Monday Mail - 2/03/2014

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Monday Mail February 3, 2014: Calendar Reminders (Check for athletic calendar dates.) February 4……………..Senior Night for Winter Athletes February 5……………..2pm Dismissal day Signing Day (see details) Cheer Show Night (see details) February 6…………….Elective Fair during lunches and AP/Honors Fair from 6pm-7pm (see details) February 7…………….First Friday Adoration February 8…………….High School Placement Test February 17……………President’s Day - NO SCHOOL

The COMMUNITY NEWS section of our Monday Mail is now separate and can be found on our website below the Monday Mail.

Elective/AP/Honors Fair On February 6, we will hold an Elective Fair during all 3 lunch periods for students to inquire about their elective classes for next fall. That evening, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., we will have an AP/Honors Fair. All students and parents interested in AP or Honors classes should attend.

Talon Basketball Please check our webpage for Intramural Talon Information, Schedules and the current Leaderboard.

Trap and Skeet Team The Trap and Skeet team will be holding tryouts during the first week of March. ALL students must have a proof of completion of the Hunter's Safety course from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

MMI to offer Chic-fil-a Biscuits On Tuesdays and Thursdays, MMI will sell Chic-fil-a chicken biscuits for $2.99 each.

2014-15 RE-ENROLLMENT Re-enrollment for current students will again be an ONLINE process this year. An email will be sent to the family email address next week with a link to your student’s 2014-15 Re-enrollment Form. (A separate email will be sent for each student in your family.) The online Re-enrollment Form and $250 fee per student must be paid and submitted online in order to secure your child’s space for the 14-15 school year. A $100 late fee will apply to all re-enrollment forms received after the due date, which will be indicated in your email. For more information, please contact Ann O’Leary at Tuition statements and FACTS end of the month reminders were emailed at the end of January. Diocesan policy requires that families must fulfill financial obligations for the current school year to be allowed to re-enroll for the next school year. If your FACTS agreement is current and set-up to settle the balance due for the 2013-14 school year, you will receive the email to re-enroll your child. If agreement is not current, your re-enrollment form will be held.

First Friday Adoration We are in need of parents to spend one hour in Adoration each first Friday of the month. Our first one for the semester is this Friday, February 7. The 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. time slots are still vacant, but please sign-up for any time you're available. To arrange this beautiful time in prayer, please contact Khira Rotty by email ( or phone (260-2846), or go to

to fill in a time slot.

Pitner Driving School Classes will be held at SBA, February 10-21, 2014, 3:00pm -6:00pm in the DLC. Applicants must be within 15 - 19 years of age. REGISTRATION IS DONE THROUGH PITNER DRIVING SCHOOL, but application forms are available in the front office or outside of Mrs. David's office in the counseling office. There is also one at the end of Monday Mail. IF you have ANY QUESTION OR NEED MORE INFO, PLEASE CONTACT PITNER DRIVING SCHOOL DIRECTLY at or 901.767.4704

NCAA National Letter of Intent Signing Day – Feb. 5 Each year we get to celebrate the success of our students in so many areas. Some of our student/athletes even get to "sign" with a college. And when they do, it's always been fun to have family and friends - and cake. We follow the NCAA National of Letter of Intent (NLI) Signing Dates Calendar to recognize these athletes. The next signing date is next Wednesday, February 5 for football, soccer, cross country and track & field. We hold these events right after school (2:00 pm-1st Wednesday early dismissal) in the main foyer. If you have a child that has committed to a college in one of these sports and wants to have a signing party, please contact your athlete’s coach to let us know. You can also contact Mrs. Masterson,, so she can coordinate arrangements. Eagles soar even after they leave us!

Cheer Night SBA Cheerleaders show night - Wednesday Feb 5 at 7:30 in the SBA gym. Everyone come out to support your cheerleaders before they go to Nationals!

