Monday Mail - 10/27/2014

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Monday Mail October 27, 2014: Please check our website for athletic dates and times.

Monday, Oct 27…….First Day of Winter Sports Practice Wednesday, Oct 29…Balfour to meet with Seniors about Graduation Invitations (orders due Nov 5) Thursday, Oct 30……SBA GLOW BASH (See Details) Tuesday, Nov 4….8th Grade Visit Day – No early dismissal Wednesday, Nov 5….9th/10th Guidance Mtgs (See Details) Thursday, Nov 6……8th Grade Visit Day Sunday, Nov 9……..SBA Admissions Open House 1-3pm Tuesday, Nov 11…..Home and School Meeting 8am Wednesday, Nov 12….NCAA National Signing Day Saturday, Nov 15…….Practice ACT Test (See Details) Sunday, Nov 16………NHS Inductions at 2pm 11/26-11/30……….Thanksgiving Break – NO SCHOOL Please note that 11/26 was originally scheduled as a half day. It has now been granted as a holiday and we will be out.

Class Giving Drive

We are EXTENDING our Class Giving Drive through the month of November to give the classes more time to reach their incentive marks. October was a busy, busy month around SBA so we hope that in November, you can find a moment to consider supporting the SBA Annual Fund. Thank you so much to those that have already given to our Annual Fund through the Parent Giving Drive, and if you have not already participated, we hope you will consider a gift now. No gift is too small and all gifts are appreciated. While we would love for our parents to consider a gift of $200 or more, PARTICIPATION is always our goal! You can give online now by copying and pasting the following address or you can send your payment in to school with your student. They can turn it in to their Theology teacher or to the front office. If you have any questions or would like to discuss payment options, or any other type of giving, please call the Development Office at 260-­‐2892. A few important things to know about the Class Giving Incentives : • If you have given to SBA since July 1, 2014 – IT COUNTS! Your gift is included in the thermometer percentages attached. • If you have more than one SBA student – your gift is applied to EACH of your children's class percentage numbers.



Development Report October 27, 2014 Freshman)Class:) 33!Donors!out!of!216!–!15%! Freshman!Incentive!Privilege!for! Thursday,!Oct!30:!! ! Sophomore)Class:) 29!Donors!out!of!207!–!14%! Sophomore!Incentive!Privilege! for!Thursday,!Oct!30:! ! Junior)Class:) 32!Donors!out!of!220!–!15%! Junior!Incentive!Privilege!for! Thursday,!Oct!30:!! ! Senior)Class:) 33!Donors!out!of!242!–!14%! Senior!Incentive!Privilege!for! Thursday,!Oct!30:!! ! ! Class)Incentives:) 25%!J!Jeans!Day! 50%!J!Donuts!AND!Navy!Polos! every!remaining!! Wednesday!in!November! 75%!J!Sweatpants/Pajama! ! Bottoms!Day! 100%!J!Chick~fil~a!Chicken! Biscuit!Breakfast! ! 100%)SCHOOL=WIDE)Incentive:)







PINK WEEK Each year, SBA, CBHS and St. Agnes set aside a week to raise money for Wings Cancer Foundation. The three schools work together to raise money and will present one check from our three schools to representatives from the Wings Foundation during halftime of the SBA vs CBHS football game. This year's game is on Friday, October 31, at SBA, with a 7 pm kickoff. How can you help? *Purchase a special "Pink Week" ticket to the football game for $10. $3 of every ticket sold will be donated to Wings. SBA season passes will be honored this night. *All season pass holders and "Pink Week" ticket holders can use the pass gate. Tickets are available in the school office up until game time. *Students can purchase a "pink" SBA wristband for $5 (sold last week during lunch periods). This will allow the student to wear this year`s "Live Pink" t-shirt (as well as shirts from years past)in place of the regular school uniform shirt all this week, October 2731. In addition to the pink shirt, the girls may add pink socks, pink shoes, pink tights. Guys made add pink tie/suspenders, pink shoes, pink socks. *Friday, October 31, is a donation out of uniform day. No costumes! Only jeans/sweats and an appropriate shirt/sweatshirt are allowed. Refer to the SBA Student Handbook for guidelines.

