1 minute read
You Tommy
Dad, Congratulations! I am so proud of your incredible accomplishment in serving 44 years as a union Ironworker. They say “all good things must come to an end,” but I know that this next chapter in your life, retirement, will be filled with only the best times.


Your work ethic and dedication to the things that you do is unmatched. I have learned so much from you and have grown in my own career because of that. Shaun and I looked forward to taking car rides in your work truck out to the Contour Steel “yard” on the weekends as kids. It was the most simple thing ever, but we went because we were amazed by your super cool job! Thank you for bringing us to the conventions over the years (still sad I skipped Chicago!). This past convention was something, when we got stuck overnight in Salt Lake City, Utah (beautiful place) and then another at least 8 hours wearing damn Covid masks in the Las Vegas airport. We were both so miserable but I’m glad I was with my Dad and not alone!
I could say so much more but I just wanna thank you for being my best friend and the best Dad! This is your time to finally relax so please do!

Love, Courts

How's retirement...?
You are the most hardworking and humble person there is. Words cannot describe the importance of the work you have done throughout your career for Local 6. It would not be where it is today without you. Thank you for all your sacrifice and dedication. Enjoy your retirement. It is well deserved!
Love, Shaun, Courtney, Teagan, Brady and Declan

My Dear Husband, Your day has finally arrived! After 44 years of tireless work and dedication, it's time to RELAX!

You've been an excellent role model to our 2 kids growing up. They both inherited your amazing work ethic, which is something to be proud of. So cheers to the next chapter.... Part Time Golfer, Full Time Papa to our 3 beautiful grandchildren. I look forward to sharing many senior adventures with you!

Your loving wife


MATTHEW J. HILMEY ......................................................................................................... PRESIDENT

SHAWN M. CREIGHTON ............................................................................................. VICE-PRESIDENT

“Congratulations to Tom Halligan on your well-deserved retirement. Thank you for all you have done on behalf of the working men and women of WNY.” From the Officers and Members of the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 3 NY
Congratulations on a well deserved retirement Tom.