Monday Mail November 11, 2013: Calendar Reminders (Check for athletic calendar dates.) November 11………….Veteran’s Day Prayer Service 10am November 12………….Home and School Mtg. 8am Faculty Dining Room SACS Visit November 13………….Athletic College Signings 3pm November 15………….$1 Jeans Day (see details) November 16………….Practice ACT (see details) November 22………….Sophomore Retreat November 24…………Crossroads Concert November 25…………Jazz/Soul Band Concert November 26…………Half Day Dismissal November 27-29……..Thanksgiving Holiday– NO SCHOOL December 3…………..Band/Choir Concert December 4…………..Junior Ring Mass 10am – All invited Religious Goods sale (see details) December 7…………...High School Placement Test
SGA Food Drive Time!!! The Class Competition – November 11 – 15 Grade levels compete against each other to see who will bring in the most cans. Students will drop cans off in designated areas and SGA will collect and count. CANstruction – November 13 Each grade level will construct a free standing form from cans. Minimum number to participate – 250. Winner receives total cans to go to the class competition. Jeans & Sweat Pant Day- November 15 Students will pay $1 to wear jeans and $5 to wear sweats. Buffalo Wild Wing Night – November 19 Come support SBA and SGA at Buffalo Wild Wings – flyers to come out soon Soul Band / Jazz Band & Special Guest Concert – November 25 Thank you Mr. Link!!! SGA will be there to support and collect cans.
TBA – Powder Puff NEW THIS YEAR! In honor of No Shave November we are allowing BOYS to participate in a No Shave Competition. The competition begins Monday, November 11 and will run until Tuesday, November 26. The boys will pay $20 as an entry fee and be given cards to show they are paid participants. Feel free to ask them to produce the card. Sign up begins November 11 and they MUST be shaved. We will also keep a list. Also NEW THIS YEAR – for the GIRLS Not to be left out we are also allowing the GIRLS to pay $15 and wear sweat pants UNDER their skirt. This will START November 13 and run until November 26. They will also have a card to show they are participating.
Sophomore Class Retreat Friday, November 22nd – 8:30 – 2:30 at SFA Parish Life Center. Permission forms are being given out in Theology classes on Monday, Nov. 4th and are due back this Friday, Nov. 8th. If you are ordering lunch from Chick-Fil-A, you will need to include $6 cash or check made out to SBA with your permission form. We are looking forward to a great day! Any questions, please contact Mrs. Giles
Project Graduation 2014 Committee Meeting We will have a Trivia Night planning meeting in the library at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 14, 2013. All parents wanting to help with Trivia Night are welcome to attend.
Seniors interested in UT The UT Knoxville Scholarship deadline has been extended until Nov. 15.
Senior Parents Meeting The financial aid scholarship meeting for senior parents scheduled for November 20 will be changed to a date in January. Please check Monday Morning Mail for further updates!!!!!
Practice ACT for Juniors This is a great way for Juniors to prepare for the ACT. Students will receive scores and test booklets back within a week of taking the test. These are actual ACT's that have been retired for practice purposes. Dates for practice ACT: November 16 December 7 January 18 Time: 9-12:15 Cost: $10 Sign-up with Ms. Brannon in counseling office.
SBA Annual Religious Goods Sale Wed., Dec. 4 at St. Benedict 8 am – 2 pm A variety of books, music, sacramentals, gifts and holiday items, too. Several vendors represented. Open to the Public. For information call St. Benedict, 260-2840.
High School Placement Test
For students entering 9th grade in 2014-15. Sat, Dec.7, 8 am. Application & pre-registration required. 260-2840,
SBA Fashion Show Items SBA’s main fundraiser is the SBA Fashion Show. This year the date is Saturday, February 22nd. One of the biggest attractions of the Fashion Show is the class basket/display giveaway. We accept all kinds of items for the giveaway from kitchenware, candles, to large electronics and patio furniture! If you are out shopping and seeking deals for the upcoming holidays, please keep the Fashion Show in mind. We already have a donation shelf going in our storage area and are grateful for any items!