Practice ACT A practice ACT has been scheduled for November 15 from 9 to 12:15. Students can sign up to take the test in the guidance office. The cost of the test is $10. Another practice test will be given December 6th and January 17th. Students will take an actual ACT test. Tests will be scored and returned the following week.

NHS Tutoring The National Honor Society NOW HAS a tutoring table set up during all 3 lunch periods EVERY Wednesday for anyone who needs help. Please encourage your student to take advantage of this service.

Reminder to all parents: By 3:30 each school day - all students need to be with a teacher, with a coach, in the library, or leaving campus. Please make the necessary arrangements.

Guidance Meetings Freshman/Sophomore Meetings Nov. 5 at 12:30 and 6:30 DLC


Wednesday, November 12 is the 1 Signing Day for Student-Athletes Signing in 2014-15 and Enrolling in College in 2015-16

Each year we get to celebrate the success of our students in so many ways. Some of our student/athletes even get to "sign" with a college. And when they do, it's always been fun to have family and friends - and cake. We follow the NCAA National of Letter of Intent (NLI) Signing Dates Calendar to recognize these athletes. The dates for this year: November 12, February 4 and April 15. The signing “parties” are held immediately after school on those dates in the front foyer outside the main office. November 12 is our first signing day this year and is an early signing for all sports, particularly basketball. Students and/or parents should contact their coach and Sports Information Director Sharon Masterson at; 260-2871, to set up a signing party.

Wrestling Team to Sell Pink Lanyards Just a reminder that the wrestling team will be selling pink lanyards on October 28 during lunches. The cost will be $6.00 and of that, $1.00 will be a donation to the Wings Foundation.


Ava Maria Shoe Box Project We are collecting the following items as a service project: Lip balm Peanut Butter crackers Pen and memo pad Flashlight and batteries Nightlight Hand lotion Toothbrush and toothpaste Emery boards Soap Pocket size tissue Cough drops Raisins Hard candy Juice boxes Canned chicken or tuna with crackers Hand sanitizer Comb brush

Parent'Directory'“Buzz'Book”'Instructions! The$Buzz$Book$has$been$replaced$with$the$new$PlusPortals$directory.$By$default,$ your$name$is$not$listed$in$the$directory$for$privacy$reasons.$You$must$agree$to$have$ your$name$posted$in$the$directory$before$it$will$be$listed.$Once$you$agree$to$having$ your$information$posted$you$have$the$ability$to$select$what$information$you$want$ others$to$view.$With$the$new$system$you$also$have$the$ability$to$update$any$ information$that$has$changed$i.e.$address,$phone$numbers$or$email$addresses.$Once$ you$update$your$information,$it$will$also$update$our$information$database.$ $


$ $

1. Log$into$your$parent$PlusPortals$account.$The$student’s$account$will$not$ work.$ 2. Click$on$the$arrow$beside$your$name$on$the$right$just$ above$the$menu$bar$and$select$Directory$Listing.$ 3. Under$the$Directory$Listing$menu$ a. Put$a$check$in$the$box$beside$“List$my$information$in$ the$school$directory”$ b. Select$what$information$you$wish$listed$for$others$to$ see.$ c. Click$on$Save$Directory$Settings$button.$ 4. Your$information$will$then$be$available$for$other$parents$and$ students$to$view.$


1. Log$into$your$parent$PlusPortals$account.$The$student’s$account$will$not$ work.$ 2. Click$on$the$More$button$in$the$box$with$your$student’s$ name.$ 3. On$the$student’s$page,$select$Demographics$on$the$menu$bar.$ 4. Select$the$Edit$button$on$the$top$right$of$the$Student$Demographic$ page.$ 5. Edit$the$information$you$would$like$to$change.$$ 6. Click$on$the$Save$button.$ 7. Once$it$is$saved,$the$information$will$also$ update$in$our$database.$


