Monday Mail March 3, 2014: Calendar Reminders (Check for athletic calendar dates.) March 5……………Ash Wednesday - All School Mass 10am Talon League CHAMPIONSHIP 2:30 March 6……………..….Junior Class Retreat Author of “Waiting for Eli” and Inspirational Speaker, Chad Judice - 9am Assembly March 7…………….First Friday Adoration/End of 3 quarter Faculty Awards Deadline Balfour to deliver senior graduation supplies March 10-14……….…...Spring Break March 18………….Proj Grad volunteer mtg 6:30pm – Library March 19.........................New Parent Orientation 6:30 Theatre (not necessary for student) March 22……………….Honors Testing for NEW Freshman March 23……………….Mother/Son Dinner 6pm
The COMMUNITY NEWS section of our Monday Mail is now separate and can be found on our website below the Monday Mail.
LIDS SBA Flash Store EXTENDED TO THIS SUNDAY We are currently hosting our FIRST FLASH SALE on our LIDS sideline store. It will only be open through March 9. All orders will ship directly to YOU after that. Go to Click on Flash Stores Enter our code: STBASPORTS14 Shop away and remember that the Flash Store will CLOSE on March 9th. These directions are at the bottom of the flyer also.
Organization Code 02/17/2014 - 02/28/2014
Available Orders will ship and deliver within 3-4 weeks of END DATE pending product availability.
Nike Gung-Ho Polo
Nike 1/4 Zip Perform ance Fleece
Lids Hoody Sw eatshirt
Here's how:
Nike Wom en's Gung- Ho Polo
Nike Wom en's 1/4 Zip Perform ance Top
Im pact Open Bottom Sw eatpant
Nike Legend Dri-Fit Short Sleeve Tee
Nike Long Sleeve Training Top
Nike Heritage Cap
Nike Wom en's Legend Dri-Fit S/S Tee
Nike Wom en's Long Sleeve Training Top
Lids Perform ance Shorts
ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Go to lidsteam on or after the start date listed above. STEP 2: Click on "Flash Stores" STEP 3: Type in the organization code (listed on top of the instruction sheet) and click "Subm it Code" STEP 4: Select team m erchandise and add to shopping cart. STEP 5: Once shopping is com plete, click on "Checkout" and either register as a new custom er or log in w ith previously registered inform ation. *PLEASE NOTE - Orders m ust be com pleted on or before the End Date listed.
Flash Store ID:28933
Re-Enrollment Â
For families who have had trouble with the online enrollment form email and/or link, and have NOT completed the enrollment process as of today, March 5, a new email with an updated link to the ENROLLMENT FORM 2014-2015 will be sent later today, March 5. The enrollment form and $250 enrollment fee will be due this Friday, March 7, 2014. After March 7, the enrollment fee will increase to $350. We appreciate your patience as we continue the enrollment process.
Mother/Son Dinner Mother/Son Dinner Evites have been sent out. Please send your payment of $65 to the front office at SBA. We are looking forward to a memorable evening. Please contact Kristin Schween at 901-240-3604 with any questions.
First Friday Adoration We are in need of parents to spend one hour in Adoration each first Friday of the month. Our first one for the semester is this Friday, February 7. The 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. time slots are still vacant, but please sign-up for any time you're available. To arrange this beautiful time in prayer, please contact Khira Rotty by email ( or phone (260-2846), or
to fill in a time slot.
Chad Judice to Speak to our Students Thursday morning, March 6, our students will hear from Author of “Waiting for Eli� and Inspirational Speaker, Chad Judice at a 9am assembly. He will share a special story about "redemptive suffering" as we approach Lent. At the end of this edition of Monday Mail, there is some additional information about him and information on how to order his books.