2014 Calendar Fundraiser SBA is establishing our own National Art Honor Society. We have a number of creative and talented students and would love to share their knowledge and artistic gifts with everyone! We are selling school calendars comprised of artworks created by our NAHS students- just in time for the holidays! Inquiries concerning ordering and orders can be directed to Michelle Haysley ( These will sell for $20.
N A T I O N A L A R T H O N O R S O C I E T Y 2 0 14
SBA Spirit Shop Don’t forget about our Spirit Shop during this cold weather and the upcoming holidays! A catalog is available on our website under quicklinks for phonein/pick-up orders and the Spirit Shop is set up every Thursday during lunches.
IN HONOROf 25 Years
The 2013-14 Annual Fund for St. Benedict at Auburndale
! Each!month,!the!Development!Office!will!publish!an!update!on!our! ! 2013=14!IN#HONOR!Annual!Fund!Drive.! The!Development!Office!keeps!up!with!ALL!donations!given!to!the!school! and!all!donations!go!into!the!Annual!Fund!total,!but!are!allocated!to! different!accounts!according!to!the!donor’s!wishes.! While!we!would!prefer!your!donation!to!be!unrestricted!to!the!school!for!us!to! use!where!it!is!most!needed,!we!certainly!welcome!any!gifts! to!programs!that!are!special!to!you!and!your!family.! Our!numbers!so!far!break!down!as!follows:! !
Annual&Fund&Report& From&7/1/13411/4/13& !
Donations&given&to&SBA&for&Sports&and&Programs&4&$48,659.81& & Donations&given&to&SBA&for&Scholarship&and&Tuition&4&$34,235& & Donations&given&to&SBA&unrestricted&4&$31,836.12& & Total&SBA&giving&4&$114,730.93& & Total&Donors&–&174& & New&Donors&4&67& ! Hopefully,!you!received!your!brochure!in!the!mail!and!saw!the!challenge!to!all!of! our!friends!and!families!to!donate!$25!in!honor!of!our! 25=year!anniversary!as!St.!Benedict!at!Auburndale.! The!fun!part!of!the!challenge!is!that!we!would!like!for!you!to!donate!it! IN!HONOR!of!someone.!!The!person!you!honor!will!receive!a!letter! letting!them!know!of!your!kindness,!and!we!will!also!list!all!names!in! our!Annual!Report!at!the!end!of!the!year.! For!fun,!we!created!the!following!graphic!to!let!you!know!how!the! honorarium!part!of!the!challenge!is!going!! Please!keep!in!mind!that!these!are!only!the!honorarium!names!and!donors!that! have!given!in!their!honor!or!memory,!! and!not!a!complete!list!of!donors.!
! We#would#like#to#thank#all#of#our#families#and#friends#that#have#given#so#far.# If#you#have#not#yet#participated#in#the#SBA#Annual#Fund,#we#ask#you#to# consider#a#gift.##All#donations#are#needed#and#appreciated,#no#matter#what# the#size.##You#can#find#more#information#about#our#Annual#Fund#and#an# !
