining chairmen assures a smoother operation each year. Please consider serving in this role next year, but don't wait until next year to get involved. We could use your help now, and the experience will provide some confidence when the senior parents that are serving this year rotate off. Contact Beth Jackson,<>, Donna Moore,<>, or Shannon Schuhlein,<> to get more information or learn how you can help right away. Our next fundraiser is Trivia Night, Saturday, February 1. Reserve a table using the registration form attached to get involved and support our efforts for this year. Thank you!

MMI to offer Chic-fil-a Biscuits On Tuesdays and Thursdays, MMI will sell Chic-fil-a chicken biscuits for $2.99 each.

Talon Basketball Please check our webpage for Intramural Talon Information, Schedules and the current Leaderboard.

Pitner Driving School Classes will be held at SBA, February 10-21, 2014, 3:00pm -6:00pm in the DLC. Applicants must be within 15 - 19 years of age. REGISTRATION IS DONE THROUGH PITNER DRIVING SCHOOL, but application forms are available in the front office or outside of Mrs. David's office in the counseling office. There is also one at the end of Monday Mail. IF you have ANY QUESTION OR NEED MORE INFO, PLEASE CONTACT PITNER DRIVING SCHOOL DIRECTLY at or 901.767.4704

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Send your LOVE this Valentine’s Day with an

SBA Valentine! A gift from the heart…

For a tax-deductible gift of $25 to our SBA Annual Fund, your loved one will receive our custom-designed SBA valentine. Your gift to the SBA Annual Fund will be a reminder of your love for our school and your sweetheart! Enter your information and your personal message on the form below and either return it to our school office or hit submit online. Please do so by February 12 so we can have them delivered by Valentine’s Day. Your!Name:!_____________________________________________________________________________________________! Address:!________________________________________________________________________________________________! City:!______________________________________!State:!______________________!Zip:!____________________________! ! $50! $100! $25! Other! Amount:! ! Method!of!Payment! Check!–!Please!make!payable!to!SBA!Annual!Fund.! Credit!Card!–! Type!of!Card:!________________________!Account!Number:!________________________________________________! Expiration!Date:!____________________!!Security!Code:!_____________________! ! Recipient’s!Name:!________________________________________________________________________________________! Address:!__________________________________________________________________________________________________! City:!_______________________________!State:!___________________!Zip:!________________________________________! Message:!_________________________________________________________________________________________________! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________! ! participating online at, then please return this form with payment to: If not St. Benedict at Auburndale ~ 8250 Varnavas Drive ~ Cordova, TN 38016

WINTER SPORTS SENIOR NIGHT 2014 All senior athletes who participate in winter sports will be recognized at the basketball game between St. Benedict and FCA on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Please stop by the table at the main gate to pick up your special packet which will include complimentary passes to the game. Senior basketball girls/boys and their parents will gather beside the wellness room approximately 10 minutes before the start of the boys’ game to be introduced before the game. All other winter sport athletes (bowling, swim, and wrestling) and parents will meet by the wellness classroom approximately five minutes before the end of the first half of the boys’ game to be introduced during halftime. Please complete and return this form to the main office (attn: Dianna Cervetti), or fax it to (901)260-2850 no later than Wednesday, January 29. Please return the form even if you will not attend Senior Night! We look forward to seeing you at our Winter Sports Senior Night!

NAME: ___________________________________________________ I PLAN TO ATTEND SENIOR NIGHT. YES_________ NO_________ PARENTS’ NAMES (IF PARENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, PLEASE LIST THE NAME AND RELATION OF THE PERSON WHO WILL ESCORT): _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ SPORT: ___________________________ YEARS ON SBA TEAM: ________ SPECIAL HONORS/AWARDS RECEIVED IN YOUR SPORT: (ex: Scholar-Athlete, All-Region Team, captain, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER HONORS AND/OR ACTIVITIES AT SBA ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ COLLEGE PLANS (WHERE & DEGREE INTERESTS) ________________________________________________________________________________


St. Benedict at Auburndale

Jeans and Jazz FASHION SHOW

Saturday, February 22, 2014 6:30 p.m. SBA Dining Hall

You’re Invited!


St. Benedict at Auburndale


Jeans and Jazz FASHION SHOW February 22, 2014 SPONSORSHIPS(


Thank YOU!

! PLATINUM!SPONSORSHIP!_____! $7002$1000+! Recognition!in!SBA!Annual!Report!and!Jeans and Jazz!Program! One!Table/Eight!Tickets!($200!Total!Value)! !

GOLD!SPONSORSHIP!_____! $2502699! Recognition!in!SBA!Annual!Report!and!Jeans and Jazz!Program! Four!Tickets!($100!Total!Value)! !

SILVER!SPONSORSHIP!_____! $1002$249! Recognition!in!SBA!Annual!Report!and!Jeans and Jazz!Program! Two!Tickets!($50!Total!Value)!