$ If$you$have$any$problems$or$questions$about$your$PlusPortals$account$please$either$ call$Cain$Carson$at$901$260X2864$or$email$him$at$$He$will$be$ glad$to$assist.$

HOME AND SCHOOL NEWS More 8th Grade Visit Days: November 4th, November 6th, and Open House on November 9th. We are in need of additional parents to meet and greet the prospective parents and walk with them during the tours to answer any questions they might have about SBA. Usually its questions about what your experience has been and what you love best about SBA and why you chose to send your students there. We need parents to arrive at 8:45 in the rotunda and plan to be there until around lunch time. PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING US. We need some truly great Parent Ambassadors to step up and help us. We have another Monthly Teacher Treat Day on November 11th. We still need another 11 Volunteers to send in treats on this date. Our faculty and staff really enjoy the wonderful things that we send in. Store bought, homemade, healthy or indulgent. They appreciate the attention. You can send in items with your student so you need not get out of the car or even need to come to the school if your student drives. Please help us if you can. Also on November 11th, we’ll be having our 2nd Home and School meeting of the year. We will meet in the Faculty Dining Hall at 8:00 AM. We’ll be discussing additional volunteer events and immediately following will be having our first planning meeting for the Annual Fashion Show. This is a great event to get involved with and we need lots of folks to help us. The next First Friday Adoration is Friday, November 7th. Presently, we have NO volunteers for this date. We really appreciate any of our parents who can come and spend a ½ hour or so in quiet meditation and reflection in our chapel. Remember we are on:

SBA Home and School

“GLOW BASH” TRUNK OR TREAT AT SBA St. Benedict at Auburndale High School Eagles are hosting a “TRUNK OR TREAT” on Thursday, Oct. 30 at the school’s soccer field (8250 Varnavas Dr @ Germantown Parkway) from 7pm – 8pm. There will be organizations handing out treats to all the little “goblins” that come out. In addition, KIX – 106 will have a live remote at the event with personalities and prizes. Following the trunk or treat activities, there will be a neon Glow Bash pep rally as the Eagles host CBHS in region football action the next night (10/31 @ 7:00). Everyone is invited to SBA’s first “Trunk or Treat.” Fun for the whole family! Security on site! Any SBA families, groups or organizations that are interested in setting up an area, contact Coach Marcum at

Oct. 30th BE PREPARED... for the GLOW BASH PEP RALLY Selling Thurs—6pm on @ soccer field

$4 Glow Body/Face paint— paint ya self up! $4 NEON glasses $2 Ultimate Glow sticks $2 Ultimate Glow Necklaces FREE CHARGE ME UP STATION AVAILABLE

Trunk or Treat @ 7pm for all ages Pep Rally @ 8pm

YES on 1 Most of you have probably heard of AMENDMENT 1 which is on the Nov. 4 ballot in our state. Tennessee’s three Catholic Bishops have publicly come out in support of this Amendment and have urged the institutions in their Dioceses to inform voting citizens about the Amendment. Currently, Tennessee is the 3rd largest abortion-­‐destination state in the U.S. with very little or no regulations on abortion centers. Amendment 1 will provide more regulations and move our state away from the abortion-­‐destination distinction and in line with most others. The “Yes on 1” effort is a community-­‐based outreach to raise awareness of this constitutional amendment. They have a very informative web site, that gives information on the amendment, its language and all that voters will need to be informed as they go to the polls in a couple of weeks. As a Catholic School of the Diocese of Memphis, we want to share this information with you and make you aware that on Friday, Oct. 31, prior to our last home football game, (vs CBHS) the Memphis “Yes on 1” group will have an information booth. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have and will also have literature for distribution.



ST.!BENEDICT!SPIRIT!SHOP! Is!hosting!its! 2ND!ANNUAL!CHRISTMAS!SALE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


It!sounds!too!early!to!have!a!“Christmas!Sale”,!but!think!about!it…!!We!only!have!8!weeks!or!8!Spirit!Shop!days! left,!that!includes!Fall!Break,!Thanksgiving!and!getting!out!early!on!Dec.!19th!for!Christmas!Break.! Our!Spirit!Shop!has!some!great!items!on!sale!to!give!as!gifts.!!!Our!New!Logo!items!are!in!and!the!hoodies,!grey! and!navy!have!arrived.!


