Lloyds Bank Digital Guidelines

Page 1

Digital Display These guidelines are here to help you develop the most effective digital conversion campaigns. They contain both best practice examples from Lloyds Bank digital campaigns, as well as a technical style guide for assembling your banner. You must use these principles and rules if you wish to ever use dynamic templates to deliver the requirements on your individual brief or testing plan. Think of these as the skeleton towards the best practice of building your creative.


Index X X

Global Elements Logo Lockups

Brand | Products | Club Lloyds | Icon X X-X X-X X-X X-X

Brand ID Mortgages (Voice of the Customer) Loans (Voice of the Bank) Icon (Voice of the Bank) Club Lloyds (Voice of the Bank)


Technical Style-Guide Format : MPU (300x250) MPU - First Frame MPU - Copy Frame MPU - End Frame


Format : Skyscraper (160x600) Skyscraper - First Frame Skyscraper - Copy Frame Skyscraper - End Frame


Format : Leaderboard (728x90) Leaderboard - First Frame Leaderboard - Copy Frame Leaderboard - End Frame


Format : Mobile (320x480) Mobile - First Frame Mobile - Copy Frame Mobile - End Frame


Format : Mobile (300x50) Mobile - First Frame Mobile - Copy Frame Mobile - End Frame


Global Elements Typography

Digital Colour Palette

Primary Colours

Secondary Colours

Lloyds Bank Jack

Light Regular Medium Bold

Headline Live text

Lloyds Bank Racing Green RGB: 2 71 49 Hex: #024731

Lloyds Bank Blue RGB: 33 120 176 Hex: #2178b0

Lloyds Bank Orange RGB: 210 71 2 Hex: #d24702

CTA can allow for a shimmer animation overlay. If the copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within the CTA box.

Body copy Live text Strap line Live text

Lloyds Bank Coated Core Green RGB: 0 106 77 Hex: #006a4d

Lloyds Bank Dark Blue RGB: 0 41 115 Hex: #002973

Lloyds Bank Sand RGB: 200 216 130 Hex: #c8d882

CTA (Loans, Mortgages, Icons): Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Button colour: # 77b800

CTA (Club Lloyds): Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Button colour: #b21d3f


Legals copy Live text Tables based creative PNG layer - no live text CTA Live text

Lloyds Bank Apple Green RGB: 119 184 0 Hex: #77b800

Lloyds Bank Purple RGB: 72 20 104 Hex: #481468

Lloyds Bank Muted Green RGB: 45 130 89 Hex: #2d8259

Icon based creative PNG layer - no live text ‘For your next step’ border lockup PNG layer - no live text

Black RGB: 30 30 30 Hex: #1e1e1e

Lloyds Bank Red RGB: 220 42 77 Hex: #dc2a4d

Lloyds Bank Grey RGB: 107 119 124 Hex: #6B777C

White RGB: 255 255 255 Hex: #ffffff


For Prod

Logo Lockups Brand and Product

Applies to all frames for Brand and Product, including: Business Channel Islands Credit Cards Expats Icons GI Loans Mortgages Rapid Car PCA (non Club Lloyds) 728x90 30px Logo 90x90 px




Logo 90x90 px


10px 12px


300x50 17px Logo 50x50 px

Border strip colour: #006a4d Opacity: 80% 1px border

Logo 90x90 px



10px 12px Logo 90x90 px


10px 12px



For Prod

Logo Lockups Club Lloyds: First Frame

Club Lloyds: Copy Frame(s) and End Frame

Border strip colour: #006a4d Opacity: 80% 1px border

Border strip colour: #006a4d Opacity: 80% 1px border



Logo 90x90 px




Logo 90x90 px

Logo 90x90 px




Logo 90x90 px




300x50 Logo 50x50 px

Logo 90x90 px



Logo 50x50 px

Logo 90x90 px


Logo 90x90 px


Logo 120x120 px

Notes - Club ID can be applied to any banner featured in the style-guide (refer to pages 16-17)


Best Practice Examples In this section you will find our recommendation of best practice examples of a handful of Lloyds Bank digital conversion banners – displayed in the two key visual IDs (Brand and Club Lloyds). This should help bring to life and support how the technical style guide can be used to create digital banners to deliver on conversion briefs. You’ll find both ‘voice of bank’ and ‘voice of consumer’ headlines illustrated here, which are interchangeable dependent on the nature of your brief.