Thank!you!for!being!a!sponsor!for!the!SBA!Jeans and Jazz!Fashion!Show.!!! Your!sponsorship!in!the!amount!of!$________________!is!appreciated.! ! Please!select!one!of!the!sponsorship!levels!above!and!return!with!your! check!or!billing!request!to:! ! SBA!Development!Office! 8250!Varnavas!Drive! Cordova,!TN!38016! ! Donor/Company!____________________________________________________! Contact!Person!______________________________________________________! Contact!Email!_______________________________________________________! Address!______________________________________________________________! City/State/Zip!_______________________________________________________! Phone!_____________________________Fax!_______________________________!


”LOVE AMERICAN STYLE” TRIVIA NIGHT Benefiting St. Benedict Seniors Project Graduation Saturday Night, February 1, 2014 SBA Dining Hall Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. • Questions begin at 7:30 p.m. • $15 per player Teams will consist of 8 people. In the interest of fairness – no more than 8 people per team. Walk-Ins accepted at the door IF tables are available. GOLD SPONSOR TABLES $20 per player (These tables must consist of 8 players) Each of these tables will receive 2 bottles of wine, appetizer, priority seating and additional door prize drawings. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to allow time to set up and visit with competing teams. • • • • • • •

Questions by Brother Ignatius (CBU) will begin at 7:30 p.m. The contest will consist of ten rounds of ten questions for a total of 100 questions. Categories cover a wide range – something for everyone!! All team members placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last will receive prizes! Table Decorating Contest!!! Come up with a theme and decorate your table depicting the theme “Love American Style.” Most outstanding table will win a prize!! Silent Auction / Heads & Tails Game Mulligans – tokens that can be used as a correct answer when a team is stumped on a question. ($5.00 each or 6 for $20.00) Limit 6 per team.

Call: St Benedict High School 260-2840, Beth Jackson 826-2112; or e-mail Mail completed registration forms with checks made payable to Project Graduation to: St Benedict High School 8250 Varnavas Dr. Cordova, TN 38016 Drop off at SBA High School office with envelope marked Project Graduation (Trivia Night)

We do expect a full house and tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We are limited to 45 tables. Sign up early so you won’t be disappointed! Must be 21 years of age to attend this event.

St. Benedict 's

Eagle!Cafe! !


7 Fried&Catfish Parmesan&Chicken

8 Beef&Brisket Lemon&Pepper&Tilapia

9 Salsbury&Steak Italian&Chicken

John&Wayne&Casserole Roasted&Pork&w/Sliced&Apple

Mac&n&Cheese Turnip&Greens

Mashed&Potato&w/Gravy Corn&on&the&Cob

Au&Gratin&Potatoes Creamed&Spinach

Garlic&Rosemary&Potato Broccoli&w/Cheese











13 Turkey&Pot&Roast Baked&Spaghetti

14 Sloppy&Joe Chicken&Rotel

15 Barbeque&Chicken Cajun&Tilapia

16 Chicken&&&Dumplings Fish&Sticks&w/Tarter&Sauce

17 Sausage&w/Onions&&&Peppers Tomato&Florentine&Catfish

Scalloped&Potatoes Glazed&Carrots

Garlic&Mashed&Potato Roasted&Cauliflower

Sweet&Potato&Fries Vegetable&Medley

Corn&Nuggets Baked&Beans

German&Potato&Salad Steamed&Cabbage

The'Classic Healthy'Edge



The'Classic Healthy'Edge Vegetables/Sides













20 Martin'Luther'King'Day

21 Lasagna Broiled&Tilapia&w/Mango&Salsa

22 Meat&Loaf Chicken&Chili&w/White&Beans

23 Zesty&Chicken&w/Salsa BBQ&Pork&Loin

24 Chicken&Fried&Steak Parmesan&Tilapia

Spanish Green&Beans

Hash&Brown&Casserole Fried&Okra

Rice Black&Beans

Mashed&Potatoes Peas&and&Carrots











27 Baked&Ziti Lemon&Poppy&Seed&Tilapia

28 Fried&Chicken&w/Waffle&Stix Sausage&w/Biscuits

29 Beef&Steak Vegetable&Lasagna

30 Baked&Tilapia&w/Tomato&Relish Chicken&Fettuccini

31 Sweet&n&Sour&Chicken Beef/Broccoli&Stire&Fry

Cheesy&Mashed&Potatoes Chuckwagon&Vegetables

Cheesy&Grits French&Toast&Sticks

Roasted&Potatoes Green&Bean&Casserole

Scalloped&Potatoes Brussel&Sprouts&w/Balsamic&Vinegar

Teriyaki&Rice Oriental&Vegetables










The'Classic Healthy'Edge Vegetables/Sides

The'Classic Healthy'Edge Vegetables'/'Sides


Chinese'New'Year! Chicken&Fried&Rice w/Eggrolls Pizza

Available'Every'Day' Grille'Items'V'5'daily:' Hamburger Hot&Ham&&&Cheese Bacon&&&Cheeseburgers Pizza&Stick Hot&Dog& Crispito Turkey&Burger Chicken&Sliders Grilled&Cheese&on&Tx&Tst Grilled&Chicken& Corn&Dog

