Who: AIE 2015
What: 8th Annual Conference for Where: Toronto, Canada the Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Deadline: April 15, 2015 Who: American Marketing Assn.
When: June 4-6, 2015
What: Marketing & Public Policy Conference
Where: Washington, DC, USA
When: June 24-26, 2015
What: Midwest Educators Forum on Where: Mason City, IA Entrepreneurship
When: August 20-21, 2015
Who: Institute of Management Accountants Texas Council What: IMA Texas Annual Conference
Deadline: April 10, 2015 When: April 23-24, 2015 Where: Bedford, TX, USA Deadline: April 15, 2015
Who: SBMER’15 Conference
When: May 5, 2015
What: Strategic Business Management & Economic Research Conference
Where: Boston, MA, USA
Who: SMBS Canada
When: July 20-21, 2015
Deadline: April 20, 2015
What: 15th Intl. Conference on Man- Where: Vancouver, Canada agement & Behavioral SciencDeadline: April 25, 2015 es
Who: Middlesex University Dubai
What: 3rd International Conference When: November 24-26, 2015
Who: Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
What: AIIC 2015
Where: Azores Islands, Portugal Deadline: June 25, 2015
What: 17th Annual Academy of Business Disciplines Conf.
Where: Ft. Meyers Beach Deadline: June 15, 2015
When: November 17-20, 2015
What: Intl. Conf. on Business Mgmt. and Information Systems 2015
Where: Singapore, Singapore
Who: UNM Mentoring Conference 2015 What: 8th Annual Mentoring Conference Who: Global Business and Social Science Research Conference What: Research for Advancement
Deadline: September 30, 2015
When: October 20-23, 2015 Where: Albuquerque, NM Deadline: May 15, 2015 When: May 11-13, 2015 Where: Bali, Indonesia Deadline: April 10, 2015 When: June 3-4, 2015
What: Megatrends and Research Where: Surabaya, Indonesia Opportunities in Accounting Deadline: April 16, 2015
What: 2015 Prague Intl. Academic Conference Who: ISBE 2015
When: July 8-11, 2015
When: November 12-14, 2015
Who: Global Academic Institute
Deadline: June 1st, 2015
Who: ABD Conference
Who: AAIC 2015
Where: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
What: 38th ISBE Conference
When: September 6-9, 2015 Where: Prague, Czech Republic Deadline: August 7, 2015 When: November 11-12, 2015 Where: Glasgow, Scotland Deadline: April 13, 2015
The Small Business Advancement National Center aims at increasing your knowledge of small business and entrepreneurship. All questions and comments are greatly appreciated.
The Small Business Advancement National Center is moving its website. In the process of doing so, we have found that our Newsletter archive lacks the following issues: 513, 521, 534, 535, 611, 617, 622, 626, 631, 665, 732, 733, 785 & 786. If you have any of these issues, please contact us. Thank you!
The 2015 International Conference of the Association Global Management Studies will be from May 18th-19th, 2015. This conference will be held by Columbia University in New York. ICAGMS is now welcoming the submission of papers until April 15th, 2015.
The VI International Conference on Economic Sciences hosted in Vienna is inviting the submission of articles for the conferences proceedings until April 23, 2015.
The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences invites you to attend the 16th International Academic Conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from May 12-15th of 2015. The submission deadline for papers is April 28, 2015.
The University of Riverside is holding the 2015 Spring Global Business Research Symposium on May 22-23, 2015 in Los Angeles, CA. The final paper submission deadline is May 15, 2015.
MacEwan University School of Business is hosting the annual conference of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Edmonton, Alberta. The topic of the conference is Mind the Gap: Bridging Practice, Pedagogy and Protocol. The conference will be from May 27-30, 2015.
of the Week
“Manny social media marketers will simply need to start with good measurable objectives...” Which metrics are most effective? Many social media marketers will simply need to start with good measurable objectives, determine what needs to be measured, and figure it out. Still, some social media metrics to consider include:
BUZZ: volume of consumer-created buzz for a brand based on posts and impressions, by
social channel, by stage in the purchase channel, by season, and by time of day.
INTEREST: number of “ likes,” fans, followers, and friends; growth rates; rate of virality or pass along; and change in pass along over time.
PARTICIPATION: number of comments, ratings, social bookmarks, subscriptions, page views, uploads, downloads, embeds, retweets, Facebook posts, pins, and time spent with social media platform.
SEARCH ENGINE RANKS AND RESULTS: increases and decreases on searches and changes in key words.
INFLUENCE: media mentions, influences of bloggers reached, influences of customers reached, and second-degree reach based on social graphs.
SENTIMENT ANALYSIS: positive, neutral, and negative sentiment; trends of sentiment; and volume of sentiment.
WEB SITE METRICS: clicks, click-through rates, and percentage of traffic.
“Mayhem:” A Hands-On Case Playing Activity for Teaching Porter’s Five Forces to Undergraduate Business Students This paper was written by Rachel Wilson from Middle Tennessee St. University.
Executive Director
To provide a theoretical foundation for beginning undergraduate entrepreneurship students, most early entrepreneurship courses include instruction on higher level strategic management concepts. Such instruction leaves some students lost, due to their lack of prior business education. Case studies and role playing have been used for decades in management courses to give students practice in strategic decisionmaking. This paper provides an entertaining “case playing” alternative to traditional lecturestyle teaching of Porter’s Five Forces, called Mayhem. In the game, students role play each of the players in the five force framework, while the instructor interjects challenging environmental shifts.
Dr. Don B. Bradley III
(pg. 35)
Development Interns Daniel Champion Marissa Sides Raina Silva
The Small Business Advancement National has recently made immense changes to the layout of its website, SBAER.UCA.EDU, as well as its Newsletter. We welcome constructive criticism, comments, and of course, all questions throughout this transition.
Read Entire Paper Here
Email: SBANC@UCA.EDU Phone: 1 (501) 450-5300 Small Business Institute
MKTG Principles of Marketing
2015 Proceedings
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel
Rachel Wilson
Page 35
Pages 340
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