Santa Barbara News-Press: September 12, 2022

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on A2


Santa Barbara County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, presented by the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.Radio talk show host Catherine Remak, who ran the ceremony, said Americans will “never forget the (nearly) 3,000 people who lost their lives” on 9/11.


Speaker after speaker Sunday talked about the tragedy that day, Sept. 11, 2001, and where they were when they heard the shocking, horrific news about the worst loss of American lives on U.S. soil since the Civil War, but


Terror and heroism of 9/11 attacks commemorated in Santa Barbara ceremony

communities across the county in 9/11 remembrance ceremonies.

The state’s density bonus law intends to encourage developers of multi-family residential projects to include income restricted, i.e., “affordable”, and special needs housing by allowing a greater number of units beyond the base density established by land use designations and zone districts.

Men’s, women’s soccer teams each play Chaffey to a draw - A3 A pair of ties for SBCC LOTTERY Saturday’s SUPER LOTTO: 2-13-25-34-43 Mega: 16 Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 16-21-54-55-69 Mega: 22 Sunday’s DAILY DERBY: 03-11-02 Time: 1:44.37 Sunday’s DAILY 3: 4-0-1 / Midday 3-4-2 Sunday’s DAILY 4: 5-7-7-6 Sunday’s FANTASY 5: 10-12-14-27-31 Saturday’s POWERBALL: 38-42-56-68-69 Meganumber: 4 66683300050 3 FOLLOW US ON Classified B4 Life B1-2 Obituaries A4 Sudoku B3 Sports A3-4 Weather A4 in S id E KENNETH SONG / NEWS-PRESS The Prime Time Band of Santa Barbara, a local concert band featuring more than 60 musicians, performs at the Stow House in Goleta on Sunday. For more photos from the vent, see page B4.

Pair of public hearing on tap in Carpinteria today

The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Teen Court program was selected as one of 60 participants across America to lead this national 9/11 day remembrance project.

Please see CARPINTERIA on A2


Please see

also about the heroism displayed by the first responders who rushed toward the danger despite the risk to themselves in order to try and save lives.

Staff recommends the council initiate legislation to amend the city’s Density Bonus Program, a part of its Local Coastal Program, to ensure consistency with recent changes to state density bonus-related housing laws.

Ceremonies in the selected 60 communities joined together to

For qualifying projects, an applicant can request an incentive or concession from the local government, which are a reduction in site development standards or a modification of zoning code requirements that exceed minimum building standards.Thesereductions or modifications can include, but are not limited to, a reduction in setback, building height or square footage requirements and the ratio of vehicle parking spaces that would otherwise be required. Qualifying projects also are entitled to specific parking ratios, depending on the size of the units and proximity to major transit stops. In addition, an applicant also can request a waiver of development standards that have the effect of “physically precluding the construction of the development” pursuant to state density bonus law.

“This was not an accident. It was an act of terror. Everything that unfolded that day, from the horrific to the heroic, something happened that day. Like all of you, our reality changed.”

“We all remember where we were that day, our feelings, our thoughts, what we saw,” she said.

The second is expected to affect a number of zoning districts and parcels that permit development and uses, again located throughout theThecity.council will meet in chambers, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., starting at 5:30 p.m.

Under state density bonus law, applicants that agree to restrict a certain percentage of their units to very-low, low and moderate incomes or certain types of special needs housing are entitled to receive an increase in project density above local standards (up to 50%) in addition to incentives or concessions, waivers of local development standards and specified parking ratios.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022Our 167th Year 75¢ Sean Comer, Silvia Franco-Comer start family business to produce delicious, healthy food - B1

The Carpinteria City Council will hold two public hearings today, one to consider implementing new state regulations regarding density bonus projects, and the other to consider zoning changes regarding coastal development permit procedures.

The first would allow developers certain incentives to encourage them to include affordable housing in their multi-family project proposals. It is expected to affect a number of zoning districts and parcels that permit residential uses located throughout the city.

Members of the Santa Barbara Teen Court read the names of victims who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks during a September 11 Remembrance Day ceremony at the Courthouse Sunken Garden in Santa Barbara on Sunday. 9/11

The public was invited to attend the special ceremony commemorating the 21st anniversary of 9/11 held at the

Slowly but clearly, their voices somber and respectful, they read the 50 names, a small portion of the nearly 3,000 Americans who lost their lives 21 years ago today, as Santa Barbara joined

A day of remembrance

Prime Band plays in Goleta


The American flag is unfurled by a pair of Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s deputies during the ceremony.

Significant state density bonus law amendments over the past few years require cities in California to amend local policies and regulations to conform with these recent amendments.