Brand ID: Mortgages Voice of the Customer example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Bullet points with risk box

End Frame Headline, CTA, logo First frame: Headline in voice of customer is always lower case. Headline position is bespoke to the image chosen and retouched. The positioning can change – make use of the space. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy.


First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Bullet points with risk box

End Frame Headline, CTA, logo

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame 1 Bullet point

Copy Frame 2 Risk box

End Frame Headline, CTA, logo 320x480 300x50


Brand ID: Mortgages Voice of the Customer example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Bullet points with risk box

End Frame Headline, CTA, logo

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Bullet points with risk box

End Frame Headline, CTA, logo



First frame: Headline in voice of customer is always lower case. Headline position is bespoke to the image chosen and retouched. The positioning can change – make use of the space. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy.


Brand ID: Loans Voice of the Bank example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Headline with legals on image

End Frame Headline, CTA, legals First frame: If the voice of the bank, upper case first character is used. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy.


First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Headline with legals on image

End Frame Headline, CTA, legals

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Headline with legal on image

Copy Frame Legals

End Frame Headline, CTA 320x480 300x50


Brand ID: Loans Voice of the Bank example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Headline with legals on image

End Frame Headline, CTA, legals

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Headline with legals on image

End Frame Headline, CTA, legals



First frame: If the voice of the bank, upper case first character is used. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy.


Brand ID: Icon Voice of the Bank example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Icon only

End Frame Icon and CTA First frame: Headline position is left aligned to the icon. Icon always sits left aligned with 15px padding. Icon led routes should not contain background images. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy and icon.


First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Icon only

End Frame Icon and CTA

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame 1 Icon only

Copy Frame 2 Legals

End Frame Icon and CTA

300x50 320x480


Brand ID: Icon Voice of the Bank example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Legals

End Frame Icon and CTA

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Legals

End Frame Icon and CTA



First frame: Headline position is left aligned to the icon. Icon always sits left aligned with 15px padding. Icon led routes should not contain background images. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy and icon.


Brand ID: Club Lloyds Voice of the Bank example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame 1 Legals

Copy Frame 2 Legals

Copy Frame Legals

End Frame Copy, CTA, legals

Copy Frame 3 Legals

End Frame Copy, CTA, legals


First Frame Medium headline

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame 1 Legals

First frame: Headline position is left aligned. If the voice of the bank, upper case first character is used. Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy.

Copy Frame 2 Legals

Copy Frame 3 Legals

End Frame Copy and CTA 320x480 300x50


Brand ID: Club Lloyds Voice of the Bank example Additional middle frames can be used should they be required to accommodate multiple messages or extended legal messaging. As of January 2017, specs for standard banners will require 3 frames maximum, 15 sec length animation and no loop. More frames can be added in a dynamic environment.

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame Legals

End Frame Copy, CTA, legals

First Frame Medium headline

Copy Frame 1 Legals

Copy Frame 2 Bullet points

Copy Frame 3 Legals


First frame: Headline position is left aligned. If the voice of the bank, upper case first character is used.

End Frame Copy, CTA, legals

Copy frame: Body copy frame is chosen depending on volume of text. The length of the copy affects the length of the timings on this frame. End frame: End the messaging with a strapline, CTA, legal copy.



Technical style-guide In this section we take a deep-dive into the technical information relating to banner design. Here we highlight the different options for each individual frame layout as well as the key variables to consider, including headline and body copy length, number of frames and CTAs. We’ve chosen the five most common banner sizes to showcase how the same creative can flex depending on your formats.


