Monday Mail - 10/6/2014

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Monday Mail October 6, 2014: Please check our website for athletic dates and times.

Thursday, Oct 9………End of 1st Quarter Friday, Oct 10………..Faculty Professional DevelopmentNO SCHOOL Monday, Oct 13………FALL BREAK – NO SCHOOL Tuesday, Oct 14………Faculty Retreat – NO SCHOOL Wednesday, Oct 15…..Standardized Testing Day Dismissal between 11 am-11:15 am No School FOR SENIORS Thursday, Oct 16…….Make Up Picture Day Oct 18 - Oct 20………Fall Play (See Details) Tuesday, Oct 21/Nov 4….…..8th Grade Visit Days – NO EARLY DISMISSAL Friday, Oct 24……….Fall Sports Senior Night

If you or your student would like to ride the bus to the game Friday night – see below and return TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 7. (BUS for SBA Students) DIOCESE OF MEMPHIS PARENT PERMISSION FORM FOR FIELD TRIP PARTICIPATION DATE: October 1, 2014 PARISH/SCHOOL ADDRESS: St. Benedict at Auburndale, 8250 Varnavas Drive, Cordova, TN 38016 Dear Parent or Legal Guardian: Your son or daughter is eligible to participate in a parish/school/youth group sponsored activity requiring transportation to a location away from the parish or school grounds. This activity will take place under the guidance and supervision of employees and/or volunteers from St. Benedict at Auburndale High School . A brief description of the activity follows: DESTINATION: Transportation to and from Crump Stadium for SBA vs. Central Football Game (S. Belvedere and Cleveland) PLANNED ACTIVITIES: SBA will be providing a Spirit Bus for those students who wish to ride to the SBA vs Central football game. DESIGNATED SUPERVISOR OF THE EVENT: Mr. Caleb Marcum, Athletic Director DATE AND TIME OF DEPARTURE: Friday, October 10, 2015; Loading of bus begins at 5:30 pm, depart campus at 6 pm. ANTICIPATED TIME OF RETURN: 9:30 – 10:00 am – students will be asked to call parents when departing Crump Stadium at conclusion of game. It is responsibility of parent/guardian to arrange transportation to and from SBA. All students who ride the bus to the game are required to return on the bus. This bus is reserved for SBA students only. METHOD OF TRANSPORTATION: school bus STUDENT COST: $10 suggested donation plus admission into ballgame ($7) As the parent/legal guardian of _____________________________, I/we have reviewed the foregoing information about the trip/outing to __________________________________ and I/we (place initials in selected box): do not permit the above-named student to participate in the trip/outing do permit the above-named student to fully participate in the trip/outing without any restrictions do permit the above-named student to participate in the trip/outing but subject to the following restrictions:_______________________________________________________________________________ (Note: The following is applicable if permission has been given for the above-named student to attend the trip/outing.) I/We agree to not hold either the Catholic Diocese of Memphis or St. Benedict, its leaders, employees, and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the abovenamed student. SIGNATURE: ____________________________________DATE:______________________________________ EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________ To reserve a seat on the bus, return this form and money to school office by 8 am Tuesday, October 7, 2014. Office use only Check #: _____________



SPIRIT BUS FOR PARENTS/SIBLINGS/FANS St. Benedict at Auburndale would like to provide a Spirit Bus for parents, siblings and fans to attend the SBA vs. Central football game at Crump Stadium on Friday, October 10, 2014. Bus will load from 5:30 – 6:00 pm and depart campus at 6:00 pm. Bus will return immediately after the game. No food or drink allowed on bus. Admission to game is $7. Suggested donation to ride the Spirit Bus is $10 per person ($30 max per family) to help offset the cost of renting the bus. If interested, please return this form with money to the school office by 8:00 am on Tuesday, October 7, 2014. A minimum of twenty riders will be necessary for the bus to be ordered. The bus has a capacity of 45 riders. Name: _______________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Cell: __________________________________ Please reserve _______ seats on the parent/sibling/fan spirit bus. Those attending will be: 1. 2. 3. 4. School use only: Check number: _________Amount: ___________Number:


