SBA On Eagles Wings Winter/Spring 2016

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Table of Contents Catholic Schools: Educating Our Youth in Truth for the Honor and Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.


St. Benedict at Auburndale High School is a diocesan, coeducational, college preparatory school committed to academic excellence through a comprehensive and challenging multi-level curriculum presented in an atmosphere permeated with the aims, values and teachings of the Roman Catholic faith. Editor/Director of Communications & Sports Information Sharon Masterson Principal Sondra Morris Assistant Principal/Director of Academics Dr. Beth Fischer Director of PLUS Program Robin Ciancioso


From the Principal/From the Editor

3 Development 5

About Our Faith


Headline News

11 Achievements 16

Faculty Focus


On and Off Campus

Athletic Director Caleb Marcum Director of Admissions Terri Heath Director of Fundraising Kathleen Muck Director of Marketing & Community Outreach Tracey Ford Advisory Board 2015-16 Jon Bascom Madonna Bond Msgr. Peter Buchignani,V.G. Dana Capocaccia Chad Harrell, Chair Dr. John Hyden (’93) Joe Incardona Adrienne LeBlanc Rev. Robert Marshall Patty Neuhoff Chris Newbern Paul Schuhlein Duane Sell Steve Vescovo Don Williams Dr. Wanda Winnette Andy Wise

23 Sports 29

Alumni News

On the Cover – SBA recently contracted with the Redbirds to place a concourse advertising sign at AutoZone Park. This is a rendering of the sign that has been up since the opening of the 2016 Redbirds season. Get down there and take a look at it and send us a “selfie” with the sign. We would love to post on social media! ON EAGLES’ WINGS Magazine is published by theSt. Benedict at Auburndale High School, Office of Communications. Change of address or correspondence: Please send all changes to: Editor - On Eagles’Wings St. Benedict at Auburndale High School 8250 Varnavas Drive Cordova, TN 38016


From the Principal To our SBA families and friends, We hope you all enjoy this issue of On Eagles’Wings – it is full of the many accomplishments of our students, teachers and alumni. Looking back at the many changes St. Benedict has undergone since 1988 is overwhelming. We’ve come from a unit school comprised of grades Jr.K – 12 to who we are now, a Catholic Diocesan, co-ed, College Prep High School. We invite you to come and visit if you haven’t been back in a while. Good things are happening at SBA. Who we are and what we are able to do today is only possible because of those who were with us from the beginning, and we thank you for that. We thank you for the many sacrifices that you have made over the years. Our current families make sacrifices each day, too, to enable their children to be a part of the SBA family, commonly known as “The Nest.” We ask that you keep us in your daily prayers and welcome you back to visit campus at any time. In closing, I would like to share a prayer we use daily at St. Benedict and encourage each of you to join us spiritually by adding it to your daily prayers.

A Prayer of St Benedict Gracious and holy Father, grant us the intellect to understand you; reason to discern you; diligence to seek you; wisdom to find you; a spirit to know you; a heart to meditate upon you. May our ears hear you; may our eyes behold you, and may our tongues proclaim you. Give us grace that our way of life may be pleasing to you; that we may have the patience to wait for you and perseverance to look for you. Grant us a perfect end – your holy presence, A blessed resurrection and life everlasting.

In Christ, Sondra Morris, Principal

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

From the Editor Another school year has come to a close! How thankful we are to have the freedom to bring the faith to so many young people as they prepare for their future in college and the world. SBA provides this preparation in so many ways – the classroom, through daily prayer and Mass, in the athletic and artistic arenas. We are proud to be a means to do God’s work. In the words of one of our teachers following our inaugural Art Exhibit, “It is a true blessing and a gift for us to be given the opportunity to know through sight and sound the same Truth that is conveyed in word.” Our students convey, daily, in all areas of their work here at SBA, the Truth that they are living and learning. Enjoy this issue where we share so much of it. God Bless, Sharon Masterson, Director of Communications & Sports Information


Development From Director of Fundraising & Alumni Kathleen Muck It’s hard to believe that our school year is over. As we start to wind down our year, things get busier and busier and sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. Our Annual Fund is in full swing, and we thank those of you that have already donated. We appreciate your generosity and continued support. Of course, we would love 100% participation from our families. We understand that many times you feel you are pulled in different directions when it comes to giving. Our Annual Fund is such an important tool to help St. Benedict continue to sustain, thrive and help bridge the tuition gap that currently does exist. That’s where you come in! Please remember that no gift is too small and that every little bit helps us continue to be one of the premier Catholic High Schools in the Diocese. Our faculty and staff have embraced our Annual Fund this year with 100% participation. We have such a great group who are truly invested in this institution and your children’s education. They’re constantly looking for ways to continue to make St. Benedict the best it can be and that your child is getting the most out of his/her time here. Our Fashion Show this year was a tremendous success. We were able to double the proceeds over last year’s. Thanks to all who stepped up to help with the

event and for those of you who attended and contributed. It was a great night for St. Benedict and a great time was had by all. If you choose to contribute to our Annual Fund, you may do so by making an unrestricted gift which can be used for an area that has the most need at St. Benedict, or you may make a restricted gift that goes to a specific sport, club or is in honor or memory of a special loved one. This year’s appeal officially ends on June 30. As always, my door is open! Please feel free to call or come by anytime. Thanks for your continued support of St. Benedict. Help us continue to soar to new heights by making a donation to our Annual Fund, every little bit helps!


Development 2015-16 Board of Advisors

(from left) Steve Vescovo, Chad Harrell (Chair), Don Williams, Adrienne LeBlanc, Monsignor Peter Buchignani, VG, Madonna Bond, Dr. John Hyden (’93), Dr. Wanda Winnette, Joe Incardona, Duane Sell, Father Robert Marshall, Dana Capocaccia, Principal Sondra Morris, Chris Newbern, Patty Neuhoff, Paul Schuhlein, inset-Andy Wise.

This team has been actively involved in developing, with SBA staff, a Strategic Plan delineating our vision for the next five years. This Plan is near completion and will be made public soon.


About Our Faith So, is the “Benedict Option” suggesting that we all run for the hills and leave secular society to its own devices? Perhaps some people read Dreher this way, but I think instead we can use Benedict’s example to cast a new gaze on secular society. In this Easter season, the reality of the Resurrected Christ should be at the forefront of our minds. The Resurrected Christ is not scandalized by anything – he endured all sin until the point of death and then continues to defeat death itself through his infinite love. “From the mystery of Christ’s Resurrection a new light floods the world, fighting for territory, inch by inch, pushing back the night.” (Fr. Luigi Giussani) God’s love does not impose itself on the world, suffocating us. His love emerges from within the mess and also the beauty of our experience – our families, our friendships, our work. Pope Francis suggests that “The fragility of our era is this…we don’t believe that there is a chance for redemption; for a hand to raise you up; for an embrace to save you, forgive you, pick you up, flood you with infinite, patient, indulgent love; to put you back on your feet. When you feel his merciful embrace, when you let yourself be embraced, when you are moved– that’s when life can change, because that’s when we try to respond to the immense and unexpected gift of grace, a gift that is so overabundant it may even seem “unfair” in our eyes.” So, in light of the Pope’s words, what the “Benedict Option” actually asks of us is to admit that we are sinners, we are weak and in need of forgiveness; but most importantly that we are given a real chance for redemption. To be sure, this requires a reevaluation of our day-to-day life engaged in concrete things that distract us from the simplicity of faithfully following Christ. But, and perhaps more importantly, it also requires that we look for Christ in the mess of our day-to-day lives and ask ourselves these questions: What is He trying to show me? What is the lesson in this suffering? Why is this being given to me? What can I follow in my day that will help me trust that I am redeemed? In this way we will be able to follow St. Benedict’s holy (and radical!) example in thinking with the Church instead of prioritizing our own agendas. In this way we can also “prefer nothing to the love of Christ!” With hope that we can live our lives with our eyes ever focused on the Resurrected Christ, St. Benedict, pray for us!

