Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
Career & Scholarship Center
Center for Student Accessibility
Center for the Arts Children’s Center College Opportunity to Prepare for Employment (COPE) Counseling Center CSI Association Health & Wellness Liberty Partnerships Program New Student Orientation & Residence Life Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program Student Life Sports & Recreation Center and Intercollegiate Athletics Veterans Support Services
Message from the Vice President – page 3
Organizational Chart – page 4
Student Affairs Departments & Special Programs/Services – page 5
Divisional Snapshots: Accomplishments – page 7
Individual Department Profiles – page 15
Professional Development & Training – page 33
Collaborations & Partnerships – page 37
VIII. Featured Events & Programs – page 40 IX.
Student Affairs Assessment Initiatives – page 51
Strategic Planning 2010-2012 – page 52 Mission – page 54 Vision – page 54 Values – page 54 Goals – page 54 Learning Outcomes – page 55 Self-Study Calendar – page 56 Working Groups – page 57 Assessment Snapshots – page 58
Student Affairs in Fortnight – page 72
Student Affairs in the Media – page 76
MESSAGE FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT It gives me great pleasure to share with you the 2010-2012 Division of Student Affairs Progress Report. This report is intended to provide a broad overview of the Division while highlighting many of the achievements the Division made over the past two years in service to the College of Staten Island (CSI) student population. The Division of Student Affairs represents a diverse group of 14 offices sharing the common theme of supporting the success of the overall student experience at the College. These units have come together with colleagues across the campus to put our students first. One extraordinary example of this commitment to our students is the recently implemented two-day mandatory New Student Orientation Program that ensures the successful transition of our new students to the College. Another example is the opening of the LGBTQ Center that involved several partners to ensure that students are recognized and respected as an integral part of the campus community. It has been an honor to watch the level of involvement by faculty, staff, and students in this new initiative. If not for our colleagues who have worked in a collaborative spirit across the various administrative divisions, these initiatives would not have become successful program models. These past two years have provided many points of pride for the College and the Division of Student Affairs. One example is the Counseling Center’s receipt of accreditation from the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS) making it the first counseling center in CUNY to receive this prestigious honor. Further, the Veteran Support Services Office was named by GI Jobs magazine a “Military Friendly School” - ranking in the top 20% of all colleges nationwide for the fourth year. Moreover, Student Affairs secured a grant renewal of $1.75 million over a five year period (2012-2017) for the Liberty Partnerships Program. In addition, over $1.4 million was raised from other funding sources for various initiatives and programs in Student Affairs. Finally, the Center for Student Accessibility and the SEEK Program both received commendations for their excellence in service during the 2011 Middle States Accreditation visit. These examples represent just a few of the many outstanding accomplishments that have occurred over the past two years. I look forward to forging ahead to maintain the Division’s progress and continue to assess our work for continuous improvement. Sincerely,
A. Ramona Brown, Ed.D.
The TD Bank Charitable Foundation presented the College of Staten Island with a $5,000 check in support of SEEK/Strategies for Success.
The College of Staten Island (CSI) Division of Student Affairs (DSA) provides a comprehensive array of programs, services and activities in support of the College’s academic mission and student’s personal growth and development. There are 15 offices under the DSA which include the following: Career and Scholarship Center
Health & Wellness Services
Center for Student Accessibility (CSA)
Liberty Partnership Programs (LPP)
Center for the Arts (CFA)
New Student Orientation & Residence Life (NSO)
Children’s Center
Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program (SEEK)
College Opportunity to Prepare for Employment (COPE) Counseling Center
Student Life
CSI Association
Veterans Support Services (VSS)
Sports & Recreation Center and Intercollegiate Athletics
Additional Programmatic Areas Under Student Affairs Judicial Affairs
CARES (Campus Assessment Referral and Evaluation System) Emergency Student Funding
Religious and Spiritual Life
Student Affairs works with all members of the College community and CUNY Headquarters to ensure that students adhere to the rules and regulations of the College. The administration of the student accountability process is grounded in student development theory that affords students due process and holds them accountable when they are found responsible for behavior unbecoming of a CSI student. The Ombudsperson helps students to develop positive strategies to resolve problems and conflicts and acts as a neutral party to address various types of student concerns or disputes related to the College. The purpose of the CARES team is to provide a systematic response to students whose behavior is disruptive to themselves and/or the campus environment. Emergency student funding is available through the Petrie and Robin Hood Foundation Grants for students experiencing unexpected financial hardships. The Emergency Student Book Loan Program, administered by Student Affairs and funded by Student Government is also available. The Religious and Spiritual Life component is housed under the Multifaith Center. The Center provides educational, social, service and spiritual programs for the CSI community.
Pluralism & Diversity Programming
The Division provides leadership and coordination for programs and events that serve to affirm the College’s commitment to issues of diversity and inclusiveness. From events focusing on LGBTQ, students with disabilities, Veterans, Women, monthly identity and cultural celebrations, Student Affairs partners across the College to ensure that students, faculty, and staff are a part of an inclusive environment.
Student Engagement and Leadership Development
Through several initiatives, students have the opportunity to get involved with a host of activities that are designed to facilitate personal and leadership development. Students can participate in the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) offered through Student Life, serve as an Orientation Leader in the Office of New Student Orientation, or do an internship through the Career and Scholarship Center. There are abundant opportunities for CSI students to continuously develop their academic and professional skills, as well as their moral and ethical character within the campus and greater community. Over the last two years, the Division has also developed and led several campus initiatives, including a civility campaign and customer service effort to build a more respectful and service-oriented community. Student Affairs departments such as the Counseling Center, Center for Student Accessibility, and Veterans Support Services provide counseling, academic advising, and peer tutoring to assist students in academic distress. SPD courses provide students with the opportunity to look at college transition issues (SPD 101) and the career decisionmaking process (SPD 102).
Campus Campaigns: CSI Civility Campaign and Customer Service Initiative Academic Intervention
Student Professional Development Courses (SPD) Professional Field Placement
Several offices in Student Affairs serve as field placement sites for undergraduate and graduate students from academic disciplines such as Education, Nursing, and Psychology.
Pre-College Programs
The Division is also home to several programs that work with area public schools to assist in the preparation of students for academic success and post-secondary education opportunities. Programs include Strategies for Success and the Liberty Partnerships Program. The Division of Student Affairs provides leadership for coordinating three of the most important ceremonies at the College: Commencement and Honors Convocation in the spring and starting with August 2013 Freshman Convocation.
Commencement, Honors Convocation, Freshman Convocation, and Other Special Events
With an overall multi-sourced divisional budget of approximately $11.4 million and 431 fulltime and part-time staff members (i.e., professional, administrative, and student workers), the Division of Student Affairs has made tremendous strides in the last two years to align itself with the strategic goals of the College and the City University of New York (CUNY). Specifically, the Division embarked on a strategic planning process that served to review and refine our efforts toward student learning and success. A commitment to enhancing programs and services, utilizing assessment data in decision making, identifying external funding, and collaborating strategically with Academic Affairs and other Administrative units, has placed the Division in a stronger position to provide critical support to students throughout their matriculation at CSI. In the subsequent pages, you will find “Divisional Snapshots� highlighting the impact and accomplishments of the Division of Student Affairs from 2010-2012.
By the Numbers 2011-2012: Students had 30,000 hours of office contacts with Student Affairs Departments. There were 230 campus events. There were over 64,000 participants in Student Affairs programs and events. Student leaders involved with a formal club or organization maintained an average GPA of 3.0. Females comprised 55% of the student leaders. The Student Affairs Division raised over 2 million dollars in 2011-2012. The Career and Scholarship Center served 1,286 students. The Center for the Arts issued 54,000 tickets for performances. The Children’s Center served 154 children and 151 parents in 2011-2012. There was 100% job placement and retention rate for COPE students. Students utilizing services provided by the Counseling Center totaled 7,000. There were 6,173 financial transactions administered by the CSI Association. CSA provided 5,750 academic counseling hours and 3,382 tutoring hours. There were 5,314 students served by Health and Wellness Services. The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) served 305 high schools students in four schools on Staten Island. 8,021 individuals attended CLUE events. There were 202 CLUE events related to Pluralism & Diversity. The New Student Orientation (NSO) Program served 2,405 students. There were a total of 660 emergency student grants and book loans awarded in the sum of $331,000. The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs had direct contact with 1,017students to address concerns/complaints. SEEK provided 1,996 hours of individual academic tutoring. There were 15,000 participants in the Office of Student Life programs and events. There are 236 student athletes at CSI. There were a total of 3,729 participants in intramural sports. Veteran Support Services served 257 students. 270 students participated in internships.
Academic year 2011-2012 was a banner year for the Division of Student Affairs. In the next six pages, divisional highlights, accomplishments, and points of pride are noted along with their connection to the six divisional goals: Student Learning and Development (SLD), Student Engagement (SE), Collaboration (C), Assessment (A), Technology (T), and Professional Development (PD). CAREER AND SCHOLARSHIP CENTER A Speed Networking event was introduced this year by the Career and Scholarship Center providing students the opportunity to introduce themselves, present their “elevator speech,” and highlight their job skills and talents to prospective employers. The Career Academy was also established to help students develop and execute a comprehensive career plan. (SLD SE) The Career and Scholarship Center expanded internship placement sites for students by including the following new companies: Meals on Wheels, SIUH, Sirius XM Radio, Dow Jones, the MTA, and Con Edison. (SLD C) CENTER FOR THE ARTS The Center for the Arts (CFA) issued over 54,000 tickets to its “CFA Presents” performances with over $65,700 in ticket sales, and increased its memberships by almost 19%. To improve the audience experience, the CFA is installing a new digital sound system in the Springer Concert Hall. (SE T) CHILDREN’S CENTER The Children’s Center raised $637,583 that includes a three-year continuation grant of $76,000 annually to provide Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) services through 2015, based on a submission of an RFP and an external review of the Center’s operations by the New York City Department of Education and Office of Early Childhood Education. (A) COLLEGE OPPORTUINTY TO PREPARE FOR EMPLOYMENT (COPE) The College Opportunity for Employment (COPE) program met 100% job placement of its students. COPE successfully supported a student and provided her with the requisite skills to enable her to obtain employment with the U.S. military. This was the highest-paid position that any student in COPE’s history across CUNY achieved at a salary of $150,000. (SE C)
Student Affairs Goals: Student Learning and Development (SLD); Student Engagement (SE); Collaboration (C); Assessment (A); Technology (T); and Professional Development (PD) COUNSELING CENTER Student Affairs’ Counseling Center received accreditation from the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). The Counseling Center is the first CUNY institution to receive this prestigious accreditation. (A) THE COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND ASSOCIATION, INC. Student Affairs’ CSI Association completed a successful audit by an independent CPA firm and no audit exceptions or material weaknesses in the Association’s operations were identified by the auditors. (A) CENTER FOR STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY Student Affairs’ Student Accessibility received a commendation from the Middle States Commission for their First Year Connections (FYC) program, as well as the 2011-2012 CUNY Productivity Award for Communications Access Real-Time Translation (CART) program for hard of hearing students. (SLD SE T) The Center for Student Accessibility successfully piloted the Tutoring Institute, which is an unpaid internship opportunity. The Tutoring Institute was a noteworthy success and had 12 tutor-interns working with 69 students with disabilities throughout the semester. (SE) The Director of the CSA was invited to the National 2012 AHEAD Conference in New Orleans, LA where he presented at two sessions: Curricular Universal Design: Creating Accessible Writing Assignments for Students with Invisible Disabilities and First Year Connections: Holistic Student Support Programming for Students with Disabilities. (PD)