Class Giving Drive To wind down our first ever Parent Giving Drive to benefit the SBA Annual Fund, we are offering grade level participation incentives during the month of October. Every week, we will email a class participation percentage report, and every Friday, the incentives for each class will be granted. You can watch the participation levels rise all month on the new banner out front! The report is also posted online under the "Support SBA" tab of our website. Thank you so much to those that have already given to our Annual Fund through the Parent Giving Drive, and if you have not already participated, we hope you will consider a gift now. No gift is too small and all gifts are appreciated. While we would love for our parents to consider a gift of $200 or more, PARTICIPATION is always our goal! You can give online now by copying and pasting the following address or you can send your payment in to school with your student. They can turn it in to their Theology teacher or to the front office. If you have any questions or would like to discuss payment options, or any other type of giving, please call the Development Office at 260-­‐2892. A few important things to know about the Class Giving Incentives : • If you have given to SBA since July 1, 2014 – IT COUNTS! Your gift is included in the thermometer percentages attached. • If you have more than one SBA student – your gift is applied to EACH of your children's class percentage numbers. • If your student/s class earns an incentive the week of Fall Break – your incentive will be granted on Thursday, October 9, since we will not be in school on the 10th. • If your student/s class earns an incentive the week of "Be An Eagle for the Day" Shadow Day – your incentive will be granted on Thursday, October 23, so that we are all in uniform for our guests on the 24th.



Development Report for the Week of October 6, 2014 Freshman)Class:) 23!Donors!out!of!216!–!11%! Freshman!Incentive!Privilege!for! Thursday,!Oct!9:!! ! Sophomore)Class:) 15!Donors!out!of!211!–!7%! Sophomore!Incentive!Privilege! for!Thursday,!Oct!9:! ! Junior)Class:) 13!Donors!out!of!220!–!6%! Junior!Incentive!Privilege!for! Thursday,!Oct!9:!! ! Senior)Class:) 17!Donors!out!of!242!–!7%! Senior!Incentive!Privilege!for! Thursday,!Oct!9:!! ! ! Class)Incentives:) 25%!J!Jeans!Day! 50%!J!Donuts!AND!Navy!Polos! every!remaining!! Wednesday!in!October! 75%!J!Sweatpants/Pajama! ! Bottoms!Day! 100%!J!Chick~fil~a!Chicken! Biscuit!Breakfast! ! 100%)SCHOOL=WIDE)Incentive:)



! !


HEY GUYS OF SBA!! HOW FAST CAN YOU SPIKE?? Get your team together and show us at the 9th annual BOYS ONLY Volleyball Tournament sponsored by your Splendiferous Spiking Lady Eagle Volleyball teams. Awards for 1st & 2nd place teams, Best Team Uniform, Best Hitter, Best Blocker and other fun awards!!! When: Sunday Oct. 12 Where: The Eagle Nest, of course! Time: 1:00 PM until the winner takes all!! Cost: $15.00 per player See Coach D for an entry form……. Deadline—WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8th by the end of the day!!!!.

Seniors It’s time for your baby pictures and senior quotes for the yearbook! Please turn in both your quote and picture by October 24 th . You can email both at or turn them into the front office.


Course Fees 2014/15 course fees were billed last week. These charges are due directly to SBA and are not part of your FACTS agreement. Course fees are due October 1, 2014. You can mail a check to SBA at 8250 Varnavas Drive, Cordova, TN 38016 Or feel free to drop it off in the front office.

NHS Tutoring The National Honor Society NOW HAS a tutoring table set up during all 3 lunch periods EVERY Wednesday for anyone who needs help. Please encourage your student to take advantage of this service.

