4 minute read
Friday, March 17, 2023
ARIES — Some great news could come today, Aries, perhaps from a love partner. It might concern your relationship or it might involve some sort of good fortune coming to either you or your beloved. This bit of luck could free both of you in some way to further advance the relationship somehow.
TAURUS — Have you been working very hard to increase your income? If so, Taurus, results might finally manifest. More available income usually necessitates working even harder, but in your case, you might be able to relax for a while and thus rid yourself of all the stress and tension that’s been building up.
GEMINI — Today, Gemini, you should feel especially attractive, romantic, and sexy. Any current or potential romantic partner you encounter will probably pay you lots of attention and want to make plans for the two of you to get together. This might be just what you need, as the last few days may have been difficult.
CANCER — Intuition could prove extremely valuable when it comes to dealing with a sticky situation, Cancer. You know all the rules, you know all the proper methods for whatever you do, but today you could be driven to make decisions based on gut feelings rather than rules or logic.
LEO — Some gossip about a friend who has recently begun a new relationship could reach you today, Leo. This might come as a surprise, as you’d never have expected it of this person. You will be glad, because you want your friend to be happy. Don’t be afraid to call and ask to hear all about it. It will be a pleasure for both of you!
VIRGO — Minor changes in your money situation could make for a beautiful day, Virgo. Perhaps you discover a bank error in your favor, get repaid for a loan, or receive a generous gift. Whichever it is, it’s likely to make it possible for you to make a purchase you’ve been thinking you had to postpone for a while.
Enjoy your good fortune and make the most of it!
LIBRA — Today you might feel as though your mind is exploding, Libra. If you’ve been studying an intellectual or spiritual subject, insights could be coming thick and fast. Concepts that never made sense to you before suddenly seem clear. You will need to write them down, because even an elephant wouldn’t be able to remember this many ideas and revelations.
SCORPIO — Emotions and memories that have been buried in your psyche could suddenly well up today, Scorpio. At first you might not be able to make sense of this. These memories could seem irrelevant to your present life. Still, a little reflection might reveal why you’re recalling them now.
SAGITTARIUS — Today a friendship could develop into something more, Sagittarius. Someone you know fairly well but never thought of as a potential lover could suddenly show a romantic interest in you and you could respond. Whether or not you choose to do anything about it depends on you. Circumstances and people change.
CAPRICORN — A change in your working circumstances could make a positive difference to you, Capricorn. Perhaps you’ve moved to another desk, room, floor, or building. Whichever it is, you will be less stressed out. Being near difficult people or sitting near a window where you can see out can recharge your batteries and make you more productive.
AQUARIUS — Some intellectual knowledge that you gain today is apt to make a significant difference in whatever creative projects you’re working on, Aquarius. A friend or partner could help in some way. A current enterprise may go in a new direction or you could start a new project. Whatever it is, expect to feel inspired.
PISCES — The healing of some childhood traumas could be triggered today, Pisces, perhaps through contact with someone who knew you then. Don’t be surprised if you shed a few tears. This is a normal release. You could also suddenly laugh like crazy. Once this is all done, take your friend out for the evening and kick up your heels.
Daily Bridge
Tribune Content Agency
Friday, March 17, 2023
This week’s deals have treated good timing as declarer: playing the cards in the best sequence. Cover today’s East-West cards. Decide how to proceed at four hearts when West leads the queen of spades. (NorthSouth’s auction was old-fashioned but not necessarily ineffective.)
When I watched the deal, South didn’t concern himself with timing: He took the ace of spades and let the ten of trumps ride. West won, and the defense cashed two spades and the ace of clubs for down one.
South’s best approach, which offers an extra chance, is to duck the first spade, win the second and take the A-K of trumps. If the queen fell, South would have 10 tricks.
When East-West play low trumps, South starts the diamonds. West, with the missing queen of trumps, must follow three times, so South discards dummy’s last spade on the fourth diamond. He ruffs his last spade with dummy’s ten of trumps, losing one trump, one spade and one club.
Did you find the way to make four hearts?
You hold: 7 4
10 9 6. Your partner opens one diamond. The next player passes. What do you say?
Codeword Puzzle
Fill in the grid so every row, every column and every 3-by-3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
Sudoku puzzles appear on the Diversions page Monday through Saturday.
Crossword Puzzle
Answers to previous CODEWORD
How to play Codeword
Codeword is a fun game with simple rules, and a great way to test your knowledge of the English language. Every number in the codeword grid is ‘code’ for a letter of the alphabet. Thus, the number 2 may correspond to the letter L, for instance. All puzzles come with a few letters to start. Your first move should be to enter these letters in the puzzle grid. If the letter S is in the box at the bottom of the page underneath the number 2, your first move should be to find all cells numbered 2 in the grid and enter the letter S. Cross the letter S off the list at the bottom of the grid. Remember that at the end you should have a different letter of the alphabet in each of the numbered boxes 1- 26, and a word in English in each of the horizontal and vertical runs on the codeword grid.
ANSWER: Most players would routinely respond one heart. But the hand has the ingredients for slam: a big diamond fit, a possible source of tricks in hearts and a “control” in clubs. If partner has only A 5, Q 5, K 8 6 3 2, A 7 4 2, you can make seven diamonds. A case exists for a jump-shift to two hearts, intending to support the diamonds next.