Try Outs for Dance and Cheer Tryout information for the competitive cheer, basketball cheer and dance teams are on the website under their team pages and as follows: SBA Varsity Cheer Clinic/TryoutsClinic dates: • April 10 5:00-7:00pm in the gym • April 11 5:00-7:00pm in the gym • Tryout date: April 12 1:00pm in the gym You MUST turn in the cheer application form and a physical form. Both can be found on the cheer page of the school website. 2014-2015 SBA Dance Clinic/Tryout dates: • Option Pre-Tryout Classes (4:30pm - 6:00 pm; $5 per class) ◦ Thursday, March 6th ◦ Monday, March 17th ◦ Tuesday, March 18th ◦ Thursday, March 20th ◦ Monday, March 24th ◦ Tuesday, March 25th ◦ Thursday, March 27th • Clinic and Tryouts ◦ Tuesday, April 1st- Clinic 4:30-6:00 ◦ Wednesday, April 2nd - Clinic 4:30-6:00 ◦ Thursday, April 3rd - Clinic 4:30-6:00 Friday, April 4th - Tryouts 4:30 You MUST turn in the dabce application form and the permission form. Both can be found on the dance page of the school website.
BASKETBALL CHEER TEAM COACHING STAFF: Sheila Cassady and Jennifer Milburn 2014-2015 SBA Varsity Basketball Cheer Clinic/Tryout dates: • April 14, 2014 - 3:30-5:00pm in the Dining Hall (CLINIC) • • April 15, 2014 - 3:30-5:00pm in the Dining Hall (TRYOUTS) The cheer application/permission and physical forms must be turned in the day of clinic or to the SBA office prior to the clinic. If you do not have the forms turned in by April 14, 2014, then you may not participate according to TSSAA rules. Cheer Application/Permission Form: Please pick up the form from room A101 or email Physical Forms: UNIFORM FITTING: MAY 27, 2014, TUESDAY, AT NOON IN THE DINING HALL A CHECK FOR THE UNIFORM COST WILL BE DUE AT THE TIME OF THE FITTING. If you have any questions, please contact Sheila Cassady at! GO EAGLES GO!!!
Inaugural Season
Friday, February 28 & March 7 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Shelby Farms Trap Field (Battlefront Memphis)
$30 shooting fee per session Includes range time, clays and ammunition Each athlete will shoot at least 25 targets Eye and ear protection must be worn Athletes must bring proof they completed the Hunter Safety Course R.S.V.P. with Mr. Bilbrey. Bring cash or a check made out to SBA to reserve your spot. Athletes can come to one or both sessions. !
Scan for more information and directions
Jane Ross personalized tutoring 8317 Cordova Road, Suite 103, Cordova, TN 38016 901.795.7377
SBA’s Spring 2014 ACT Workshop Saturday, April 5, 2014 9AM - 3PM AND Monday - Thursday, April 7-10, 2014 3:30PM - 5:30PM
ALL 14 hours of sessions are included and all materials will be furnished. Students should bring a pencil and calculator. $185.00 The workshop is designed to prepare students for the ACT by familiarizing them with the format and general content of the test and each of its particular sections. In the instructional session on Saturday, students will be taught strategies, techniques, tips, tricks and timing as well as work in each of the four areas covered on the test. The practice sessions Monday-Thursday, April 7-10, will allow students to practice what they learned in the workshop by taking an actual retired test with the appropriate instructor present to go over all questions and answers with explanation.
You may register on-line @ or by calling the office at 901.795.7377 Registration deadline is Wednesday, April 2.
Name!of!Nominee!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Title!of!Nominee!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Number!of!years!as!teacher!! ! ! ! ! ! Courses!Taught!___________________________________________________________! ! ! ! Nominated!by!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Address!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Telephone!! ! ! ! ! ! !e:mail!!! ! ! ! ! Date!! ! ! ! ! Signature!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (Continue!on!attachment!if!necessary)! !
! !
PLEASE&ATTACH&NOMINATION&STATEMENT:!Submit!a!nomination!of!no!more!than!5!pages.!On!the!next!page!you!will! find!a!list!of!the!criteria!used!to!select!the!winner.!The!nomination!statement!establishing!the!merit!of!the!candidate! must!cite!teacher!leadership!and!effort!in!these!four!categories.!Document!references!to!publications,!public! addresses!and!other!activities!pertinent!to!the!nominee's!distinguished!service!to!Saint!Benedict!at!Aurburndale! school.!
! Nominations!are!due!March!3,!2014! ! Return!completed!nomination!form!and!required!documentation!to:!