Task 4 of this grant involves the necessary Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan amendment to include Coastal Development Permit zoning regulations. The

application, a sprayed-on coat of surface seal called tire rubber modified surface seal (TRMSS) is applied. The road is opened to traffic immediately after chip spreading but traffic will be impacted temporarily during the TRMSS application for a short curingOnceperiod.thetreatment is placed, traffic must remain off the roadway until the material has cured. This generally takes four to five hours or more depending on weather conditions. Once the material is cured, the contractor will open the roadway to traffic.

move quickly from street to street. Parking will not be allowed in active construction areas. Vehicles that are parked in active construction areas will beCitytowed.staff encourage that drivers obey all temporary construction signs and reduce driving speeds in construction areas. Driving on the treated roadway surface before the contractor opens the roadway to traffic can result in damage to the surface treatment as well as a vehicle. The driving public may experience delays during construction. It is recommended to use alternate routes whenever possible to avoid delays and minimize the inconveniences to motorists.

“When people were running out, they were running in,” he said.Supervisor Gregg Hart said it’s important that Americans remember the great spirit of patriotism sweeping the nation after 9/11, and that despite the divisions that exist today, to remember that “we all love our country deeply.”

In Santa Barbara, the speakers all started with the same refrain, “We will never forget,” before reciting the names of those who died at the hands of Congressmanterrorists.Salud Carbajal called 9/11 the “single greatest tragedy to occur on U.S. soil in our lifetime.“Wepay tribute to those who paid with their lives, and left behind loved ones who continue to experience immense loss and a void which is unfillable,” he said leaving “an indelible mark on the American consciousness.”

Their presentation by the News-Press is with permission limited to one-time publication and does not permit other use without written release by the original rights holder.

Commission awarded $90,000 to Task 4, with a city-proposed completion date of Dec. 31, 2023, within the Coastal Commission time frame of December 2025.

Residential neighborhoods’ streets will also be treated, including areas north of Donovan between Blosser to Railroad, as

The most notable, highly traveled streets affected include Stowell, Skyway and Depot.

remember the 2,983 women, men, and children who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Flight 93. Each of the 60 inaugural communities remembered 50 of the souls lost by reading their names and short biographical information for each.

and The Associated Press

“We don’t all have to think alike but we are all together in this,” he said. “There are powerful things we as a people and a nation can accomplish if we remember that.”

The second public hearing will be about the staff’s recommendation that the council initiate an amendment to the Carpinteria Local Coastal Program Zoning Code regarding coastal development permit procedures.



‘We pay tribute to those who paid with their lives’

Public hearing to address coastal development permit procedures

Continued from Page A1

District Attorney Joyce Dudley said there is something special about firefighters willing to battle flames and law enforcement willing to intervene in dangerous situations in order to save the lives of “Theystrangers.risk leaving their own child without a parent to ensure the parent of another child goes home that night,” she said. “They just can’t help themselves. It is who they are at the core. Their sense of empathy for families, friends, communities and strangers” to save the lives of others “overshadows their own sense of self-preservation.

“We honor first responders and their loved ones, and hope that honor and respect lasts well

The contractor will post construction notices on residents’ doors and along streets with the dates and times when parking and access to streets will be prohibited. Construction will

In response, the city submitted an application for a Coastal Commission Round 7 Grant in December 2021 which was approved by the Coastal Commission and an agreement was executed between Carpinteria and the Coastal Commission on June 21, 2022.

He also noted that first responders today still put their lives at risk every day to protect all of us. “That ethic should illuminate our actions, what we can do to protect each other, look out for each other and care for each other,” he said. “If we do that, the events of 9/11 will have an effect on our Supervisorfuture.”DasWilliams said the nearly 3,000 lives cut short on 9/11 shows how fleeting life can

He also noted the great feeling of good will Americans had toward one another in the aftermath, saying we can learn something from that.

Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations

The purpose of this agenda matter is to provide the city council with the opportunity to initiate the city’s legislative process to draft coastal development permit procedures as an amendment to the city’s Local Coastal Program.Onceinitiated, staff will prepare an administrative draft, public draft, and final drafts of the proposed zoning code amendment; notices, agendas, and staff reports associated with the adoption hearings; agendas and meeting minutes related to Coastal Commission staff coordination meetings; and the Local Coastal Program submittal package. The work product will be the draft ordinance presented for consideration of adoption by council and certification by the Coastal Commission.

well as residential streets south of Main between Russel and Bradley. Several other smaller streets will beTheresurfaced.workincludes the removal of existing traffic striping, the placement of a surface seal (both a chip seal and a tire rubber modified surface seal), and then re-establishment of traffic striping. The city is contracting with American Pavement Systems to perform the $2.4 million project. Approximately 600,000 square yards of surface seal will be applied, which is about 25 centerline miles of streets.