St. Benedict and Thinking with the Church

By Hannah Keegan Director of Spiritual Affairs In hopes that everyone had a fruitful Lent and a beautiful Easter octave, I am happy to wish you each a Happy Easter & Pentecost! Christ has risen! Come Holy Spirit! Alleluia! In a way to connect with our founding saint, I recently read an article about St. Benedict’s radical response to the fifth century corruptions in the culture and the Church. What did he do? He walked away! Not from his faith or from the Church, but from the corrupt culture so that he could live and renew his love for Christ more fully and authentically--first in a cave and later in a monastery. Recently, Catholic journalist Rod Dreher has written advocating that Catholics take up what he calls the “Benedict Option.” What Dreher essentially means by this ‘option’ is exactly what St. Benedict did by example in the fifth century— separated himself from the things that negatively characterized his age and focused on simplicity and conforming himself evermore to the cross of Christ. The article quotes GK Chesterton as saying “every age is saved by a saint that is most unlike it.” In this way, Benedict was truly a saint of his time—desiring to separate himself from the corruption and self-indulgent luxury that characterized the relationship of culture and the Church in the fifth century. A saint’s ultimate desire is to think with the Church—not to promote one’s own agenda at the expense of the truth of the Christian teachings. Once he perceived that the culture was more interested in its own agenda rather than following Christ, he desired separation so that he could “prefer nothing to the love of Christ.” (from the Rule of St. Benedict) I found this explication of Benedict and the proposal of the “Benedict Option” profoundly inspiring, but it did make me pause and ask what does it mean for us today to be ‘unlike’ our age? And even more fundamentally, what characterizes our age? As Pope Francis consistently points out, radical consumerism, selfishness, a “throw away culture” are definitely some of the components that characterize our age, and these things make it difficult to live the simple faith that Christ asks of us.

We are pleased to announce that Hannah has recently been blessed with her new son, John Elliott. (see Faculty Focus). We are also sad to say good-bye as she and her husband, Duncan, and baby John will be leaving SBA for Duncan’s 3-year residency in pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati. We bid the Keegans a fond farewell and wish them God’s blessings as they embark on this new stage in their lives.


About Our Faith Semester offers spiritual opportunities

Mrs. Morris and Mr. Masterson start off the annual Perpetual Rosary. For the 2nd year, faculty and staff pray the Rosary throughout the day for all our intentions and for God ‘s continued blessings.This event has become a favorite of the school as students join in during their lunch periods.

A nice day can sometimes find senior Socratic Seminar (theology) class in discussion in the prayer garden as Sister Rita Marie’s class is doing here.

The SBA faculty was blessed to have Father Adam Rust, Pastor of St. Patrick Church and Canon Lawyer for the Diocese, provide Mass and a very spiritual and thought-provoking Day of Recollection.


About Our Faith Our annual May Crowning that takes place during the last all-school Mass, celebrated this year by Father Dexter Noblefranca, Associate Pastor of St. Louis Church and concelebrated by SBA Chaplain Father Herbert Ene, is always a beautiful tradition. Our Senior May Crowning Court this year was – (from left) Brandon Golliday, Claire Tracy, Jacob Timmins and crowning Mary was Class President Anna Graziosi. Karen Talens and Joseph Ferrante were also members of the court. Following the crowning of the statute of the Blessed Mother, seniors brought up flowers to place at her feet and special intentions that remained in the chapel through the Feast of the Ascension. This special day is in honor of our seniors as we send them out of “The Nest.”

† In Memoriam

Jim Holtwick, 55, father of Andy Holtwick (’17), passed away on March 5, 2016.

The faculty, staff and students of St. Benedict at Auburndale offer our most sincere condolences to all those families who have lost loved ones. We remember them and all our dearly beloved in our daily prayers and Masses.

Elizabeth Jones, 91, mother of science teacher Mary Sutton, passed away on January 14, 2016. Saul Maurice Kaplan, age 87, father-in-law of English teacher Jan Kaplan, passed away on February 25, 2016.

Toya Butcher, 36, sister of Rebecca Butcher (’11), passed away on January 18, 2016.

Melvyn Madeksho, 77, father of SBA math teacher Don Madeksho, passed away on March 22, 2016.

David Cervetti, 25, SBA Class of 2009, son of SBA Administrative and Athletic Director Assistant Dianna Cervetti and brother of Matt Cervetti (’05), passed away on March 25, 2016.

Margaret Schmoeckel, 65, mother of SBA science teacher Jennifer Wiggins, passed away on February 10, 2016.

Cliff Davis, 50, father of Grace Davis (’14), passed away on March 22, 2016.

Patty Sparrow, 52, mother of Morgan Sparrow (’06), passed away on March 24, 2016.

Ryan Gaston, 36, SBA Class of 1997, brother of Mindy Gaston (’99), Christy Gaston Shrader (’03), Maria Gaston (’08), brother-in-law of Noah Shrader (’02), passed away on March 7, 2016.

Tom Zimmer, 76, father of Lisa Zimmer Smithmier (’94) and Lora Zimmer Strauss (’94), passed away on April 6, 2016.


Headline News Valedictorian and Salutatorian Named

SBA recently announced the 2016 valedictorian – Vanessa Tejada with the highest GPA from the class of 2016 and salutatorian – Emma Norman, with the second highest GPA.

Vanessa Tejada is an impressive artist and conscientious student. She is a member of the 30+ Club (those who have scored 30 or above on the ACT). She has taken a rigorous schedule of Honors and Advanced Placement classes including AP Studio Art. Her art awards are endless - two Silver Keys and two Honorable Mentions in the Mid-South Scholastic Art Competition last year and a Gold Key, two Silver Keys and an Honorable Mention in this year’s contest; the Best Overall Student Art Award, First Award and Memphis College of Art Award in the 2015 Delta Fair; First in the Belz Museum of Asian and Judaic Art Contest in 2014 and she designed a Christmas card selected by the Diocesan Catholic Schools as their official card last Christmas. She was selected an

Academic All-Star for Art. Using her artistic talent,Vanessa helped create calendars for an art department fundraiser. She also supports St. Jude patients by designing Valentine cards for distribution and makes Christmas cards for U.S. soldiers stationed overseas. She has been selected for the National Art Honor Society, National Honor Society, National French Honor Society, National Science Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. She is a member of the Art Club, French Club and Key Club. In addition, she tutors other students in math and French. Vanessa plans to attend Cornell University to study Engineering. She is the daughter of Dickmar Tejada and Ximera Monroy.

Emma Norman is also a gifted artist and top student. Emma, too, has produced award-winning art - People’s Choice Award at the Belz Museum of Asian and Judaic Art last year and First Place this year; Honorable Mention at the Mid-South Scholastic Arts Competition last year and two Silver Keys this year and Second Place overall at the Cooper-Young Young Artists competition. She also was selected an Academic All-Star for Art. She received Maxima Cum Laude and Cum Laude on the National Latin Exam and has represented the school at the Tennessee Math Teachers Association Competition.

Emma has a passion and love for horses. She has been riding since she was six and has been a competitive barrel racer since she was 10, winning numerous titles. She volunteers for the Bartlett Animal Shelter, Horse Camp and downtown soup kitchens. She has been inducted into the National Art Honor Society, National Latin Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. Emma plans an undeclared major at Rhodes College. She is the daughter of Virginia Norman.


SBA is proud to announce that sophomore Isabelle Verret, with Principal Sondra Morris and Academic Dean Beth Fischer, scored a 36 on the ACT on her first time sitting for the test. This is an extraordinary feat for a high school sophomore. Isabelle is not a stranger to hard work and academic success. In her two years at SBA, she has taken seven honors courses and two AP courses, sitting for the Chemistry and World History AP tests this semester. She recently took the National Spanish Exam and placed in the top 20 in Tennessee for her score of 388. This score is well-above average for the state and nationally, placing Isabelle in the 99th percentile in the nation.


Headline News SBA’s four final Commercial Appeal Academic All-Stars are; Ashley Buckingham for Science, Kate Dudek for English/Literature, Monica Milczek for Foreign Language and Emma Norman for Art.They join Sophie Bougeois, Jake Greismer, Ben Jones, Carter Pruett and Vanessa Tejada who complete this year’s elite group.

Ashley Buckingham

Kate Dudek

Monica Milczek

Emma Norman

National Shrine recognizes SBA as a school of service for the second time The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the largest Catholic Church in the United States and one of the 10 largest churches in the world, is pleased to announce Senior Kate Dudek and St. Benedict at Auburndale High School as a 2016 Charity and Social Service Honoree. Kate and St. Benedict are one of five honorees from across the country to be recognized for outstanding works of charity and social service. In a release from the Shrine it was stated, “Kate and SBA have distinguished themselves in their work with soup kitchens, food banks, blood drives, coat collections, fundraisers for a children’s hospital and a local veteran’s program, assisting with Special Olympics and participating in the annual March for Life.” As the narrator and producer of this year’s submitted video, Kate, representing SBA was awarded a trip to Washington, DC, March 11 through 13. On March 12, during a special Mass celebrated in the Basilica’s Great Upper Church, Kate was presented with the Charity & Social Service Honors Medal by Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, and Chairman of the National Shrine’s Board of Trustees. Established by the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in 2009, the Charity & Social Service Honors Program endeavors to encourage and honor our nation’s youth in their works of corporal and spiritual mercy. The biennial program invites each diocese from across the United States to submit a video nomination of a student or student group engaged in charity and social service. From these nationwide nominations, five honorees are selected for their various outstanding works of mercy. The 2016 honors program was dedicated to the papacy of Pope Francis in celebration of his pastoral mission and his recent visit to the Basilica in September. St. Benedict was also selected for this prestigious recognition in 2014. Kate, a Commercial Appeal Academic All-Star for English and Literature, plans to major in movie production al Loyola Marymount Univeristy in Los Angeles. The video was produced in Coach Daleke’s Movie Making class. Others involved were: Tylan Barr, Kaleb Boudreaux, Nikolai Brown, Robert Campbell, Matthew Dawson, Austin Money, Stephen Monisit, Evy Montgomery, Nick Mussara, Noah Nichols and Megan Weiss. The St. Benedict Winning video can be found at


Headline News SBA choirs show their best The St. Benedict Chamber, Concert and Show Choirs all won 1st place in the Festival of Music Competition in late April in Chicago. In addition, their rankings were among the best - Chamber Choir - 1st Place, Excellent rating; Concert Choir - 1st Place, Excellent rating and Show Choir - 1st Place, Superior rating! An outstanding job by these talented young people!