Student Affairs Goals: Student Learning and Development (SLD); Student Engagement (SE); Collaboration (C); Assessment (A); Technology (T); and Professional Development (PD) HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVICES Health and Wellness Services received approval to provide laboratory services at the Health Center making it easier for students to get tested and receive improved health care on campus. (SE C T) Health and Wellness Services received an award from Verizon Wireless for its contribution to the UHOPELINE Cell Phone Collection Drive. This event raised awareness about dating violence, aid to domestic violence survivors, and college students helping the environment. (SDL SE C) LIBERTY PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (LPP) Student Affairs secured a grant for the Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) from National Grid for $15,000 and was awarded $5,000 from Councilwoman Debi Rose’s office. The Liberty Partnerships Program was selected as a National American Promise Alliance Program Initiative. (C) PERCY ELLIS SUTTON SEEK PROGRAM SEEK secured $189,075 for the “Strategies for Success Program.” (SLD) One SEEK student received the Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship, while a second student was invited to complete an internship at the Ford Foundation. (SLD) A financial literacy workshop was developed for high school students through a JP Morgan Chase Foundation Financial Literacy grant. (SLD) The SEEK Center produced a publication, Hands On: The English Tutor’s Guide to The Art and Craft of Tutoring, by Ms. Linda Principe (adjunct professor in English/liaison to SEEK). This document provides ideas and advice to academic support professionals. (PD)
Student Affairs Goals: Student Learning and Development (SLD); Student Engagement (SE); Collaboration (C); Assessment (A); Technology (T); and Professional Development (PD) OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE CSI’s Got Talent: Student Life held the first ever CSI’s Got Talent. The finale was performed before a sold out crowd in the Williamson Theater. This event became a strong model for developing community across the campus. (SE) WSIA celebrated its 30th Anniversary with alumni participation dating back to the class of 1982. (SE) The 3rd Annual Relay for Life exceeded expectations, raised over $25,000 for the American Cancer Society. (SE) The Office of Student Life, in collaboration with campus partners, coordinated the inaugural Lavender Ceremony celebrating LGBTQ student graduates of the College. (SE C) SPORTS AND RECREATION CENTER AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Athletics achieved CUNYAC Postseason Championships in Women’s Soccer, Men’s Basketball, and Cheerleading, posting a pair of NCAA postseason appearances: Men’s Basketball and Men’s Swimming. (SE) CSI won three CUNYAC Player of the Year Honors, while taking five CUNYAC Rookie of the Year Awards. (SE) For the first time since 1999, CSI won a very prestigious CUNYAC Scholar Athlete of the Year Award in 2011. (SLD)
Student Affairs Goals: Student Learning and Development (SLD); Student Engagement (SE); Collaboration (C); Assessment (A); Technology (T); and Professional Development (PD) VETERANS SUPPORT SERVICES Veterans Support Services of CSI has been named by GI Jobs magazine a Military Friendly School ranking in the top 20% of all colleges nationwide for the fourth year. A radio program titled the “Veteran’s Corner” had its inaugural airing on WSIA. This was a collaborative effort with Don Buzney of the United War Veterans Council. The show was rebroadcasted via the Armed Forces Network Website and remained the only FM radio show dedicated to Veterans and the issues they face. (SLD SE C T) Veterans Support Services coordinated with various political organizations on Staten Island to offer the first “Veteran Resource Fair”. The Staten Island Advance highlighted CSI’s Veterans Support Services for their work in the community. (C) The first Annual Veterans Commencement Luncheon honoring student veterans for their educational accomplishments was held on May 11, 2012. (SE C) OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS LGBTQ Resource Center: A new initiative in Student Life was the opening of the LGBTQ Resource Center. The Center encourages a confidential support network and operates as a source of information about available resources both on- and off-campus for the LGBTQ population. (SLD SE) The College, led by the Divisions of Student and Academic Affairs was selected as one of four CUNY campuses to participate in the John Gardner Institute’s Foundations of Excellence. This initiative focuses on a self-study process of the first-year experience. (SLD SE C) Divisional Assessment Plan – Student Affairs incorporated assessment practices into its daily operations, including the development of a self-study calendar beginning in 2012 and concluding in 2016. (A)
Student Affairs Goals: Student Learning and Development (SLD); Student Engagement (SE); Collaboration (C); Assessment (A); Technology (T); and Professional Development (PD) OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS The College Committee on Civility was established to engage the community and address issues of incivility on campus. (SDL SE A C T) The Division of Student Affairs received a first-ever grant, totaling $60,000 from Councilwomen Debi Rose’s office to support the creation of a computer lab/lounge for CSI student veterans. (SE C) The Black and Latina Women’s Initiative was instituted to address gaps in student retention. An event for Women of Color that included faculty, staff, and students was held at the President’s home on October 17, 2011, and a student mentoring program was established as one follow-up component of a comprehensive strategy to address the needs of this group. (SE C) In collaboration with the Division of Institutional Advancement, Student Affairs organized the first Homecoming at CSI. (SE C) LGTBQ Center – Cultural space established to support LGBTQ students and faculty. The Division enhanced its website to provide more relevant information in an enhanced user-friendly format. (T) The Division developed and led the Customer Service Initiative, in cooperation with Human Resources and Enrollment Management. (PD T) Professional Training Sites – Student Affairs departments served as professional training sites for approximately 126 students from academic departments such as Education, Nursing, and Psychology. These training sites included the Counseling Center, Student Accessibility, Health & Wellness Services, and the Children’s Center. (SDL PD) Middle States Accreditation – Co-Led Student Support Services Sub-Committee and received two commendations for the Center for Student Accessibility and SEEK.
INDIVIDUAL DEPARMENT PROFILES Each department in the Division of Student Affairs has a unit specific mission of providing CSI students and the College community with a broad array of programs and services which contribute to student success and fosters an inclusive campus community.
LOCATION: Building 1A- Room 301 STAFFING: Vice President: A. Ramona Brown, EdD Assistant Vice President: Salvador B. Mena Confidential Executive Associate: Christine Myers Administrative Assistant: Cathleen McGuckin Office Assistant: Lynn Furnell Office Assistant: Patricia Olsen Assistant Ombudsperson: Michele Moschides
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (OVPSA) provides administrative, programmatic, and financial leadership to the Division of Student Affairs ensuring that divisional goals and resources support the success of students at the College. Additionally, the OVPSA oversees the management of student crises, accountability, and concerns. Lastly, OVPSA collaborates across the campus as well as with the external community to ensure that students have the best possible College experience.
Emergency Student Funding Judicial Affairs Ombudsperson CARES Student Complaint Process
BY THE NUMBERS: Individual student contacts in Fall 2011Spring 2012: 1,017 Total number of students referred to Student Affairs for violations of campus policy and/or behavioral issues: 187. Total number of academic dishonesty cases referred to Student Affairs in 20112012 was 44. Total number of students who filed a formal complaint with Student Affairs in 2011-2012: 283 Total number of students referred to CARES: 30 Student emergency grants were awarded to 386 students totaling $220,000 during academic year 2011-2012. Emergency book loans totaling $111,300 were provided to 354 students during the 2011-2012 academic year.
LOCATION: Building 1A- Room 105 DIRECTOR: Caryl Watkins MISSION: The Career and Scholarship Center supports the mission and goals of the College of Staten Island and the Division of Student Affairs by assisting students and alumni as they develop professional identities and skills while they explore and pursue meaningful careers. Through a broad range of student-centered developmental initiatives and services, students will learn career exploration, planning, and job application strategies. They will also develop the career-related experience, comprehension, and skills necessary to succeed in today’s global marketplace. STAFFING: Director: Caryl Watkins Associate Director: Joanne Hollan Coordinator/Fellowships and Scholarships: Michele Galati Coordinator/Internships: Richard Krysztoforski Coordinator/Career Coaching: Joan Dimeo-Lyons Career Development Assistant: Nina Long Career Coach/Résumé Writer: Tasheemah Wilkerson Career Coach/Résumé Writer: Cheryl Barzey Career Coach/Résumé Writer: Michele Galati Career Coach/Résumé Writer: Michael Volpe SPD 101 Instructor: Jeannie Zieff Administrative Assistant: Florence Zurica College Assistant: Barbara Volpe CUNY CAP Find us on Facebook
Career and Scholarship Center at the College of Staten Island Like
PROGRAMS ANDAccounting SERVICESFair OFFERED: The Annual Career Development Scholarships and Fellowships Graduate School Advisement Internship and Internship Stipend Program Career Placement Career Fairs BY THE NUMBERS: Total appointments: 1286 individual students held 1597 appointments 1,401 student contact hours Career Coaching: 475 individual students held 594 appointments Internship Advisement: 92 individual students held 113 appointments Scholarship/Fellowship Advisement: 202 individual students held 247 appointments Graduate School Advisement: 79 individual students held 92 appointments Career Academy: 96 students participated SPD 101: 224 students made use of Career and Scholarship Center services Verrazano School: 141 résumés of freshmen and sophomores were reviewed; 68 individual students held 72 follow-up appointments Special Events: 1470+ total attendees OptimalResume: 861 new registered users, 2381 total student account Top Two Most Popular Majors Business Majors – 25.4% Accounting – 12%
LOCATION: Building 1P - Center for the Arts DIRECTOR: John Jankowski MISSION: The Center for the Arts supports excellence in local and nationally recognized artists, primarily in the areas of music, dance, and theater, to culturally enrich the Staten Island community. In addition, the CFA continues to provide excellent support for CSI classes and events held at its venue. STAFFING:
The Center for the Arts
Director: John Jankowski Marketing Manager: Michele Walsh Production Manager: Christina Werkmeister Box Office Manager: Annie Varghese Box Office Staff: Jessica Socol College Assistant: Rita Balsamo College Assistant: David Loncle
Meeting Space Rental Performance Space Rental Technical Support Event Planning
In addition, CFA also hires personnel on an hourly basis to supplement the technical crew, office and front-of-house staff.
The CFA issued over 5,400 tickets Over $65,700 in ticket sales The CFA rentals issued over 160 licensed agreements for over $403,600 in contracts Reached out to 37 community organizations and donated $1,005 in both gift certificates and tickets Sold out four performances in the 2011 CFA Presents season Increased CFA memberships by almost 19%
LOCATION: Building 2R-Room 104 DIRECTOR: Cynthia Murphy MISSION: The mission of The Children’s Center is to enable parents to attend the College of Staten Island and to further their development by allowing freer pursuit of educational aims, and personal goals. Students are also provided with opportunities for involvement in social and political issues regarding child care services.
The Children’s Center
PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED: Early Childhood Education Child Care Programs - Infant/Toddler Program - Preschool Program - Department of Education sponsored Universal Prekindergarten Program - School Age Program Flexible Scheduling Affordable Fees
Director: Cynthia Murphy Educational Director: Margaret Rooney Office Assistant: Tina DiCarlo Head Teachers (6 full-time; 2 part-time) Assistant Teachers (6 full-time; 4 part-time) Classroom Aides (4)
BY THE NUMBERS: 154 children served in 2011-2012 151 parents served in 2011-2012 Field placement site for 101 college students in 2011-2012
LOCATION: Building 1A-Room 109 COORDINATOR: Harriet Giapoutzis MISSION: The COPE Program will ensure that COPE students meet college and HRA requirements so they can graduate and achieve employment which will lead to long-term economic self-sufficiency. PURPOSE: The purpose of the COPE Program is to improve the future of individuals who are receiving Public Assistance by assisting students to meet both Public Assistance and college requirement enabling them to graduate and qualify for employment, which is the foundation to economic independence. STAFFING: Coordinator: Harriet Giapoutzis
COPE Student & Coordinator Harriet Giapoutzis PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED:
Counseling Job Training and Placement Job Interview Coaching Job Wardrobe Assistance (Edith’s Place)
BY THE NUMBERS: 100% job placement and retention for the 2011/2012 Fiscal year Number of Students Served in 2011-2012: 62 70% Female 30% Male FUNDING: COPE is funded by and operated in collaboration with the Family Independence Administration of the City of New York Human Resources Administration (HRA).