The!Big!Sale!items:!!OLD!LOGO!/!NOW!VINTAGE! Examples!of!these!are:!!Hoodies,!Crews,!TeeJShirts,!Cups,!Ball!Caps,!Sun!Visors,!Polo’s,!Fleece!Jackets!and!Vests.!

Old!Logo!Design:!Can!always!be!worn,!these!items!are!on!sale!for:! Tee’s!!!$10.00!!Hoodies:!$20.00!!!Crews:!!!$18.00!!!Fleece!Jackets!$40.00!sale!$35.00! Cups:! $5.00!!!Polo’s!$!25.00!!!Fleece!Vest:!$30.00! Please!note:!We!have!limited!sizes!and!colors,!BE!THE!FIRST!TO!CATCH!A!SALE! Please!know!that!every!dollar!you!spend!on!Spirit!Wear!from!our!Spirit!Shop!goes!back!to!the!school!to!help! with!much!needed!budget!items.!

Senior Ad Information Purchasing an ad in the 2015 Talon (yearbook) is a wonderful way to congratulate your child on a job well done! Senior ads are printed in all color and are being offered at a great price! What better way to delight your child than with a special ad designed especially for him/her? The deadline is Friday, November 14, 2014. Ad space is limited. Space is on a first come, first serve basis. The Talon 2015 Ad Prices Size Price Full Page $350 1/2 Page $250 1/4 Page $175 1/8 Page $125 QR Code (New!) $50+ ad price (Alone $100) Please make checks payable to St. Benedict.

Suggested # of Pictures: Full Page 4-8 ½ Page 2-4 ¼ Page 1-2 1/8 Page 1 Directions: 1. Choose an ad size. 2. Make a rough sketch of your ad. (The yearbook staff can do the rest.) 3. Choose pictures and write a message for your senior. Please write all messages and text clearly. Please do not send one-of-a kind or Xerox copies of photographs. If possible, please send pictures on a flash drive. Pictures should be saved with a resolution of 300 or higher.

4. Fill out the advertising contract. 5. Send in pictures, sketch, contract, and check to St. Benedict at the same time. Checks cannot be sent separately from the contract to reserve space. Please Note: • The contract, check, and ad materials must be turned in together to the front office for the ad to be processed. • An e-mail will be sent to you to confirm the ad was received. • Also, a proof will be sent to you for approval via e-mail during the spring semester. Please respond within a week of receiving the proof to make any changes. If there is no response within 7 days, the ad will be published as it was sent to you.

2015 Yearbook Advertising Contract Student’s Name:______________________________________________ Parent’s Name: _______________________________________________ Phone Number:_______________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________ A personal e-mail is preferred because some businesses will reject the large e-mail file needed to send a proof.

Address: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________ Ad Size:________________________ Ad Cost: (enclose check)_____________ (Add $50 to include QR code)

Make checks payable to St. Benedict.! Include a separate sheet of paper with your ad design. (See example at right.) Don’t forget to include your pictures. (Preferably on a flash drive). Drop off in the Main Office or mail to the following address: Tammie Ford St. Benedict at Auburndale 8250 Varnavas Drive Cordova, TN 38016 For questions: DEADLINE: November 14 PRICES: Full page: $350 Half page: $250 ¼ page: $175 1/8 page: $125 QR code: $100 alone/ $50 + ad price Thank you for supporting your senior and the 2015 Talon!

