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Mentorship Program Updates
from SBLBSHP Winter 2023 Newsletter
by South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SBLBSHP)
By John Sie, PharmD, Mentorship Program Co-Chair and Kelsey Li, PharmD Candidate 2026, USC Mann, Mentorship Program Co-Chair
The 2023 SBLBSHP Mentorship Program is off to a strong start. Our February and March discussion topics were Introductions and How to Succeed in Pharmacy School: Academics and Extracurricular Activities. We have had 15 successful mentor-mentee pairings that we hope will continue to grow and get to know each other over the next year. Our mentees come from a variety of schools, such as Chapman University, Keck Graduate Institute, UC Irvine, and University of Southern California. We would not have been able to have such amazing mentees without the help of our student liaisons. In addition, our mentors come from a variety of professional settings, such as Industry, Inpatient, Medication Use Evaluation, Ambulatory Care, Specialty, Managed Care, Management, Emergency Medicine, and even current Residents! This Mentorship Program would not have been successful without the help of our current pharmacists in our chapter who have volunteered their time to be mentors. We will continue to send out monthly discussion topics for our paired mentor-mentees to initiate new conversations about how students can succeed in the pharmacy profession and make the most out of their time in pharmacy school, while building meaningful relationships with their mentors.