For the fourth year in a row St. Benedict is selected as a finalist in the 2016 Orpheum High School Musical Theatre Awards for Best Overall Production for Kiss Me, Kate! (SBA won in 2014 for West Side Story). The talented director, cast and crew chalked up 12 finalists selections -

Outstanding Overall Production (4th Year) Ryan Kathman for Outstanding Director by a Teacher Outstanding Lead Actor – Logan Totty Outstanding Lead Actress – Sophie Bougeois Outstanding Supporting Actress – Baylee Thielemier Outstanding Featured Actress – Malia Sorce Outstanding Featured Dancer – Andrew Barczak Outstanding Student Orchestra Outstanding Dance Execution Outstanding Technical Achievement Outstanding Costumes Outstanding Hair & Make-up Check out the announcement here


Achievements High Achievers! For the third consecutive year, the Remmert Family Memorial Scholarship has been presented to St. Benedict students.This year’s recipients are juniors (from left) Jessica Morrison and Courtney Cremerius.

Remmert’s connection to Catholic education in the Diocese dates to their arrival in Memphis in the 1950s. Over the next 25 years, they supported seven children through their completion of higher Catholic education. Students with a 3.0 GPA or above competed for the scholarship by submitting applications, reference letters and essays to the Superintendent of Catholic Schools. From these, prospective recipients were asked to highlight early career interests in a number of key areas. Other relevant factors, such as faith and service, were also considered in determination of award recipients.Two scholarships were awarded this year and these SBA students were selected. At the presentation, the girls were joined by members of the Remmert family, their parents and siblings, Assistant Superintendent Kristi Baird, Superintendent of Catholic Schools Janet Donato and SBA Principal Sondra Morris. Some more soaring Eagles!

A memorial scholarship endowment fund to benefit rising qualified juniors and seniors was established by the Remmert family through the Catholic Diocese of Memphis three years ago to commemorate the lives of Herman Albert and Berenice Agnes Remmert for their longstanding commitment to Catholic education. Mr. and Mrs.

Pictured (from left) Superintendent of Catholic Schools Janet Donato, Russell Remmert, Anna Kate Cremerius, Rita Cremerius, recipient Courtney Cremerius, David Cremerius, recipient Jessica Morrison, Matt Morrison, Maryann Morrison, Megan Morrison, Steve Remmert, Loretta Remmert Hardy, Bill Hardy, Assistant Superintendent Kristi Baird and SBA Principal Sondra Morris.

Sophomore Isabelle Verret (left) was the top scorer in the 2016 Chemistry Olympiad Local Examination and junior Abigail Grantham placed sixth.They were honored with their teacher Adam Ward at a recent luncheon at CBU. Both girls were eligible to sit for the National Exam.


Achievements Artistic talent no stranger to SBA

We are pleased to announce that the following students received recognition at the prestigious Scholastic Arts Awards sponsored by Brooks Art Gallery – Gold Key Junior Megan Brown, senior Vanessa Tejada Silver Key Junior Megan Brown, sophomore Grace Martin (2), senior Courtney Melvin, senior Emma Norman (2), senior Vanessa Tejada (2), freshman Wesley Wilson Honorable Mention Sophomore Emily Cea, senior Violet Durden, sophomore Grace Martin, senior Courtney Melvin (2), senior Vanessa Tejada, freshman Wesley Wilson (2)

SBA musicians and vocalists win accolades Congratulations to Emma Norman (at left), who won first place, and Rachel King, who won the People’s Choice Award, in the high school division of the Belz Museum of Asian & Judaic Art Contest.The theme of the competition was “Year of the Monkey” for the Chinese New Year celebration.

SBA’s All-West Band selection senior Tyler Griffis performed on piano at the All-West Concert at the Cannon Center in February with the Red Jazz Band. Senior Harley Chapman was selected for the 26th Annual University of Memphis Honor Band, also in February. Harley was also a 1st alternate selection for the flute for All-West.

SBA’s All-West Choir selections are Erin O’Brien, Malia Sorce, Somer Smith, Aurin Woods, Christian Presley, Sophie Bougeois, Niki Lewis and Baylee Thielemier. Sophomore Somer Smith, junior Erin O’Brien and senior Sophie Bougeois advanced to the All-State Music Conference, where they performed in April. Senior Violet Durden’s work placed 3rd in the 12th grade category for the Memphis Zoo’s Zambezi Contest in honor of their new exhibit, Zambezi River Hippo Camp. Violet is the only Catholic School winner in the entire K-12 contest and the only private school winner in the 12th grade category.


Achievements Kudos to our U of M Language Fair winners These students competed against more than 20 schools in the Foreign Language Fair at the University of Memphis this spring and came away with awards. For German – (from left) junior Jessica Morrison placed 3rd for German Poster; (seated at left) junior Julia Kersting placed 2nd for German Crafts; juniors Jessica Morrison, Lexi Fletcher, Annie Longoria and Mary Rose Ornosky, 2nd for German Video. For Spanish – junior Colleen May, 1st for Spanish Greeting Cards; senior Aurin Woods (seated right), 2nd for Music Solo and sophomore Kara Spencer, 3rd for Art.

Yearbook Yearbook The SBA 2015 Talon Yearbook, again, received recognition in the Taylor Publishing Yearbook Yearbook. The book received honorable mention, which is an enormous honor since 99% of the staff was new. The 2015 staff members were Maddie Balton, Katy Brock, Allie Denegri, Blake Gerard, David McDonald, Lizzy McIntosh, Elizabeth Nevle, Claire Tracy and Mary Catherine Wade. This is our 5th consecutive year to be recognized. The yearbook staff was caught rummaging around in the archives room earlier in the year trying to get some ideas for this year’s book.

Eagle’s Eye staff reaps awards The Eagle’s Eye recently snagged some nice awards at the annual THSPA (TN High School Press Association) Awards Luncheon at Lipscomb University in Nashville in March: Ashley Hammond – 2nd place for Best Editorial;Vanessa Tejada – Honorable Mention for Best Cartoon and Allison Sorette – Honorable Mention for Best News Story.


Achievements 2014 Production of Julius Caesar recognized

Top honors for forensics

With the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, the drama department’s production of Julius Caesar last year received notice in the April 2016 issue of DRAMATICS, a publication of the Educational Theatre Association. The article, by Julie York Coppens, shares an interview she had with SBA drama teacher Ryan Kathman. Mr. Kathman said, “In the fall of 2014, we put on an all-senior production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, setting the play in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic future (New Rome) that allowed us to do some gender bending (we had a Cassia instead of Cassius and a Marie Antonia instead of Marc Antony, among several others) and get very creative visually with the show.” He told her, “It was one of my favorite things I’ve ever worked on.”

In only their first speech tournament of the year, all six participating members of the SBA Forensics Team received top honors, competing in three separate duet events at the Bartlett High Invitational. Payton Cully and Analyse Capodiferro won 1st place in Duet Acting, Andrew Barczak and Adam Schween earned 1st place in Duet Improv and Baylee Thielemier and Maggie Luther were awarded 2nd place in Duet Musical Theatre.

It’s about how you say it! Shakespeare Monologue SBA’s Shakespeare Monologue Competition 1st place winner was Erin O’Brien, 2nd place Baylee Thielemier and 3rd place Maggie Luther. Erin won $50 and represented SBA at the Memphis area competition in March.

Senior wins local pro-life oratory contest Senior Jennifer Vezey placed first in the annual Tennessee Right to Life - Memphis Chapter Pro-life Oratory Contest in early April at St. Benedict. Jennifer won for her speech on the sacredness of human life from her perspective as an adopted child in a loving family. She received a $150 check and certificate of Merit and advanced to the state-wide competition.