MPU (300x250) Brand | Products | Club Lloyds | Icon Please note the Club Lloyds ID (please refer to logo lockup section) can be applied to any of the frames within this section, should you be working on a Club Lloyds brief


For Prod

MPU (300x250) First Frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 30 Max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

9 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 47 Max amount of lines: 8 Recommended lines: 7 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T5

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 47pt Leading: 49pt Alignment: Left

17 Copy T7

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular (% copy) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on (all)

First Frame Type 2 (Icon) Medium headline

First Frame Type 1.2 Medium headline

First Frame Type 1.1 Short headline 1








21 4

18 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

19 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

13 Rates T5 6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 APR box: max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Animation: Copy fades on Alignment: Left

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 13pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T5

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

15 Rates T5

Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 48 Max amount of lines: 6 Alignment: Left

20 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

21 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

22 Icon 60x60px Alignment: Top, 15px padding from left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

16 Copy T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 21pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Notes - All first frame headlines can be voice of customer (lower case) or voice of Bank (sentence case). - Colour block is not used on MPUs


For Prod

MPU (300x250) Copy Frames Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 30 Max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

9 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 47 Max amount of lines: 8 Recommended lines: 7 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T5

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 47pt Leading: 49pt Alignment: Left

17 Copy T7

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular (% copy) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on (all)

Copy Frame Type 1 Copy with legals (if legals required) 6

Copy Frame Type 3 (Cards, Loans) APR with body copy

Copy Frame Type 2 (Mortgages) Bullet points with risk box 5



5 7



10 21

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 APR box: max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Animation: Copy fades on Alignment: Left

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 13pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T5

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

15 Rates T5

Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 48 Max amount of lines: 6 Alignment: Left

16 Copy T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 21pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on



18 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

19 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Copy Frame Type 4 Legals, overlay background

Copy Frame Type 6 Ex. 1: icon only

Copy Frame Type 5 (Club Lloyds) Rate







14 16


13 Rates T5 6 Copy


20 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

7 5


Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right



21 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar


Copy Frame Type 7 Ex. 2: icon and headline 22 4

22 Icon 60x60px Alignment: Top, 15px padding from left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG




Notes - Best practice demonstrates only one copy frame, but if necessary there can be multiple frames for copy, legals etc.


For Prod

MPU (300x250) End Frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 30 Max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

9 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 47 Max amount of lines: 8 Recommended lines: 7 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T5

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 47pt Leading: 49pt Alignment: Left

17 Copy T7

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular (% copy) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on (all)

End Frame Type 1 (Brand, Products) Headline, CTA, legals

End Frame Type 2 (PCA) Headline, CTA, logo

End Frame Type 3 (Icon) Icon, CTA, legals 22



19 18

18 18 5


5 21


4 21



18 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

19 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

13 Rates T5 6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 APR box: max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Animation: Copy fades on Alignment: Left

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 13pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T5

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

15 Rates T5

Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 48 Max amount of lines: 6 Alignment: Left

20 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

21 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

22 Icon 60x60px Alignment: Top, 15px padding from left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

16 Copy T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 21pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Notes - Pink and green CTAs can be used interchangeably


Skyscraper (160x600) Brand | Products | Club Lloyds | Icon Please note the Club Lloyds ID (please refer to logo lockup section) can be applied to any of the frames within this section, should you be working on a Club Lloyds brief


For Prod

Skyscraper (160x600) First Frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 34pt Leading: 35pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 10 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

9 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 28 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

5 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 13 Max amount of lines: 15 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

6 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

7 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

8 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 15 Max amount of lines: 8 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 15 Copy alignment: Left


First Frame Type 1.2 Medium headline

10 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 25 Max amount of lines: 16 Recommended lines: 8 Animation: Copy fades on

11 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left

12 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 9 Alignment: Left

13 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 29 Max amount of lines: 20 Recommended lines: 11 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

14 Rates T6

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 40pt Leading: 42pt Alignment: Left

15 Rates T6

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

16 Rates T6

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 18 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

First Frame Type 2 Medium headline (block)

First Frame Type 3 (Icon) Medium headline





18 Copy T7

4 Colour Block, Racing Green

Block Colour: #024731 Strip Colour: #77b800 (80% opacity) The block makes up for an image that cannot be full bleed. The block height is also dependent on the amount of copy, but the strip height is 30px. Animation: slides in from top

17 Rates T6

First Frame Type 1.1 Short headline




19 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 12 Recommended lines: 6 Alignment: Centre Animation: Copy fades on (all)







20 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

21 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 14 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

22 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

23 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

24 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Top, centre Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - All first frame headlines can be voice of customer (lower case) or voice of Bank (sentence case). - Where possible use full bleed imagery over colour block


For Prod

Skyscraper (160x600) Copy Frames Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 34pt Leading: 35pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 10 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

