Monday Mail - 02/09/15

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Monday Mail February 9, 2015: Please check our website for athletic dates and times.

Thursday, Feb 12…$1 JEANS/$5 SWEATS DAY (no leggings) SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR SBA – Benefitting the SBA Annual Fund Elective Fair for students during lunches AP/Honors Fair for students and parents at 6pm in the dining hall Friday, Feb 13...DAY OFF from the Bishop – NO SCHOOL Monday, Feb 16……..PRESIDENT’S DAY – NO SCHOOL *Current student online enrollment forms DUE Wednesday, Feb 18........ASH Wednesday – ALL SCHOOL MASS @ 10am Sunday, Feb 22....Department Honor Society Inductions 1:30 Monday, Feb 23….Junior Retreat (See Details.) Saturday, Feb 28...SBA 5th Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser March 9-13………Spring Break NO SCHOOL


ATTN$PARENTS:$ An!email!was!sent!last!week!with!a!link!to!your!child’s! online!Enrollment!Form.!!To!secure!your!child’s!space! for!the!2015?16!school!year,!the!Enrollment!Form!must! be!submitted!no!later!than!next!Monday,!February!16.! ! If$you$DID$NOT$receive$this$email,$please$contact$Ann$ O’Leary$at$$or$call$260H2875.$$$ ! The!online!Enrollment!Form!and!$250!Enrollment!Fee! must!be!submitted!and!paid!no!later!than!next! Monday,!February!16.!!After!this!due!date,!the! Enrollment!Form!link!will!expire!and!a!second!link!will! need!to!be!emailed.!!A!$100!late!fee!will!apply!to!all! enrollment!forms!received!after!February!16.! !


Message from the Business Office Please make sure your payments are up to date for the balance of your 2014/15 tuition. Please email our business office at if you would like a 2014/15 tuition statement emailed to you. Online enrollment forms for 2015/16 will be held for families with past due balances. Facts agreements will be rolled for your 2015/16 payment plan based on your original enrollment with FACTS. You have the opportunity to change the due dates, bank accounts etc by emailing our business office. (Make sure to send updates/changes by March 1st.) All families were emailed a verification form from FACTS of your plan. We will finalize the agreements after you have completed the online enrollment for 2015/16. Course fees are NOT part of your FACTS agreement. This portion of your account is due directly to SBA.

NEWS FROM HOME & SCHOOL VINO AND VOGUE!!! February 28th at 6:30. Be checking out Monday Mail for the MOST NEEDED items of the week over the next couple of weeks. But mostly we are in need of SPONSORSHIPS and RESERVATIONS for the event. You can make your reservation online at Click the link below at Sign-Up Genius to volunteer. Annual Fund Fashion Show The next Monthly Teacher Treat day is , tomorrow, February 10th. We need 2-3 more volunteers to send in yummy treats for our fantastic teachers and staff. Monthly Teacher Treats – Feb 10th, Mar 17th, Apr 14th, May 12th Remember we are on

Search us at “SBA Home and School”. Like us and keep up with all the information going on and ways to use your talent and volunteer!! Also, the latest minutes from the January Home and School meeting are posted on our Facebook page. You will also find “THANK YOU” notes from our teachers and staff that have been written throughout the year. They really do appreciate all that we do. Senior events are coming up. Look for E-vites for the Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Dinner, Father-Son Outing and Mother-Daughter Tea coming to your Inbox!!

! !

Send your LOVE this Valentine’s Day with an

SBA Valentine! A gift from the heart…

For a tax-deductible gift of $25 to our SBA Annual Fund, your loved one will receive our custom-designed SBA valentine. Your gift to the SBA Annual Fund will be a reminder of your love for our school and your sweetheart! Enter your information and your personal message on the form below and either return it to our school office or hit submit online. Please do so by February 12 so we can have them delivered by Valentine’s Day. Your!Name:!_____________________________________________________________________________________________! Address:!________________________________________________________________________________________________! City:!______________________________________!State:!______________________!Zip:!____________________________! ! $50! $100! $25! Other! Amount:! ! Method!of!Payment! Check!–!Please!make!payable!to!SBA!Annual!Fund.! Credit!Card!–! Type!of!Card:!________________________!Account!Number:!________________________________________________! Expiration!Date:!____________________!!Security!Code:!_____________________! ! Recipient’s!Name:!________________________________________________________________________________________! Address:!__________________________________________________________________________________________________! City:!_______________________________!State:!___________________!Zip:!________________________________________! Message:!_________________________________________________________________________________________________! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________! ! participating online at, then please return this form with payment to: If not St. Benedict at Auburndale ~ 8250 Varnavas Drive ~ Cordova, TN 38016

Tennis Try Outs Tennis Tryouts begin TODAY @ 3:30 at the tennis courts. Contact Coach Hervey @ for more information.