Soups'&'Spuds 2&Fresh&Hot&Soups&Daily& Baked&Idaho&Potatoes Baked&Sweet&Potatoes Chili&&&Cheese Sour&Cream&&&More

Deli'Designs''&'Garden'Gourmet''(weighed'items) Fresh&Ham&&&Turkey Mixed&Greens&and&Spinach Chicken&&&Tuna&&Salads Freshly&Prepared&Dressings Lettuce,&Tomato,&Onion,&Pickle Chopped&Eggs&~&Baby&Carrots Wheat/White&Sliced&Bread Cucumbers&~&Bacon&Bits&~&Cheese Wheat/White&Hoagies Pimento&Cheese&~&Broccoli&Salad Croissants&and&Wheat&Rounds AND)MUCH)MORE!

Daily'Hot'Lunch' 1&Entrée,&2&Sides,&Bread& &&Fountain&Beverage $4.25 Daily'Grille'Feature 1&Entrée,&1&Side&&&Beverage $4.75


Saint!Benedict!Eagles!Baseball!Scramble! Friday!May!2nd! 12:00!Tee!Time! Quail!Ridge!Golf!Course! $100.00!a!Person! $400.00!a!Team! Includes!Dinner!and!Drinks! !Prizes!and!Silent!Auction! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Team!Contact___________________!!!!Ph#_________________! 1_________________!2________________3_________________4________________! ! Contact!!!Rob!Czech!!!901O652O4040!or!Denis!Gourgeot!901O490O4687!


Saint!Benedict!Eagles!Golf!Scramble!! Friday!May!2nd!! 12:00!Tee!Time! Quail!Ridge!Golf!Course! Hole!Sponsorship!!!$100.00! Individual____________________! Company____________________! Due!Date!April!23rd! Contact!George!Urban!!901N606N5243!


Sunday, March 30

for 10* - 12 year old girls 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.

for 13 - 16 year old girls 2:00 - 5:30 p.m.

(This program will fill up very quickly. Please register early.)

Saint Francis Hospital Auditorium 5959 Park Avenue The Mother/Daughter Programs explore God’s special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of God’s plan for growing up and becoming a woman. Topics include: the changes in a young woman’s body as it prepares for motherhood; the onset of ovulation and subsequent menstrual periods; the functions of the female reproductive system; the sacredness of human life; the virtue of chastity; and a question and answer segment. Healthy dating ideas with a strong emphasis on chastity and reverence for our sexuality are also discussed with the older girls. It is good to come to both programs at the age appropriate time for each girl since the older girls’ program is an extension of the first one. The purpose of the programs is to provide an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss the important topic of growing up and to establish a foundation for continued communication between parent and child. The programs are presented by Natural Family Planning Teachers who will emphasize respect, understanding and appreciation for God’s gifts.

*Girls younger than 10 who are already developing and showing signs of puberty are also welcome to attend. Discount fee is $25.00 per family (non-refundable) if RECEIVED 6 days PRIOR to selected program. Within 6 days of each program, the fee is $30.00 per family (non-refundable.)

(If you have daughters in both age groups and need to attend both programs, the cost is $40.00 per family for both programs if RECEIVED by March 17, After March 17, the fee is $45.00 per family.)

Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.

REGISTER ONLINE at or complete the Registration Form below and mail it with your check to the NFP Center at least 6 days prior to the program. NFP Center

5825 Shelby Oaks Dr. Memphis, TN 38134

(901) 373-1285

2014 Mother/Daughter Program Reservation Form We want to attend the program for 10 - 12 year olds on: March 23 We want to attend the program for 13 - 16 year olds on: March 30

* Please check one *

Mother’s Name________________________________________________ Home Phone__________________________ ( Please PRINT and use names as you want them to appear on the name tags. )

Daughter’s Name______________________________ Age______ DOB____________ School_____________________ 2nd Daughter’s Name___________________________ Age______ DOB____________ School_____________________ Address:____________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________ Work or Cell Phone_____________________ E-mail Address_______________________________________________ Please make $25.00 check ($40.00 for two programs) payable to NFP CENTER and mail with the reservation form to:

Diocese of Memphis NFP Center

5825 Shelby Oaks Dr.

Memphis, TN 38134

Seating is limited. Reservations must be RECEIVED at least 6 days prior to your selected program for the discount fee.

Confirmation of your reservation will be sent by E-mail or post card. Please call (901) 373-1285 if you do not receive a confirmation.

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