St. Benedict Monday Mail August 10, 2015

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Monday Mail – August 10, 2015 Please check our website for athletic dates and times.

2015-16 Calendar Highlights                            

August 13

May 13

  

May 18 May 23-26 May 26



Back to School Orientation for 9 & 12 grade students (see Important Dates-next page) th


August 14 August 17

Back to School Orientation for 10 & 11 grade students (see Important Dates-next page) st 1 Full Day of classes

August 27 September 7

1/2 Day dismissal - Meet the Teacher Night Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

October 2 October 5

Fall Professional Day - NO SCHOOL Fall Break - NO SCHOOL

October 16 November 11

End of 1 Academic Quarter NCAA National Letter of Intent Basketball & other sports Signing Day

November 17 November 23-27

DA Amy Weirich, 10am (Gym), 7pm (Theatre) Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL

December 8 December 14-17

Feast of the Immaculate Conception - NO SCHOOL Semester Exam Week

December 18 December 19-January 3

Faculty Work-day, Make-up Exam Day Christmas Break - NO SCHOOL

January 4 January 18

Classes Resume Martin Luther King Jr Day - NO SCHOOL

January 21-23 February 3

March for Life Trip to DC NCAA National Letter of Intent Football Signing Day

February 15 March 19-28

President's Day - NO SCHOOL Spring Break, Easter Break, Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL

April 11 April 13

Faculty Retreat - NO SCHOOL NCAA National Letter of Intent Sports Signing Day

April 16 April 19

PROM ACT @ SBA, 8am-12noon

May 5-10 May 11 May 12

Senior Exams Baccalaureate Mass Rehearsal, Church of the Incarnation, 10am Graduation Rehearsal, Hope Church, 10am Baccalaureate Mass, Church of the Incarnation, 7pm Commencement, Hope Church 7pm Project Graduation, 11pm Honors Day, 10am Exam Week (1/2day Last Day of School


Student Schedules Reminder Student schedules complete with teacher name, class period & locker information have been emailed to the PRIMARY e-mail address we have on file. Schedules are released when all financial obligations are current. Important Dates SOAR DAY Registration Day is changing its name! SOAR- Student Organizations and Registration - Tuesday, August 11. There are 2 sessions: • •

Morning session Evening session

8:30 am-11:30 am in the gym 5:00 pm-6:30 pm in the gym

Parent Meetings will be held after SOAR at 11:45 am and 6:45 pm in the theater. A registration packet will be emailed later in the summer with forms and information you will need for that day. BACK TO SCHOOL ORIENTATION New this year, all students will be required to attend a first day of school orientation. The schedule is as follows: Thursday, August 13  9th grade 7:45-11:30am  12th grade 1:00-2:30pm Friday, August 14  

10th grade 11th grade

7:45-9:30am 10:30am-12pm

FIRST DAY FOR ALL STUDENTS Monday, August 17, 7:45am – 3:00pm

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