SBA Spirit Shop The Spirit Shop is now open again on Thursday’s during ALL 3 lunches. Go Eagles!

Bobby Russell Scholarship The Bobby Russell Scholarship is a scholarship awarded by the family of a former SBA parent. In his honor, the Russell family has established a scholarship open to students in grades 9-12. One student will receive a $1,000 scholarship applicable to their tuition. Applications are available in the guidance office and due by February 17th.

Attention Sophomores and Juniors New Scholarship Opportunity The Herman Albert and Berenice Agnes Remmert Memorial Scholarship • For rising juniors and seniors in Catholic Diocese of Memphis High Schools • Designated for students with 3.0 GPA and with interest and/or early career goals in one or more of these areas: government, business, science, art, engineering • Applicants must submit the application, essay, transcript, and recommendation letter from their principal to the Catholic Diocese of Memphis office no later than Friday, April 17, 2015. • Two scholarships will be awarded toward next year’s tuition. These are the details:


! ! Dear Parents: The Theology department of SBA is hosting a retreat for Juniors on Monday, February 23, 2015, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church – Parish Life Center. The retreat is led by our Senior Retreat Leaders and focuses on strengthening students’ faith lives. During the day, there will student speeches, time for small group discussion and reflection, reading of scripture, skits and games. We will conclude our day with the celebration of Mass. Our goal this year is to help the Juniors to grow closer to God and each other as they continue their journey at SBA. The time of the retreat is from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Students must arrive at St. Francis no later than 8:50 a.m. and may not leave early. If you need to drop off before 8:15 a.m., please take your child to SBA and they will remain in the dining hall with chaperones who will escort them to SFA prior to the retreat. Students who need to be picked up from SBA will be escorted back afterwards. Otherwise, you may pick up from St. Francis.

This is considered a school day, and the students are asked to abide by the “out of uniform guidelines” as listed in the Student Handbook. Students have a choice for lunch either to buy a lunch, which consists of a Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich, chips, cookie and a bottle of water or to bring a sack lunch from home. If your child would like to order lunch, please include $6 with your permission form. If you would like for your child to attend this retreat, please fill out the attached permission form in its entirety and return to his/her Theology teacher. If you have any questions, you may contact me at or call me at 260-2840, ext. 1103. Our leaders have been working hard to prepare for this retreat for the Juniors and we are looking forward to a wonderful day! In Him,

Christine M. Giles Retreat Coordinator


DIOCESE OF MEMPHIS PARENT PERMISSION FORM FOR FIELD TRIP PARTICIPATION DATE: Monday, February 9, 2015 PARISH/SCHOOL ADDRESS: St. Benedict at Auburndale, 8250 Varnavas Drive, Cordova, TN 38016 Dear Parent or Legal Guardian: Your son or daughter is eligible to participate in a parish/school/youth group sponsored activity requiring transportation to a location away from the parish or school grounds. This activity will take place under the guidance and supervision of employees and/or volunteers from St. Benedict at Auburndale (school/parish/youth group.) A brief description of the activity follows: Junior Class Retreat hosted by the Theology Department

DESTINATION: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 8151 Chimneyrock Blvd., Cordova, TN – 756-1213 DESIGNATED SUPERVISOR OF EVENT: Christine M. Giles and Nick Brashier, Theology teachers DATE AND TIME OF ARRIVAL: Monday, February 23, 2015 @ 9:00 am @ SFA Parish Life Center DATE AND TIME OF DISMISSAL Monday, February 23, 2015 @ 2:30 pm @ SFA Parish Life Center METHOD OF TRANSPORTATION: Students will provide their own transportation. STUDENT COST: Lunch is available for $6. Cash or checks to SBA. Or students may bring a sack lunch. As the parent/legal guardian of (print student name)______________________________, I/we have reviewed the foregoing information about the trip/outing to _______________________________ and I/we (place initials in selected box):


_____ do not permit the above-named student to participate in the trip/outing


! ! _____ do permit the above-named student to fully participate in the trip/outing without any restrictions !