ACT Prep Sessions Juniors and seniors interested in ACT prep sessions at no cost to them should sign up outside of Mrs. Brannon's office in the guidance department. The next dates are as follows: October 16 at 3:00 – Science October 23 at 3:00 – Math October 24 at 3:00 – English

HOME AND SCHOOL NEWS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE FOLLOWING: If you are able, please sign up for the following volunteer opportunities:


Each week more of you join our Facebook page! Thanks for joining us. We use this as another tool to communicate information to you about our organization. If you haven’t joined, check us out. Find us by searching our email at: Or you can simply type in SBA Home and School in the search box of your Facebook page and you should be able to find our page As always, please let me know if you have any questions or how Home and School can be of assistance to you. -- Romy Schaaf/President - Sophomore Class Representative Volunteers Junior Class Representative Volunteers Senior Class Representative Volunteers First Friday Adoration Volunteers Used Uniform Sale Volunteers Junior Ring Ceremony Reception

Guidance Meetings Freshman/Sophomore Meetings Nov. 5 at 12:30 and 6:30 DLC

New Hoodies in the Spirit Shop! The Spirit Shop has new hoodies with our new branding logos! Check them out when they set up at all three lunches EVERY Thursday! Hoodies are $30. GO EAGLES!

Attention senior parents: Just a reminder that Project Graduation registration is still $125, but will go up to $150 after Christmas. Please make your checks to SBA Project Graduation. Registration forms and checks can be sent to the office. See rules and permission slip:

PROJECT GRADUATION RULES The purpose of PG is to have a drug and alcohol-free evening of fun and fellowship. If you arrive and we suspect you are “under the influence� (either alcohol or drugs) and the student fails a Breathalyzer test, the parents will be called and the student will not be admitted to Project Graduation regardless of the paid admission. * We strongly suggest that parents drop off their student and pick them up due to the long hours of fun, they will be very tired. * No guests are allowed; Only SBA Class of 2015 that have paid. * Check-in is between 11:15 pm - 12:00 am. No one will be able to enter after 12:00 am. * No backpacks or large bags. All items brought must be checked in. The less you bring with you the better. Storage is limited. * No one will allowed to leave early without a signed parental form. If a student wants to leave, the parent will be notified and they will not be allowed to re-enter. You will not be eligible for door prizes if you leave early. * There will be food and drink provided all night long. * PG ends at 5:30 am. If a student does not feel able to drive home please have them tell any of the chaperones and will call the parent to come pick them up. * Incredible Pizza is located at 1245 Germantown Pkwy., Cordova, TN, 38016. Their phone number is 309.3132 Any questions or if you need to reach us during the event: Beth Jackson (901.826-2112) ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Graduation Permission Form I/We do give our child ______________________________permission to attend Project Graduation. I/We do _______ do not ________ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation at any time during the event. If our student leaves Project Graduation, we can be reached at the following number _____________________________. You may speak with ____________________ (Must be a legal guardian or parent. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________________ Please return the permission slip along with $125.00 check to SBA office - c/o Projection Graduation. Make your check payable to SBA Project Graduation.

Senior Ad Information Purchasing an ad in the 2015 Talon (yearbook) is a wonderful way to congratulate your child on a job well done! Senior ads are printed in all color and are being offered at a great price! What better way to delight your child than with a special ad designed especially for him/her? The deadline is Friday, November 14, 2014. Ad space is limited. Space is on a first come, first serve basis. The Talon 2015 Ad Prices Size Price Full Page $350 1/2 Page $250 1/4 Page $175 1/8 Page $125 QR Code (New!) $50+ ad price (Alone $100) Please make checks payable to St. Benedict.

Suggested # of Pictures: Full Page 4-8 ½ Page 2-4 ¼ Page 1-2 1/8 Page 1 Directions: 1. Choose an ad size. 2. Make a rough sketch of your ad. (The yearbook staff can do the rest.) 3. Choose pictures and write a message for your senior. Please write all messages and text clearly. Please do not send one-of-a kind or Xerox copies of photographs. If possible, please send pictures on a flash drive. Pictures should be saved with a resolution of 300 or higher.

4. Fill out the advertising contract. 5. Send in pictures, sketch, contract, and check to St. Benedict at the same time. Checks cannot be sent separately from the contract to reserve space. Please Note: • The contract, check, and ad materials must be turned in together to the front office for the ad to be processed. • An e-mail will be sent to you to confirm the ad was received. • Also, a proof will be sent to you for approval via e-mail during the spring semester. Please respond within a week of receiving the proof to make any changes. If there is no response within 7 days, the ad will be published as it was sent to you.

2015 Yearbook Advertising Contract Student’s Name:______________________________________________ Parent’s Name: _______________________________________________ Phone Number:_______________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________ A personal e-mail is preferred because some businesses will reject the large e-mail file needed to send a proof.