9 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 28 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

5 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 13 Max amount of lines: 15 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

6 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

7 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

8 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 15 Max amount of lines: 8 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 15 Copy alignment: Left

Copy Frame Type 2 (Mortgages) Bullet points with risk box

Copy Frame Type 3 (Loans and Cards) APR with body copy










Copy Frame Type 4 Ex. 1: legals, overlay background 13

18 Copy T7 10 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 25 Max amount of lines: 16 Recommended lines: 8 Animation: Copy fades on

11 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left

4 Colour Block, Racing Green

Block Colour: #024731 Strip Colour: #77b800 (80% opacity) The block makes up for an image that cannot be full bleed. The block height is also dependent on the amount of copy, but the strip height is 30px. Animation: slides in from top

17 Rates T6

Copy Frame Type 1 Copy with legals (if legals required)

12 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 9 Alignment: Left

13 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 29 Max amount of lines: 20 Recommended lines: 11 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

14 Rates T6

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 40pt Leading: 42pt Alignment: Left

15 Rates T6

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

16 Rates T6

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 18 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on


19 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 12 Recommended lines: 6 Alignment: Centre Animation: Copy fades on (all)

20 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.



Copy Frame Type 5 Ex. 2: legals, green opaque background 13


Copy Frame Type 6 (Club Lloyds) Rate 14


Copy Frame Type 7 Ex. 1: icon only


Copy Frame Type 8 Ex. 2: icon and headline

15 24



21 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 14 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

22 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns







23 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo



90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar




Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

24 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Top, centre Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG





- Best practice demonstrates only one copy frame, but if necessary there can be multiple frames for copy, legals etc.


For Prod

Skyscraper (160x600) End Frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 34pt Leading: 35pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 10 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

9 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 28 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left bAnimation: Copy fades on

5 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 13 Max amount of lines: 15 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

6 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

7 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

8 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 15 Max amount of lines: 8 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 15 Copy alignment: Left

10 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 25 Max amount of lines: 16 Recommended lines: 8 Animation: Copy fades on

11 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left

12 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 9 Alignment: Left

13 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 29 Max amount of lines: 20 Recommended lines: 11 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

14 Rates T6

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 40pt Leading: 42pt Alignment: Left

15 Rates T6

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

16 Rates T6

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 18 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left


End Frame Type 2 (PCA) Headline, CTA, logo

End Frame Type 3 (Icon) Icon, headline, CTA 24


21 18 Copy T7

4 Colour Block, Racing Green

Block Colour: #024731 Strip Colour: #77b800 (80% opacity) The block makes up for an image that cannot be full bleed. The block height is also dependent on the amount of copy, but the strip height is 30px. Animation: slides in from top

17 Rates T6

End Frame Type 1 (Brand and Products) Headline, CTA, legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 27 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on



22 20

19 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 12 Recommended lines: 6 Alignment: Centre Animation: Copy fades on (all)









20 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

21 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 14 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

22 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

23 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

24 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Top, centre Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - Pink and green CTAs can be used interchangeably


Leaderboard (728x90) Brand | Products | Club Lloyds | Icon Please note the Club Lloyds ID (please refer to logo lockup section) can be applied to any of the frames within this section, should you be working on a Club Lloyds brief


Leaderboard (728x90) First Frame

For Prod

First Frame Type 1.1 Short headline

Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 36pt Leading: 38pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Colour Block, Racing Green

Block Colour: #024731 Strip Colour: #77b800 The block makes up for an image that cannot be full bleed. The block height is also dependent on the amount of copy, but the strip height is 30px. Animation: slides in from left to right

5 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 24pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 58 Max amount of lines: 15 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

6 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

7 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the left

8 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space): 40 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 APR box: max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

2 9 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 110 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 APR box: max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

10 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 60 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Animation: Copy fades on

11 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left (all)

12 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 21 Alignment: Left

13 Copy/Extended Legals T4, T5

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space): 121 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on









17 Copy T7

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 50 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

18 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold, Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 53pt, Leading: 56pt. Max character limit (with space) per line: 20

First Frame Type 1.2 Medium headline 2

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space): 64 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space): 110 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1

First Frame Type 2 Medium headline (block) 3


Alignment: Left (all) Animation: Copy fades on (all)