LOCATION: Building 1A Room-109 DIRECTOR: Ann Booth, Psy.D. MISSION: The mission of the Counseling Center is to provide highquality, comprehensive, culturally sensitive personal and academic counseling to CSI students, foster campus and student safety, and offer quality training to new clinicians. STAFFING:
Director: Ann Booth, Psy.D. Associate Director: Mary Murphy, M.Sc. Counselor: Winnie Eng, Ph.D. Counselor: Sergey Profis, Ph.D. Counselor: Kim Montagnino Ph.D. Counselor: Danielle DePalma, MSW Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Kathy Cilione, M.S. Counselor: Dan Combs, Psy.D. Counselor: Jonathan Spitz, Psy.D. Academic Counselor: Kristi Nielson, M.S. Ed. Administrative Assistant: Michele Karpeles, B.A. College Assistant: Lisa Avila
L-R: Dr. Ann Booth and Mary Murphy of the CSI Counseling Center PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED:
Personal Counseling Academic Counseling Group Counseling Medication Evaluation & Management Walk in Services Supervision of Counseling Interns SPD 101: Issues in College Life Outreach Workshops Facilitation of Academic Appeals
BY THE NUMBERS: 7,000 student visits – 2011-2012 The above figure is an 8% increase from 2010-2011and over a 100% increase in the last 5 years 75% of respondents taking the 2011-2012 Client Satisfaction Survey indicated that seeking counseling had a positive impact on their academic performance (N=182) Psychiatric Nurse had 382 appointments and a 91 student patient panel
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
LOCATION: Building 1C Room-202 DIRECTOR: Marianne McLaughlin MISSION: The purposes of the Association are outlined in the bylaws of the corporation and include the objective of promoting and cultivating educational and social relations among the students, faculty, and staff of the College of Staten Island. This is accomplished primarily through collaboration with campus constituents and funding for the initiatives proposed by various campus offices for programs, services and CSI Association Staff activities for students. The Association also operates the Children’s Center. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED: STAFFING:
The Association provides funding for the College’s Athletic Program, Children’s Center, Radio Station, Health Center, Intramural/Recreation Programs, Student Government, Campus Activities Board, Student Clubs and Organizations, Student Publications, Student Life Programs & Commencement
Executive Director: Marianne McLaughlin Assistant Director: Stefanie DeBernardo Administrative Assistant: Anne Marie Briguglio Office Assistant: Annie Hernandez Accounting Assistant: Elisa Salvio Office Assistant: Sonia Cano
Services Include: Budgeting, Accounting, Banking, Personnel & Payroll, Risk Management, Investment Management, Compliance, Regulatory Functions, and operation of the Children’s Center BY THE NUMBERS: Administered student activity fee budgets amounting to $4,034,702 Administered over 250 line-by-line budgets Processed 3,774 check transactions 1,206 purchase requisitions/purchase orders 1,193 receipt transactions and approximately 330 journal transactions
LOCATION: Building 1P Room-101 DIRECTOR: Christopher Cruz Cullari MISSION: The Mission of the Center for Student Accessibility is to facilitate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities ensuring equal access to academic and co-curricular programming in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The CSA Learning Lab
Director: Chris Cruz Cullari Assistant Director: Joanne D’Onofrio LEADS Counselor: Vacant Counselor: Karen Gallo Academic Counselor: Theodora Beekman Academic Counselor: Maria Testori CART Services Facilitator: Maryellen Smolka Coordinator of ASL Services: Anna Carter Technical Assistant: Joe Nicolosi Technical Support Assistant: Nicole Dory Tutor Coordinator: David Lightcap Office Assistant: Gloria Alfano College Assistant: Bill Bush College Assistant: Irene Mucciariello College Assistant: Sheryl Porter College Assistant: Danielle Lopez College Assistant: Jesus Valdes 13 Tutors 12 Note-takers 4 CART Providers 6 Interpreters
Facilitation of Accommodations (testing, interpreting, CART services, and others) Student Advisement Student Tutoring Assistive Technology Training Faculty Training and Support LEADS Program First-Year Connections Program BY THE NUMBERS: The Center served over 600 students Class standing - Freshman: 141 - Sophomore: 150 - Junior: 153 - Senior: 158 - Graduate: 116 Total academic counseling hours: 5,750 Total tutoring hours: 3,382 Total testing accommodation provisions: 2,182 Total American Sign Language interpreting hours logged: 3,311 Total CART provision hours logged per semester: 3,752
LOCATION: Building 1C Room-112 DIRECTOR: Linda Conte MISSION: Our mission is to enhance students’ ability to participate in the educational process by providing quality health care and promoting wellness and responsible lifestyle choices. Health and Wellness Services strives to work with students to facilitate retention, reduce health disparities and enhance lifelong health and wellness.
Director: Linda Conte, MS, LMHC Nurse Manager: Terianne Darragh, MSN, RN Health Educator: Janine Scotto, MS, LCSW CUNYCAP: Juanita Sharpe Nurse Practitioner/SIUH: Joan Sobsey, MSN Nurse/SIUH: Susan Sciortino, MSN, FNP Administrative Assistant: Janet Comandatore College Assistant: Pat Pisane College Assistant: Ana Campiglia College Assistant: Annie Hernandez Nurse: Mary Dondiego, RN (P/T) Nurse: Liz Riley RN (P/T) Nurse: Josephine Marcantonio, RN (P/T) Peer Educators (10) CSI Ambassadors (10) COPE Student workers (2)
Treatment for acute health problems College physicals Immunizations Reproductive health services Smoking Cessation HIV Testing Health Education Peer Education Program CSI Ambassador Program Wellness fairs, blood drives
Number of Students Served: 5,314 Average Age: 25 years old Gender: 70% of clients are female Insurance Status: Insured - 75% Uninsured - 25% Form processing: Health Center staff processed 6,293 student forms Class standing: Freshman-29%, Sophomore29%, Junior-16%, Senior-18%, Masters-6%, Doctoral-0.6%, Other-1% and No Response-1%
LOCATION: Building 2A Room-204 DIRECTOR: Shawn Landry MISSION: LPP’s mission is to develop and implement systemic and supportive interventions and opportunities for students identified as being at risk of dropping out of school. LPP does this to ensure that these students will graduate from high school and are prepared to enter post-secondary education and the workforce.
LPP Students
PURPOSE: A Collaboration of Post-Secondary Education Institutions, K-12 schools, parents, community based organizations, local governments and the business community provides the necessary leadership and resources to safeguard that students who are at risk will achieve academic and personal excellence, graduate from high school and enter post-secondary education and the workforce as competent young adults. STAFFING: Director: Shawn Landry MPA, MSW Assistant Director: Melissa Brown Office Manager: Joseph Liss LPP PARTICIPANTS: The College of Staten Island Liberty Partnerships Program participants attend the following four schools on Staten Island: Curtis High School, New Dorp High School, Port Richmond High School, and Susan Wagner High School.
Dreamers Academy Academic Immersion Workforce Preparation Personal Development
BY THE NUMBERS: LPP serves 305 high school students annually on Staten Island Students received approximately 1,789 hours of workshops More than 500 hours of special classes provided by Certified Teachers, CSI Faculty, and College Interns in 2011-2012
LOCATION: Building 1C Room-225 Coordinator: Amy Rogers MISSION: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Resource Center is dedicated to improving the educational environment for LGBTQ students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni by providing a safe space for LGBTQ community members and allies and advancing LGBTQ scholarly activities at the College of Staten Island.
Students at the Inaugural Lavender Ceremony
PURPOSE: PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED: As part of the Office of Student Life, the LGBTQ Center embraces the diversity of the CSI community and provides resources and programs for campus members who want to learn more about and advocate for LGBTQ issues. It encourages a confidential support network and operates as a source of information about counseling and other resources available on campus and throughout the region for LGBTQ students, allies and their families. The Center raises awareness about issues important to the LGBTQ population and encourages community service by CSI students and organizations that serve the LGBTQ population on campus, on Staten Island and throughout New York City. The Center organizes activities, panels and speakers on a variety of LGBTQ topics every semester.
A Safe Space for LGBTQ Students and Allies LGBTQ Student Advising Safe Zone Training Library consisting of magazines and books Magazine subscriptions include: - The Advocate - Out Magazine - Curve Magazine - The Gay and Lesbian Review - Compete Magazine - GO! Magazine
LOCATION: Building 2A Room-208 DIRECTOR: Kafele Khalfani MISSION: The mission of the College of Staten Island’s Orientation and CLUE program is to facilitate the successful academic and personal transition of new students to the CSI community. Through the intentional interaction of new students, current students, faculty and staff, combined with specific programmatic elements, participants will develop an understanding and appreciation of the academic policies and values, developmental and social opportunities available, as well as knowledge of campus and community resources. STAFFING:
Director: Kafele Khalfani Assistant Director: Elaine Flynn Student Life Specialist: Michael Maslankowski Administrative Assistant: Vicki Lehrer College Assistant: Linda Forst CUNYCAP Denise Sforza
New Student Orientation Leaders PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFERED:
New student orientation CLUE Pluralism and Diversity Programs First-Year Student Outreach
BY THE NUMBERS: 608 CLUE events attended by 8,021 students, faculty and staff 202 of these CLUEs were Pluralism & Diversity related 2,608 students attended Summer 2012 NSO 550 students attended Spring 2012 NSO 94% of first-years in 2011 were between 16-20 years of age
LOCATION: Building 1A- Room 112 DIRECTOR: Gloria Garcia MISSION: The SEEK Program has a dual mission: to provide access to college and to support student achievements. This mission is the guiding force and rationale for all our actions. PURPOSE: SEEK stands for Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge. It is the higher education opportunity program at the senior (four year) CUNY colleges. It was established to provide comprehensive academic support to assist capable students who otherwise might not be able to attend college due to their educational and financial circumstances. Students are admitted without regard to age, sex, sexual orientation, race, disability, or creed.
Student Counseling Academic Tutoring Student Mentoring Academic and Personal Development Workshops Student Leadership Development
Director: Gloria Garcia CAA: Janet Rainer Learning Center Coordinator: Ralph Pagan Counselor/Counseling Coordinator: Fran Fassman, PhD Counselor: Julie Davelman, PhD Counselor: Miriam Perez-Lai, LMSW Counselor: Steven James Office Assistant: Celeste Del Maestro
485 students per semester were served in 2011-2012 765 hours of individual student counseling in 2011-2012 222 hours of group counseling in 2011-2012 1,996 hours of individual academic tutoring in 2011-2012 66 SEEK students graduated in 2012 55% of SEEK students are 20 years of age and above and 45% are 19 years of age and below (2011-2012) Fall 2011 semester, 65% of participants were female, and 35% were male Fall 2011semester – 27% White, 24% Hispanic, 21% Asian, 1.2% Native American/Pacific Islander
LOCATION: Building 1C-Room 201 DIRECTOR: Carol Brower MISSION: The Office of Student Life is dedicated to creating learning experiences which complement academic pursuits, support holistic student development and foster an engaging campus community. STAFFING:
Campus Center
Director: Carol Brower Associate Director: Debi Kee Associate Director: Gregory Brown Coordinator Leadership: Robert King Kee General Manager WSIA: Phillip Masciantonio Chief Engineer: John Ladley (P/T) Assistant Engineer: Laura Parnizari (P/T) Coordinator LGBTQ: Amy Rogers Gittleson: Donna Gildea Gittleson: Lillian Nicassio Office Assistant: Sandra Taranto Building Manager: Frank Carcaterra Building Manager: Raul Torres
SGA Advising Student Clubs & Organizations Student Life Programming Campus Activities Board (CAB) Student Leadership Development Publication of the student handbook, The Gazetteer Campus Center Management WISA Radio Station Community Service Collegiate Link BY THE NUMBERS: 15,000-plus participants in Student Life programs and events 14% of 300-plus student leaders surveyed are Business majors and 11.5% are Psychology majors 55% of student leaders are female
LOCATION: Building 1R- Room 205 DIRECTOR: Vernon Mummert MISSION: The mission of the Sports & Recreation Center, including intercollegiate athletics, is consistent with that of the Division of Student Affairs and the College of Staten Island. The Center is committed to providing quality athletic, intramural and recreational services and programs for students. In addition, opportunities are provided for members of the Staten Island and surrounding community to utilize the services of the Center.