The 2013-14 Annual Fund for St. Benedict at Auburndale
in honor of Pearson Allen from Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Allen ~ in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Arnoult from Mr. and Mrs. T. Darren Arnoult ~ in honor of Alfred and Mary Ann Bailey from Mark and Leigh Zipperer ~ in honor of Billy and Madonna Bond from John M. Mills ~ in honor of Jack Brock from Robert and Elizabeth Fischer in honor of Angie Buchanan from Bridget Bradshaw Krebs ~ in honor of Caitlin Cunningham from Joanie and John Cunningham~ in honor of Brennan Cunningham from Joanie and John Cunningham ~ in honor of Jillian Cunningham from Joanie and John Cunningham ~ in honor of Olivia Mallory DeLozier from Metcalf and Madalyn Crump ~ in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Donnelly from Anthony S. and Joan E. Mitchell ~ in honor of Josh Dove from Randy and Debbie Dove ~ in honor of Jeffrey Dove from Randy and Debbie Dove ~ in honor of Justin Dove from Randy and Debbie Dove ~ in honor of Nickel Ebbing from Mr. Bill Hecht and Ms. Nanetta Walls ~ in honor of Teresa, Joseph and Nic Ferrante from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferrante ~ in honor of Dylan Holzemer from Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holzemer ~ in honor of Ryan Kathman from Elizabeth Kulow ~ in honor of Dave Masterson from Sean and Ann O’Leary ~ in honor of JP Masterson from Gary and Susan Fetz ~ in honor of Sharon and Dave Masterson from Joan Best ~ in honor of Don Madeksho from Mr. and Mrs. Jon May ~ in honor of Blake Mills from Russ and Tina Mills ~ in honor of Garrett Mills from Russ and Tina Mills ~ in honor of John Mills from Lee and Jennifer Lowrie ~ in honor of Mrs. Sondra Morris from Theresa Mills ~ in honor Mrs. Sondra Morris from George and Nancy Valadie ~ in honor of Mrs. Sondra Morris from JoAnne Van Frank ~in honor of Robyn, John Michael and John Hopson Pela from Ginny Dulaney ~ in honor of Kaitlyn Seaman from Denise and Tommy Seaman ~ in honor of Taylor Seaman from Denise and Tommy Seaman ~ in honor of Kelly Lynch Tamowski from Ms. Jean Tierney ~ in honor of George Valadie from Timothy E. and Denise H. Broughton ~ in honor of George and Nancy Valadie from Louis and Mindy Costabile ~ in honor of George and Nancy Valadie from Elizabeth Domico ~ in honor of George and Nancy Valadie from Jim and Kate Marconi ~ in honor of Mr. Eric Wells from Patrick Erstine ~ in memory of Ann Beibers from Mr. Bill Beibers ~ in memory of Don Bingham from Dave and Jeanne Schmidt ~ in memory of John Buchanan from Dianna Cervetti ~ in memory of John Buchanan from Annette Dabaldo ~ in memory of John Buchanan from Chris and Rena Fay ~ in memory of John Buchanan from Barbara Hervey ~ in memory of John Buchanan from Sharon, Dave, Chris, Jennifer and JP Masterson ~ in memory of Raul Fletes from Kristen and Jonathan Spencer ~ in memory of Theresa Grecco from Dan Grecco ~ in memory of Gale Heath from SBA Golf ~ in memory of Mr. Henze from Margaret G. Henze ~ in memory of Mr. and Mrs. William Kiernan from Philip Sorette ~ in memory of Matthey Lelis from Martin and Liza Lelis ~ in memory of Cathy Linxwiler from Frank Linxwiler ~ in memory of Patrick Mulhern from the SBA Class of 2003 ~ in memory of Mary B. Peevy from Brian Peevy ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Annette Dabaldo ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Liam O’Donnell and Family ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from St. Agnes Academy/St. Dominic School ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Nick Stark and Family ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Steven and Lisa Stotts ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Mr. and Mrs. J. Benedict Beer ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Mildred Brignole ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Jerry and Doris Cardin ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Brenda Carter and Family ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Victor and Linda Cavola ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Kevin and Beth Evetts ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Charles and Brenda Lenahan ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from James and Denise Lenahan ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Paul Lenahan ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Bill Roberson ~ in memory of Drew Roberson from Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Roberson ~ in memory of Leon Roelke from Sharon and Mike Lucus ~ in memory of Jenny Rybczyk from Stanley Rybczyk ~ in memory of Dorothy Angel Rybczyk from Stanley Rybcyzk ~ in memory of Nick Stidham from Sean and Ann O’Leary ~ in memory of Margie Stiel from Greg Stiel ~ in memory of Dan Wesson from Eric and Lori Regis ~ in memory of Dan Wesson from Jonathan and Alison Wilcox ~ in memory of Kyle Williams from Gene and Patricia Green