Poetry Out Loud! Congratulations to the 2016 SBA “Poetry Out Loud” winners! First Place Freshman Abby Simpson, Second Place Senior Suzanne Bernstein and Third Place - Sophomore Sarah Hovanec. Extraordinary performances from these ladies, with Abby (pictured with Ms. Kaplan) advancing to the State competition.


Achievements 2016 HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTEES National Art Honor Society Sponsor Laura Beck Sophomores Grace Martin, Zoё Swick; Juniors Megan Brown, Emily Cea; Seniors Kerri King, Maddie Rose, Mary Catherine Wade

Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Soicety) Sponsors Blair Seymour, Andrea Smith Sophomores Erin Bargiachi, Mark Brouwer, Kyle Buckingham, Catherine Crowe, Ashley Edwards, Tyler Erspamer, Lauren Hollis, Rayanne Lelis, Diane Madeksho, Maddie Matheson, Finn Mullen, Sophie Scoggins, Isabelle Verret, A.J. Von Bergen, Lauren Williams, Noelle Ybos; Juniors Chase Bailey, Brooke Barton, Abbie Cambre, Ashley Cardosi, Kamryn Carpenter, Courtney Cremerius, Rayne Dennis, Anikka Ferro, Olivia Forsythe, Isabelle Giddens, Abbie Grantham, Rachel King, Alyssa Kintanar, Annie Longoria, Colleen May, Caitlin McCrory, Kourtnei Neely, Michael Neely, Delaney Nolan, Hattie Ruleman, Sarah Schobel, Jordan Skorupa, McKenna Smith, Malia Sorce, Grace Sweat, Kristin Talens, Meghan Tuttle, Daniel Vailes, Jacob Williamson, Ray Wynne, Mary Zhao; Senior Jacob Timmins

Delta Epsilon Phi (German Honor Society) Sponsor Maria Sanders Juniors Lexie Fletcher, Julia Kersting, Mary Ornosky, French Honor Society (La Societe Honorairé de Français) Sponsor Cheryl West Freshman Jessica Visagie; Sophomores Emily Cambre, Emily Haff, Erin Haff, Rebeca Nieves, Emma Smith, Hayden Stone, Tyraun Stripling; Junior Khamyl Browley; Senior Sofia Gonzalez

Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society Sponsor Karen Timmins Junior Abigail Cambre, Ray Wynne; Seniors Kenzie Baird, Harley Chapman, Ben Jones, Monika Milczek, Jacob Timmins, Rachel Tong

National Honor Society Sponsor Kaitlin Thackery Juniors Caroline Allen, Anna Armour, Chase Bailey, Baylor Bearden, Jennifer Bond, Megan Brown, Abigail Cambre, Ashley Cardosi, Kamryn Carpenter, Ricky Carrasco, Stella Cea, Fischer Clarke, Jacob Coppedge, Courtney Cremerius, Rayne Dennis, Rebecca Elliott, Matthew Fehrenbacher, Olivia Forsythe, Elizabeth Free, Brandon Gibson, Isabella Giddens, Elizabeth Goble, Abigail Grantham, Avery Graziosi, Laura Beth Grissom, Matthew Guimera, Rachel Hale, Lauren Michele Harrell, Sam Incardona, Hayden Jones, Julia Kersting, Rachel King, Alyssa Kintanar, Myah LeFlore, Annie Longoria, Maggie Luther, Tan Mai, Colleen May, Caitlin McCrory, Hannah Milburn, Jessica Morrison, Megan Morrison, Abigail Nathan, Kourtnei Neely, Michael Neely, Liza Nolan, Mary Ornosky, Maribeth Peevy, Hattie Ruleman, Sarah Schobel, Anna Schuman, Amelia Shannon, Jordan Skorupa, McKenna Smith, Malia Sorce, Allison Sorette, Emily Sosnowski, Jade Sully, Grace Sweat, Kristin Talens, Natalie Tipton, Camille Trice, Meghan Tuttle, Lily Uebelacker, Karen Wallis, Faye Ward, Sarah Webster, Ashley Wieties, Ray Wynne, Mary Zhao; Seniors Parker Bacon, Susanne Bernstein, Mackenzie Box, Joseph Ferrante, Shelby Goodrich, Sara Griesbeck, Gina Iovinelli, Tyler Maxwell, Monica Normand, Shea Short

Science National Honor Society Sponsors Patsy Rush, Ray Wynne Juniors Abbie Cambre, Ricky Carrasco, Stella Cea, Courtney Cremerius, Abby Grantham, Avery Graziosi, Annie Longoria, Jessica Morrison, Kourtney Neely, Hattie Ruleman, Allison Sorette, Malia Sorce, Grace Sweat, Kristen Talens, Ray Wynne; Senior Ashley Buckingham Spanish Honor Society (La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica) Sponsor Yasenis Ayers Sophomores Andrew Barczak, Jamie Brannon, Mark Brouwer, Lorenz Cabe, Indie Caldwell, Catalina Carrasco, Emily Cea, Katherine Farler, Elise Giles, Caroline Gillenwater, Lauren Hollis, Nicole Huber, Will Huber, Allison Hyatt, John Iovinelli, Celia Kaplan, Kiko Martinez, Emily McCulley, Alex Miller, Emily Odom, Alexis Rexroat, Christina Rochette, Callie Stiles, A.J. Von Bergen, Andrew Williams, Noelle Ybos; Juniors Brooke Barton, Abbie Cambre, Ricky Carrasco, Elizabeth Goble, Daryn Gohil, Abby Grantham, Sam Incardona, Hannah Milburn, Abby Nathan, Kristen Talens

National Junior Classical League (Latin) Sponsor Karen Terre Sophomores Erin Bargiachi, Kyle Buckingham, Catherine Crowe, Ashley Herbers, Diane Madeksho, Maddie Matheson, Paige Moran, Finn Mullen, Sophie Scoggins; Juniors Megan Brown, Lizzy Free; Seniors Grant Burks, Caroline Raulston, Margaret Sell, Jacob Timmins, Rachel Tong


Faculty Focus Welcome to the Nest, little Eagles! These pictures were reversed in the Fall, 2015 issue and we wanted to make sure that these two new little Eagles were recognized properly.We are sorry for the error.

SBA Baseball Coach and Wellness teacher Adam Smith welcomed his first child, James Barrett Smith, on December 19, 2015. He measured 20� and weighed 5 lbs, 1oz.

Margot McCurry Zeanah is the new daughter of English Department Chair Kathleen Zeanah. She was born on July 21, 2015 at 5 lbs, 1oz, measuring 19 inches.

New Eagles join the flock Business Affairs Director Kathy Hurt welcomed her first grandchild, Oliver Taylor Pruett, on December 24, 2015, weighing 8 lbs, 4 oz and measuring 20 inches. Math teacher Tammi Portanova welcomed her second child and first daughter,Tenley Anne, on December 29, 2015, weighing 6 lbs, 3 oz.

Library assistant Lisa Stotts welcomed her first granddaughter, Blair Annelise, to the family on February 1, 2016, weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. Â

Psychology teacher Nicole Chrestman Director of Spiritual Affairs and Theology teacher Hannah Keegan welcomed welcomed daughter, Kinsley Honna, her first child, son John Elliott, on April on April 16, weighing 8 lbs, 10 oz and 22, 2016. He weighed in at 9 lbs and measuring 21inches. measured 22 inches.


Faculty Focus

SBA Theology Department faculty recently attained the Certificate of Excellence in Catechist Faith Formation from the Diocese of Memphis. Posing for this picture following their Day of Recollection Mass (from left) inset John Paul Masterson, Bret Bilbrey, Department Chair Eric Wells, Nick Brashier, Sister Marie Monique, O.P., Darlene Nevle, Christine Giles, Lori Wade, Director of Spiritual Affairs Hannah Keegan, Sister Rita Marie, O.P. and Principal Sondra Morris

These SBA faculty and staff, (from left) Amy Beatty, Stephanie Scates, JP Masterson, Beth Fischer and Tracey Ford, attended the National Catholic Educational Association in San Diego in April.The annual NCEA Convention is a great way to pick up new methods and ideas of teaching and operating a successful and modern Catholic School.They heard valuable conferences and attended workshops on STEM,Theology, College Guidance, and much more.

Faculty & Staff on the move!

IT Director Edgar Reyes proudly shows off his Certificate of Nationalization as he became a U.S. Citizen on February 18, 2016. Edgar is a former citizen of Mexico.