Sondra&Morris& 8250&Varnavas&Drive& Cordova,&TN&38016& ! ! ! ! !
Each&nominee&will&be&judged&on&these&4&criteria&with&a&score&of&0Q5&assigned&to&each&item.&& The&nominee&with&the&highest&overall&score&will&be&selected&as&the&award&recipient.&The& nomination&statement&must&include&the&following:! 1. Describe!how!the!nominee!has!been!instrumental!in!making!a!positive& impression!on!the!student!population!at!Saint!Benedict!through!his/her! service.! 2. Describe!how!the!nominee!has!been!instrumental!in!demonstrating!the! importance!of!giving&of&oneself.! 3. Describe!how!the!nominee!promotes&service.!! 4. Describe!how!the!nominee!supports!school&activities!and!the!community& through!service.! & & & & & & & & & & & &
Name!of!Nominee!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Title!of!Nominee!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Number!of!years!as!teacher!! ! ! ! ! ! Courses!Taught!___________________________________________________________! ! ! ! Nominated!by!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Address!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Telephone!! ! ! ! ! ! !e:mail!!! ! ! ! ! Date!! ! ! ! ! Signature!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (Continue!on!attachment!if!necessary)! !
! !
PLEASE&ATTACH&NOMINATION&STATEMENT:!Submit!a!nomination!of!no!more!than!5!pages.!On!the!next!page!you!will! find!a!list!of!the!criteria!used!to!select!the!winner.!The!nomination!statement!establishing!the!merit!of!the!candidate! must!cite!teacher!leadership!and!effort!in!these!seven!categories.!Document!references!to!publications,!public! addresses!and!other!activities!pertinent!to!the!nominee's!distinguished!service!to!Saint!Benedict!at!Aurburndale! school.!
! Nominations!due!March!3,!2014! ! Return!completed!nomination!form!and!required!documentation!to:!
Sondra&Morris& 8250&Varnavas&Drive& Cordova,&TN&38016& ! ! ! ! !
Each&nominee&will&be&judged&on&these&7&criteria&with&a&score&of&0Q5&assigned&to&each&item.&& The&nominee&with&the&highest&overall&score&will&be&selected&as&the&award&recipient.&The& nomination&statement&must&include&the&following:! 1. Describe!how!the!nominee!has!been!instrumental!in!making!a!positive& impression!on!the!student!population.! 2. Describe!how!the!nominee!has!been!instrumental!in!enhancing&the& school&curriculum.! 3. Describe!how!the!nominee!establishes!high&expectations,!promotes& learning,!and!creates!a!positive&atmosphere!for!learning.!! 4. Describe!how!the!nominee’s!teaching&approach!and!special&strengths,! has!an!impact&on&student&learning.! 5. !Describe!how!the!nominee!promotes&better&teaching.! (presentations/seminars!on!teaching,!mentoring!faculty!members,! organizing!workshops).!! 6. Describe!how!the!nominee!supports!school&activities!and!the!community.! 7. Describe!how!the!nominee!increases!their!knowledge!through! professional&development.! & & & & & & & &
Eli’s story: By CHAD JUDICE (Editor’s note: Eli’s father, Chad Judice, will tell Eli’s heartwarming story in Crowley Monday and Tuesday, starting at 7 p.m. each night, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. People of all faiths are invited.)
The firemen of the Crowley Fire Department, represented by Operator David Douget, right, are extending a thank you to Lowes, represented by Away Manager Sammy Riley, left, and the Crowley Firemans Association with the help of a new Christmas tree for the CFD Central Station. The firemen have high hopes that the new tree will be a beautiful addition to the Christmas lights and decorations they have been putting up for public enjoyment the past few years. John Dupont is not pictured.