NCAA NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT SIGNING DAYS Each year we get to celebrate the success of our students - on so many fronts. Some of our student/athletes even get to sign to play sports at the college level. And when they do, it's always been fun to have family and friends - and cake. We follow the NCAA National of Letter of Intent (NLI) Signing Dates Calendar to recognize these athletes. Here are our dates for this year: November 13, February 5 and April 16. The signing “parties” are held immediately after school on those dates in the front foyer outside the main office. Below is the NCAA calendar, please note the appropriate schedule for each sport. Students and/or parents should contact their coach and Sports Information Director Sharon Masterson at; 2602871 to set up a signing party. As indicated, our first signing date is Nov. 13. It’s imperative that you contact Mrs. Masterson to reserve a table! NLI Signing Dates for Prospective Student-Athletes Signing 2013-14 and Enrolling in College 2014-15 Initial Signing Date
Final Signing Date
Nov. 13, 2013
Nov. 20, 2013
Football (Regular Period)
Feb. 5, 2014
April 1, 2014
Field Hockey, Soccer, Track and Field/Cross Country, Men’s Water Polo
Feb. 5, 2014
April 1, 2014
Basketball (Regular Period)
April 16, 2014
Div.I, May 1; Div.II, Aug 1, 2014
All Other Sports (Regular Period)
April 16, 2014
Aug. 1, 2014
Basketball (Early Period) All Other Sports (Early Period)
Wednesday Nov. 20th and Dec. 11th 5pm to 10pm McALISTER’S DELI OF CORDOVA 7990 Trinity, 737-7282 Bring this flyer with you and …. …10% OF ALL SALES GO TO THE St. Benedict Swim Team (Includes ‘to go’ orders)
St. Benedict Crossroads Concert Series second concert of the season
November 24, 2013, 6:30 pm, SBA Performing Arts Theatre
The Mighty Souls Brass Band: Bringing the Gospel, Soul, and Blues tradition of the New Orleans brass band home to Memphis! Put on your boogie shoes, children! With the SBA Jazz and Soul Bands.
Tickets only $10 and may be purchased at the door. For information call 260-2871 or check
”THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT” TRIVIA NIGHT Benefiting St. Benedict Seniors Project Graduation Saturday Night, November 23, 2013 SBA Dining Hall Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. • Questions begin at 7:30 p.m. • $15 per player Teams will consist of 8 people. In the interest of fairness – no more than 8 people per team. Walk-Ins accepted at the door IF tables are available. GOLD SPONSOR TABLES $20 per player (These tables must consist of 8 players) Each of these tables will receive 2 bottles of wine, appetizer, priority seating and additional door prize drawings. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to allow time to set up and visit with competing teams. • • • • • • •
Questions by Brother Ignatius (CBU) will begin at 7:30 p.m. The contest will consist of ten rounds of ten questions for a total of 100 questions. Categories cover a wide range – something for everyone!! All team members placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last will receive prizes! Table Decorating Contest!!! Come up with a theme and decorate your table depicting the theme “That’s Entertainment.” Most outstanding table will win a prize!! Silent Auction / Heads & Tails Game Mulligans – tokens that can be used as a correct answer when a team is stumped on a question. ($5.00 each or 6 for $20.00) Limit 6 per team.
Call: St Benedict High School 260-2840, Beth Jackson 826-2112; or e-mail SBA Mail completed registration forms with checks made payable to Project Graduation to: St Benedict High School 8250 Varnavas Dr. Cordova, TN 38016 Drop off at SBA High School office with envelope marked Project Graduation (Trivia Night)
We do expect a full house and tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We are limited to 45 tables. Sign up early so you won’t be disappointed!
! !
Please!read!the!details!below!on!how!your!purchases!at!Kroger!can!help!St.!Benedict.!!! You!won’t!believe!what!a!difference!it!makes!!!! Please!consider!making!SBA!your!Kroger!Community!Rewards!school!of!choice.!!Thank!you!! !