Faculty Focus

Congratulations to Jim Epley (Social Studies Chair) and Blair Seymour (Math Department) for being selected, once again, by the College Board to serve as graders for Advanced Placement exams. Both gentlemen have been serving for a number of years. This spring Paul Bryant provided his photography in an exhibit at the Bartlett Performing Arts/Conference Center. Copies of his work could be purchased for a donation to the charity of the purchaser’s choice.

Music Industry Class unique to the area MUSIC INDUSTRY Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for a variety of alternative careers in the music and entertainment industries, and covers a broad range of basic aspects in music business, commercial music, recording arts, music technology, copyright laws, songwriting, with a special emphasis on music theory and college music theory placement exam preparation. Topics on how to start your own record label, band and venue management, networking, marketing, promotion and personal finance for musicians are also covered. Prerequisite: Instrumental or vocal experience, or teacher recommendation Grades 11, 12

sites, marketing, personal finance for musicians, contracts, etc. He remarked,“The only topic that gets really involved is college music theory placement test preparation, which is VERY lacking in high schools and is required by all colleges. I basically took the different music industry degrees that were offered at the University of ColoradoDenver when I taught there, and brought into broad topics for high school. I have been bouncing some ideas for the class from professors I know at USC, Colorado, UCDenver and Miami, but I’m not actually in partnership with any university. I’m also bringing in professional musicians from the Memphis area to speak to the class.” This class proves, again, the uniqueness and quality of the education at SBA!

Instrumental Music teacher Gary Buss has developed the above defined course for our upper classmen because he knows that the music business is leaning towards the commercial side (rock/jazz/country bands). Since SBA has had established rock and soul and jazz bands, he felt this would be a natural supplement to the music program. Gary says,“This is essentially a class on how to make a living in the Fine Arts.The reason that I wanted to start this was to better prepare students who are going into an instrumental, vocal or music theater career even if it would be only a sideline. Most people who are going into this area to make a living are frankly not prepared for it –they may be great talents, but a disaster when it comes to the business side.” In the course, Gary covers a very broad base for what someone who is starting out in a music career needs in order to make it. Such as; how to decide what city to move to (if desired) , how to start networking when they get there, promo materials, web

For the second year, Mr. Buss welcomed young band students from Immanuel Lutheran School to one of his band classes for hands-on experience.


On And Off Campus Students learn off campus, too SBA Upper level Art - Drawing & Painting, Advanced Art & AP Art, recently toured the Mid-South Scholastic Art Show sponsored by the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art.

French classes also had an interesting and enjoyable field trip that included French cuisine at L’Ecole Culinaire and French art at the Dixon Gallery.

While there, Vanessa Tejada and Megan Brown were able to share their Gold Key Awards for the beautiful pieces they entered in the competition.

Ms. Freel’s Southern Studies class made their annual trek to Oxford to visit William Faulkner’s home and the Southern Studies Department at the University of Mississippi.


On And Off Campus

A special treat for eight senior girls (Gina Iovinelli, Margaret Sell, Sarah Ryan, Amanda Magusiak, Sophie Bougeois, Claire Tracy Savannah Boettcher and Anna Graziosi) was a visit to the St. Cecilia Motherhouse in Nashville. Our two Dominican Sisters, Sister Marie Monqiue and Sister Rita Marie, escorted the group in April. It was a lovely overnight visit with some time for prayer, a tour, a little work in the kitchen and some recreation with the sisters, postulants and novices. We hope to make this a tradition!

Senior Mary Catherine Wade was awarded a $3000 college scholarship at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, February 4-6. She and her Palomino Quarter Horse Ima Gold Cadillac won high point all around reserve champion at the Palomino Horse Breeders Association show and high point in the youth trail division of the American Quarter Horse Association show to win the scholarship. In addition, she had over 20 top-3 finishes throughout the three-day show! Mary Catherine, deservedly, has also been chosen a 2016 Germantown Charity Horse Show Princess. Sophomore Shannon Kennedy and her horse Gold Cielo placed second in the Junior Hunter Division at the Lake St. Louis Winter Festival in February. Shannon trains with Poppy Doyle at Trinity Farm in Lakeland.


On And Off Campus Junior Khamyl Browley has been selected for the Memphis Levitt Shell Next Generation Apprenticeship as part of the first class of apprentices. She will serve this summer from June 2 August 4.

Congratulations to sophomore Ashley Edwards and her Memphis Pride Inferno cheer team, who were recently selected the 2016 UCA ll-Star International-Small Restricted L5 Coed Champion. Inferno’s coach is the new SBA Cheer Coach Shawn Magee. Memphis Pride Inferno received a paid bid to “The Summit” held in late April. Only one paid bid was given at each Level. Receiving a paid bid at this competition is a huge accomplishment.

How we serve!

Freshman Alex Theisen, an accomplished gymnast, took 1st place in her division at the recent Tennessee State Meet Championship.With her success, she qualified for the regional competition.

It’s getting to be a habit, as SBA was recognized as the top performing school in the annual Mid-South Food Bank Drive this year.The school drive, sponsored, by the SGA, donated hundreds of non-perishable food items and over $4,300 to the Food Bank. Senior musician extraordinaire Joseph Ferrante recently cut and produced a CD titled “Life in Paradise.” It includes six songs from his musical repertoire. Emma Baltz traveled to Kandern, Germany in April with the Hope Church Women’s Ministry to provide a retreat for girls and moms at The Black Forest Academy.While there, she helped with arts and crafts, break-out talk sessions and painted as the group leaders were addressing those in attendance. Emma Baltz (at right) with mission trip leader Pam Bramlage.

Seniors Kate Dudek, Brandon Golliday, Josh CraigLangston and Emmy Houston recently presented Bishop J.Terry Steib a check in the amount of $1,110.45 for the 2016 Bishop’s Annual Appeal.The money was raised through an out-of-uniform day for the Appeal, which supports all the Diocesan ministries.


On And Off Campus A story that’s hard to forget

Hats off to the BenedicTeensClub, who used the proceeds from a bake sale to purchase snacks, bottled water, prayer cards and other items for the hospitality room and cart at Baptist Reynolds Hospice House located on the campus of Baptist Hospital Collierville.This is the second year the group contributed to this most worthy cause.They received an eye-opening tour, viewing the common area, rooms where patients who are at the end stages of life stay with family members, children’s playroom, the chapel and much more.

Former meteorologist Dave Brown shared the poignant story of losing his daughter, his granddaughter and unborn grandchild in a tragic wreck caused by a driver under the influence. Brown visited the juniors and seniors just before prom to help them understand the consequences of drinking and driving. SBA flings into spring with open house, art show and musical production

The Admissions office offered a new type of open house this spring with a little bit of everything on the agenda.The new event, called SBA Spring Fling brought prospective parents and students to SBA for tours, open venues for spring sports, a Kiss Me, Kate! performance and our inaugural art exhibition.

Pasty Rush and her science students annually collect items (in the background) for the Tunica County Humane Shelter.This year she needed the help of other SBA staff members to pack and deliver the items to the shelter. Shelter staff members always look forward to the SBA visit, but they were overwhelmed and grateful with the amount of items collected this year.


Sports St. Benedict at Auburndale Athletic Department From the AD’s Desk Caleb Marcum Bring Back the fun “That was FUN!” It’s said when you are out with friends, after a roller coaster ride or even at the conclusion of a new experience you were terrified to try and finally did. In athletics today, when the word ‘fun’ is used, it suggests weakness.Yet, players who have fun playing sports will go to great lengths to improve and work on their game, without the coach or the parent hounding them to do so! Find me a team who has so much FUN that they want to play basketball every day, and I’ll show you players who will improve! I remember my high school and college days playing basketball. My parents didn’t have to find me a personal trainer or make me take 200 shots a day; instead, I could be found in a gym non-stop, all day! Why? Because of genuine love for the game and because it was FUN! Even on Friday nights the sound of squeaking shoes could be heard as my friends and I would play one-on-one, shoot 200-300 shots and also have the occasional trick shot competition. Then one day the sounds of the squeaking shoes stopped and my career was over. I remember crying in the locker room in Greenville, SC when my college career came to an end. I wasn’t crying because we lost the last game, but because reality had set in that this game, that I loved so much, was over and the FUN had stopped. In today’s world of AAU, personal trainers and more set practices to get your teams in the gym, players and parents have missed the point. It’s about having FUN! Most of the time a player is told, by parent or coach, that he/ she needs to be as good if not better than John or Sally in order to see minutes next season. They say, “You have to train with the personal trainer six days a week, lift weights, play eight games a week and run miles to get in shape.” I did all of those things not because my mom and dad said to, or a coach demanded it of me, but, in reality, I had FUN doing it! I would like to encourage each player out there in whatever sport you are playing, drop the comparisons and be the best YOU can be.You don’t have to be like anybody else. Just be YOU! Play the game because you enjoy it, not because your mom or dad said to play. If you are forced to train and improve your game, but are miserable doing so, take some time off, gather your thoughts and find the joy that athletics and competition can bring. Bring back the FUN!