Catherine Remak speaks during a September 11 Remembrance Day ceremony at the Sunken Gardens in Santa Barbara on Sunday.

beyond today.”


Regulations concerning the city’s process for review and approval of development are

Periodicals Postage Paid at Santa Barbara, CA. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Santa Barbara News-Press, P.O. Box 1359, Santa Barbara, CA 93102. Published daily,

a part of zoning regulations contained in the Carpinteria Municipal Code, and are guided by policies of the Carpinteria General Plan/ Coastal Land Use Plan and the Local Coastal Program (collectively, “GP/LCP”). The GP/LCP was last comprehensively updated in 2001.However, since the certification of the 2001 GP/LCP update, Coastal Commission staff requested that the city revisit its provisions on development permits in the coastal zone and amend its zoning code to establish a separate coastal development permit section similar to other jurisdictions.

CARPINTERIA Continued from Page A1

SANTA MARIA - Drivers are advised that temporary, short delays will occur on various Santa Maria streets due to the city’s annual street maintenance surface seal program beginning on Monday, Sept. 19 and continuing through mid-October.



SM toexpectedmaintenancestreetcausedelays


“I remember the shock when I look back on that day,” he said. “It’s hard to believe it’s been over twoLikedecades.”thespeakers after him, he also noted the loss of the firefighters, police officers and paramedics who rushed in right after the attack and continue to die even today following their exposure to the toxic environment.Healsonoted their bravery.

A pair of helicopters performed a memorial flyover during the ceremony.

SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022A2 NEWS WENDY McCAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-Publisher ARTHUR VON WIESENBERGER . . . . .Co-Publisher YOLANDA APODACA . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Operations DAVE MASON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor HOW TO REACH US . . . MAIN OFFICE 715 Anacapa St. Santa Barbara, 93101..805-564-5200 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1359, Santa Barbara 93102 News Hotline 805-564-5277 Email Life .. 805-564-5277 Sports... 805-564-5277 News Fax 805-966-6258 Corrections 805-564-5277 Classified.. 805-963-4391 Classified Fax 805-966-1421 Retail..... 805-564-5230 Retail Fax . 805-564-5139 Toll Free.. 1-800-423-8304 Voices/editorial pages ..805-564-5277 ADVERTISINGNEWSROOM HOW TO GET US . . . CIRCULATION ISSUES South Coast ..........805-966-7171 6TheCirculationorbyCounty.availableHomecancellations@newspress.comvacationholds@newspress.comnewsubscriptions@newspress.comrefunds@newspress.comdeliveryoftheNews-PressisinmostofSantaBarbaraIfyoudonotreceiveyourpaper6a.m.MondaysthroughFridays,7a.m.onweekends,pleasecallourDepartmentbefore10a.m.CirculationDepartmentisopena.m.to10a.m.7daysaweek. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Home delivery in Santa Barbara County: $5.08 per week includes sales tax, daily and Sundays. Weekends and holidays only, $3.85 per week includes sales tax. Single-copy price of 75 cents daily and $2 Sunday includes sales tax at vending racks. Tax may be added to copies puchased elsewhere. “The Santa Barbara News-Press” (USPS 0481-560). Circulation refunds for balances under $20, inactive newspapers for elementary school classrooms. is a local virtual community network providing information about Santa Barbara, in addition to the online edition of the News-Press. Publishing LLC NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION GENERAL2002EXCELLENCE CALIFORNIA PUBLISHERS VOL. 167 NO. COPYRIGHT ©2022 SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS All rights are reserved on material produced by the News-Press, including stories, photos, graphics, maps and advertising. News-Press material is the property of Ampersand Publishing LLC. Reproduction or nonpersonal usage for any purpose without written permission of the News-Press is expressly prohibited. Other material, including news service stories, comics, syndicated features and columns, may be protected by separate copyrights and trademarks.

© 2022 Ashleigh Brilliant, 117 W. Valerio Santa Barbara CA 93101 (catalog $5).

Should the council initiate the work as recommended, staff will draft the proposed amendment and hold related public meetings for future consideration by the city’s Planning Commission and City Council.

Chip seal is a thin layer road maintenance treatment consisting of asphalt oil covered by small chip rock that protects and extends pavement life. Within two to three days of the chip

be. He also noted the heroism and sacrifice of the first responders who, even without full knowledge of the situation, did their duty.

California has recently enacted further amendments to state density bonus law, including a limitation on impact fees for affordable units in density bonus projects, longer affordability periods of up to 55 years, expansion of incentives and concessions, and allowance of the sale of affordable units directly to non-profit corporations.