Director: Vernon Mummert Associate Director: David Pizzuto Assistant Director/Business Manager: Fran Mitilieri Assistant Director/Student-Athlete Services: Katie Arcuri Aquatics Director: Michael Ackalitis Intramural Coordinator: Salvatore Caruso Facilities Manager: Anthony Avena Group Fitness Coordinator: Marianne McLaughlin Assistant Sports Information Director: Kellie Carnevale Head Athletic Trainer: Helaine Cigal Assistant Athletic Trainer: Vanessa Perry Assistant Athletic Trainer: Scott Gomez Administrative Assistant: Lucille Davidson Administrative Assistant: Stacy Yurich Coaches: 13 part-time Head coaches
NCAA Division III Athletics Program Intramurals Sports Program Community Pool Hours Exercise Group Fitness Program Indoor & Outdoor Athletics Facilities
BY THE NUMBERS: CSI offers 13 intercollegiate sports including cheerleading 236 student athlete (125 female/111 males) 3,729 intramural participants in 2011-2012 111 Scholar-Athletes with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better for the 2011-2012 year Women’s Soccer won 6 out of 8 CUNYAC championships Men’s basketball was ranked in the nation’s top 16
LOCATION: Building 1A - Room 108 DIRECTOR: Gloria Garcia MISSION: To promote the development and application of effective learning strategies and study skills essential to academic success from elementary to college levels. PURPOSE: SEEK/Strategies for Success Program is a community service/civic engagement opportunity program for CSI students. The program was established to serve a population of youth who come from low income households that are in need of a safe and nurturing environment where they can learn, complete homework, and be exposed to positive CSI role models from all different majors. STAFFING: Director: Gloria Garcia Associate Director: Georgia Landrum Program Coordinator/Site Coordinator: Rhagina Chisolm Site Coordinator: Catherine Hemsworth Assistant Site Coordinator/Workshop Facilitator: Jessica Rainer PROGRAMS & SERVICES OFFERED: After-School Homework Help/Mentoring for elementary and intermediate school students 7 Habits/Leadership Development Workshops Financial Literacy Workshops Career Development Workshops STEM Workshops Young Males Mentoring Group for intermediate students
SEEK/Strategies for Success Mentors with Vice President for Student Affairs A. Ramona Brown BY THE NUMBERS: 32 participating college students provided academic assistance/mentoring services to children in local after school programs. 443 elementary and intermediate students received homework help/mentoring services. 90% of the college participants reported personal gains relevant to significant areas which reflect leadership, college skills development, personal and interpersonal goals. On an overall average, 93.8% of the participants (college, intermediate and elementary students) demonstrated an understanding of the 7 Habits/Leadership Development Workshops. On an overall average, 93.5% of the participants (college, and elementary students) demonstrated an understanding of the Financial Literacy Workshops. 90.6% of the college students maintained the GPA requirement of 2.75 or above while in the program. Strategies for Success received grant funding totaling $189,075 for 2011-2012 from: The Staten Island Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Foundation, The New York City Department of Education (District 31), and the Jewish Community Center.
LOCATION: Building 1C – Room 219 COORDINATOR: Ann Treadaway MISSION: Veterans Support Services was established to provide assistance and resources to students who have served in the Armed Forces. The purpose of this program is to facilitate a smooth transition from military life to the college experience by providing veterans a strong support system and centralized "vet-friendly" services.
Annual Veteran’s Commencement Luncheon Ceremony
Coordinator: Ann Treadaway Veteran Support Staff: Urszula Echols College Assistant: Deborah Lloret Veteran Student Mentors
Veteran Student Advising Post-911 GI Bill Information Transition to College for Student Vets Provide Vet Students with Resources Veteran Student Programming Veteran Student Mentoring Program Support for Veteran Student Registration Armed Forces Club
BY THE NUMBERS: Fall 2011 - 252 and Spring 2012 - 262 veteran students served by VSS 73% - men and 27% - women 84% of veteran students surveyed attend CSI full-time Breakdown by branches: 29% of the respondents were Army veterans, 21% were Marines, 14% were Navy veterans, 14% were in the Coast Guard, 11% were in the Air Force and 12% are dependents of veterans
Student Affairs personnel at the College of Staten Island are highly trained professionals from broad fields spanning education, psychology, social work, career development, and health care to name a few. Accordingly, Student Affairs staff members are affiliated with 74 professional associations, organizations, and agencies at the national and local levels. In addition to being involved in professional organizations, Student Affairs staff members attend annually a host of professional development activities as participants and presenters. During the 2011-2012 Academic Year, staff members attended 68 Conferences and participated in 31 Webinars and 50 Workshops. By participating in professional development, staff members are able to make significant contributions to help the College meet its goals and objectives, as well as students are assured that they are receiving high-quality services using best practices from the field of Student Affairs.
Involvement in Professional Organizations (2010-2012)
Association of Professional Arts Presenters and CUNY-Performing Arts Centers American Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors American College Counseling Association American College Health Association (ACHA) American College Personnel Association (ACPA) American Psychological Association American Psychological Association: Division 39: Division of Psychoanalysis American Psychoanalytic Association Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback American Counseling Association Association for College Unions International (ACUI) Association for Experiential Education (AEE) American Red Cross, New York City Chapter Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Big Brothers, Big Sisters CUNY Council of SEEK/CD Program Directors CUNY Council of SEEK/CD Tutor Directors City University of New York Athletic Conference (CUNYAC) Collegiate Sports Information Directors of America (COSIDA) Career Services Association of CUNY (CSAC) Child Care Council at CUNY CUNY Council of SEEK/CD Counseling Coordinators Certified Rehabilitation Counselors Commission (CRCC) CUNY Council on Student Disability Issues (COSDI) Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Higher Education and National Affairs, American Council on Education (HENA) Human Resources Association of New York Metropolitan NY College Placement Office Association (MNYCPOA) Modern Languages Association (MLA) National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
Continued - Involvement in Professional Organizations (2010-2012):
National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWA) National Soccer Coaches Association of American (NSCAA) National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) National Association of Social Workers National Association for Developmental Education (NADE) National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) National Association of Broadcasters National Association of Female Executives National Association of Fellow Advisors (NAFA) National Association for the Education of Young Children National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) National Board of Counselors (NBC) National Career Development Association (NCDA) National Coalition for Campus Children’s Centers National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) New Jersey Association for Justice National Orientation Directors Association (NODA) NY Mental Health Counselors Association NY Federation of Addiction Counselors NYC Board of Education UPK New York Mental Health Counselor Association (NYMHCA) New York State Broadcasters Association New York Urban League, Staten Island Chapter National Verbatim Reporters Association (NVRA) New York State Disability Services Council (NYSDSC) North Shore Rotary Psychological Society of Ireland Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society Project Hospitality Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Society for Cinema and Media Studies Staten Island Advance The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Professional Conferences and Workshops: Conferences:
National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) Northeast Regional Conference Supporting Excellence: The Experience of High Achieving Students of Color – (CUNY) Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Conference 2012 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Supplemental Conference New York State Disability Services Council Meeting 2011- Albany, NY CUNY NASPA Student Affairs Institute – Critical Issues in Higher Education 19th Annual Conference of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research NYC Board of Education Universal Pre-K Meeting
Staten Island Sexual Assault Task Force Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents Tutor Talk Conference Lehman College Alcohol Trends and Research Managerial Styles: Developing Your Leadership Strengths Child Abuse Prevention Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) First Aid Customer Service Training
Facilitating Difficult Dialogues: Navigating Triggering Events Guiding Students in Career Selection and Planning Managing Conflict, Staff Development and Team Performance Collegiatelink: Training the Student Leader Adding Focus Groups to your Assessment Federal Grants Management Webinar Developing an Assessment Plan for your Department or Division Health Care Reform Update: Chipping Away at the PPACA
The work of serving students and ensuring they have the best possible experience at CSI is a collaborative effort that extends beyond the Division of Student Affairs and consists of partnering with colleagues across the institution, in particular, Academic Affairs. In addition, we partner with numerous community organizations. From 2011-2012 Student Affairs collaborated with 359 campus and community partners. A sampling of internal and external partnerships is provided in subsequent pages.
Internal Partnerships:
Academic Intervention Committee Athletics Task Force Athletics Hall of Fame Committee Access Committee Black and Latino Women’s Retention Initiative Black Male Initiative Steering Committee Campus-Life Committee on Residence Life CARES Committee Child Care Task Force Committee on Campus Civility CSI Association, Inc. Board CSI Homecoming Committee Customer Service Task Force Facilities Usage Group First-Year Experience/NSO Sub-Committee H1N1 Committee Homecoming Committee Housing Marketing Committee Hunger and Homeless Committee Kwanzaa Committee Middle States Strategic Direction #4 Middle States Strategic Direction #3 Petrie Grant Committee Pluralism & Diversity Committee Student Probation Task Force Student Development and Engagement Working Group Tobacco-Free Initiative Transfer Student Orientation Committee Women’s Center Advisory
External Partners:
AHRC American Cancer Society Cicero & LaVerde CPA College Bound Con Edison Connections 101 CUNY Hunger and Homeless Committee CVS DeSantis Kiefer Shall & Sarcone CPA Disney Eden II Enterprise Holdings Fed Ex FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) IRS JK Watson Merrill Lynch Global National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) New York City Department of Education NYS Society for Accounting Professionals Project Hospitality Richmond University Medical Center Sirius Radio Skylight Center Sovereign Bank Staten Island Black Heritage Family Day Parade Planning Committee Staten Island Community Television Staten Island Economic Development Corporation Staten Island LGBT Community Center Staten Island Mental Health Society Staten Island University Hospital The United Veterans War Council Time Warner Cable Urban League Verizon WABC YMCA Youth Ventures Inc.
Over the last two years, Student Affairs provided students with numerous opportunities for involvement, leadership development, artistic expression, and fun! Below is a sampling of programs and events that have contributed to the educational/personal success and celebration of our students. “My Story” – Signature annual program featuring a panel of students with physical and learning disabilities who share their personal stories, challenges and victories. “CSI’s Got Talent” – Annual student talent competition that builds a strong CSI community. Lavender Graduation Reception – Post-commencement event to recognize LGBTQ graduates. New Student Orientation – A required two-day orientation program for entering students. “Speed Networking” – A Career and Scholarship Center event that provides students with hands on professional networking experience. Emerging Leaders Program – A year long program for students who are looking to explore, develop and expand their leadership skills. Health & Wellness Fair – An annual event that promotes the importance of good health and healthy decision making. “Mood Matters” – A Counseling Center event that seeks to encourage good mental health and overall wellness. “Tunnel of Oppression” – This multi-sensory program brings awareness to the continuing presence of issues of oppression in society. Diversity & Pluralism Programs – Year-long diversity programming is provided and implemented for the CSI community with the goal of affirming, celebrating, and learning about and from our differences. Veterans Commencement Luncheon – An annual end of the year celebration for graduating veteran students. Relay for Life – Annual spring campus event with a high rate of student participation that seeks to raise money for cancer awareness and research.
The Division of Student Affairs believes outcomes assessment and student learning are essential components of our work as student affairs educators. Creating a culture of evidence showcases the value of our services, efforts, and accomplishments and helps to tell our story and document our success. As we establish a meaningful culture of assessment that improves practice and enhances student learning, we believe assessment activities should be integrated into our work in ways that are important, relevant and specific to the knowledgeable individual professionals representing the Division's diverse programs and areas. In the next couple of pages, you will see highlights of what we have learned about ourselves and the students we serve by engaging in the practice of assessment.
Program Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes
Program Reviews
STRATEGIC PLANNING 2010-2012 Over the last two and a half years, the Division of Student Affairs has engaged in the process of strategic planning in order to align this process with the College’s Strategic Plan (Many Voices – One Vision), CUNY’s Performance Management Process (PMP) goals, and specific findings noted in the Middle States Commission on the Higher Education accreditation report. This process consisted of holding several divisional leadership planning retreats, numerous working meetings by the Student Affairs Assessment Group, and bi-weekly Student Affairs Cabinet meetings. March Retreat 2011: This retreat focused on bringing the Division together as a team. A major focus of the retreat was the development of a new mission statement and vision statement, and divisional values, strategic goals, and learning outcomes. As an outcome of the retreat, department heads were charged with developing individual departmental goals, objectives, and assessment plans to begin the process of consistently utilizing the practice of assessment in measuring program effectiveness. As a result, the Division began taking considerable steps to incorporate the practice of assessment into the programs and services provided to students. Assessment Planning Template: In order to assist individual departments with their assessment planning efforts, an Assessment Plan Template was developed by the Assessment Working Group in conjunction with the Office of Institutional Research to identify departmental assessment priorities. Departmental assessment plans served as a basis of ongoing discussion and planning across the Division. Developing Departmental Goals: Directors were charged with creating unit-level goals and objectives that were aligned with the newly created divisional goals, as well as the divisional mission, vision and values. Directors were then asked to present their assessment plans at Student Affairs Cabinet meetings. This served as an opportunity to receive feedback from colleagues in addition to generating awareness of the interconnectedness of the units within the Division. Assessment Focus at the Department Level: Department heads were also charged with having the topic of assessment as a central theme in their departmental meetings and disseminating information shared at the divisional level. Furthermore, department heads served to guide department assessment efforts and discussions regularly. August Retreat 2011: This retreat continued to build on the work accomplished in the spring retreat. Specifically, participants spent considerable time reviewing and identifying ways to support the PMP and College’s strategic plan. Additionally, five Working Groups were established to assist moving forward the new divisional goals consisting of assessment, diversity, student engagement, technology and communications, and professional development.