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Send your LOVE this Valentine’s Day with an

SBA Valentine! A gift from the heart…

For a tax-deductible gift of $25 to our SBA Annual Fund, your loved one will receive our custom-designed SBA valentine. Your gift to the SBA Annual Fund will be a reminder of your love for our school and your sweetheart! Enter your information and your personal message on the form below and either return it to our school office or hit submit online. Please do so by February 12 so we can have them delivered by Valentine’s Day. Your!Name:!_____________________________________________________________________________________________! Address:!________________________________________________________________________________________________! City:!______________________________________!State:!______________________!Zip:!____________________________! ! $50! $100! $25! Other! Amount:! ! Method!of!Payment! Check!–!Please!make!payable!to!SBA!Annual!Fund.! Credit!Card!–! Type!of!Card:!________________________!Account!Number:!________________________________________________! Expiration!Date:!____________________!!Security!Code:!_____________________! ! Recipient’s!Name:!________________________________________________________________________________________! Address:!__________________________________________________________________________________________________! City:!_______________________________!State:!___________________!Zip:!________________________________________! Message:!_________________________________________________________________________________________________! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________! ! participating online at, then please return this form with payment to: If not St. Benedict at Auburndale ~ 8250 Varnavas Drive ~ Cordova, TN 38016


St. Benedict at Auburndale

Jeans and Jazz

Top Reasons to get EXCITED about the Fashion Show!


Dazzling(Display(Drawings( We!sell!sheets!of!25!tickets!for!$20!and!2!sheets!for!$35.!!You!can!buy!as!many!as!you!would!like.!! As!you!go!around!and!check!out!the!various!themed!displays,!you!then!drop!your!tickets!in!the! buckets!you!choose.!!At!the!end!of!the!night,!we!have!a!very!exciting!drawing!and!some!very! memorable!winning!reactions!!!Not!to!mention!all!of!the!great!door!prizes!that!we!draw!for! throughout!the!evening,!and!this!year!we!are!adding!an!AUCTION!TABLE!!

$1(Spirits!( New!Orleans!Hurricanes,!Wine!and!Beer!for!$1!!!Need!we!say!more?!

Table(Reservations(with(Friends( Reserve!a!table!for!you!and!your!girlfriends!!!If!you!reserve!one!before!February!12th,!you!get!a! free!bottle!of!wine!!!It!doesn’t!cost!anymore!and!it!ensures!that!you!gals!will!all!be!together!for! the!fun!night!ahead!!!(Tables!seat!8.)! We!will!also!have!a!table!just!for!new!moms!–!so!if!you!don’t!know!anyone!and!want!to!join!in! the!fun,!we!have!a!place!for!you!!!Bring!a!friend!if!you!would!like,!or!make!friends!when!you!get! there!!!!

FOOD(and(FUN( This!year’s!cuisine!will!be!brought!to!us!by!Heart!and!Soul!Catering.!!Set!up!buffet!style!with!a! mixed!greens!salad,!shrimp!&!grits,!grilled!pork!loin,!roasted!potatoes,!green!beans!and! homemade!bread!pudding,!you!can’t!go!wrong!!!Your!$25!reservation!includes!your!dinner!and! soft!drinks.!!The!fun,!fashion!and!friendships!come!free!!

Fashion,(Fashion,(Fashion!( This!year,!our!fashion!vendor!will!be!THE!LOFT!at!Oak!Court!Mall.!!They!have!designs!for! everyone!and!beautiful!accessories.!!Our!SBA!mom,!alumni!and!teacher!models!will!make!the! looks!even!more!fabulous!!!!

! !

St. Benedict at Auburndale

Jeans and Jazz FASHION SHOW

Thank!you!so!much!for!considering!an!item!donation!to! any!of!the!Fashion!Show’s!Dazzling!Displays!that!we!will! have!drawings!for!at!the!end!of!the!night!on!February! 22nd.!!For!a!complete!list!of!display!themes!and! suggested!items,!visit!! Of!course,!all!donations!are!appreciated!!!Send!items!in! with!your!student!or!drop!them!off!in!the!front!office!at! any!time!! Thank!you!SO!much!!

Top$5$Items$Needed$this$Week$ $ 1. Gift$Cards$to$anywhere$ $ 2. Candles/Date$Night$Items$ $ 3. Kitchen$Gadgets/Small$ Appliances$ $ 4. Patio/Outdoor$Items$ $ 5. Tailgating$Items$$ $ $


St. Benedict at Auburndale

Jeans and Jazz FASHION SHOW

Saturday, February 22, 2014 6:30 p.m. SBA Dining Hall

You’re Invited!


St. Benedict at Auburndale


Jeans and Jazz FASHION SHOW February 22, 2014 SPONSORSHIPS(


Thank YOU!

! PLATINUM!SPONSORSHIP!_____! $7002$1000+! Recognition!in!SBA!Annual!Report!and!Jeans and Jazz!Program! One!Table/Eight!Tickets!($200!Total!Value)! !