19 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

20 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 36 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

First Frame Type 3 (Icon) Medium headline 23


21 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

14 Rates T6

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF or #024630 Font size: 49pt Leading: 51pt

15 Rates T6

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max amount of lines: 1

16 Rates T6

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 48 Max amount of lines: 1 Copy alignment: Left

22 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

23 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - All first frame headlines can be voice of customer (lower case) or voice of Bank (sentence case). - Where possible use full bleed imagery over colour block


Leaderboard (728x90) Copy Frames Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 36pt Leading: 38pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Colour Block, Racing Green

Block Colour: #024731 Strip Colour: #77b800 The block makes up for an image that cannot be full bleed. The block height is also dependent on the amount of copy, but the strip height is 30px. Animation: slides in from left to right

5 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 24pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 58 Max amount of lines: 15 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

6 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

7 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the left

8 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space): 40 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

For Prod

Copy Frame Type 1 Copy with legals (if legals required) 8

9 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 110 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 APR box: max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

10 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 60 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Animation: Copy fades on

11 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left (all)

12 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 21 Alignment: Left

13 Copy/Extended Legals T4, T5

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space): 121 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

17 Copy T7

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 50 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF or #024630 Font size: 49pt Leading: 51pt

15 Rates T6

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max amount of lines: 1

16 Rates T6

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 48 Max amount of lines: 1 Copy alignment: Left





Copy Frame Type 2 (Mortgages) Bullet points with risk box 10


18 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space): 64 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space): 110 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left (all) Animation: Copy fades on (all)

19 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

20 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 36 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

21 Cass Logo

Copy Frame Type 3 (Loans and Cards) APR with body copy 12



Copy Frame Type 4 Ex. 1: legals, overlay background 13

90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right







Copy Frame Type 6 (Club Lloyds) Rate 15 16


Copy Frame Type 7 Ex. 1: icon only 23





23 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG


Copy Frame Type 5 Ex. 2: legals, green opaque background


22 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo



Used on all switching campaigns

14 Rates T6


Copy Frame Type 8 Ex. 2: icon and headline 23

18 9



Notes - Best practice demonstrates only one copy frame, but if necessary there can be multiple frames for copy, legals etc.


Leaderboard (728x90) End Frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 36pt Leading: 38pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 20 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Colour Block, Racing Green

Block Colour: #024731 Strip Colour: #77b800 The block makes up for an image that cannot be full bleed. The block height is also dependent on the amount of copy, but the strip height is 30px. Animation: slides in from left to right

5 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 24pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 58 Max amount of lines: 15 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

6 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

7 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the left

8 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space): 40 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 APR box: max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

For Prod

End Frame Type 1 (Brand and Product) Headline, CTA, legals 8







19 9 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 110 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 APR box: max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

10 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 60 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Animation: Copy fades on

11 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left (all)

12 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 23pt Leading: 25pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 21 Alignment: Left

13 Copy/Extended Legals T4, T5

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space): 121 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

17 Copy T7

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 50 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on


End Frame Type 2 (PCA) Headline, CTA, logo 8


18 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space): 64 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space): 110 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left (all) Animation: Copy fades on (all)


End Frame Type 3 (icon) Icon, headline, CTA 23

16 19 9

19 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

20 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 22pt Leading: 26pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 36 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

21 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

14 Rates T6

%: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF or #024630 Font size: 49pt Leading: 51pt

15 Rates T6

AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max amount of lines: 1

16 Rates T6

Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 48 Max amount of lines: 1 Copy alignment: Left

22 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

23 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - Pink and green CTAs can be used interchangeably


Mobile (320x480) Brand | Products | Club Lloyds | Icon Please note the Club Lloyds ID (please refer to logo lockup section) can be applied to any of the frames within this section, should you be working on a Club Lloyds brief


Mobile (320x480) First Frame

For Prod

First Frame Type 1.1 Short headline

Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 25pt Leading: 27pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 5 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 26pt Leading: 29pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 9 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 29 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Animation: Copy fades on Alignment: Left

1 9 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 13pt Leading: 15pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 25pt Leading: 27pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 11 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 47 Max amount of lines: 14 Recommended lines: 10 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T5 %: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF or #024630 Font size: 55pt Leading: 57pt Alignment: Left