If!you!will!go!to!their!website!at!,!and!follow!the!steps!to!create!an! account!you!can!then!do!the!following!things:! ! • Once!you!have!signed!in,!select!“My!Account”!and!then!“Account!Settings”! towards!the!top!right!corner.! • Select!edit!under!“Plus!Card”!to!enter!your!Plus!card!number!or!your! alternate!ID,!which(is(your(telephone(number.( • Select!edit!under!“Community!Rewards”!and!enter!your!contact! information.! • Enter!St.)Benedict)at)Auburndale!or!enter!our!number!80116!under! “Find!Your!Organization”.! • Select!the!check!box!next!to!St.)Benedict)at)Auburndale.!!! • Click)SAVE)CHANGES!at!the!bottom.! • Remember!your!password!and!sign!in!because!this!program!requires!you! to!choose!your!Community!Rewards!school!every!year.!!! ! You!can!now!see!our!school!under!your!Community!Rewards!tab.!!Once!you! have!completed!this!process,!a!portion!of!every!shopping!trip!you!make!using! your!Kroger!Plus!card!will!now!go!to!support!St.!Benedict!High!School.! THANK!YOU!SO!MUCH!!
EAGLE BUCKS YOU WON’T BELIEVE HOW IT ADDS UP! The Eagle Bucks program lets you earn money for St. Benedict OR tuition credit for yourself while shopping! All you have to do is buy gift cards from us! With more than 50 gift cards to choose from including, Target, Starbucks, Walmart, Kroger, Old Navy, Outback, Chili’s, Bahama Breeze and more, you are sure to find something for everyone in our selection. To place your order, fill out and turn in an Eagle Bucks form. They are available at or in our main school office. You can designate the money to go to your Tuition Account, The SBA Annual Fund, or an SBA Organization. Orders are placed on a weekly basis and SBA receives a percentage of the sale of the gift card. Last year, this program raised almost $50,000 for SBA and that was with minimal participation. Can you imagine if we all took advantage of this? Especially with Christmas right around the corner!
Thank you so much for helping SBA!
The Scripps/Eagle Bucks Program raised over $50,000 for SBA last year. This makes a major difference in the programs we are able to offer our students. Please consider purchasing your holiday gift cards from SBA. Thank you for supporting the SBA Annual Fund.
8250 Varnavas Drive Cordova, TN 38016 901-260-2840
FOR CHRISTIAN MATURITY FOR HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS & SENIORS The SEARCH for Christian Maturity is a weekend experience in Christian Living. It is designed to help you, the young Christian, as you seek to develop and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with others. These goals are reached on the weekend through a process of talks, small group discussions, films, prayer and many other group experiences. The incredible thing about SEARCH is that it is a program FOR youth that is made possible BY the youth leaders who help make the weekend happen. It provides a unique opportunity for young people to come to know God as God works through the words, actions and lives of their peers. In this way, each SEARCHer is able to gain a greater understanding of the meaning of Christianity in his/her own life and in the world through the thoughts of others their own age who have already begun to find insights and meanings. Finally, it is important to understand that the SEARCH weekend is not an end in itself, but rather it is the beginning of a life-long journey of love and relationship with Jesus Christ.
NOVEMBER 15-17, 2013 DECEMBER 6-8, 2013 FEBRUARY 21-23, 2014 MARCH 28-30, 2014
$60.00 non-refundable fee Please make all checks payable to the Diocese of Memphis.
Memphis Catholic High School 61 North McLean Blvd., Memphis, TN 38104
SPONSORED BY: The Catholic Diocese of Memphis
Once the registration is processed you will receive a confirmation letter a few weeks prior to the retreat providing details on the weekend. For questions or more information, please contact: Dianne Dolan, Diocesan Director at 373-1292 / or Tina Warden, Support Staff at 373-1237 /
Handicap Accessible
Proceeds benefit Ave Maria Home & Catholic Education Scholarship Fund
For more information contact: Lisa Bell, (901) 405-3791; or Mary Helen Carmack, (901) 373-1205
Available on line with a credit card or PayPal at
Tickets $40 per person
The Racquet Club of Memphis
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Save the Date!