! ! _____!do permit the above-named student to participate in the trip/outing but subject to the following restrictions:______________________________________________ (Note: The following is applicable if permission has been given for the above-named student to attend the trip/outing.) I/We agree to not hold either the Catholic Diocese of Memphis or _____________________, its leaders, employees, and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the above-named student. SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________DATE:________________________ PARENT(S) NAME: EMERGENCY CONTACT



EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: ____________________


$ Permission$forms$are$due:!!Thursday,!February!12,!2015!

The early application deadline for Bridge Builders one year program is THIS Friday, February 13. Rising 7th-12th grade students are eligible to apply. Participants will meet youth from across the Mid-South, develop leadership skills and work together to create positive social change in the community. The program includes a week-long summer leadership conference and six training and events during the school year. To apply, visit or for more information call 901-452-5600.


Vino and Vogue Top Reasons to get EXCITED about the Fashion Show! Dazzling(Display(Drawings( We!sell!sheets!of!25!tickets!for!$20!and!2!sheets!for!$35.!!You!can!buy!as!many!as!you!would!like.!! As!you!go!around!and!check!out!the!various!themed!displays,!you!then!drop!your!tickets!in!the! buckets!you!choose.!!At!the!end!of!the!night,!we!have!a!very!exciting!drawing!and!some!very! memorable!winning!reactions!!!Not!to!mention!all!of!the!great!door!prizes!that!we!draw!for! throughout!the!evening,!and!live!auctions!for!some!of!our!bigger!items!!


Adult(Beverages( Wine!and!Beer!for!$1!!!And!special!limited!“bejeweled!beverages”!that!will!sell!for!a!higher!ticket! price,!but!will!get!your!name!in!a!drawing!for!fine!jewelry!!!Need!we!say!more?(

Table(Reservations(with(Friends( Reserve!a!table!for!you!and!your!girlfriends!!!If!you!reserve!one!before!February!11th,!you!get!a! free!bottle!of!wine!!!It!doesn’t!cost!any!more!and!it!ensures!that!you!gals!will!all!be!together!for! the!fun!night!ahead!!!(Tables!seat!8.)! We!will!also!have!a!table!just!for!new!moms!–!so!if!you!don’t!know!anyone!and!want!to!join!in! the!fun,!we!have!a!place!for!you!!!Bring!a!friend!if!you!would!like,!or!make!friends!when!you!get! there!!!!

FOOD(and(FUN( This!year’s!cuisine!will!be!Italian!and!catered!by!Lucchesi’s.!!Your!$25!reservation!includes!your! dinner!and!soft!drinks.!!Andy!Wise!from!Channel!5!will!be!our!AWESOME!emcee.!!The!fun,! fashion!and!friendships!come!free!!

Fashion,(Fashion,(Fashion!( This!year,!our!fashion!vendor!will!be!Kohl’s!Department!Store.!!They!have!designs!for!everyone! and!beautiful!accessories.!!Our!SBA!mom,!alumni!and!teacher!models!will!make!the!looks!even! more!fabulous!!!!



Vino and Vogue St. Benedict at Auburndale 5th Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser !

Saturday, February 28th SBA Dining Hall 6:30 p.m. !

! St.!Benedict!at!Auburndale!High!School! 8250!Varnavas!Drive! Cordova,!TN!38016!

~ Fashions ~


~ Dinner ~

Visit to make reservations or call 260-2892. $25 per person – includes admission and dinner Reserve a Table of 8 by February 11 and get a FREE BOTTLE OF WINE for the table! Dazzling Display Drawings Dazzling Display ticket sheets available at the event - 25 tickets for $20 and 50 tickets for $35 !

Proceeds!benefit!the!SBA!Annual!Fund! An!Adults!Only!Event!



! !

