2 minute read
Affordable health screenings coming to Santa Barbara
Residents living in and around Santa Barbara can learn about their risk for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and other chronic, serious conditions with affordable screenings by Life Line Screening.
Veterans Memorial Building, 112 W.Cabrillo Blvd., will host this
Continued from Page B1 he continued exhibiting but also got a job as art teacher for middle and high school students in L.A. Unified School District. In addition to showing with Sullivan Goss, Mr. Greer has recently exhibited with Bill Arning Exhibitions in Houston and Bendix Gallery in L.A. Ms. Weisman was an early pioneer in computer and web graphics in the early 1980s and enjoyed a varied career as a college professor, author of numerous how-to books and as an entrepreneur. She and her husband Bruce Heavin cofounded lynda.com in 1995, one of the first online educational enterprises to teach digital tools and skills.
After selling the company to LinkedIn in 2015, Ms. Weinman chose to pursue a long dormant
Continued from Page B1 email: mmcmahon@newspress.com event from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. Feb. 28. Free parking is available.
Under Mr. Garland and his team, Buttonwood’s farm area has grown to include 11 fruitful acres planted with a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, prompting the team to open a dedicated market for the bounty coming from the group’s two organic farms, Buttonwood Farm and Roblar Farm, the latter located in Santa Ynez.
The new Buttonwood Marketplace is slated to open Feb. 25, bringing with it a yearround offering of fresh produce and Buttonwood food items such as jams, pies and seasonal sorbets plus farm-inspired merchandise and other wares from local crafters.
The culinary platforms at Buttonwood and Roblar play heavily into the farm planning, with Chef Cham and Mr. Garland working hand-in-hand to plant what might be on a seasonal “chef wish list.” Just steps from both the Buttonwood and the Roblar kitchens, Chefs Cham and Gottheimer pick fresh produce destined for the properties’ food menus and dishes. Beehives also dot both Roblar Farm and Buttonwood Farm. The powerful pollinators serve as an integral part of the Gleason Family Vineyards farming system and supply honey’s natural sweetness to the group’s varied menus.
Like Chef Cham, Chef Gottheimer participates in Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry to raise money for the organization aimed at ending child hunger. Chef Gottheimer also works with local nonprofits with missions of alleviating hunger, including Santa Barbara County’s Veggie Rescue and Santa Ynez Valley Community Outreach.
Screenings can check for the level of plaque buildup in the arteries, related to risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke and overall vascular health; HDL and LDL cholesterol levels; diabetes risk; kidney and thyroid function and more.

Special package pricing starts at $159, but consultants will work with individuals to create a package that is right for them based on their age and risk factors.
For more information, call 877-237-1287 or visit www. lifelinescreening.com. Preregistration is required.
—Marilyn McMahon
COURTESY PHOTOS interest in ceramics. In 2020, she discovered 3D clay printing.

Lynman Weinman set off on a course to innovate and master 3D printed ceramics just three years ago after a career in teaching computer-aided design and art.

Today, she is one of its foremost pioneers. Using 2D Adobe software and 3D tools like Rhino 3D, Grasshopper and Potterware in conjunction with multiple 3D printers, she works fluently with geometric and parametric forms. For more information, visit www.sullivangoss.com. email:mmcmahon@newspress.com