We love you! Mom and Dad

Love you! Mom and Dad

Love you! Mom and Dad

Visit SBA Do you know someone interested in SBA? Encourage them to contact the Office of Admissions to register for one of our upcoming events. 260-2873 *

8th Grade Visit Days October 21 November 4 November 6

Fall Open House November 9

“Be an Eagle for the Day� - 8th Grade Shadow Day October 24

Eagle Monday




St. Benedict at Auburndale High School Wednesday ThursdayLunch OCTOBER 2014 Daily

Hot Lunch $4.25 1 Entrée 2 Sides Bread 16 oz. Drink

your smart phone or tablet Visit the website to view

Bottled Beverages not Included

Pay on the GO! Download the MPP App on

purchases & set notifications



Vegetable Lasagna Roasted Potatoes Corn on the cob Lemon Baked Catfish Sautéed Whole green beans

John Wayne Casserole Steamed Cabbage

Chicken Alfredo Broccoli w/ Cheese Honey Glazed Carrots Creole Tilapia Brown Rice

Chef Minh Hibachi Station

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

Italian Grilled Chicken Steamed Vegetable

Chicken Tenders Crinkle Cut French Fries





Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes w Gravy Speckled Butter beans Parmesan Chicken Spring Mix Vegetables

Spaghetti w/ Meat sauce Cream Corn Seasoned Green Beans Glazed Pork Tenderloin Rosemary Potatoes

Chicken Fried Steak Scalloped Potatoes Black eyed Peas Turkey Pot Roast Vegetable Medley

Chicken & Waffles Scrambled Eggs Cheese Grits Biscuits & Sausage Gravy Grilled Chicken Breast

Assorted Wings

Chef Minh Special menu






Fried Pickles Spicy Ranch Dressing






Fried Catfish./Hushpuppies Macaroni & cheese Turnip Greens

Baked Ziti Creamed Spinach Fried Zucchini Southwest Chicken Breast Wild Rice

Seared Cod w/ Lobster Cream Sauce

Sautéed Vegetables

Assorted Wings






Chicken Pot Pie Fried Okra Squash Casserole

Gail's Famous Beef Brisket Baked beans Potato Salad

Chicken Rotel Green Peas Buttered Corn

Southern Fried Chicken Macaroni and cheese Green Bean Casserole

Pasta w/ Bolognese sauce Italian Vegetables Italian Green beans

Grilled Tilapia w/ Pineapple Relish Seasoned vegetables

Sweet and Sour Chicken Steamed rice

Roasted Turkey Breast Cornbread Dressing

Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry Seasoned Rice

Grilled Chicken Strips Caesar Salad

Chicken Tenders

Chicken Or Beef Fajitas

Tater Tots with Cheese

Black beans

Chef Minh Hibachi Station






Beef lasagna Stewed Tomatoes Corn Nuggets Blackened Tilapia Grilled Zucchini

Mexican Layered Casserole Spanish Rice Refried beans Honey Glazed Chicken Brown Butter Carrots

Crunchy Beef tacos Mexican Corn Pinto Beans Chicken Picatta Steamed vegetables

Chicken Tetrazzini Seasoned Green beans Peas & Carrots

Chicken on a stick

Assorted Wings

Cajun Jambalaya Creole Red Beans & Rice

Chicken Tenders

Foot long Corn Dogs

Spicy French Fries

Funnel Cake Fries

White Fish with Lemon Butter Sauce

Sautéed Brussel Sprouts

Grilled Corn on the Cob Jumbo turkey Legs Dirty Chips Homemade Lemonade

Onion Rings

Daily Soup & Baked Potatoes

Food Service Director, Minh Nguyen 901-2602884


”Welcome To The Circus” TRIVIA NIGHT Benefiting St. Benedict Seniors Project Graduation Saturday Night, November 22, 2014 SBA Dining Hall Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. • Questions begin at 7:30 p.m. • $15 per player Teams will consist of 8 people. In the interest of fairness – no more than 8 people per team. Walk-Ins accepted at the door IF tables are available. GOLD SPONSOR TABLES $20 per player (These tables must consist of 8 players) Each of these tables will receive 2 bottles of wine, appetizer, priority seating and additional door prize drawings. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to allow time to set up and visit with competing teams.       

