Sarah Kate Wilson
Project Space, School Of Fine Art, History Of Art & Cultural Studies, Leeds
25 May 2017
16 May – 3 June 2017
WRAPPED Wrapped, presents Sarah Kate Wilson’s Shrink-wrapped Paintings, a new body of work that promotes painting as a time-based medium. Wilson has coined the term ‘durational painting’ as a means of referring to paintings that destabilise the traditional idea of painting as a static object, hung on a wall. Wilson is not the sole creator of the Shrink-wrapped Paintings by way of instructions she delegates their making to others. Visitors to the exhibition are encouraged to bring with them objects to ‘wrap’ into the paintings. The paintings already contain clothes, plates, empty packets of pain killers, clutter, used ink cartridges, gifts from ex-boyfriends, trainers and other existing artworks. Viewers participate in the work by tightly binding objects onto the paintings using industrial strength cling-film. Curiously, the more items spectators add, the more layers of shrink-wrap that are used, the less visible the materials in the paintings become. The labour of participants is erased but simultaneously recorded. The work done presents itself as sheer bulk, the paintings swell as they accrue more and more paraphernalia, but it becomes impossible to tell what items are stored inside the paintings and furthermore who put them there. Ultimately, these paintings are produced collaboratively and remain in a permanent state of impermanence, meaning any experience of the work, is merely just one of many momentary experiences.
Sarah Kate Wilson WRAPPED
Sarah Kate Wilson, is an artist living and working in London. She is an AHRC funded practice-based PhD candidate at the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds. She completed her MFA from The Slade School of Fine Art, London, in 2010. Recent solo exhibitions included, Iris at BALTIC39 for Figure Three, Newcastle (2016) and Projected Paintings, at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena, California (2015). She recently presented a series of painting performances at Palais de Tokyo (2017). She was shortlisted for the Jerwood Painting Fellowships (2016) and had a three-person exhibition at The Newlyn Gallery, Cornwall (2014). Alongside her studio practice sits a curatorial practice, her recent project Painting in Time, opened at The Tetley, Leeds (2015) then toured to at the School of The Arts Institute Chicago, Sullivan Galleries (2016). The exhibition included a cross generational group of international artists such as Yoko Ono, Polly Apfelbaum, Lisa Milroy and Debo Eilers. Wilson is an Associate Lecturer at Camberwell College of Art (BA Hons. Painting).
Sarah Kate Wilson
Visitors are invited to participate in the making of the Shrink-wrapped Paintings. Instructions are as follows: 1) Remove a canvas from the wall. 2) Lay the canvas flat and face up on the table. 3) Add selected item(s) onto the surface of the painting (please do not add items to the backs of the canvases). 4) Using only the shrink-wrap plastic provided, wrap these new items onto the front of the canvas. 5) Tightly pull the shrink-wrap over the objects and painting and wrap around its back repeatedly. 6) Ensure the items are securely bound to the paintings surface. 7) Cut the shrink-wrap roll loose and return it to the table. 8) Rehang the painting on the wall.
Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to: food and other organic material, weapons, heavy items, bodily fluids, illegal substances, sharp objects, chemicals and other hazardous materials.
Imagery: Sarah Kate Wilsons, WRAPPED (2017)
Sarah Kate Wilson
Visitors are invited to participate in the making of the Shrink-wrapped Paintings. Instructions are as follows: 1) Remove a canvas from the wall. 2) Lay the canvas flat and face up on the table. 3) Add selected item(s) onto the surface of the painting (please do not add items to the backs of the canvases). 4) Using only the shrink-wrap plastic provided, wrap these new items onto the front of the canvas. 5) Tightly pull the shrink-wrap over the objects and painting and wrap around its back repeatedly. 6) Ensure the items are securely bound to the paintings surface. 7) Cut the shrink-wrap roll loose and return it to the table. 8) Rehang the painting on the wall.
Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to: food and other organic material, weapons, heavy items, bodily fluids, illegal substances, sharp objects, chemicals and other hazardous materials.
Imagery: Sarah Kate Wilsons, WRAPPED (2017)