Vino and Vogue Donations Wish List We make it easy!

Thank!you!so!much!for!considering!an!item!donation!to!any! of!the!Fashion!Show’s!Dazzling!Displays!that!we!will!have! drawings!for!at!the!end!of!the!night!on!February!28th.!!For!a! complete!list!of!display!themes!and!suggested!items,!visit!! Of!course,!all!donations!are!appreciated!!!Send!items!in!with! your!student!or!drop!them!off!in!the!front!office!at!any!time!! Thank!you!SO!much!! Call!the!Development!Office!with!ANY!questions!at!260L2892!

Top$5$Items$Needed$this$Week$ $ 1. Things$for$MOMS$–$jewelry,$ candles,$purses,$accessories,$etc$ $ 2. Event$Tickets$ $ 3. Manly$Items$–$Grilling,$Sporting,$ Hunting,$Etc.$ $ 4. Gift$Cards$to$Anywhere$ $ 5. $Garden/Porch/Beach$ Accessories$

! !

Vino and Vogue St. Benedict at Auburndale 5th Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser Saturday, February 28th at 6:30 pm


By Wednesday, February 11th and receive a FREE bottle of WINE for your table! Email, call 260-2892 or go to to make your reservations. Reservations are $25 each and a table reservation ensures that you and your friends will all be together! Tables seat 8, but we can squeeze 10 if necessary. Payment can be made online or the night of the event.

Monogram Sale!

25% Off All Monogrammed Items President’s Day Sale February 16th Save an Additional 16% PSU - Memphis 1658 Appling Road, Ste 105 Cordova, TN 38016 901.386.6278 Shop online anytime at!

! St.!Benedict!at!Auburndale!


Spiritual!Affairs!! “Prefer!nothing!to!the!love!of!Christ!”!–!St.!Benedict! !

“To(reach(perfection,(I(do(not( need(to(grow(up.(On(the( contrary,(I(need(to(stay(little,(to( become(more(and(more(little.(O( my(God,(you(have(surpassed( my(expectations(and(I(wish(to( sing(of(your(mercies.”((


BSt.(Therese(of(Lisieux( ( (the(Little(Flower)(

First!Friday!Eucharistic!Adoration! “The!Church!draws!her!life!from!the!Eucharist.!This!truth!does!not!simply!express!a! daily!experience!of!faith,!but!recapitulates!the!heart!of!the!mystery!of!the!Church.”! –John!Paul!II!in!Ecclesia(De(Eucharistia!! !

SBA!has!an!incredible!tradition!of!First!Friday!Adoration!!Please!consider! spending!some!time!praying!in!front!of!the!Blessed!Sacrament!during!the! First!Friday!of!every!month.! All!are!welcome!!Sign!up!for!a!slot!here:!! Hannah!Keegan!! 901.260.2846!

;! St.!Benedict!at!Auburndale!! Lorem!Ipsum!Dolor!








!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spring!2015! Spring!2016!

John!19:26V27! “When(Jesus(saw(his(mother,(and(the(disciple(whom(he( ! loved(standing(near,(he(said(to(his(mother,(‘Woman,( behold(thy(son!’(Then(he(said(to(the(disciple,(‘Behold(your( mother!’”(( !

Reflection:!! Jesus!giving!Mary!and!John!to!each! other!at!the!foot!of!the!cross!points! directly!towards!Mary!being!our! mother!!In!meditating!on!this!verse!and! the!above!image,!let!us!rest!in!Mary’s! generous!and!gentle!universal! motherhood.!! !

Beginning!in!February…! Daily(Morning(Angelus!

Every!day!at!7:30am!in!the!Chapel!we!will!pray!the! Angelus.!The!prayer!of!the!Angelus!is!where!we! recover!the!memory!of!the!angel,!Gabriel,!appearing! to!the!Virgin!Mary.!Remembering!her!‘yes’!will!be!a! wonderful!way!to!begin!our!day!!!


SBA!has!many!places!for!people!to!share!their!prayer! intentions.!Now,!every!Wednesday!we!will!pray!a! Rosary!during!the!last!20!minutes!of!each!lunch! period.!We!will!lift!up!all!of!the!intentions!of!the! SBA!community.!! Hannah!Keegan!! 901.260.2846!