Sports Coaches come aboard

Rob Sabau to head boys basketball St. Benedict Athletic Director Caleb Marcum recently announced that Rob Sabau has accepted the position as Head Coach of the SBA Men’s Basketball Team. Sabau also joins the teaching staff in the Social Studies Department at the school. Marcum said, “Coach Sabau comes to SBA with many successful years of experience in both the college and high school setting. We are extremely excited about having him join our staff. His philosophy of hard work and integrity fits with our program and we know the young men under his tutelage will benefit from his expertise.”

Veteran Coach John Cooley accepts football position at St. Benedict

Since 2009, Coach Sabau has been coaching at Millington Central High School. In his first year at Millington he led the Freshman Boys team to their first ever Shelby County Tournament Title. For the last six years he has been the Varsity Head Coach. In his first two seasons as head coach his teams doubled the wintotal from the previous year. In the last three years Millington has graduated 19 players from the program. All 19 have gone on to college with seven playing college basketball. Prior to teaching at Millington Central, Sabau spent two years as an administrator and Head Boys Basketball Coach at Lausanne Collegiate School. During his second season at Lausanne his team posted a 22-8 record and advanced to the semi-finals of the TSSAA Division II State Tournament. Three Lausanne players went on to play Division I college basketball. Coach Sabau also spent five years (2003-07) as an assistant basketball coach at Rhodes College. He played collegiately at Millsaps College.

Following the announcement of Coach Sabau as Men’s Basketball Coach, the Eagles were pleased to announce that veteran Coach John Cooley accepted the position as Head Coach of the SBA Football Team. Cooley also joins the teaching staff in the Social Studies and Physical Education Departments at the school. AD Caleb Marcum said, “We’re excited about having Coach Cooley come aboard. He knows the game thoroughly as proven by his success over the years. But, more importantly, he knows how to develop boys into productive young men and citizens. Coach also has great leadership skills with experience in multiple sports.” Since 2015, Coach Cooley has worked in the Marion, AR School District. He has also worked in the DeSoto County System and the Memphis City School System. Coach Cooley has an overall coaching record of 221-125-1. During his tenure at Memphis Ridgeway High School (1981-2007), he won six district/ region championships, advancing to the State Play-offs 18 out of 22 years there. His team won the State Championship in 2002 and he was named Coach of the Year in 2002 and Region Coach of the Year nine times. He received the prestigious Rex Award from the Memphis Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame and was Head Coach for the Liberty Bowl High School All-Star Game in 2006. Coach Cooley played collegiately at Harding University, where he was a three-year letterman. SBA principal Sondra Morris said, “Adding Coach Cooley to our athletic staff gives us solid footing as we continue to build our football program. He brings experience, success and energy to the program and our school. He is a dedicated student-focused coach and educator with over 30 years of proven experience in developing young athletes.”

SBA principal Sondra Morris said, “Coach Sabau’s combination of experience as a coach and an educator on both the high school and collegiate level are impressive. He has experienced success at all levels and educational settings. We are grateful to have him join our staff, both as a coach and teacher.”

Coach Cooley met with the SBA football team and coaching staff the first week of May, started spring practice and summer workouts.

Coach Sabau met with the SBA team in April and started spring workouts.


Sports Cross Country and Wrestling Coaches named

Girls Soccer welcomes Hugh Jackson

No strangers to the SBA staff, Ray Wynne and Don Madeksho will be also assuming head coaching responsibilities. Both gentlemen are members of the SBA teaching staff. Coach Wynne teaches in the Science Department and Coach Madeksho teaches in the Math Department.Wynne has been Head Coach of the 2015 State Championship Water Polo Team for the past two years and is an Assistant Swim Coach. He takes over the Cross Country Program beginning next season.

Coach Hugh Jackson joins the Soccer staff as the new Head Girls Coach. Coach Jackson will also be a member of the SBA teaching staff in the computer department and will provide graphic design services for the school. Coach Jackson has been a club soccer coach since 2012, first with the Germantown Legends and currently with the Collierville Lobos. He played at Christian Brothers High School. He also played for a number of club teams in the area. Coach Jackson’s philosophy is, “Memphis is a great place to grow-up. I was born and raised in Memphis and have lived here my whole life. I started playing soccer when I was three and have continued to play every year since. Growing up, I played for several of the clubs around town such as Fury, Kickers and Memphis Futbol Club. I was also selected for ODP State Teams several times during my career. I played all four years at CBHS and was proud to serve as captain my junior and senior years. I have been coached and learned to play from some of the best coaches this city has to offer. Several of these coaches have developed players that have gone on to play for semi-pro and professional teams around the world. I adapt their coaching styles to my teams and I enjoy success. I am excited about the possibilities that we have here at SBA. I look forward to helping these players be successful and I am gratified to be a new member of the teaching staff.”

Don Madeksho takes over the reins of the very successful wrestling program. He prepped and wrestled at CBHS and has been a wrestling head coach at Bishop Byrne High School and MUS. In 1989-90, Madeksho was President of the Memphis Area Wrestling Coaches Association. He has also serves as a State Wrestling Official. Coach Madeksho has helped out the SBA program over the years and looks forward to continued success.

Sports Break Boys Bowling finishes first!

A snow-delayed state tournament didn’t seem to bother the boys bowling team as they captured another state championship.They finished with an undefeated record of 18-0 and also captured the region title. Ben Murphy finished 4th in the individual tournament.

“Coach Jackson knows his way around the game of soccer,” said SBA Athletic Director Caleb Marcum. “He is bringing some solid soccer knowledge to the program and we look forward to a great season next year.”

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Ben Murphy

For the 14th straight year the Lady Eagles earned a spot in the tournament as region runner-up. They also finished as state runner-up with Kerri King earning the Tennessee Bowler of the Year title. In the individual tournament Kerri finished 3rd with Violet Durden finishing 5th.

Kerri King

Violet Durden

Girls basketball advances to Final Four The Lady Eagles Basketball Team had a great year, winning the Region Championship and advancing to the State Final Four. Capping off their 22-7 record, the Lady Eagles also sported some outstanding individual accomplishments. Seniors Nicole Ferris and Taylor Barnes joined the “1,000 point Club� while Taylor was named Region MVP for the second year and was a finalist for the prestigious TSSAA Miss Basketball Award.

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Sports an elite travel team playing in tournaments in Memphis, Chicago and Baltimore against some of the nation’s best players. The local team is comprised of the best freshmen lacrosse players in the area. Way to soar, guys, representin’ SBA Lacrosse!

The Eaglettes Squad was inaugurated this year with girls in grades 6-8 from area feeder schools learning all the techniques to become a member of a high school dance team. Eaglettes squad is sponsored by the SBA Dance Coach Lindsay Bartholomew. Girls Lacrosse hosts state tournament In the fall, SBA Girls Lacrosse Coach Paige Michael wrote a proposal to the Tennessee Girls Lacrosse Association (TGLA) for St. Benedict to host this year’s Final Four. The Association agreed and the tournament was held May 14 & 15. Even though St. Benedict wasn’t a participant, SBA’s field, school and facilities along with the City of Memphis scored positive exposure and a favorable review.

Live Streaming may be a thing of the future

During the SBA basketball season, we tested a live stream broadcast of both the varsity girls and boys games with Briarcrest on Teachers Bret Bilbrey and Nick Dressman (SBA Men’s Soccer Coach) did a great job as the announcers. Bret did the play-by-play with Nick giving the commentary. The reaction from those that tuned in was positive and both guys seemed to have so much fun taking a turn at the mic. It was even better when both teams won. Take a look,, these are two exciting games and well-done productions! If we are able to secure funding and production advertising, live streaming may be in SBA’s future.

Boys Lacrosse players go national We’re proud of these three Eagles lacrosse freshmen who have been selected to the True Lacrosse Tennessee 2019 Team - Chris Stepherson (defense), Tyler Miller (Mid-Field) and Jack Conway (attack). True Lacrosse is

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Shelby Goodrich will play soccer for the CBU Lady Bucs.

Colton Cochran is a preferred walk-on for the U of M Tigers Football Team.

Kerri King will bowl for the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Mia Mullen will move on in her tennis career at Rhodes College.

Maddie Rose will continue running cross country for the CBU Lady Bucs.

Brennan Ryan is also a preferred walk-on for the Memphis Tigers Football team.