13 Rates T5 AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T5 Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 21pt Leading: 23pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 40 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

15 Rates T5 Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 40 Max amount of lines: 10 Alignment: Left

First Frame Type 2 (icon) Medium headline

First Frame Type 1.2 Medium headline




17 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 37 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 37 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on (all)

3 2 1




18 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

19 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

20 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

21 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

22 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Top, 25px padding from left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

16 Copy T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 23pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 28 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Notes - All first frame headlines can be voice of customer (lower case) or voice of Bank (sentence case). - Colour block is not used on MPUs


Mobile (320x480) Copy Frames Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 25pt Leading: 27pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 5 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 26pt Leading: 29pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 9 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 29 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Animation: Copy fades on Alignment: Left

For Prod

Copy Frame Type 1 Copy with legals (if legals required) 6

9 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 13pt Leading: 15pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 25pt Leading: 27pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 11 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 47 Max amount of lines: 14 Recommended lines: 10 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T5 %: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF or #024630 Font size: 55pt Leading: 57pt Alignment: Left

13 Rates T5 AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T5 Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 21pt Leading: 23pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 40 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

15 Rates T5 Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 40 Max amount of lines: 10 Alignment: Left


Copy Frame Type 3 (Loans and Cards) APR with body copy 6

17 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 37 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 37 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on (all)

18 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.





Copy Frame Type 4 Legals, overlay background

Copy Frame Type 5 (Club Lloyds) Rate


Copy Frame Type 6 Ex. 1: icon only 22



Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on




20 Cass Logo


Used on all switching campaigns

21 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo

90x90px Alignment: bottom right



19 Strap Line T3

Club Lloyds Logo

10 7


90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar





7 21



Copy Frame Type 7 Ex. 2: icon and headline 22

22 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Top, 25px padding from left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG


16 Copy T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 23pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 28 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Copy Frame Type 2 (Mortgages) Bullet points with risk box

4 7 21

Notes - Best practice demonstrates only one copy frame, but if necessary there can be multiple frames for copy, legals etc.


Mobile (320x480) End Frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T2 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 25pt Leading: 27pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 5 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the right

6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 26pt Leading: 29pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 23 Max amount of lines: 9 Recommended lines: 4 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 22pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 29 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Animation: Copy fades on Alignment: Left

9 Copy T2 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 13pt Leading: 15pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 32 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T3 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 25pt Leading: 27pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 11 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T4

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 47 Max amount of lines: 14 Recommended lines: 10 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T5 %: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF or #024630 Font size: 55pt Leading: 57pt Alignment: Left

13 Rates T5 AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T5 Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 21pt Leading: 23pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 40 Max amount of lines: 2 Alignment: Left

15 Rates T5 Body copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 40 Max amount of lines: 10 Alignment: Left

17 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 37 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 16pt Leading: 18pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 37 Max amount of lines: 6 Recommended lines: 5 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on (all)

For Prod

End Frame Type 1 (Brand and Product) Headline, CTA, legals

End Frame Type 2 (PCA) Headline, CTA, logo




18 5




End Frame Type 3 (icon) Icon, headline, CTA 22








18 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

19 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 18pt Leading: 20pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

20 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

21 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: bottom right

22 Icon 90x90px Alignment: Top, 25px padding from left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

16 Copy T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 20pt Leading: 23pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 28 Max amount of lines: 5 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

Notes - Pink and green CTAs can be used interchangeably


Mobile (300x50) Brand | Products | Club Lloyds | Icon Please note the Club Lloyds ID (please refer to logo lockup section) can be applied to any of the frames within this section, should you be working on a Club Lloyds brief


Mobile (300x50) First Frame

For Prod

First Frame Type 1.1 Short headline

Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the left

6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 44 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 9pt Leading: 11pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 31 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 50 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

2 9 Copy T3 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 25 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T4 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 15 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T5, T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 53 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T7 %: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 29pt Leading: 31pt Alignment: Left

13 Rates T7 AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max amount of lines: 1 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T7 Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 38 Max amount of lines: 1 Alignment: Left

15 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

16 Copy T9

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left (all)

First Frame Type 1.2 Medium headline 1

2 20





Lloyds Bank Jack Bold, Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 26pt, Leading: 28pt. Max character limit (with space) per line: 15