! The(Year(of(Consecrated(Life( The!Year!of!Consecrated!Life!began!in! November!and!lasts!until!February!2,! 2016.!Let!us!join!Pope!Francis!and!pray!in! a!special!way!for!vocations—for!our!own! vocations!and!the!vocations!of!the! students!at!SBA.!


O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Amen.( 2!



;! St.!Benedict!at!Auburndale!! Lorem!Ipsum!Dolor!








!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spring!2015! Spring!2016!


January!ProVLife!Activities!! January!22nd!marks!the!anniversary!of!Roe!vs.!Wade.!In! memory!of!this,!and!in!prayerful!anticipation!of!the! overturning!of!Roe!vs.!Wade,!the!ProVLife!community! in!the!U.S.!gathers!together!in!Washington,!D.C.!to! march!on!the!Washington!National!Mall.!The!evening! before!the!march!is!a!vigil!Mass!at!the!National!Shrine.! These!are!beautiful!moments!to!see!the!life!of!the! Church!and!to!be!in!solidarity!with!one!another! towards!our!common!purpose—supporting!and! defending!life.! The!USCCB!ProVLife!Secretariat!has!created!a!Novena!! (9!consecutive!days!of!prayer)!ordered!towards!these! ProVLife!initiatives!that!will!span!from!January!17V25.!You!can!join!via!phone!app,!text! message,!email,!etc.!Please!consider!joining!and!spread!the!word!! Hannah!Keegan!! 901.260.2846!

! ! 3! !


! St.!Benedict!at!Auburndale!! Lorem!Ipsum!Dolor!








!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spring!2015! Spring!2016!

Mass!Offered!for!Your!Intention! If!you!would!like!one!of!our!Masses!to!be!offered!for!a!special!intention,! please!contact!Hannah!Keegan.!!Below!is!a!list!of!the!remaining!Masses! scheduled!for!this!semester.!!Donations!accepted.!

SBA!Spring!Mass!Schedule! **Confessions(available(every(Monday(during(4th,(5th,(and(6th( January:(( •


February:(( • • •

6:!First!Friday!Adoration!(Chapel— All!day)! 18:!Mass!9:55!(Gym—Ash! Wednesday)! 27:!Mass!7am!(Chapel)! !Caravaggio,!The(Conversion(of(St.(Paul.!!

March:( •

• • • • • • • • •

6:!Mass!7am!and!Exposition!of!the! Blessed!Sacrament!(Chapel)/First! Friday!Adoration!(Chapel—All!day)! 16:!Mass!7:45V8:35!(Chapel)! 17:!Mass!8:35V9:20!(Chapel)! 18:!Mass!9:35V10:25!(Chapel)! 19:!Mass!10:30V11:20!(Chapel)!! 20:!Mass!7am!(Chapel)! 23:!Mass!11:25V12:15!(Chapel)! 24:!Mass!11:55V12:40!(Chapel)! 25:!Mass!1:15V2:05!(Chapel)! 26:!Mass!2:10V3:00!(Chapel)!

April:( • • • • • • • • •

13:!Mass!7:45V8:35!(Chapel)! 14:!Mass!8:35V9:20!(Chapel)! 15:!Mass!9:35V10:25!(Chapel)! 16:!Mass!10:30V11:20!(Chapel)! 20:!Mass!11:25V12:15!(Chapel)! 21:!Mass!11:55V12:40!(Chapel)! 22:!Mass!1:15V2:05!(Chapel)! 23:!Mass!2:10V3:00!(Chapel)! 30:!Mass!9:55V11:20!(GymV!May! Crowning)!


Hannah!Keegan!! ! 901.260.2840!

4! !