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Alumni News CLASS NOTES 1976

June McQuiston Sneed is married to Dennis Sneed and they have two children, Erica (27) and Laura (31). They also have two grandsons. Over the years, June has worked in the Mid-South with industry leaders in flexible packaging, travel and cheer/spirit uniforms and accessories. Since 2002, she has worked for the City of Olive Branch, MS where she and her family have made a home since 1992.

Louise Meek Hamric is married to Dave Hamric and the couple makes their home in Moscow, TN. They have five grandchildren. Louise, a breast cancer survivor, is a medical office X-ray tech and office manager.


Charles Rhodes is an Assistant Manager at GCI and makes his home in Anchorage, AK.

Maurice Plough is a senior consultant married to Margie Plough. They make their home in Delray Beach, FL


Alison Sanders Cobb is married to JB Cobb and they have three children Lauren (31), Cody (23) and Craig (22). The family makes their home in Memphis.


Michelle Jennings Cullinan lives in Germantown. Michelle is widowed and has a daughter Catherine (26).


Tim Presley is married to Debbi Presley and they have two daughters, Kyra (17) and Hannah (12). The family makes their home in St. Cloud, Florida where Tim is in the IT Tech field.


Michael Massa is married to Jennifer Massa and the couple makes their home with their two children, Robert (17) and Isabella (7), in Arlington, TN. Michael is in banking and a member of the Knights of Columbus at St. Philip Church in Somerville. (see Alumni Photo Album)


Robby Atkins received the 4th Degree status in the Knights of Columbus at St. Ann Church in Bartlett, TN in September. He is currently serving as Grand Knight at Incarnation Church in Collierville, where he lives with his wife Miriam Atkins and their son Brady Atkins. Robby is head coach of the Incarnation Cougars, a 10-year old baseball team and works for FM online.

Teri Kavanaugh Fortune makes her home in Oxford, MS. She has two children and a grandson (shown here). She lets us know that she is still riding horses.

2000 1979

Jenna Adcock Mewes is married to David Mewes and the couple makes their home in Jersey City, NJ. Sallie Dobbie Burroughs makes her home in Burlington, WI. She has two children Beau (25) and Lucas (15). Sallie also has two grandchildren Cleris (3) and Kaly (1).


Lee Campbell Sandberg and husband Zach welcomed their daughter, Zoe Frances, on January 13, 2016. They currently live in East Memphis. Lee is Manager of Off Broadway Shoes.


Alumni News 2003


Kim Batt has a home in Collierville. She is in insurance sales with Nationwide in the Cordova area.

Alexis Gregg graduated with a second Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing with High Honors from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. She is currently working as an RN at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta in the neuroscience unit, while completing nurse practitioner classes at the University of Alabama-Birmingham.

Rachel McGehee Revelle and husband Stan welcomed their third child and first daughter Anne Rebecca Revelle on December 28, 2015, weighing 8 lbs, 6 oz and measuring 20 3/4 inches. She joins big brothers Stanley and Charlie.

Sarah Hervey married Andy Wiles on January 30, 2016 at St. Peter Catholic Church in Memphis. The reception followed at The Columns. The couple makes their home in Louisville, KY. (see Alumni Photo Album)


Matthew Cervetti took a position with WillisTowers Watson of Memphis in January as an Actuarial Analyst.


David Misenhelter was named the 2015 Oxford, MS Police Department SWAT Officer of the Year.


Darrel Carter is a pilot and makes his home in Vancouver, WA.

Alexandra LaHaie recently graduated from Jefferson State Community College in Birmingham, with an Associate Degree in Applied Science in Nursing and successfully passed the NCLEX-RN in February. She previously worked full-time as a Unit Secretary in the Emergency Department of Baptist Medical Center South in Montgomery, while attending nursing school. Alex has recently taken a position as a RN in the Emergency Department of Northside Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fl.

2010 2008

Shelby Bounds lives in Memphis and is a Probation Officer/Case Officer Supervisor.

Alex Clay Crowell married Jack Crowell in July 2014. The couple is living in Starkville, MS where Alex is teaching math at the Golden Triangle Early College High School. (see Alumni Photo Album)

Katie Jarvis is in marketing at Discovery Park in Union City, TN.

Justin Durham placed first overall in the male division of the Memphis Runners Track Club Annual Spring Mile race at Rhodes College on April 24. Justin finished with a time of 4:56:05. Jessica Thomas Breaux married Zachary Breaux (’08) and the couple makes their home in Metarie, LA. Jessica is a 6th grade reading teacher in St. Charles Parish. Zachary is a Field Manager Specialist for Red Bull in New Orleans.


Alumni News Sarah Longoria married Patrick Glennon of Jacksonville, FL on January 2, 2016 at St. William Catholic Church in Millington. They make their home in St. Mary’s, GA where Patrick serves as an active duty submarine radioman in the U.S. Navy and Sarah is working on her Masters Degree in Theology from St. Meinrad. She graduated from CBU in 2014 and was formerly a Theology teacher at St. Agnes Academy in Memphis. Sarah and Patrick also welcomed Elmer T. Beagle to their home. He was born on their wedding day. (see Alumni Photo Album)


Sarah Jones graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education from Middle Tennessee State University, December 2015.

Katie Zazzara married Airman Kyle Hayes on December 12, 2015, at St. William Catholic Church in Millington. Katie and Kyle live in Columbus, MS where he serves in the U.S. Air Force as an air traffic controller. Katie is coaching tumbling and cheer at Game Time Sports in Columbus. (see Alumni Photo Album)


Chloe Breaux makes her home in Germantown where she is a hair stylist. Catherine Mitchner is a goalkeeper for the Shorter University Lady Hawks Lacrosse Team (GSC). She is lone goalie receiving All-Gulf South Conference for 2016. During the season she started each of the Lady Hawks’ 15 games, and played just over 840 minutes in goal for Shorter. She tallied 149 saves for 9.93 per game and was selected Bulf South Conference Defensive Player of the Week in early March. Catherine is the first goalkeeper to claim the GSC Defensive Player of the Week honor after helping Shorter to a 1-1 week in Gulf South Conference action. She collected 10 saves against an undefeated Alabama-Huntsville team in a 12-10 loss early in the week, and then had eight saves, while allowing eight goals, in a 17-8 conference win at Montevallo, the Hawks’ first win of the season. She caused three turnovers and collected five ground balls during the two games.

2014 Parker Nelson is a Multiple Line Representative with Larry Brooks State Farm in Cordova. Hannah Zaleski is the Associate Director of Youth Ministry for St. Louis Church in Memphis.


Andy Cox got the opening start and a win for the UT Vols this season at a game with the University of Memphis in Chattanooga. Andy, in his 4th year for the Vols, was their #1 in rotation. Louis Focht was recently chosen an Outstanding Senior in the Emerging Leaders Program at the University of Memphis.

Jill Stark was named Rhodes College Activity Board’s Member of the Year this semester for her enthusiasm and attention to detail.


Grace Davis has been accepted to the University of Arkansas Eleanor Mann School of Nursing for the 2016 Fall Semester.

Alumni News Reunions

Grace Summers tore up the court at Eastern Illinois University this season. She was named back-to-back Ohio Valley Conference Player of the Week and 1st Team OVC. She also received the OVC Academic Medal of Honor for achieving over a 4.0 GPA.

All those class years ending in the numbers 0 or 6, please contact the Alumni office, 260-2892, to help get you started on a reunion.

Andrew Wadovick is Assistant Features Editor of The All State, Austin Peay State University’s campus newspaper. The paper was recently recognized as the best college newspaper in the Southeastern U.S. At the Southeast Journalism Conference in February, the paper won 12 awards including Andrew’s third place award in the Best Arts and Entertainment Writer category.


Breanna Parker had art selected for display in the University of Memphis 33rd Annual Juried Student Exhibition.

Alumni, make sure you join “The OFFICIAL Saint Benedict at Auburndale Alumni Group” on Facebook to reunite with your classmates and to stay up to date with the latest SBA Alumni information!

Trey Urban was named one of the top freshmen baseball players by the National Junior College Athletic Association. Urban is a utility player at Roane St. in Oak Ridge, TN. (see Alumni Photo Album)


Kyle Van Frank received the Alpha Psi Omega Theatre Fraternity scholarship and was recently elected Treasurer of APO. Kyle also was presented the Rookie of the Year Alphie Award. (see Alumni Photo Album)

Any Auburndale and SBA alumni can update database information by Emailing Sharon Masterson, Director of Communications at or logging on to We want to hear from you and help everyone stay connected! Send us your Class Notes and pictures, too. 32

Alumni News

AlumniPhoto Album

The Alex Clay and Jack Crowell wedding party included Dennis Clay (‘03), brother of the bride. Many SBA alums joined in the fun.