Address: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________ Ad Size:________________________ Ad Cost: (enclose check)_____________ (Add $50 to include QR code)

Make checks payable to St. Benedict.! Include a separate sheet of paper with your ad design. (See example at right.) Don’t forget to include your pictures. (Preferably on a flash drive). Drop off in the Main Office or mail to the following address: Tammie Ford St. Benedict at Auburndale 8250 Varnavas Drive Cordova, TN 38016 For questions: DEADLINE: November 14 PRICES: Full page: $350 Half page: $250 ¼ page: $175 1/8 page: $125 QR code: $100 alone/ $50 + ad price Thank you for supporting your senior and the 2015 Talon!

We love you! Mom and Dad

Love you! Mom and Dad

Love you! Mom and Dad





Four chances to WIN!!

! October 17, 2014! December 12, 2014! March 6, 2015! !

May 1, 2015!

2014 Glow Bash Trunk or Treat

On October 30, 2014, St. Benedict will host the first ever 2014 Glow Bash. This neon colored event will feature a Halloween Trunk or Treat and a Glow Bash Pep Rally on the Soccer Field. We hope everyone will come out to decorate their trunks, load it with candy, and enjoy a fun-filled event as we prepare to take on CBHS on October 31. Please check Monday Mail for any and all updates as well as social media sites.

SBA Glow Bash Details Trunk or Treat will be in the parking spots AROUND the soccer field. Pull in and decorate your trunk between 6 – 6:45.

Children will Trunk or Treat from 7 – 8pm.

We will have a NEON GLOW BASH Pep-­‐Rally ON THE SOCCER FIELD at 8pm. Let’s GLOW Eagles!!

This event is for everyone and anyone – invite potential families with younger children. Security will be on site and it will be family friendly with club sponsored “stations” to stop by with the kids.

Visit SBA Do you know someone interested in SBA? Encourage them to contact the Office of Admissions to register for one of our upcoming events. 260-2873 *

8th Grade Visit Days October 21 November 4 November 6

Fall Open House November 9

“Be an Eagle for the Day� - 8th Grade Shadow Day October 24

Eagle Monday




St. Benedict at Auburndale High School Wednesday ThursdayLunch OCTOBER 2014 Daily

Hot Lunch $4.25 1 Entrée 2 Sides Bread 16 oz. Drink

your smart phone or tablet Visit the website to view

Bottled Beverages not Included

Pay on the GO! Download the MPP App on

purchases & set notifications



Vegetable Lasagna Roasted Potatoes Corn on the cob Lemon Baked Catfish Sautéed Whole green beans

John Wayne Casserole Steamed Cabbage

Chicken Alfredo Broccoli w/ Cheese Honey Glazed Carrots Creole Tilapia Brown Rice

Chef Minh Hibachi Station

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

Italian Grilled Chicken Steamed Vegetable

Chicken Tenders Crinkle Cut French Fries





Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes w Gravy Speckled Butter beans Parmesan Chicken Spring Mix Vegetables

Spaghetti w/ Meat sauce Cream Corn Seasoned Green Beans Glazed Pork Tenderloin Rosemary Potatoes

Chicken Fried Steak Scalloped Potatoes Black eyed Peas Turkey Pot Roast Vegetable Medley

Chicken & Waffles Scrambled Eggs Cheese Grits Biscuits & Sausage Gravy Grilled Chicken Breast

Assorted Wings

Chef Minh Special menu






Fried Pickles Spicy Ranch Dressing






Fried Catfish./Hushpuppies Macaroni & cheese Turnip Greens

Baked Ziti Creamed Spinach Fried Zucchini Southwest Chicken Breast Wild Rice

Seared Cod w/ Lobster Cream Sauce

Sautéed Vegetables

Assorted Wings






Chicken Pot Pie Fried Okra Squash Casserole

Gail's Famous Beef Brisket Baked beans Potato Salad

Chicken Rotel Green Peas Buttered Corn

Southern Fried Chicken Macaroni and cheese Green Bean Casserole

Pasta w/ Bolognese sauce Italian Vegetables Italian Green beans

Grilled Tilapia w/ Pineapple Relish Seasoned vegetables

Sweet and Sour Chicken Steamed rice

Roasted Turkey Breast Cornbread Dressing

Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry Seasoned Rice

Grilled Chicken Strips Caesar Salad

Chicken Tenders

Chicken Or Beef Fajitas

Tater Tots with Cheese

Black beans

Chef Minh Hibachi Station






Beef lasagna Stewed Tomatoes Corn Nuggets Blackened Tilapia Grilled Zucchini

Mexican Layered Casserole Spanish Rice Refried beans Honey Glazed Chicken Brown Butter Carrots