“Coach, what is your greatest fear?” The question came from one of my students, an eighth-grader at the Catholic elementary school where I taught social studies and coached basketball. I had never thought about this before, but an answer came quickly to me. “My greatest fear would be to have a child with a mental or physical handicap,” I said. went on to explain that I am a perfectionist. I like routines, order, and situations I can control. Having a child with special needs would entail many non-routine experiences and responsibilities, I told the class. “I don’t think I’d handle it very well,” I said. For the next four years, I never gave this incident another thought. Then, on Sept. 30, 2008, my greatest fear became my reality. My wife Ashley was expecting our second child, and I had accompanied her for a routine ultrasound. We had no reason to be concerned. We had placed this pregnancy in God’s hands, and our 4-year-old, Ephraim, had come into the world with no problem. But that Tuesday, we received the crushing news that our unborn son had the most severe form of a birth defect called spina bifida. This occurs when a baby’s neural tube, the structure that eventually develops into his spinal cord and brain, fails to develop or to close properly early in the pregnancy. Even with major surgery after birth, serious life-long health issues are the result. In an instant, my illusions of control over my life were shattered. I spent the rest of the day dazed and terrified. How would this affect our marriage? Our oldest son? Our finances? The next day, the doctor had a question for us: “Would you like to terminate the pregnancy?” My wife replied with an adamant no. Both of us believe in the value of every human life from the moment of conception. That evening, though, Ashley cried as she read to me from the literature we had been given. It said that 80 percent of parents who receive a spina bifida diagnosis choose abortion. It informed us that our son might have learning disabilities and be paralyzed from the waist down, unable to ever walk or to control his bowels. Although Ashley is a nurse who cares for newborns in our hospital’s intensive-care unit, this information left her cold with fear at the suffering our child would face. With tears
4-year-old continues to cope with the physical limitations caused by spina bifida
in her eyes, she looked up at me. “I am going to hell. I am actually thinking about aborting this baby,” she said. “God sent us this child for a reason,” I replied, suddenly moved by a faith that must have come from the Holy Spirit. “We need to trust in God the way Ephraim trusts in us.” And so, in a spirit of childlike trust, we chose to welcome Elijah Paul into our lives. And, yes, we prayed for a miracle. The first of what I consider a series of miracles occurred the following day, during the weekly Mass at the Catholic high school where I now teach. When I heard the Gospel passage (Matthew 18:3-5) I felt like God was speaking directly to me, affirming the decision Ashley and I had made. During the announcements after Mass, a good friend and fellow faculty member asked my permission to share about our son’s condition with the 1,200 students, faculty, and parents in attendance. He invited them to “pray with me for a miracle” and led a short prayer for Eli’s healing. Over the remaining six months of Ashley’s pregnancy, this school community of faith – along with our parents and other relatives, friends, and even perfect strangers –supported us in prayer. I shared my journey of faith in my own classes too, sometimes with tears, and I invited my students to join me in praying for Eli. The response was amazing. Some who had never participated in classroom prayers began to pray. Some became more committed to Jesus and experienced him in a more personal way. “I could feel God while we prayed,” one junior wrote me. “I have felt that way only twice before in my life.” Eli was already making his mark. I counted this a miracle, too. Meanwhile, our family prayer life was deepening. Ashley and I met with Fr. Manny Fernandez, a priest with a healing ministry. We both felt the Lord’s presence and experienced his peace as Father prayed over us. At his suggestion, Ashley and I began including Ephraim in special nightly prayers for Eli’s healing. Elijah Paul Judice was born on Feb. 17, 2009. He did have spina bifida, but the opening in his spine, which doctors had told us could have been as big as a softball, was just the size of a fifty-cents piece. Having already experienced God’s presence and faithfulness in so many ways, Ashley and I were at peace. Eli’s surgeries went well, and despite the medical challenges, he
Chad Judice
was home in less than a month. Living with Eli has been an adventure. He’s had seizures and surgeries, and as we continue our journey, Ashley and I have been through experiences that have scared the daylights out of us. But we keep seeing miracles as well. During Holy Week 2011, Eli underwent two unsuccessful surgeries to remove a brain cyst. Learning that a third surgery would be needed, I redoubled my prayers to one of my favorite intercessors, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, a Redemptorist priest whose shrine in New Orleans I had visited after Eli’s birth. That evening, by Eli’s hospital bed, I asked Jesus to shrink this cyst that was posing such a challenge. The following morning, the surgeon informed us that the cyst had shrunk by 75 to 80 percent of its size overnight. In his 40 years as a doctor, he had never seen anything like it, he said. Today, Eli is doing better than doctors ever expected. With braces and a special device, he is learning to walk. He is in school, and his intelligence is at or above average. Best of all, he is a happy child with a beautiful smile that speaks to God’s presence in his life. Eli is God’s very special gift to Ephraim, Ashley, and me. And as I share about him, Eli’s story softens hearts and brings people to a greater appreciation of the beauty and sacredness of life. Hearing it, some pregnant mothers have been moved to reject abortion. Other people have returned to God. I think this comment from one of my former high school students says it well: “People used to ask me who my heroes were. I never really could give a good answer. Today I realized my hero is Eli. … His story gives people hope, inspiration, and evidence that there is a God and that He cares about us. ... The miracles that I witnessed have jump-started my faith and showed me that God really does still talk to people.” Chad Judice teaches at St. Thomas More Catholic High School in Lafayette. His two books, Waiting for Eli and Eli’s Reach are available at or www.