“Assessment” is a standing agenda item at bi-weekly Student Affairs Cabinet meetings. As a weekly discussion item, the Assessment Working Group has the opportunity to provide timely updates on divisional assessment goals, department heads are able to share information and ask assessment-related questions, and the VP and AVP provide ongoing strategic direction and updates related to assessment. Assessment Working Group Retreat October 2011: The main goal of this retreat was to begin the process of identifying learning domains/outcomes in order to guide assessment efforts at both the divisional and departmental levels. This effort positioned Student Affairs to better provide evidence of how it contributes to student learning and the overall student experience at CSI. Data Collection: One of the outcomes of the Assessment Working Group retreat was the standardization of collecting operational and demographic data to ensure that departments were collecting data that described students served and impact of service development and delivery (e.g., number of attendees at a program or users of a service). The Assessment Working Group has identified standardized/user-friendly ways to collect the above mentioned operational and demographic data (e.g., the use of an online data-collection tool called Survey Monkey Platinum and the development and use of common scales on surveys). June Retreat 2012: This retreat focused on closing the assessment loop, the process of conducting departmental self-studies, planning for the new residence halls, and identifying ways to move forward in the midst of institutional change. June Retreat 2013: This recent retreat had the Student Affairs Working Groups share their assessment findings relative to their areas of focus in addition to identifying next steps. Divisional priorities for the subsequent year were identified and shared.
MISSION The Division actively engages students by providing learning opportunities that promote academic, personal and professional growth. The Division is committed to providing the most relevant opportunities for students to cultivate the qualities essential for engaged citizenship. VISION The Division’s vision is to create a transformative environment for students as they develop in an evolving global society. VALUES
Integrity Diversity Excellence Civility Social/personal responsibility Access
Collaboration Student-centeredness Best practices Life-long learning Advocacy Leadership
Student learning and development – The Division will offer a comprehensive array of quality programs, services and activities both on and off campus.
Student engagement – The Division will create opportunities for community building within a welcoming, safe and respectful environment.
Collaboration – The Division will develop partnerships and effective communication practices.
Assessment – The Division will establish learning outcomes and utilize evidence-based practice for continuous improvement.
Technology – The Division will promote technological literacy and use technology to broaden accessibility, enhance service delivery, communications, and assessment practices.
Professional Development – The Division will promote professional development of all staff and communicate accomplishments widely.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Acquisition, Construction, Integration, and Application
Understanding knowledge, making connections, constructing knowledge, relating knowledge to daily life
Students will employ the basic skills of knowledge acquisition and application, and articulate an understanding of the connection between classroom knowledge and their personal and professional development.
Cognitive Complexity
Critical thinking, reflective thinking, effective reasoning, creativity
Students will develop opinions on issues pertaining to themselves and the larger community, developing a means of drawing evidence-based conclusions and making informed decisions.
Intrapersonal Development
Self-appraisal, self-understanding, self-respect, identity development, ethics/integrity, spiritual awareness
Students will conduct realistic selfappraisal—recognizing strengths, weaknesses, interests, room for development, lifestyle choices, and emotional and physical well-being—so as to develop their individual identities, senses of self-confidence and respect, and a system of personal and professional values and ethics.
Interpersonal Competence
Meaningful relationships, interdependence, collaboration, leadership
Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills, build and maintain meaningful personal and professional relationships, employ strategies of collaboration with others in achieving goals, and develop effective leadership skills.
Humanitarianism/Civic Engagement
Understanding of cultural and human differences, global perspective, social responsibility, civic responsibility
Students will contribute to efforts to improve society through social advocacy, volunteerism, and community service, and engage in opportunities for interaction with those differing from themselves in culture, beliefs, and experience.
Practical Competence
Pursuing goals, communicating effectively, technological competence, managing personal affairs, managing career development, professionalism, health/wellness, living a purposeful life
Students will demonstrate competence in managing their personal, academic, and professional affairs.
Division of Student Affairs Departmental Self-Study Calendar Cycle
Year 1
Center for Student Accessibility
Year 2
Office of Student Life Center for Performing Arts
In Progress
Year 3
Veterans Support Services
Next (September)
Year 4
NSO/Residence Life CSI Association
Year 5
Liberty Partnerships Program COPE
Year 6
Health and Wellness Career Services
Year 7
SEEK Counseling Center
Self-Study Road Map
WORKING GROUPS In the spring of 2011, the Division of Student Affairs as part of a strategic planning exercise identified six strategic goals focused on enhancing the student experience and five Divisional working groups were formed to assist with advancing each of the goals (see working groups below). Charge for the five Working Groups:
Assessment Working Group [Div. Goals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6] The Assessment Working Group is charged with providing divisional leadership for assessment efforts across Student Affairs.
Student Development and Engagement Working Group[Div. Goals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6] The Student Development and Engagement Working Group is charged with providing oversight for the quality and breadth of opportunities provided by Student Affairs to assist in the holistic development of students as learners and citizens. In addition, this working group will assess the quality of community among students on campus in the process identifying ways to cultivate and strengthen the sense of belonging for students.
Professional Development Working Group [Div. Goals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6] The Professional Development Working Group is charged with developing an annual calendar of learning opportunities for Student Affairs personnel with a focus on professional and personal development and emphasis on opportunities that support developing the competencies needed to successfully serve students and actualize divisional goals.
Diversity Working Group [Div. Goals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6] The Diversity Working Group is charged with promoting the principles of equity and inclusion with CSI students and throughout Students Affairs. Furthermore, the group will continuously assess the quality of the campus climate for students, in particular, student populations that have been historically underrepresented at CSI. In addition to assessing the campus climate for students, assessing the organizational climate for Student Affairs will be vital. Moreover, the group will serve as a sounding board for the VP/AVP on issues of diversity. Lastly, the group will partner with the College's Pluralism and Diversity Committee to sponsor and coordinate diversity-related programs.
Communications & Technology Working Group [Div. Goals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6] The Communications & Technology Working Group is charged with a twofold purpose of promoting Student Affairs at CSI internally (divisionally) and externally (campus). The efforts of the working group will include the utilization of available modes of communications (web, social media, etc.) to generate awareness about student affairs and opportunities available to students.
STUDENT GROUP REPRESENTATION 2011-2012 0 2% 0 0 00 0 0 3% 8%
Campus Activities Board
Campus Center Staff 16%
Emerging Leaders Program Student Clubs Student Government Student Publications
Office of Student Life Data: Percentage of Student Leaders by Type of Recognized Student Organization
AVERAGE GPA OF STUDENT LEADERS 2011-2012 40 30 20 10 0
# of Students
3.6 - 4.0 3.1-3.5 2.6-3.0 2.1-2.5
2.0 or Below
Average Student Leader GPA: 3.04
STUDENT SATISFACTION There was an 8% increase in the number of student visits to the Counseling Center in 2011-2012 and a 100% increase over the past five years. 2,064 students visited the Center in 2011-2012.
IMPACT 75% of respondents to the Client Satisfaction Survey in 2010-2011 indicated that utilizing Counseling services had a positive impact on their academic performance.
Regained Good Standing Dismissed
Stopped Attending Remained on Probation
380 students on academic probation pursued academic and personal counseling from the Counseling Center in 2010-2011.
Reasons for Pursuing Academic Counseling 2011-2012 Academic Counseling Dismissal Management Remediation Appeal Readmission Appeal Probabtion Evaluation Grade Appeal Withdraw 0 Withdraw Total
100 Grade Appeal 105
Probabtion Readmission Remediation Dismissal Academic Evaluation Appeal Appeal Management Counseling 306 117 19 108 82
In 2009, NSSE data revealed that a majority of CSI first-year students (64%) and seniors (65%) who responded to the survey did not exercise or participate in physical fitness activities during the 2009 school year. Furthermore, the CUNY Student Experience Survey data from 2010 showed that only 48% of respondents were satisfied with intramural offerings at the College. Given this data, efforts have been made in the past year to increase the awareness of students regarding the opportunities available to them through the Sports and Recreation Center inclusive of intramural opportunities, physical fitness classes, and campus recreation facilities. Specifically, upgrades were made to the physical fitness equipment area with the addition of new machines and removal of outdated equipment with funding from the CSI Foundation and student activity fees. In addition, the student activity fee (SAF) was increased and an earmarking was established specifically for intramurals/recreation. This will provide a stable base of funding for intramural and recreational programs for students. In addition, a full-time Intramurals Coordinator was hired in 2012 to further develop and oversee intramurals and recreational activities, as well as the Student Intramural Council.
The data presented here is from the Health and Wellness Needs Assessment Survey distributed to entering students attending the fall 2009, 2010, and 2011 New Student Orientation sessions. The data gathered informs the outreach conducted by Health and Wellness Services to first-year students inclusive of health education programming and the delivery of health services. As an example, data related to nutrition/fitness and sexual health is shared here. Nutrition & Fitness 2009 Describe self as “very or slightly overweight” Trying to lose weight Exercise at least three times a week
20% 32 55
2010 21% 32 59
2011 21% 32 61
Use of Data: Acknowledging the strong connection between educational achievement and health and in conjunction with CUNY’s Campaign for Healthy Food and Campaign against Diabetes, the “Get Fit” Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Program was piloted in the mid spring 2011 semester. 36 students were seen for an initial visit and 20 students returned for at least one follow up visit. A total 118 pounds was lost among 18 students. Sexual Health & Contraception 2009 Are sexually active Sexually active and do not use condoms Report self or partner having an unplanned pregnancy Would like to tested for a STI Would like to be tested for HIV/AIDS
51% 18 7 13 14
2010 50% 14 4 12 13
2011 46% 16 4 12 12
Use of Data: Options for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea testing have been researched and an affordable fee for service has been identified. Initial plans have been discussed to implement a Sexually Transmitted Infection screening program in the near future.
Student Spirituality‌ The Multifaith Center provides religious and spiritual counseling, programs, activities and services led by religious leaders of various faiths. Data from the 2009 NSSE indicated that a high percentage of responding first-year students (86%) and seniors (77%) participated in activities to enhance their spirituality during the school year.
Pluralism & Diversity Workshops Longitudinal demographic data from CUNY’s Student Experience Survey indicates that CSI continues to be a majority White institution, unlike other CUNY schools that have higher percentages of historically underrepresented/underserved students. As the College continues to increase student, faculty and staff diversity, efforts continue to be made to infuse pluralism and diversity programming as a critical part of the student experience and campus-wide event planning. In addition, in 2010, as part of a new two day orientation program designed to more effectively assist first-year students with their transition to the College, a mandatory diversity workshop was included. Given the evolving demographic make-up of incoming students, the new student orientation workshop has been further strengthened through use of assessment data and feedback from NSO program participants.
Civility… In order to ascertain root causes for the perceived level of incivility on campus, the VPSA appointed a committee of faculty, staff, and students to explore perceptions of civility at CSI in the spring of 2011. Surveys were administered to students and several student focus groups were held. Respondents noted four specific areas of incivility: classroom disruptions; vandalism/littering; aggressive campus driving; and faculty/staff rudeness towards students. Additionally, committee members benchmarked against civility campaigns at other colleges. This effort culminated in a final report to the Vice President for Student Affairs with a series of recommendations geared towards improving civility on campus. Recommendations that have been accepted for implementation include:
Establishing a standing committee on campus civility; Examination of customer service practices at the College; Including a “Civility Workshop” as part of the New Student Orientation Program; and Developing a campus-wide civility campaign.
Currently, the campus committee on civility has been appointed; attention has been paid to customer service issues; a standing workshop session has been incorporated into the NSO Program on civility for first-year students, and the civility committee is working on developing a campus campaign.
Student Job Placement‌
Results from the use of an annual employer and student questionnaire indicated large job fairs were not conducive to student job placement, but were more focused on employer relations. Additionally, employers indicated that smaller career themed on-campus recruitments and job fairs were preferable, which would provide them the opportunity to give individualized and focused attention to students who had the academic majors and skill sets necessary for employment within their firms. As a result, when the annual CSI Collegiate Job Fair was no longer part of the Center’s offerings it was replaced with an Accounting and Finance Job Fair and more on campus recruitment and networking events. In 2010, 25% of those students attending the Accounting and Finance Fair were hired.
Health Screenings… Over the last several years, Health and Wellness Services has had both the “wellness” and “health” sides of the operation evaluated in order to adhere to best practices in both areas. In 2008, through Keeling and Associates and CUNY Central, the office participated in a self-study that yielded several changes. The review noted that routine mental health or women’s health screenings were not being offered at most CUNY health centers. As a response to this finding, Health and Wellness Services at CSI implemented routine mental health screenings for all students completing a physical exam using a depression screening instrument. This has resulted in over 230 screenings beginning in fall 2009 and completed each semester with an average of 30 students accepting an immediate referral to the Counseling Center. Furthermore, the relationship with the Community Health Action has been strengthened to provide HIV testing services to our students twice a month. This has resulted in a 67% increase in students tested by from 2010 to 2011.
