Monday Mail – August 17, 2015 Please check our website for athletic dates and times.
2015-16 Calendar Highlights
August 27
1/2 Day dismissal - Meet the Teacher Night
September 7 October 2
Labor Day - NO SCHOOL Fall Professional Day - NO SCHOOL
October 5 October 16
Fall Break - NO SCHOOL st End of 1 Academic Quarter
November 11 November 17
NCAA National Letter of Intent Basketball & other sports Signing Day DA Amy Weirich, 10am (Gym), 7pm (Theatre)
November 23-27 December 8
Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL Feast of the Immaculate Conception - NO SCHOOL
December 14-17 December 18
Semester Exam Week Faculty Work-day, Make-up Exam Day
December 19-January 3 January 4
Christmas Break - NO SCHOOL Classes Resume
January 18 January 21-23
Martin Luther King Jr Day - NO SCHOOL March for Life Trip to DC
February 3 February 15
NCAA National Letter of Intent Football Signing Day President's Day - NO SCHOOL
March 19-28 April 11
Spring Break, Easter Break, Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL Faculty Retreat - NO SCHOOL
April 13 April 16
NCAA National Letter of Intent Sports Signing Day PROM
April 19 May 5-10
ACT @ SBA, 8am-12noon Senior Exams
May 11 May 12
May 13
May 18 May 23-26 May 26
Baccalaureate Mass Rehearsal, Church of the Incarnation, 10am Graduation Rehearsal, Hope Church, 10am Baccalaureate Mass, Church of the Incarnation, 7pm Commencement, Hope Church 7pm Project Graduation, 11pm Honors Day, 10am Exam Week (1/2day Last Day of School
Student Information Meeting: When: Thursday, August 20 After School Where: Gym, Wellness Room Requirement: Turn in Completed Physical Forms (all 6 pages) to Coach Pickering or Dianna Cervetti in the school office prior to August 24. NO EXCEPTIONS! Pre-Season Conditioning: When: August 24 – September 12 (Mon-Thurs) Where/Time: Mon & Wed at SBA 3:15-4:15pm Dryland conditioning Tues & Thurs at the Cordova YMCA 3:30-4:30pm Swimming Cordova Y: 7950 Club Center Cove *** For drylands, come prepared with workout gear, tennis shoes/socks and a bottle of water. For swimming, don’t forget your goggles and swim cap! Try-Outs: When: September 15 and 17 3:30pm Where: Cordova YMCA After Try-Outs Team Information Meeting (Family): When: Sunday, September 20, SBA Dining Hall, 6 pm (potluck, more information later)
The Junior Class will host a bake sale on “Meet the Teacher Night,” August 27. Parents will have the opportunity to partake of some goodies during their students’ lunch periods. Please bring your petty cash to help out the juniors and enjoy some treats. **JUNIOR PARENTS, PLEASE NOTE - Junior boys are asked to bring 6 canned soft drinks or bottles of water and girls are asked to bring a dessert.
CARPOOL REQUEST The Carpool List will be available on Parent PlusPortal tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18. When you login to PlusPortals, scroll down to the bottom of the front page and under School Links and Files you will find the Carpool List under the School Folder. You will only have access to this information if you have activated your PlusPortal account. If you have questions about your PlusPortals account, please email Mitzi Donato at