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Strategic Planning and Long-Term Recovery
What are the most pressing needs in terms of Strategic Planning and Long-Term Recovery?
There were a greater variety of themes organizations brought up related to longer term strategic planning and recovery compared to the other breakout subject areas. High priority items included getting back to in person, increased collaborations, staff retention and compensation, and finding sustainable funding sources. Also top of mind for many organizations were engagements with board and donors, succession planning, and more forward thinking planning.
What are your organizations currently doing around Strategic Planning and Long-Term Recovery?
Organizations listed a variety of approaches they’re currently employing to address strategic planning and long-term recovery. Much of this work revolved around research and education. While there was some general commenting on the use of “Researching,” other organizations mentioned undertaking more specific projects, which included compensation studies, DEIA audits, and community studies. In addition to research endeavors, some organizations were also working on education for board, staff or both. The main focus for these initiatives centered on diversity training.
Another main theme focused on revising goal setting and strategic planning processes. Some organizations retained consultants to support these activities, while others focused on board or staff lead approaches.
The final thematic area had to do with personnel. Some organizations emphasized “diversifying programs and partners to better meet current needs,” while others spoke more generally about hiring.
Overall, the organizations in the discussion wrote and spoke extensively about ongoing processes. They all acknowledged that they were in the midst of rebuilding and recovery, none felt like they had accomplished all their goals or revisions quite yet. There was a lot of positive discussion around the processes, even while acknowledging the difficulty inherent in the task.