The self-study also led to the recommendation that in a college setting, balance is achieved between providing health services and promoting health education. As a result, the Health Center and Wellness Services were integrated as a cost-effective way to optimize and strengthen services. A full-time health educator position was approved in 2012.
Student Accessibility… Evidential insights from the First-Year Connections Program, a program that focuses on the retention and success of firstyear students, revealed information about the student development needs of first-year students registered with the Center for Student Accessibility (CAS) that helped to direct Center initiatives. Staff learned that students continue to struggle with selfconcept and self-managing disability issues within the college setting. To address these findings, the Center launched the “My Story” campaign in Fall 2010. The campaign culminated in a student panel where students with disabilities shared personal stories of academic challenges and triumphs. In both 2011 and 2012 nearly 100 students attended this event and several participated in an outcomes assessment exercise during which they were asked to submit a journal response to the event.
Responses revealed that students would like to participate in similar learning events. These events resulted in more than a dozen new registrations for services through the Center, further expanding access to students. Students participating in the First-Year Connections Program also shared that the event assisted in their selfacceptance and self-esteem, as well as encouraged them to learn more about their disability. Student Learning Outcomes - Four learning outcomes were established in order to determine if students with or without disabilities would benefit from the “My Story” campus-wide event. Students attending the presentation were asked to complete a writing assignment to return to the Center for Student Accessibility. The feedback from students has been used to plan future events, as well as modify the existing “My Story” program.
Returning Veterans‌ Veteran Support Services (VSS) has worked closely with the Office of the Registrar to obtain demographic data on CSI veteran students. This data has been tracked since fall 2008 allowing VSS to have a better understanding of our veteran students. While the number of our veteran students has grown dramatically since 2008, the percentage of female veterans attending CSI has increased exponentially by 50% from 2008-2011. The increase in the overall veteran population led to the first ever Veterans Appreciation Month at CSI which included a special focus on women in the military. The increase in the number of veterans has also led to the hiring of a full-time coordinator in 2012 and increased hours of operations providing students with more accessibility to staff and services. The establishment of a Veterans Club at CSI along with the CORE 100 course for veteran students has enabled VSS to obtain feedback directly from veteran students. Staff members from the VSS are now able to pose targeted questions to both groups to ascertain interest on a broad range of topics specific to this student population (e.g., guest speakers). Based on data analyses, it appears that the College’s effort to strengthen support for veteran students has had some significant impact, as the student veterans retention rate was 92% in 2011. The VSS developed an intake survey in the fall of 2011 to assist Veteran Support Services and the V.E.T.S. Program to better serve the growing CSI student veteran population.
New Student Orientation… The Office of New Student Orientation conducted a post-orientation survey in the Fall of 2012 with first-year students who attended the required two-day new student orientation program in the Summer of 2012. Survey results yielded the following significant findings: Almost 98% intended to enroll in CSI in Spring 2013. 96% indicated that the Office of Information Technology workshops were beneficial in their having a better understanding of how to use CIX email, CUNY Portal, eSims, and Blackboard. Almost 96% felt it was helpful having the NSO Leaders guide them throughout the two days. Almost 96% felt the Office of NSO would be a valuable resource for information. Almost 95% felt the Academic Advisement and Registration offices helped prepare them to register for their Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters. Almost 94% found the material in the folders to be a good reference. 93% felt they were more confident starting the Fall 2012 semester. 90% rated the Civility Presentation favorably and almost 89% rated the Diversity Presentation favorably. 87.7% felt the Academic Department Workshops helped them with selecting classes for their first semester at CSI. Almost 84% agreed that Get Connected helped them to become more knowledgeable about getting involved on campus.
Post-Graduation Plans (Internships)‌ The 2011 CSI Survey of Post-Graduation Plans was implemented as a cap and gown survey distributed to students waiting on line to receive graduation attire. The 901 respondents increased the senior placement respondent rate by 30% over the previous year (76% graduated from a baccalaureate program). Sixty-seven percent of the 901respondents reported completing at least one internship during their matriculation at the College, 50.9% interned for college credit, 30.8% had paid internships, 31.5% volunteered, and 66.4% reported that their internship was directly related to their academic major. In addition, 80% of the 387 Destination Survey respondents reported they have accepted or have been employed with 72% of them in full time positions and 26% in part time positions. 14% reported enrollment in graduate school. Further, 34% of the Destination Survey respondents indicated they interned while at CSI with 67% reporting their internship was directly related to their academic major. Lastly, 56% interned for college credit, 30% were in paid internship positions, and 13.6% in volunteer internships.
Fortnight is a CommuniquĂŠ focusing on topics related to Outcomes Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness, and Institutional Research produced jointly by the Office of the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) at the College of Staten Island/The City University of New York.
Fortnight Volume 5, Issue 1
Mid-September 2010
Closing the loop: Center for the arts uses Data to Plan Events and Future Programming Assessment-related activities are ongoing in the Center for the Arts in relation to program selection, event scheduling, and ticket sales management. John Jankowski, Director of the Center for the Arts, reports that considerable revisions have been made in the past few years to the ways that the Center plans and manages its events and facilities. Of particular interest is a possible change in ticketing practices: sales and projection data indicate that a different system may not only be cheaper for the College to manage, but could provide more opportunities to examine patrons’ experiences. Revised data acquisition and management facilities would allow the Center to investigate attendance habits and audience characteristics, which in turn could be used to support maintenance funding and diverse programming. Fortnight Volume 5, Issue 3
Mid-October 2010
Student Affairs Assessment Influenced by National Professional Standards While much of our discussion about the assessment of student learning outcomes at the College of Staten Island has focused to date on academic departments, there is substantial ongoing effort to assess learning in programs outside of these areas. Co-curricular activities, student activities, roles in student government, peer advising, programs for students with disabilities, and athletics are just a few of the campus opportunities or programs that foster learning, personal growth, and skill-building. Many education researchers including George Kuh, Peter Ewell, and Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini have documented that considerable learning takes place out of the classroom. Nationally, organizations such as NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) provide resources and guidance for the evaluation of student learning in such areas as student affairs, student development, and student services. CAS specifically focuses on six Student Outcome Domains: knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application; Cognitive Complexity; Intrapersonal Development; Interpersonal Competence; Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement; and Practical Competence. Each of these domains is divided into several dimensions, and all integrate with recommendations laid out in the books Learning Reconsidered and Learning Reconsidered 2. CSI’s Division of Student Affairs has been implementing assessment processes for a number of years; presentations from offices including Career and Scholarship Center and Disability Services have been featured at the College’s annual Day of Assessment. Professional development opportunities and divisional workshops on assessment have spurred interest and competence in the
assessment of student learning. Now under the leadership of Vice President A. Ramona Brown, Student Affairs continues to build collaborative enterprises with Academic Affairs in areas such as First-Year Experiences, Learning Communities, and Civic Engagement. Such initiatives offer many opportunities for the assessment of processes as well as of student learning.
Fortnight Volume 5, Issue 3
Mid-October 2010
Closing the loop: Small Career Events Benefit Students The Career and Scholarship Center has used student learning outcomes as evidence to support its decision to focus its job fair initiatives on smaller career-themed venues, rather than larger traditional job fairs. Caryl Watkins, Director of the Career and Scholarship Center, explains that smaller events related to a particular major or field of study help students learn to showcase their strengths with greater impact, and help CSI students resonate more deeply with recruiters. Assessment analyses have revealed that student learning is deepened when students’ career events are closely related to their majors. The smaller themed events being focused on by the Career and Scholarship Center also help to foster a professional identity in a students’ chosen field of study. Fortnight Volume 7, Issue 5
Mid-November 2011
Closing the Loop: Observational Research in the Campus Center Results in Better Space Utilization The Campus Center houses different functional spaces, including open public areas like the West Dining Room, office space such as in the Health Center, student organization space, and program and conference space in the Green Dolphin Lounge. The Office of Student Life hires approximately 15 students each year to help run the Campus Center, and among other duties, these student employees complete hourly rounds of the building to observe occupancy and usage. This location use information is used when making decisions about space, timetables, and room allocations within the building. These observational data have supported a number of changes. In 2009, for example, the Multi Faith Center was relocated from 3A to the Campus Center. The new room for the Multi Faith Center was found to be too small for its purpose, and a review of several semesters’ room use data indicated that the large Sleeping Dolphin Lounge was underutilized. Based on this information, the large lounge was reconstructed into two separate spaces, both of which were still large enough to suit their intended uses. The Multi Faith Center was moved into one space, while the Sleeping Dolphin Lounge remained in the other. As another example, in Spring 2010 the Office of Student Life opened a new Game Room in 1C. The room, which is staffed by student employees, was initially open Monday through Friday, 10am – 5pm. A combination of low income from the Game Room and limited funds to pay the students prompted an analysis of the facility’s usage. When it was discovered that Friday usage was well below that of the other days, the Game Room was closed on Fridays beginning in Spring 2011, which freed funds to pay student employees for other higher priority tasks.
Fortnight Volume 8, Issue 6
Mid-May 2012
Closing the Loop: “Data Books” Developed for Athletics, SEEK, and Other Special Programs Show Demographics, Retention and Performance of Special Student Groups In order to help understand the makeup and degree progress of students in special cohorts such as the SEEK Program, the Verrazano School, student athletes, and students enrolled in language courses or receiving STEAM grants, the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment has been developing data books about these programs. Beginning with a few simple tables about students in the SEEK program in 2009, these data books have evolved over time to include not only demographic information about the students, but attempted credit loads, credit completion rates, and retention and graduation charts. Where appropriate – for example, if a program has specific entry requirements – the data books include tables that compare the demographics and performance of students in the program with a group of similar students who also meet the program’s entry criteria. These data books and comparison tables have proven invaluable to the SEEK program, both for the development of their assessment plan and as part of their ongoing reporting for this plan, and data book information about students receiving STEAM grants has been used in presentations to the National Science Foundation to help demonstrate the ongoing effectiveness of the program. Fortnight Volume 8, Issue 6
Late-May 2012
Closing the Loop: Student Affairs Division Establishes Calendar for Administrative Program Review Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. A. Ramona Brown has established a calendar from administrative program reviews in her division, in some ways similar to the reviews that are done in academic departments and centers. The Office of Student Accessibility is the first program on the Student Affairs divisional calendar; a self-study draft is complete with an evaluation visit planned for September. Vice President Brown has established a calendar through 2017-2018 detailing anticipated reviews of division offices; this schedule will be added to the Assessment at CSI website along with the academic program review calendar. The website can be accessed at www.library.csi.cuny.edu/assessment/resources.html. Academic program review, whether as a result of a site visit from a discipline-specific accrediting body or a visit from expert colleagues, is increasingly becoming a more formalized, routine process at the College. The process generally consists of the following stages: 1] preparation of a self-study document for the program(s) under review, 2] selection of two external reviewers who make a site visit, having read the self-study document in advance, 3] a report by the visiting evaluators that is submitted to the hosting department, Dean, and Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, 4] a response document prepared by the department to address suggestions/issues in the evaluators’ report and demonstrate shortto mid-range plans, and, after a year, 5] a progress report detailing what has been accomplished in the intervening time. Reviews often bring fresh perspective to a program’s operations and curriculum; useful suggestions, new approaches and directions, or guidance for resource allocation are just some of the positive outcomes resulting from the experience of self-study preparation and site visit.
STUDENT AFFAIRS IN THE MEDIA Over the last couple of years, a number of the programs, events, and initiatives that Student Affairs has been involved with have been featured by the College and by CUNY through its news service and by the local media. The following examples serve to highlight the contributions Student Affairs departments and individuals have made to the College’s commitment to excellence.
The Men’s Basketball team celebrating their 2013 CUNYAC Championship.