March 10-12th, 9 am - 2 pm Boys & Girls, Ages 5 – 12 $80 For All 3 Days OR $30 per day SUPERVISED)PLAY)&)ACTIVITIES) SNACKS)WILL)BE)PROVIDED)(participants)need)to)bring)lunch)) Contact'Coach'Angie'Buchanan'at'901226022888''
CHILD’S)NAME)_______________________________________________________) ADDRESS)___________________________________________________________) AGE)________) GRADE)_______)SCHOOL)_________________________________) PARENT)_______________________________)PHONE)#_____________________) EMAIL)ADDRESS)________________________)2ND)PHONE)____________________) EMERGENCY)CONTACT)___________________)PHONE)#)_____________________) ) I)hereby)authorize)the)directors)of)the)SBA)camp)to)act)for)me)in)their)best)judgment)in)any)emergency) requiring)medical)attention.))I)hereby)waive)and)release)the)camp)directors)and)SBA)administration.))I)know)of) no)medical)problems)that)may)prevent)my)child)from)participating)in)this)camp)and)I)will)assume)full) responsibility)for)any)medical)or)other)charges)in)connection)with)participation)in)this)camp.) ) SIGNATURE)OF)PARENT)OR)GUARDIAN)__________________________________________________________) DATE)___________________________) ) MAIL)CHECKS)(payable)to)Angie)Buchanan))to:) Angie)Buchanan) St.)Benedict)at)Auburndale)) 8250)Varnavas)Drive) Cordova,)TN)38016)
Eagle Café 3 Lasagna Italian Chicken Spinach Casserole Parmesan Roasted Tomatoes Vegetables / Sides Steamed Vegetables The Classic Healthy Edge
Passport Café
Eagle Feature
St. Benedict at Auburndale
March 2014
4 Fried Chicken Lemon Pepper Tilapia Macaroni and Cheese Greens Steamed Vegetables
5 Cod w/Special Sauce Parmesan Tilapia Sweet Potato Fries Broccoli Florets Steamed Vegetables
6 Baked Spaghetti Kabob Style Chicken Oven Roasted Potatoes Corn on the Cob Steamed Vegetables
7 Mac and Cheese Catfish Creole Spanish Rice Green Beans Steamed Vegetables
Sweet n Sour Chicken
Boneless wings
Bowtie Pasta
Buffalo Wings
Fried Pickles
Teriyaki Rice
Beefy Nachos
Fried Zucchini
Comeback Sauce
Buffalo Melt
Meatball Sandwich
w/Alfredo or Marinara Ash Wednesday Grilled Cheese on Texas Toast
Chili Cheese Dog
Cheese Pizza
Kitchen Closed
Kitchen Closed
Kitchen Closed
Kitchen Closed
17 Shepard's Pie BBQ Chicken Baked Beans Slaw Steamed Vegetables St. Patrick's Day! Chicken Caesar Salad
18 John Wayne Casserole Cajun Tilapia Corn on the Cob Rice Pilaf Steamed Vegetables
19 Beef Stir Fry Polynesian Chicken White Rice Sweet and Sour Green Beans Steamed Vegetables
20 Crispy Cheddar Chicken Blackened Catfish Potatoes Au Gratin Broccoli Florets Steamed Vegetables
21 Vegetable Lasagna Broiled Tilapia Mashed Potatoes Orange Glazed Carrots Steamed Vegetables
Boneless Wings
Hawaiian Chicken
Buffalo Wings
Baked Ziti
Cheese Nachos
Coconut Rice
Pasta Carbanara
Cheesy Breadstick
Philly Cheese Steak
Beef Sliders
Giant Pretzel w/ Sauce
Cheese Pizza
24 Chicken Spaghetti Parmesan Tilapia Green Beans Wild Rice Steamed Vegetables
25 Honey Glazed Ham Thyme Roasted Turkey Cornbread Dressing Green Bean Casserole Steamed Vegetables
26 Salisbury Steak Turkey Pot Roast Roasted Carrots Mashed Potatoes Steamed Vegetables
