3 minute read
Investigation concluded that 15 people arrived on boat
Continued from Page A1
According to evidence presented at their five-day trial, on the morning of Sept. 27, 2021, law enforcement sighted a panga boat adrift off the coast of Santa Barbara County. The vessel, which was having engine trouble, ultimately made landfall at Arroyo Quemada Beach, approximately 25 miles west of Santa Barbara.
The investigation in this matter revealed that there were 15 people on the boat, including several crewmembers, and that Mr. Aranzubia-Álvarez was the boat’s captain, prosecutors said. Two black bags that contained a total of 40 vacuum-sealed and plastic wrapped bindles, totaling approximately 45 pounds, were thrown off the boat by passengers at Mr. Muñoz-Muñoz’s direction and later were recovered by law enforcement, prosecutors said.
Law enforcement also later confirmed that all occupants of the boat were illegal aliens. Based on interviews with the passengers, it was determined that the passengers arrived at a beach in Ensenada, Mexico to board a panga boat that would smuggle them into the United States for a price of approximately $15,000 each, prosecutors said. email: nhartsteinnewspress@gmail.com
Homeland Security Investigations investigated this matter. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, and the California Department of Parks and Recreation provided substantial assistance.
Bill ‘reaffirms the vital protections for women’s sports guaranteed by Title IX’
Continued from Page A3 conference. Christiana Kiefer, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, a group that has
TORNQUIST, Peter Allen

It was with great sadness that I tell you that Peter Allen Tornquist passed away on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at age 83. He was a man of honesty and kindness and the bonds he shared with all that loved him can never be replaced. Born in Caribou Maine in 1939 to Harold Theodore Tornquist and Vella Faye Merritt. He is survived by his children (Mike, Michelle, and Heidi), his stepchildren (Chris and Rick), his nephew Kurt and sister-in-law Cynthia, his grandchildren Nicole and Candice and his great-grandchild Tennyson. A memorial will be held at El Montecito Presbyterian Church at 2pm on May 13th, 2023 in Montecito California (near Santa Barbara). We love you Pete!
Obituary notices are published daily in the Santa Barbara News-Press and also appear on our website www.newspress.com represented young girls in lawsuits on this issue, heralded the bill’s passage. She pointed out the bill affirms Title IX protections for girls, though the Biden administration has tried to reinterpret the wording of that statute, an issue that will likely be decided in the courts.

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“Girls shouldn’t be spectators in their own sports,” she said.
“The ‘Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act’ reaffirms the vital protections for women’s sports guaranteed by Title IX, ensuring that women and girls truly have equal athletic opportunities. Women fought long and hard to remedy inequality in athletics, and allowing males to compete in girls’ sports reverses 50 years of advances secured for women under Title IX.”