Crunchy Beef tacos Mexican Corn Pinto Beans Chicken Picatta Steamed vegetables

Chicken Tetrazzini Seasoned Green beans Peas & Carrots

Chicken on a stick

Assorted Wings

Cajun Jambalaya Creole Red Beans & Rice

Chicken Tenders

Foot long Corn Dogs

Spicy French Fries

Funnel Cake Fries

White Fish with Lemon Butter Sauce

Sautéed Brussel Sprouts

Grilled Corn on the Cob Jumbo turkey Legs Dirty Chips Homemade Lemonade

Onion Rings

Daily Soup & Baked Potatoes

Food Service Director, Minh Nguyen 901-2602884


The Memphis AAA branch office will have this simulator available between September 27 and October 23.

AAA Driving Simulator take it for a spin

• • •

Experience a distracted drive while using a cell phone. See how reaction times decrease during a simulated drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drivers may be pulled over for a minor traffic violation, experience a DUI checkpoint, or be engaged in a fatal crash as a result of their impairment. The video is shot in first person, allowing the driver to experience the consequences as if you are going through the process yourself.

To make an appointment – contact Gary Lowry at

”Welcome To The Circus” TRIVIA NIGHT Benefiting St. Benedict Seniors Project Graduation Saturday Night, November 22, 2014 SBA Dining Hall Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. • Questions begin at 7:30 p.m. • $15 per player Teams will consist of 8 people. In the interest of fairness – no more than 8 people per team. Walk-Ins accepted at the door IF tables are available. GOLD SPONSOR TABLES $20 per player (These tables must consist of 8 players) Each of these tables will receive 2 bottles of wine, appetizer, priority seating and additional door prize drawings. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to allow time to set up and visit with competing teams.       

Questions by Brother Ignatius (CBU) will begin at 7:30 p.m. The contest will consist of ten rounds of ten questions for a total of 100 questions. Categories cover a wide range – something for everyone!! All team members placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last will receive prizes! Table Decorating Contest!!! Come up with a theme and decorate your table depicting the theme “Welcome To The Circus.” Most outstanding table will win a prize!! Silent Auction / Heads & Tails Game Mulligans – tokens that can be used as a correct answer when a team is stumped on a question. ($5.00 each or 6 for $20.00) Limit 6 per team. Call: St Benedict High School 260-2840, Beth Jackson 826-2112; or e-mail Mail completed registration forms with checks made payable to Project Graduation to: St Benedict High School 8250 Varnavas Dr. Cordova, TN 38016 Drop off at SBA High School office with envelope marked Project Graduation (Trivia Night)

We do expect a full house and tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We are limited to 45 tables. Sign up early so you won’t be disappointed!

Trivia Night Registration Reservations will be accepted for teams at $15 per person; or at $20 per person for a Gold Sponsor table. To reserve a Gold Sponsor Table, you must have 8 players. If you prepay the registration fee – we will let you know your table assignment in advance and you will be able to go straight to your table and bypass the line at the registration table. If you pay at the door, the

team captain is responsible for collecting the team’s registration fees and paying for the entire team at check-in, either by check or cash. Please select one: Gold Table__________________ or Regular Table____________________ Team Members:

(Please designate one person as team captain)

1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________________ Team Captain:______________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________ e-mail:________________________________ Please provide an e-mail address so a copy of the rules can be sent to the team captain. You are invited to bring your own refreshments and BYOB for your table. Desserts and soft drinks will be provided. Door prizes will be drawn throughout the night and the silent auction will end during the 8th round. Brother Ignatius has promised two “heads or tails” contests, which will be fun for all!!

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