27 Spinach and Feta Pie Greek Chicken Roasted Potatoes Rice Rilaf Steamed Vegetables
28 Fried Catfish Fettuccini Alfredo Hush Puppies & Slaw Creamed Corn Steamed Vegetables
Fried Green Beans w/Dip
Boneless Wings
Beef Enchiladas
Buffalo Wings
Cajun Pasta
Pizza Flatz
Carrots and Celery
Refried Beans
BBQ Nachos
w/Garlic Toast
Hot Ham n Cheese
Bacon Cheeseburger
Chicken Tenders
Cheese Pizza
The Classic Healthy Edge
Passport Café
Eagle Feature
The Classic Healthy Edge Vegetables / Sides
Passport Café
Eagle Feature
The Classic Healthy Edge Vegetables / Sides
Passport Café
Eagle Feature
The Classic Healthy Edge Vegetables / Sides
Passport Café
31 Chicken Parmesan Herb Roasted Tilapia White Rice Roasted Tomatoes Steamed Vegetables
Reminders: -Don't forget to check your student's balances on a regular basis. -Make sure to choose the GENERAL account (NOT the Meal Account) when depositing money via MPP onto your students' account.
Chicken Cheese Quesadilla Mexican Rice
Please pay off Charges ASAP Eagle Feature
Hot Italian Sub
Grille Items - 5 daily: Hamburger Bacon & Cheeseburgers Hot Dog Turkey Burger Grilled Cheese on Tx Tst Potato of the Day
Hot Ham & Cheese Pizza Stick Crispito Chicken Sliders Grilled Chicken Corn Dog
Available Every Day Deli Designs & Garden Gourmet (weighed items)
Soups & Spuds 2 Fresh Hot Soups Daily Baked Idaho Potatoes Baked Sweet Potatoes Chili & Cheese Sour Cream & More
Fresh Ham & Turkey Chicken & Tuna Salads Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle Wheat/White Sliced Bread Wheat/White Hoagies Croissants and Wheat Rounds
Mixed Greens and Spinach Freshly Prepared Dressings Chopped Eggs ~ Baby Carrots Cucumbers ~ Bacon Bits ~ Cheese Pimento Cheese ~ Broccoli Salad AND MUCH MORE!
Daily Hot Lunch 1 Entrée, 2 Sides, Bread & Fountain Beverage $4.25 Daily Grille Feature 1 Entrée, 1 Side & Beverage $4.75
SBA Summer Camp It is time to announce our SBA Summer Camps! Please share this information with anyone interested. It can also be found on our camp page:
Basic Camp Information Camp
Art 1
Kristen Black
June 9-12
Mon –Thurs
9 am-noon
Art 2
Mon –Thurs
9 am-noon
Kristen Black
June 16-19
Band/Jazz & Jam
Tom Link
June 23-27
9 am-noon
Boys Basketball
Caleb Marcum
June 16-19
8 am-1 pm
Girls Basketball
Caleb Marcum
June 9-12
9 am-2 pm
Tom Brezina
June 9-12
9:30 am-noon
Nick Dressman
July 7-10
9 am-2 pm
Tennis 1
Barbara Hervey
June 9-12
8:30 am-noon
Tennis 2
Barbara Hervey
June 9-12
4-7:30 pm
Ryan Kathman
July 21-25
9 am-noon
Janet Daleke
July 7-10
9 am-noon
To Register: complete and mail application form or online at Make All checks payable to the Camp Director/s
2014 SBA Summer Camp Application Camper’s Name_______________________________Age(as of 6/14)____ Address_____________________________Hm ph___________________ City________________________________State_________Zip_________ School currently attending)_______________________________________ Grade in the fall___________ Circle T-shirt size Youth S M L Adult S M L XL (Requested sizes are guaranteed only if registered 10 days prior to camp.)