CSI ENHANCES THE STUDENT ORIENTATION EXPERIENCE January 22, 2013 | CUNY News This past fall the College of Staten Island, under the collaborative leadership of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, welcomed 2,500 first-term students who participated in the College’s new two-day orientation program. Following a successful 2011 pilot, the two-day orientation model led to the implementation of a comprehensive program that introduced incoming students to concepts and strategies for academic success, the transition to college, co-curricular enrichment, and being part of a multicultural community. Students’ initial academic advisement, course selection, and registration were also facilitated during the two-day program. The program was designed and developed by the First Year Experience committee (FYE), a college-wide collaboration of over 30 offices and departments. The committee met regularly throughout the academic year to plan the two-day program with the Office of New Student Orientation playing a key role in its implementation. This collaborative and cooperative initiative required the involvement of HEO staff, faculty and support staff who were available throughout each scheduled orientation session. They helped with meeting and greeting students and facilitating workshops that focused on areas such as academic expectations and diversity. The FYE committee worked with the Office of Institutional Research at the College to develop an evaluation instrument to assess each orientation session. The student response to the two-day program has been overwhelmingly positive; only minor adjustments were made since the initial pilot year, and the program is now in its 3rd year. Key Programmatic Goals for Orientations Establishing a sense of belonging and connection to the campus community; helping students navigate their initial advisement process; and developing partnerships and effective communication skills with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement, retention and graduation rates. Day One of New Student Orientation The program typically starts with a warm and informative welcome from Dr. William Fritz, Interim President of the College of Staten Island and Dr. A. Ramona Brown, Vice President of Student Affairs. Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students, Salvador Mena leads a discussion on Civility, while Associate Provost, Dr. Deborah Vess presents on Academic Expectations. Both sessions utilize orientation leaders in humor-infused skits to inform and engage students. Additional workshops provide students with insights for understanding the advisement and registration process. The “Get Connected” session provides an opportunity for team building among the incoming students and also includes a student-panel about co-curricular options and involvement on campus. Students also attend two faculty-led academic workshops of their choice, giving them the opportunity to meet and talk with faculty and to explore the various requirements of a particular major and the different career paths that the majors can lead towards. Day Two of New Student Orientation Day two provides students with the opportunity to ask questions of representatives from various campus offices in an interactive, television talk show-like format. Additionally, students then set up their CUNY on-line accounts, attend a diversity workshop, participate in a library tour and complete the day registering for classes. The activity-filled two days include students learning about the College Life Unit of Experience (CLUE) Program by attending workshops that introduce them to the different Co-curricular (CC) and Personal Growth (PG) out-of-classroom experiences organized and sponsored by departments across the campus during the academic year. On the New Student Orientation Evaluation Survey, students have commented positively on how welcome they were made to feel and how much they learned and accomplished in the two days. In the last two years, CSI’s two-day orientation program has accomplished many of its goals, including addressing students’ needs and offering support and direction towards their educational and personal goals. Most importantly, a reinforced sentiment heard often around the CSI community is “Proud to be CSI!”
CSI Accounting Fair Connects Students with Local Businesses October 26, 2011 CSI’s 2011 Accounting Fair was held recently in the Atrium of Building 1A. The event, sponsored by the Career and Scholarship Center and the Business Department, was designed to introduce CSI accounting students to many nearby accounting firms in the area. The event is held every year in late September to coincide with the accounting industry’s need for recruiting prior to the busy tax season. In all, nine firms were in attendance, including the Internal Revenue Service, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Integrated Financial Services as well as DeSantis, Keifer, Shall, & Sarcone, and Cicero & LaVerde from Staten Island. Joining the firms were 65 CSI accounting students seeking internships and full-time career positions. The fair was hosted for a small, targeted group to ensure that all of the students in attendance received equal time with the firms. Professor Cynthia Scarinci of the Business Department was instrumental in enlisting all faculty in identifying potential student candidates for the fair and then collaborated with the Career and Scholarship Center to prepare them for the event. “We helped them develop the skills they need,” said Joanne Hollan. Most of the help involved the Career and Scholarship Center assisting the students with résumé writing but it also extended to professional dress and business etiquette. In all, this assistance from the Center was extremely helpful. “We received some very good feedback from the companies,” said Hollan. Six students were invited for interviews as of this writing with more being offered mentoring opportunities as well as informational interviews and even the chance to shadow employees for a day. “The firms were very generous with their time,” said Hollan. One of the recruiters from PricewaterhouseCoopers was a CSI alum who attended this very event three years ago. Some of the firms have committed to performing on campus recruitment interviews where they will personally interview potential employees here at CSI. The collaboration between CSI’s Business Department and the Career and Scholarship Center ensures that CSI business students will have every opportunity to succeed in the business world long after graduating from CSI. “CSI students are hardworking and intelligent,” said Hollan. “With a little help, there is no reason they can’t pursue their careers.” By Carlo Alaimo Source: CSI Today
Athletes Help Athletes as CSI SAAC Plunges to Raise Money for Special Olympics December 16, 2011 Even though the weather has been rather warm for this time of year, you wouldn’t really call it “beach weather”. However, the College of Staten Island Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and 650 others thought it was. On December 4th, a handful of SAAC members and Assistant Athletics Director, Katie Arcuri, bundled in their CSI gear to help raise money for the Special Olympics by taking part in the Polar Bear Plunge. The 12th annual Polar Bear Plunge, that takes place all over the United States, was held at South Beach in Staten Island. The plunge raises money for the Special Olympics while participants show their support by diving into the cold water of the ocean. The day’s event helped raise $95,000, the biggest turn out ever for a New York City region event. The 600 plus plungers included 59 teams including other colleges and high schools. The idea to participate in the event was brought up in September when Katie Jo Righi brought along Special Olympian Doug Patterson to one of CSI’s monthly SAAC meetings. Being a multi-sport Olympian, which included aquatics, track and field and basketball, Patterson found a common ground with all of CSI’s athletes. The committee was inspired and fell in love with the idea of raising money for athletes like Doug while trying the daring cold plunge. The athletes arrived at the beach at 10 am with the sun shining as they registered and prepared themselves for the chilling ocean. A countdown began for the plunge and a group of Special Olympians led the crowd of 600 down the sand and into the water. CSI SAAC President Jordan Young was amongst the athletes taking part in the cause. “Everything about the event was exciting,” said the CSI basketball star, “When we saw Doug plunge into the water it really came together that we were helping others who shared a passion for sports the way we do.” After him and other athletes dunked themselves full bodied under the chilling ocean, he added “Despite the freezing water, it was completely worth it.” Young and the CSI committee helped raise $500 for the cause. The CSI SAAC and the Special Olympics will get together in the spring for another fundraising and athletic event.
By David Pizzuto Source: CSI Dolphins
President Hosts First-Ever Women of Color Reception November 09, 2011 President Morales (far left) recently hosted a Women of Color Reception at his residence. In an effort to address the problem of low college graduation rates among Black and Latina women, College of Staten Island President Dr. Tomás D. Morales hosted a Women of Color Reception at his residence last month. Commenting on the importance of this new initiative, created by Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. A. Ramona Brown and Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Christine Flynn Saulnier, Dr. Brown said, “The Women of Color Reception was a wonderful event that brought students, faculty, staff, and administrators together to celebrate a new community at CSI. This effort is a new initiative that focuses on student retention and success. There will be follow-up events and activities throughout the year to ensure that students and faculty become more engaged with each other to enhance the overall student experience.” The event was well attended by CSI students from programs such as SEEK, Liberty Partnership, CSTEP, STEP, Student Government, and CSI Athletics, and faculty and staff, as well as members of the President’s Cabinet and the Provost’s Council. Following brief comments by Dr. Morales, Dr. Brown, and Dr. Saulnier, attendees had ample time for networking and informal discussion. Other events planned throughout the year, as a result of this initiative, will include workshops, lectures from guest speakers, career and advisement sessions, and an end-of-year gala. By Terry Mares Source: CSI Today
CSI Repeats With 80-74 Win Over John Jay Advances to NCAAs After Reaching the Sweet 16 Last Season March 3, 2013 | CUNY News
#1 CSI Dolphins 83, #3 John Jay Bloodhounds 68 In the 2013 CUNYAC/Con Edison Men’s Basketball Championship, it would be the top-seeded College of Staten Island Dolphins against the #3 John Jay Bloodhounds. For CSI, this was their third straight year in the championship and they were looking to defend their title after taking down Medgar Evers last season. Meanwhile, the Bloodhounds were in search of their second championship ever; having won in 2008. The first seven minutes of play were full of threes and free throws as the team played tough defense and answered every point with one of their own. Less than a minute into the game, CSI’s Second-Team All-Star Bloochy Magloire hit a shot from beyond the arc only to be answered almost immediately by John Jay’s Darryl Dennis with a three of his own. With 14 minutes left in the half, Staten Island got on a small 7-0 run that put them ahead 16-15 after being down in the early going. The lead would last less than 30 seconds as First-Team All-Star Isaiah Holman answered with a quick two-point jumper. The Bloodhounds held the lead till another Magloire three-pointer knotted the game at 20. The stroke began a 13-3 run for the Dolphins that turned the tides and gave them a 30-23 lead with two minutes till halftime. John Jay answered with a 5-1 run to end the half and keep the game within reach at 36-32. Magloire led the Dolphins with 12 points and four rebounds. For the Bloodhounds, it was Darryl Dennis scoring a dozen to help keep the game close. Second half action began similar to how the first began with the teams going point for point. With 13:37 left in the game, John Jay tied it up at 46 but could not take the lead. The Dolphins answered with a strong 17-4 run over a five minute period that put the game at 63-50 with just eight minutes left. The Bloodhounds chipped away at the lead and brought the lead as low as five with 26 seconds to go but the Dolphins would hold on to win their 13th championship in tournament history, the most all time, 80-74. “I feel great,” said CSI Head Coach Tony Petosa. “Having the opportunity to repeat and go on to play in nationals. I am looking forward to winning the first game going on from there.” Leading the Bloodhounds was Dennis and CUNYAC/Con Edison Player of the Year Jamar Harry with 15 points each. On the CSI side, it was Bloochy Magloire leading the way with 26 points on 7-17 shooting and 9-10 from the charity stripe. Teammate and First-Team All-Star Jonathan Chadwick-Myers dropped 15 and 2012 Rookie of the Year Javon Cox compiled a double-double with 10 points and 11 rebounds. For his efforts, Magloire was named the CUNYAC/Con Edison Tournament MVP. “Two in a row and looking to make it three next year,”said Magloire. “My team makes everything work. It is never an individual thing and we worked hard all year to get to this point. We are all MVPs right now.” The Dolphins will carry a seven game win streak into the NCAA’s as they receive the CUNYAC NCAA Automatic Qualification and advance to the NCAA Tournament. Last year they reached the Sweet 16 before being eliminated.