Questions by Brother Ignatius (CBU) will begin at 7:30 p.m. The contest will consist of ten rounds of ten questions for a total of 100 questions. Categories cover a wide range – something for everyone!! All team members placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last will receive prizes! Table Decorating Contest!!! Come up with a theme and decorate your table depicting the theme “Welcome To The Circus.” Most outstanding table will win a prize!! Silent Auction / Heads & Tails Game Mulligans – tokens that can be used as a correct answer when a team is stumped on a question. ($5.00 each or 6 for $20.00) Limit 6 per team. Call: St Benedict High School 260-2840, Lisa McFarland 901-752-4919; or e-mail; Bette Thompson Mail completed registration forms with checks made payable to Project Graduation to: St Benedict High School 8250 Varnavas Dr. Cordova, TN 38016 Drop off at SBA High School office with envelope marked Project Graduation (Trivia Night)

We do expect a full house and tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We are limited to 45 tables. Sign up early so you won’t be disappointed!

Trivia Night Registration Reservations will be accepted for teams at $15 per person; or at $20 per person for a Gold Sponsor table. To reserve a Gold Sponsor Table, you must have 8 players. If you prepay the registration fee – we will let you know your table assignment in advance and you will be able to go straight to your table and bypass the line at the registration table. If you pay at the door, the

team captain is responsible for collecting the team’s registration fees and paying for the entire team at check-in, either by check or cash. Please select one: Gold Table__________________ or Regular Table____________________ Team Members:

(Please designate one person as team captain)

1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________________ Team Captain:______________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________ e-mail:________________________________ Please provide an e-mail address so a copy of the rules can be sent to the team captain. You are invited to bring your own refreshments and BYOB for your table. Desserts and soft drinks will be provided. Door prizes will be drawn throughout the night and the silent auction will end during the 8th round. Brother Ignatius has promised two “heads or tails” contests, which will be fun for all!!

2014 FATHER/SON PROGRAM For 12 - 15 year old boys

Must be accompanied by a parent or other supportive adult.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Saint Francis Hospital Auditorium 5959 Park Avenue The Father/Son Program explores God’s special gifts of human sexuality and fertility as well as the goodness and wonder of His plan for growing up and becoming a man of integrity. Topics include: the physical changes in a young man’s body as it prepares for fatherhood; emotional changes; acceptance of responsibility; the functions of the male and female reproductive systems; the sacredness of human life; appreciation and reverence for the gift of sexuality; the virtue of chastity; and a question and answer segment. Healthy dating relationships with a strong emphasis on friendship, respect and chastity are also discussed. The purpose of the program is to provide an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss the important topic of growing up and to establish a foundation for continued communication between parent and child. The program is presented primarily by male NFP Center volunteers who have set high moral standards for themselves. They will emphasize respect, strong character, integrity, understanding and appreciation for God’s gifts.

Pizza and refreshments will be served.

Seating is limited and reservations are required. Discount fee is $25.00 per family (non-refundable) if RECEIVED by October 29. AFTER October 29, the fee is $30.00 per family (non-refundable.) REGISTER ONLINE at or complete the Registration Form below and mail it with a check for $25.00 to the NFP Center before October 29.

Diocese of Memphis Natural Family Planning Center 5825 Shelby Oaks Dr.

Memphis, TN 38134

(901) 373-1285

2014 Father/Son Program Registration Form

We want to attend the Father/Son Program on Sunday, November 2, 2014. Father’s Name___________________________________________ Home Phone________________________________ (Please PRINT and use names as you want them to appear on the name tags.)

Son’s Name________________________________ Age______ DOB___________ School_________________________ 2nd Son’s Name_____________________________ Age______ DOB___________ School_________________________ Address___________________________________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________ Work or Cell Phone________________________ E-Mail address_____________________________________________ Please make $25.00 check payable to NFP CENTER and mail with the reservation form to:

Diocese of Memphis NFP Center

5825 Shelby Oaks Dr.

Memphis, TN 38134

Seating is limited. Reservations must be RECEIVED by Wednesday, October 29, 2014 for the $25.00 discount fee. Confirmation of your reservation will be sent by E-mail or post card. Please call (901) 373-1285 if you do not receive a confirmation.

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