Art Camp (1 & 2) offers instruc on in drawing, pain ng and cra projects for appropriate age groups. Includes all art supplies, daily snack and camp shirt. Band-Jazz & Jam Camp offers campers the oppor-‐ tunity to spend a week of unleashing their inner musical beast! All skill and experience levels from rock star to mid first- mer. Open to any instrument and singer. Write and record your own songs, learn the secret to improving solos, work with profession-‐ al musicians and have fun while learning the basics of performing. Includes camp shirt. Basketball Camps offer basketball fundamentals— dribbling, shoo ng and defense with game situa-‐ ons, daily contests, evalua ons and awards. In-‐ cludes camp shirt. Campers bring sack lunch. Football Camp offers instruc on in football funda-‐ mentals in prepara on for the fall season. Includes camp t-shirt.
Parent/Guardian name__________________________________________ wk ph_______________________cell ph___________________________ e-mail_______________________________________________________ Doctor - in case of emergency Name_____________________________________Ph________________ All campers are accepted for the entire session for which application has been made. No deduction will be made after camp starts for dismissal, withdrawal or absences. Refunds will be made on a prorated basis for serious illness or hospitalization only. Full payment is required with application. If you have more than one child attend-
ing camps, complete an application for each camper and make sure checks are payable to each director of each requested camp.
I hereby authorize the directors of SBA camps to act for me in their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I hereby waive and release the Directors and St. Benedict Administration. I know of no medical problems that may affect my child’s ability to safely participate in this camp. I will be responsible for any medical or other charges in connection with participation in this camp.
Required Parent Signature_____________________________________
Please check the camp box for which you are applying. Art
(Camp 1)
(Camp 1)
(Camp 2)
(Camp 2)
& Jazz
Football Soccer
Theatre Volleyball
Sports Camps St. Benedict at Auburndale Sports Camps are for young athletes who are looking to improve their skills, work hard, make new friends and have fun! Campers will develop new skills and experience a focused, intensive training that is essen al to improvement. Over the course of the session, self-confidence will grow along with new skills. The camp staff includes many of SBA’s most respected coaches. Our pro-‐ fessionally trained staff is friendly, enthusias c and commi ed to the well-being of each camper. There is no be er place to meet new friends, have fun and improve in your sport than at an SBA Sum-‐ mer Sports Camp!
Enrichment Camps Our staff loves teaching and mentoring young students and sharing their experiences. They understand the benefits gained from the discipline required in the arts as well as the im-‐ portance in develop-‐ ing self-confidence. We want our campers to im-‐ prove their skills and have fun in the process!
Soccer Camp offers basic soccer fundamentals in shoo ng, passing, dribbling, goal keeping and re-‐ ceiving in age appropriate groups. Instruc on from college level players and SBA coaching staff. Camp-‐ ers should bring sack lunch Monday through Wednesday with lunch provided on Thursday. In-‐ cludes camp shirt. Tennis Camp (1 & 2) offers instruc on in basic ten-‐ nis fundamentals, drills, rules, strategies, singles and doubles match play and fun games. Includes camp shirt. Campers should bring water, racquet and sun-‐ screen. Theatre Camp offers all aspects of theater, including ac ng, musical theater, direc ng, playwri ng, en-‐ semble building, design and technical theater. In-‐ cludes camp shirt. Volleyball Camp offers fundamentals in defense, serving, se ng and spiking. Includes camp shirt. To Register: complete and mail application form or online at Make All checks payable to the Camp Director/s