GOLD!SPONSORSHIP!_____! $2502699! Recognition!in!SBA!Annual!Report!and!Jeans and Jazz!Program! Four!Tickets!($100!Total!Value)! !

SILVER!SPONSORSHIP!_____! $1002$249! Recognition!in!SBA!Annual!Report!and!Jeans and Jazz!Program! Two!Tickets!($50!Total!Value)!

Thank!you!for!being!a!sponsor!for!the!SBA!Jeans and Jazz!Fashion!Show.!!! Your!sponsorship!in!the!amount!of!$________________!is!appreciated.! ! Please!select!one!of!the!sponsorship!levels!above!and!return!with!your! check!or!billing!request!to:! ! SBA!Development!Office! 8250!Varnavas!Drive! Cordova,!TN!38016! ! Donor/Company!____________________________________________________! Contact!Person!______________________________________________________! Contact!Email!_______________________________________________________! Address!______________________________________________________________! City/State/Zip!_______________________________________________________! Phone!_____________________________Fax!_______________________________!



Saint!Benedict!Eagles!Baseball!Scramble! Friday!May!2nd! 12:00!Tee!Time! Quail!Ridge!Golf!Course! $100.00!a!Person! $400.00!a!Team! Includes!Dinner!and!Drinks! !Prizes!and!Silent!Auction! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Team!Contact___________________!!!!Ph#_________________! 1_________________!2________________3_________________4________________! ! Contact!!!Rob!Czech!!!901O652O4040!or!Denis!Gourgeot!901O490O4687!


Saint!Benedict!Eagles!Golf!Scramble!! Friday!May!2nd!! 12:00!Tee!Time! Quail!Ridge!Golf!Course! Hole!Sponsorship!!!$100.00! Individual____________________! Company____________________! Due!Date!April!23rd! Contact!George!Urban!!901N606N5243!


Sunday, March 30

for 10* - 12 year old girls 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.

for 13 - 16 year old girls 2:00 - 5:30 p.m.

(This program will fill up very quickly. Please register early.)

Saint Francis Hospital Auditorium 5959 Park Avenue The Mother/Daughter Programs explore God’s special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of God’s plan for growing up and becoming a woman. Topics include: the changes in a young woman’s body as it prepares for motherhood; the onset of ovulation and subsequent menstrual periods; the functions of the female reproductive system; the sacredness of human life; the virtue of chastity; and a question and answer segment. Healthy dating ideas with a strong emphasis on chastity and reverence for our sexuality are also discussed with the older girls. It is good to come to both programs at the age appropriate time for each girl since the older girls’ program is an extension of the first one. The purpose of the programs is to provide an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss the important topic of growing up and to establish a foundation for continued communication between parent and child. The programs are presented by Natural Family Planning Teachers who will emphasize respect, understanding and appreciation for God’s gifts.

*Girls younger than 10 who are already developing and showing signs of puberty are also welcome to attend. Discount fee is $25.00 per family (non-refundable) if RECEIVED 6 days PRIOR to selected program. Within 6 days of each program, the fee is $30.00 per family (non-refundable.)

(If you have daughters in both age groups and need to attend both programs, the cost is $40.00 per family for both programs if RECEIVED by March 17, After March 17, the fee is $45.00 per family.)

Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.

REGISTER ONLINE at or complete the Registration Form below and mail it with your check to the NFP Center at least 6 days prior to the program. NFP Center

5825 Shelby Oaks Dr. Memphis, TN 38134

(901) 373-1285

2014 Mother/Daughter Program Reservation Form We want to attend the program for 10 - 12 year olds on: March 23 We want to attend the program for 13 - 16 year olds on: March 30

* Please check one *

Mother’s Name________________________________________________ Home Phone__________________________ ( Please PRINT and use names as you want them to appear on the name tags. )

Daughter’s Name______________________________ Age______ DOB____________ School_____________________ 2nd Daughter’s Name___________________________ Age______ DOB____________ School_____________________ Address:____________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________ Work or Cell Phone_____________________ E-mail Address_______________________________________________ Please make $25.00 check ($40.00 for two programs) payable to NFP CENTER and mail with the reservation form to:

Diocese of Memphis NFP Center

5825 Shelby Oaks Dr.

Memphis, TN 38134

Seating is limited. Reservations must be RECEIVED at least 6 days prior to your selected program for the discount fee.

Confirmation of your reservation will be sent by E-mail or post card. Please call (901) 373-1285 if you do not receive a confirmation.

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