First Frame Type 3 (icon) Medium headline

First Frame Type 2 Medium headline (block) 2

3 4



17 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or Colour: #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

18 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 22 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

19 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

20 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: right

21 Icon 50x50px Alignment: Left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - All first frame headlines can be voice of customer (lower case) or voice of Bank (sentence case). - Where possible use full bleed imagery over colour block - Formats are shown to scale


Mobile (300x50) Copy frames Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the left

6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 44 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 9pt Leading: 11pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 31 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 50 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

For Prod

Copy Frame Type 1 Copy with legals (if legals required) 6

9 Copy T3 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 25 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T4 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 15 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T5, T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 53 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T7 %: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 29pt Leading: 31pt Alignment: Left

13 Rates T7 AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max amount of lines: 1 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T7 Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 38 Max amount of lines: 1 Alignment: Left

15 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

16 Copy T9

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left (all)

17 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or Colour: #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.

18 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 22 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

19 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

20 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Copy Frame Type 2 (Mortgages) Bullet points






Copy Frame Type 4 APR with body copy

Copy Frame Type 3 (Loans and Cards) Risk box





Copy Frame Type 5 Ex. 1: legals, overlay background

6 5



Copy Frame Type 6 Ex. 2: legals, green opaque background


11 5


Copy Frame Type 7 (Club Lloyds) Rates 12








Copy Frame Type 8 Ex. 1: icon only







15 7

Copy Frame Type 9 Ex. 2: icon and headline 21

16 7

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: right

21 Icon 50x50px Alignment: Left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - Best practice demonstrates only one copy frame, but if necessary there can be multiple frames for copy, legals etc. - Formats are shown to scale


Mobile (300x50) End frame Key 1 Image Background

This is an approved retouched brand image.

2 Headline

Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF (Font size and maximum character limit depends on length of copy and approved image) Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Staggered (depending on image and length) Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

3 Headline T3

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Each line fades on and slides in from the side. (Due to time restriction, copy can fade on with sliding)

4 Flat Background, Racing Green Colour: #024731

5 Green Image Overlay

Colour: #024731 (multiply) Placed over an approved brand image Animation: slides in from the left

6 Copy

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 44 Max amount of lines: 3 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

7 Legals

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF (80% opacity) Font size: 9pt Leading: 11pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 31 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

8 Copy T2

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 50 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

For Prod

End Frame Type 1 (Brand and Product) Headline, CTA, legals 3

9 Copy T3 (risk box)

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 25 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left

10 Copy T4 % APR: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 15 Alignment: Left

11 Copy/Extended Legals T5, T6

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 53 Max amount of lines: 4 Recommended lines: 3 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

12 Rates T7 %: Lloyds Bank Jack Bold Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 29pt Leading: 31pt Alignment: Left

13 Rates T7 AER: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max amount of lines: 1 Alignment: Left

14 Rates T7 Copy: Lloyds Bank Jack Regular/Bold (£) Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 10pt Leading: 12pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 38 Max amount of lines: 1 Alignment: Left

15 Copy T8

Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 12pt Leading: 14pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

16 Copy T9

Lloyds Bank Jack Light Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 35 Max amount of lines: 1 Recommended lines: 1 Alignment: Left (all)

17 CTA

Colour: #77b800 or #b21d3f Font Size: 14pt (If copy is too long, the font size can be reduced to fit within CTA box) Animation: Shimmering effect applied from left to right.





End Frame Type 2 (PCA) Headline, CTA, logo 3



17 20

End Frame Type 3 (icon) Icon, headline, CTA 18 21


17 4


18 Strap Line T3 Lloyds Bank Jack Regular Colour: #FFFFFF Font size: 11pt Leading: 13pt Max character limit (with space) per line: 22 Max amount of lines: 2 Recommended lines: 2 Alignment: Left Animation: Copy fades on

19 Cass Logo

Used on all switching campaigns

20 Logo Lockups (either Lloyds logo or Club Lloyds Logo) Lloyds Logo 90x90px, Alignment: bottom right ‘For your next steps’ on bottom bar

Club Lloyds Logo 90x90px Alignment: right

21 Icon 50x50px Alignment: Left Animation: can be a GIF or static PNG

Notes - Pink and green CTAs can be used interchangeably - Formats are shown to scale


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