Katie Zazzara (‘12) celebrated her marriage to Airman Kyle Hayes with many SBA alumni and students – brothers Andrew Zazzara (‘11), Joey Zazzara (‘18), Colin Zazzara (‘21), Mandy Neat (‘12), Lindsey Wells (‘12), Beth Brindle (‘12) and Susanah Tovar (‘13).


Alumni News

Sarah Longoria is surrounded by her siblings who were part of the wedding party Rebecca Longoria (‘14), Annie Longoria (‘17) and Peter Longoria (‘12). Katie Daugherty (‘11) was also a member of the wedding party. Other SBA alumni and students in attendance were Caitlyn Waldrop, Kialie Jones, Fred Smith, Cathy Holmes, Katherine Knickerbocker,Trey McGinnis, Anthony Monti, Ivan Scheidhauer, MC Wade and Brianna Jones.

The Sarah Hervey and Andy Wiles wedding party included her brother Patrick (‘11), a groomsman. Deanna McCraw (‘09) served as Maid of Honor and sisters Elyse Ballard Benton and Emily Ballard O’Donnell (both class of 2009) served as bridesmaids. Sarah’s mom Barbara is the SBA golf and tennis coach.


Alumni News

LaDarius Jordan (‘15) and Alex Rittman (‘15) are teammates on the Maryville Scots Football Team.. Alex wears #21 in memory of his SBA classmate Michael McGuire.

Long time SBA wrestling Coach Harry Riker was inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame. His son, Michael and several other SBA alums were on hand as he received the honor.

SBA baseball coaches and alums enjoy and afternoon at the course at the recent Eagle baseball Golf Tournament, (from left) Coach Brent Patton, Coach Paul Frierott (SBA ‘10), Coach Jacob Lawrence (SBA ‘14), Coach Brandon Patton, seated Coach Jesse Butler, Brent Czech (SBA ‘15),Taylor Seaman (SBA ‘11) and Coach Adam Smith.

Assistant Baseball Coach Adam Smith visits with SBA alum Nick Holmes (2000) and his lovely family at the recent Baseball Alumni Night at the club house. Rain Cancelled the game, but many baseball alums visited and reminisced about the fun times around the SBA ball yard.

(Left) 2015 Graduates Trey Urban and Tyler Culpepper playing for the Roane St. Raiders stopped by to see their former SBA coaches Adam Smith and Brandon Patton when they were in town in a series this spring with Southwest Community College.

(Right) West Covington (‘13) also played in Memphis in April when ECU visited the University of Memphis for a series. Coach Patton stopped by to say hello.


Alumni News

Julie Eckel, top row 4th from left, (2011), former SBA Basketball Player who broke her nose for the Lady Eagles cause at state her junior year, stopped by the Eagles’ hotel to give a special motivational talk to the 2016 Lady Eagles as they prepared for their state semifinal game in Nashville. Julie works for UBS Corp in Nashville.

Joey Falanga (‘00) and his dad Mike stopped by SBA to donate these two custom coolers they made sporting the new SBA brand. Mrs Morris and Coach Wells accepted the donations that were used at the Fashion Show and the Baseball Golf Tournament. Mike is the long-time SBA football statistician and is a gifted craftsman. He has offered to make these coolers and donate the proceeds beyond his cost back to SBA.

Kyle Van Frank (‘15) made his official acting debut at the University of Alabama this April playing Richard Noakes in “Arcadia”. He is congratulated by his mom JoAnne Van Frank

Michael Massa (‘92) joined his fellow Knights from the Somerville Knights of Columbus as they presented a nice check on behalf of St. Philip’s Church and the Pastor Father Stephen Kenny to our Sisters at SBA to help defray the cost These SBA alums (from left) Paul Frierott (‘10),Theresa Ong (‘10), JP Masterson of items lost at their convent in a recent robbery.With Michael are (‘03), Lynn Jennings Park (‘00) and Bret Bilbrey (‘01) were chaperones at this Michael Manzo and Ben Smith year’s Prom. Paul, JP, Lynn and Bret all teach at SBA, as well.


Alumni Spotlight Auburndale alum impacts industry

her first leadership position. Using skills gained in these roles, Liz attended the University of Missouri and graduated this past May from their accredited School of Journalism.

1976 Auburndale alum, Bryan Beyer, is a chemical manufacturing executive who has worked in the private sector at both domestic and international companies. Bryan’s specialties include site management and championing new technology. His role as Operations Manager was pivotal in the planning, engineering and construction of several new projects for a major sulfuric acid manufacturer including a “Greenfield” sulfuric acid plant and a new state of the art SO2 scrubbing unit.

Liz’s university happened to offer on-campus interviews for the position of an Oscar Mayer Hotdogger. She jumped on the opportunity and after a second interview in Madison, Wisconsin, was handed the keys to a 27-foot long hot dog car.

With 36 years of experience in the chemical industry, he has held various positions of increasing responsibility in production management, research and development, process engineering and automation. The companies he has worked for range from specialty to commodity chemicals including highly hazardous chemicals. His leadership has been instrumental in helping one company achieve the CSX Chemical Excellence Safety Award for three years. ISO9001 initiatives have been spearheaded by Bryan in several of his organizations. Bryan has been awarded two patents and an international award for innovative use of technology. He is a member of the University of Mississippi Engineering Advisory Board, active in community service through amateur radio communications and is a volunteer with the Savannah Engineering Academy, a summer camp for high school students interested in engineering careers. Recently, Bryan is a Subject Matter Expert with Life Science Tennessee, a non-profit organization helping emerging bioscience companies commercialize their ideas and works with STEM Preparatory High in Nashville telling students about engineering careers. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Mississippi and lives in Franklin, TN with his wife Lee Ann. They have one son, Christopher (24).

Wienermobile specifications from the official Oscar Mayer website include a computerized control panel, a removable “bunroof,” and an Official Wiener Jingle Horn. The car is a converted Chevrolet 4-Speed from the W4 Series Chassis. Oscar Mayer has calculated that the Wiernermobile weighs 140,500 hot dogs. Liz travels to cities and small towns representing Oscar Mayer. She spends approximately one week at each destination, arriving on Monday and working functions Wednesday through Sunday. “We interact with thousands of people a week and are able to feed the fun side of life... which is something I think we all need!” Liz said. So far she has visited over 95 cities. She recently trekked to Memphis and was able to catch up with her family and friends. She appeared at the Jonesboro Walmart and the Semmes Foundation 5K. Liz is honored to be a Hotdogger. “Each year, Oscar Mayer hires 12 recent college graduates,” said Liz. “Because there are so few of us - more people have been in space than have been Hotdoggers.” After this year-long adventure, Liz plans to enjoy traveling around the world which will include a backpacking trip in Southeast Asia. Then, she hopes to use her skills she learned as a Hotdogger to work for an advertising agency.

SBA alum drives Wienermobile By Allison Sorette Allison Sorette is a reporter for “The Eagle’s Eye” school paper. She graciously agreed to let us reprint her interesting story (“The Eagle’s Eye,” February 13, 2016) about Liz for Alumni Spotlight. Former SBA student Liz Skretkowicz, class of 2011, now drives around the country in an Oscar Mayer Wienermobile as an official Hotdogger. A Hotdogger is a brand ambassador of the Oscar Mayer Company who “meats and greets” people at charity functions and events. During her time at SBA, Liz was highly involved with religious retreats as a co-director of SEARCH and a Senior Retreat Leader. Her position as co-director of SEARCH is most memorable as


SBA’s Got Talent!

This year’s Talent Show winners were crowd pleasers. Winning overall was Eric Rosenthal (front) performing his magic with the yo-yo. Eric was also chosen the “crowd favorite.” In 3rd was vocalist Julia Houff and in 2nd was the infamous Carpet Diem Band with Tyler Griffis, Evan Rogers, Curtis Scott and Matthew Fehrenbacher.

Senior emcees always try to bring a little comedic entertainment, as well. This group kept the routines going, (from left) Danielle Nelson, Santia McCraw, Nick Giles and Brandon Golliday.

Royalty in “The Nest”

2016 Prom Royalty (from left) Princess Braxton Powers, Prince Curtis Scott, Queen Maddie Selden, King DJ Caldwell, Princess Anna Graziosi and Prince Brandon Golliday

2016 WinterFest Spirit Court (from left) freshmen Lauren Devine and Lunden Clark, sophomores Celia Kaplan and Andrew Barczak (not pictured), Spirit King and Queen seniors Curtis Scott and Santia McCraw, juniors Chance Bailey and Julia Dugan.


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Good Food. Good Friends. Great Times! One More

Young AlumNITE SBA Classes of 2-12-2016 ~ Wednesday, July 27 @ 6:30 pm

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