From the Foreword by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput:

"Parents who pray together teach by the way they live that God is real; that He is present, listening and eager to be part of our lives. Helping children learn the habit of prayer thus becomes one of the most important lessons a family can share.�

Available for PrE-Order! Publication on March 19, 2015 (Solemnity of St. Joseph, husband of Mary)

Eagle Café

St Benedict @ Auburndale High School February 2015









Friday 6

Chicken Penne Alfredo

Crispy Cheddar Chicken

Beef and Broccoli

John Wayne Casserole

Beefy Lasagna

Parmesan Roasted Tomatoes

Roasted Potatoes

Gingered Carrots

Pinto Beans

Italian Spinach

Steamed Broccoli

Whole Green Beans

White Rice

Roasted Corn on the Cob

Roasted Cauliflower

Parmesan Crusted Tilapia

Pork Stir Fry

Panko Crusted Cod

Spicy Mexican Skillet


Roasted Zucchini

Stir Fry Vegetables

Mediterranean Vegetables

Spring Vegetables

Blue Plate Special

Hot Dog Bar Baked Beans & Potato Chips

Gyros & Chicken Caesar Pita

Chick-Fil-A Sandwich

Steak Fries

Boneless Wings

Domino's Pizza

Asisan Chili, Honey Gold, Buffalo




Premium Valentine's Meal


Chicken Tenders

Popcorn Shrimp

Beef Stew

CarvedBeef TomatoBasil ChickenPasta RoastedAsparagus TwiceBakedPotato Caesar Salad

Chicken Tetrazini

Pepper Gravy & Steak Fries


White Rice

Green Beans

Southern Slaw

Fried Zucchini

Peas and Carrots Whole Kernal Corn

Lemon Pepper Tilapia

Baked Chicken

Fish Florentine

Pacific Blend Vegetables

Brussel Sprouts

Roasted Carrots

Meatball Sub

Fajita Station

Sweet Potato Fries

with Beef, Chicken, Onions & Peppers


Fat Tuesday

Ash Wednesday




Chinese New Year

Southern Fried Fish

French Toast Sticks

Shrimp or Crawfish Po' Boy Dirty Rice

Orange Sesame Chicken

Hushpuppies & Slaw

Creole Cheese Grits

Fried Okra

Beef Teriyaki

French Fries

Hashbrown Casserole

Cajun Tilapia w/ Maque Choux Creole Green Beans

Whole Green Beans Vegetable Fried Rice

American Blue Plate Special

Crawfish Pie

Sesame Lo Mein

Fried Pickles

Honey Butter Rolls


Chick-Fil-A Sandwich No School

Chick-Fil-A Sandwich

Spinach& Artichokeheart dip $5.00: 1 Entrée, 2 Sides, Drink and Gourmet Bread

American Blue Plate Special

Domino's Pizza

Domino's Pizza






Chicken Tenders

BBQ Sandwiches

Baked Spaghetti

Southern Fried Chicken

Cheese Ravioli

Mashed Potatoes

Baked Beans

Whole Kernal Corn

Macaroni and Cheese

Garlic Green Beans

Green Beans

New Potatoes

Lima Beans

Turnip Greens

Caesar Salad

Lemon Pepper Tilapia

Baked Rotiserie Chicken

Panko Crusted Cod

Blackened Tilapia

Roasted Herbed Carrots

Steamed Vegetables

Pacific Blend Vegetables

Rice Pilaf

American Blue Plate Special

Philly Cheeseteak

Nacho Station

Chick-Fil-A Sandwich

Pork Fried Rice

Steak Fries

with Taco Beef or Fajita Chicken

Egg Rolls

Weekly Features

Hot Lunch $4.25

Pay on the GO!

1 Entrée

Download the MPP App on

2 Sides

your smart phone or tablet

16 oz Drink


Visit the website to view purchases & set notifications

Bottled Beverages not Included

Monday Chick-Fil-A Biscuits Tuesday Smoothie King Wednesday Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches Friday ~ Domino's

Contact Eagle Café

Domino's Pizza


Every Friday After Fat Tuesday until Easter will feature either a meatless or seafood entrée.

Diocesan 2015-16 School Year Calendar !

August 13, 2015: 1st Day of School for Students (1/2 day)! September 7, 2015: Labor Day (No School)! October 2, 2015: Fall Professional Day at CBHS (No School)! October 5, 2015: Fall Break (No School)! November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break (No School)! December 8, 2015: Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day- No School)! December 18: Last day before Christmas Break (1/2 day)! December 19-January 3: Christmas Break! January 18, 2016: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)! February 15, 2016: Presidents Day (No School)! March 19-28: Spring Break, Easter Break, Easter Monday! May 26: Last Day of School (1/2 day)

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