CSI Center for Student Accessibility Receives Award for Pioneering CART Services January 27, 2012 Andrew Petron, a graduate student seeking to obtain a degree in Physical Therapy, is joined by CART provider Annmargaret Shea during a recent Winter Session Anatomy and Physiology course. The Center for Student Accessibility at the College of Staten Island was recently the recipient of the first-ever CUNY Productivity Award for its Communication Real-Time Translation Service (CART) program at the 2011 CUNY Financial Management Conference. CSI’s nationally recognized CART program received the award, which honors members within the CUNY family for their commitment to providing exceptional contribution to the University in an economical manner. The individual recipients of the award were Christopher Cruz Cullari, Director of the Center for Student Accessibility; Maryellen Smolka, CART Coordinator and Trainer; and Nicole Dory, Technology Assistant and CART Trainer. The program is the result of a collaboration between the Center for Student Accessibility, which is a part of the Division of Student Affairs, led by Vice President A. Ramona Brown, and the Office of Technology Systems under Vice President Michael Kress. The CART program, which is housed in the Center for Student Accessibility’s Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, offers verbatim, real-time transcripts of classroom lectures and discussions for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Trained CART providers either accompany the student to class or remotely access the class via Web conferencing software and the use of an omni-directional microphone that a student attaches to a laptop. The CART provider transcribes all of the words spoken in the classroom using speech-to-text software to the student’s laptop screen. During the 2010-2011 academic year, CSI’s Center for Student Accessibility provided CART service at 20 percent of the cost of the average agency, approximately $100,000 versus over $500,000, if CSI used an outside agency’s services. The savings were calculated using the average cost of four local agencies used by other CUNY colleges. “We are honored to be recognized for our hard work that is rooted in best practices,” said Director Cruz Cullari, who earned his award for providing a structure where the program can operate effectively. The CSI Cart program, which was honored for its ability to provide first-class service to CSI students who are hard-ofhearing as well as saving CSI approximately $400,000, is home to the CUNY CART Initiative. “In our view, it is all about excellent service,” said Cruz Cullari. “Our CART service is the best service that a student who is hard-of-hearing can receive.” CSI has set the standard for CART services throughout the country specifically due to the training that the CART providers receive. Each CART provider is trained particularly for a higher education setting and is closely supervised by CART Program Coordinator, Maryellen Smolka. CSI’s CART service is so ahead of the curve, in fact, that the Center for Student Accessibility is working on creating a certificate program that other universities will use to train their CART providers. More information about CART is available online. By Carlo Alaimo Source: CSI Today
Student Government Hosts Student Leader Retreat February 28, 2012 CSI students from a number of organizations recently participated in a student leadership retreat. The College of Staten Island Student Government recently held a student leader retreat with more than 40 CSI student leaders at the Villa Roma Resort and Conference Center in Callicoon, NY. The three-day retreat, titled “Building Stronger Teams,” was comprised of many members of the CSI Student Government, orientation leaders, Emerging Leaders Program participants, and members of many campus student clubs. The program was facilitated by Teamworks founder and President, Kristin Skarie, an international speaker, educator, and entrepreneur with 25 years of team-building experience, and members of the Office of Student Life team. CSI President Dr. Tomás D. Morales and Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. A. Ramona Brown were on hand for the second day of the retreat and shared a 45-minute presentation on leadership principles and the obstacles that many good leaders face. In all, the retreat was about “building up the community of the CSI campus,” said Debi Kee, Associate Director of Student Life/Activities. “We want to teach them how to be great leaders on campus and beyond college.” The retreat was based on the book Good to Great by Jim Collins that aims to describe how companies transition from being average companies to great companies and how companies can fail to make the transition. Skarie translated the fundamental principles of what made many U.S. companies “great” over a sustained period to the needs of student leadership. The major points taken from the book were that of Level-Five Leadership and How to Get the Right People on the Bus. These concepts translate to student leadership because they involve learning to be humble, yet sustaining the drive to do what needs to be done for the most benefit for the group and how to identify the right people for the right jobs. Some examples of the activities performed are the “Compass Activity,” which aided the students in identifing the types of leadership styles in which they are strongest and “Moving Teams Forward,” which taught the students the next steps in sharing their leadership styles to others on campus. This is the eighth year of the retreat and it focused on exploring communication style and learning about and applying team member’s individual strengths. Another focus of the event was to teach students how to expand their network and maximize recruitment potential. “This year’s group was incredible,” said Kee. “Many of the students formed strong relationships that will help them develop even further beyond their college careers.” She went on to discuss the importance of holding the retreat off campus. “We take them out of their comfort zone,” Kee said. “It (staying off campus) also gives the students the chance to experience a residential campus environment.” The student retreat, funded by Student Government and the SG Club Commission through Student Activity Fees, accomplishes many things, not the least of which is giving the participating students the opportunity to leave behind their busy lives and focus on becoming stronger campus leaders, which will in turn, make them better leaders in their communities and careers. The students not only picked up valuable leadership skills but earned friends for life, two aspects of college life that are not always present in college brochures. By Carlo Alaimo Source: CSI Today
Counseling Center Receives IACS Accreditation April 19, 2012 The College of Staten Island Counseling Center has recently been granted accreditation by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS) Inc. Counseling Center Director Ann Booth, PsyD, noted that “the CSI Counseling Center is the first CUNY Counseling Center to be granted this accreditation. IACS accreditation is an acknowledgment of high-quality services, ethical practices, and staff dedication.” The IACS evaluated the Counseling Center against high standards of counseling practices and the Center was found to offer competent and reliable professional services to its clientele. Approval by the IACS is also dependent upon evidence of continuing professional development as well as demonstration of excellence of counseling performance. The Center offers individual and couples counseling, crisis intervention, medication evaluation and management, consultation services, academic counseling, and outreach programming on topics related to mental health and academic success. The Center also serves as a training site for students in the CUNY PhD program in Clinical Psychology and CSI Master’s program in Mental Health Counseling. Pointing to the impact and importance of the Center, Dr. Booth stated that “the Counseling Center had approximately 6,000 student visits in the 2010-2011 academic year, which represents a 66% increase over the last three years. We are providing essential psychological and medication services that are scarce on Staten Island. Dr. A. Ramona Brown, CSI Vice President for Student Affairs, added that “without these services, many students would be unable to afford community mental health and would have to wait months to see a provider. Having this support on campus helps students to manage their stress while pursuing their academic studies.” In addition, CSI President Dr. Tomás D. Morales said, “The student services offered through the Counseling Center provide essential support of the Mission of the College of Staten Island to promote student success. I extend my congratulations to the staff of the Counseling Center for this wonderful accomplishment.” The IACS was established in 1972 to encourage and aid counseling agencies to meet high professional standards through peer evaluation and to inform the public about competent and reliable counseling services. The Counseling Center is part of the Division of Student Affairs. By Terry Mares Source: CSI Today
Standing Room Only For “My Story” Celebration April 23, 2012 It was standing room only as brave students with disabilities presented their stories of challenge and triumph in college and in life to an audience of more than 150 students, faculty, staff, friends, and family. The presentation served as the kick-off event for CUNY Disability Awareness Month and is one of 15 events that the CSA is sponsoring in honor of the Month. Organized by CSA Director Chris Cruz Cullari and Assistant Director Sara Paul, “My Story” is one of the biggest and most significant events that the Center coordinates. The purpose of the annual event is to both educate individuals with and without disabilities and to diffuse some of the stereotypes surrounding college students with disabilities. “People see that I’m in a wheelchair, and suddenly they start speaking really slowly, as if I cannot understand simple English,” remarked Thatcher, a CSI student with a 4.0 GPA. “When this happens, I usually throw a bunch of big, fancy words in a sentence and then they realize that they were being insensitive.” Thatcher was injured in June 2009 at Swartswood Lake in New Jersey when he lunged into a lake and fractured his C4, C5, and C6 vertebras leaving him a quadriplegic. The lake was thoroughly examined with no discovery of a rock or other object that he could have hit. It is hypothesized that he hit something moving, like a turtle. While the accident was devastating for a young man in college, Thatcher continued to pursue his education and now also serves as a tutor in the CSA Tutoring Institute. His story and the stories of his peers moved and captivated audience members, many of whom left with very different ideas of what it means to be a college student with a disability. “I learned a lot, and the students on stage really made me think about how I view people with disabilities,” commented audience member, Cynthia Schaffer. Other CSI student panelists included Melendez; LaMarche; Ying Yu, with a physical disability called spondylolisthesis; George Vega, another graduate student with Multiple Sclerosis; Brigette Jara, who is deaf; Chris Williams, who is an amputee; Stephanie Pietropaolo, who has cerebral palsy and a learning disability; Michael Anselmi, who has Marfan’s Syndrome; Maria Palazzo, who is hard of hearing; Nick Pucciarelli, who is deaf; and Danny Bocchiccio, who is dyslexic. By Sara Paul Source: CSI Today
Graduating Vets Honored May 30, 2012 The College of Staten Island (CSI) Student Veteran Center recently held its first-ever Veterans Commencement Luncheon in honor of all graduating CSI students who have served in the military. View the CSI Today Photo Gallery. Going from the military to student life can be a difficult transition for many returning veterans, but CSI’s Student Veteran Center aims to make the transition a little less jarring by offering expert guidance as soon as they enter the college community. CSI’s dedication to service has repeatedly earned the college a place on the G.I. Jobs list of “Military Friendly Schools,” which honors the top 20 percent of military-friendly colleges, universities, and trade schools in the nation. “Within one hour at CSI, Vito Zajda (Certifying Official, Registrar’s Office) took care of everything,” said Ann Little, a CSI student graduating with an MA in History and former soldier in the Army, this summer. ”It is this level of support for its veterans that sets CSI apart as a veteran friendly college and the addition of the Veterans Commencement Luncheon is one more step on the long road of helping our veterans re-enlist into civilian life.” Salvador Mena, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs welcomed those in attendance and shared, “please know that many others who could not be with us today are here in spirit honoring your service and celebrating your educational achievements.” That sentiment was shared by all in attendance. Military or civilian, those present at the luncheon exhibited a sort of fraternal pride in its graduating class. It was obvious to all that this was a landmark event at CSI. “CSI offers a very unique level of service,” said Ann Little, who has worked as a college assistant helping her fellow veterans to fully integrate into student life. In fact, the Student Veteran Center keeps up with its student vets throughout their college careers, aiding them every step of the way. It is a level of service that has even changed the career paths of one of the center’s first assistants. “After graduating I want to continue to help veterans in transitioning to civilian life,” said Little. The veteran’s program at CSI began in 2007 when there were approximately 130 student vets enrolled at CSI— the number has since doubled. By Carlo Alaimo Source: CSI Today
Students at Curtis HS and CSI Benefit from TD Bank Support August 17, 2012 The TD Bank Charitable Foundation recently presented the College of Staten Island with a $5,000 check in support of SEEK/Strategies for Success. Representatives from TD Bank recently visited the College of Staten Island campus to present a $5,000 check in support the partnership between SEEK/Strategies for Success and Curtis High School. The grant has two distinct groups of beneficiaries: CSI students who will serve as mentors to Curtis High School students, while improving their own academic, leadership, and professional skills, and Curtis High School students in need of academic support to ensure their success. Joseph Doolan, Vice President and Retail Market Manager with TD Bank, said “We are proud to support the expansion of the College of Staten Island’s Strategies for Success program into Curtis High School, and we are pleased that the CSI program’s 11 years of demonstrated success in our community will now benefit students at Curtis and allow for additional students at CSI to serve as college mentors.” Georgia Landrum, Strategies for Success Program Associate Director, further underscores the win-win that this project offers the students involved, “Curtis students will benefit by having college role models assisting them with their academic work. The CSI students benefit by being in leadership roles. They attend leadership development training that helps them in assisting the younger students and with their lives in general.” Landrum also notes that the gift from the TD Charitable Foundation completes the Strategies for Success pipeline, stating that “In the past, our program served elementary and middle school children. Now that we will be able to offer services to Curtis High School students, we have a continuum from the elementary to college level. We can now be more effective in reaching students at all levels and hopefully making the bridge to college a bit easier for them.” Prior to signing on with Curtis, Landrum reports that the program was already making a significant impact. In academic year 2011-2012 alone, Strategies for Success gave 32 CSI students the opportunity to serve more than 400 primary school children. CSI Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. A. Ramona Brown noted, “On behalf of the College of Staten Island, I would like to thank the TD Charitable Foundation for their belief in and support of CSI’s SEEK/Strategies for Success/Curtis High School partnership. We look forward to a collaborative relationship with the TD Charitable Foundation in support of CSI’s students, as well as students from the local schools on Staten Island.” Looking ahead to the future of Strategies for Success, Gloria Garcia, SEEK Program Director, states that “Strategies for Success has been in existence for 11 years and has made its mark in the Staten Island community. With this new initiative, we have expanded our services to the high school students. We look forward to continuing the strengthening of our partnerships with Curtis High School, the Jewish Community Center, and the New York City Department of Education (District 31), bringing the College and our students even closer to the community. We are very proud of our CSI role models.” By Terry Mares Source: CSI Today
By Terry Mares
FACULTY/STAFF SCORE A 3-1 WIN OVER STUDENTS IN INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL October 02, 2012 The College of Staten Island Intramural Program held its annual fall 2012 Student vs. Faculty/Staff Volleyball Game this afternoon at the Sports & Recreation Center. Faculty/Staff defeated the Student in four games, 3-1. Faculty/Staff took game one, 25-23, in a close contest as the score changed leads several times. Game two had a different tone as the students came out strong scoring 10 straight points at one point ultimately taking the second game, 25-16. In game three, Faculty/Staff would turn the tables early taking a commanding 16-3 lead at one time. Although the Students would fight back, Faculty/Staff would hold on and defeat the Students by 10 points, 25-15. In the final game, with Faculty/Staff leading, 2-1, both teams gave it their all to pick up a game four win. Faculty/Staff had point game, 24-19, until the Students furiously scored five in a row to tie the game at 24 all. The game was tied three more times after that until Faculty/Staff picked up two in row that ended the game with a final score, 29-27. Faculty/Staff won the best out of five series, 3-1. The College of Staten Island Intramural Program will next hold a Student vs. Faculty/Staff Soccer Game on October 16, 2012 at the CSI Soccer Complex. Start time, 2:30 PM. To register please contact Sal Caruso at:Intramurals.csi@gmail.com By David Pizzuto Source: Athletics
Division of Student Affairs 2010-2012