- Neil Hartstein

In the second set, it was the home crowd’s turn to even the playing field. Following an initial 5-5- tie, Westmont went on a 10-4 run, causing The Master’s to call a timeout with the Warriors leading 15-9. Out of the timeout, Westmont stayed hot, eventually causing the Mustangs to call another timeout, this time trailingEventually,22-15.

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The Mustang-faithful set the tone by pouring in nearly an hour before the first serve, but ultimately, it was the Westmont crowd that flooded the floor after the Warriors quieted the Mustangs in Murchison Gym.“That crowd was great tonight,” said Westmont head coach Ruth McGolpin. “We haven’t had a crowd this great since 2019. The Master’s brought a great crowd and that made it super fun. Our fans came out big as well, and it was a great environment to play in a game in.”

Lukas Lovgren, who slammed it off the bounce with his left foot right down the middle to equalize.Justafew minutes later, SBCC took its first lead of the day. The Vaqueros advanced fast on the break, and a ball sent forward to Dylan Rogers led to a perfectly weighted through ball to forward Brandon Garcia De La Fuente. Making his SBCC debut, the speedy Santa Barbara native got in front of his defender, set up his shot with a great first touch, and popped up a left-footed shot to the far post that caught the Panthers’ goalkeeper completely off guard, making it Unfortunately2-1. for the Vaqueros, their lead didn’t last long. The Panthers would burn SBCC on the counter in the 61st minute, as Kiarash Eftekhari put one through the back line for Luis Casillas. Casillas beat goalkeeper Will Haberfield with a well-timed cut to his left and tied it with a shot into the empty net.

SBCC will play its first road game of the season in a 2:00 p.m. meeting with Fresno on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

Michael Jorgenson works in communications/ media relations at Santa Barbara City College. email:

SBCC men’s soccer draws with Chaffey in 3-3 shootout

At that point, the Mustangs used their final timeout, but as all in attendance could see, the match was headed for the finish line. An electric GSAC opener came to an end on a TMU service error, making the final score 25-17 in favor of Westmont, who won three consecutive sets to close-out the night.“We didn’t start great from the jump, but we’ve been finishing great as we’ve gotten going,” said McGolpin, whose team has now won five straight.

Hosting Chaffey on a sweltering and windy Friday afternoon at La Playa Stadium, the SBCC women’s soccer team got another goal from forward Theresa English, but would concede a second half equalizer, resulting in a 1-1 tie. SBCC remains unbeaten and is now 1-0-3, while the Panthers move to Chances2-0-1.were a bit rare in the opening half of play. The Panthers tested goalkeeper Analea Pule a few times, mostly trying to make something out of nothing and leading to some easy saves.

it right past the goalkeeper and inside the far right post.

Out of the timeout, The Master’s continued their run, going up 18-10 before McGolpin used her final timeout. The road fans grew only louder when The Master’s took the first set by a score of 25-16.

shot on target that was stuffed by the body of a Chaffey defender. The game would be slowed down on a couple occasions, first by a hard collision between Pule and a Panther player at the top of the box, and next by a mandated water break stoppage midway through the half.

The night began with a packed Murchison Gym aching for bragging rights, with each team’s student sections erupting with every individual point. The first set began with a block followed by a kill from Lexi Malone, sending the Westmont faithful into a frenzy.However, the Mustangs quickly tied things, allowing their traveling party to quickly raise their own volume. Halfway through the set, The Master’s began to pull away, riding a four-point run to a 13-9 lead before Westmont’s first timeout.

An electric environment told the story on Saturday night in Santa Barbara when Westmont Volleyball (7-2, 1-0 GSAC) opened Golden State Athletic Conference play with a four-set win over The Master’s Mustangs (4-3, 0-1).

Reigning WSC-North Offensive Player of the Year Bart Muns put the Vaqueros back ahead in the 70th. After a free kick into the box took an initial deflection, Muns was there at the back post to tap it in, giving him his third goal through the first two games.

After neither team took as big as a three-point lead in the third set, Westmont opened up the fourth set on a 6-1 run, led by Malone who collected a pair of thunderous kills. An emphatic Westmont crowd could see the finish line with the club leading 8-2 going into a Master’s timeout.




Out of the timeout, the Warriors responded with a pair of kills and an ace, allowing them to tie the set at 20. Tied at 22, Murchison Gym exploded when Ashley Boswell collected her sixth kill of the match and gave the Warriors a 23-22 lead. It was the Warriors’ first lead since the score was 16-15.

the Master’s cut the deficit to 24-20, leading McGolpin to use a timeout so the Warriors could reset. Then, out of the timeout, an attacking error from TMU allowed the Warriors to tie the match with a 25-20 win.

Santa Barbara wasn’t able to capitalize on its advantage the rest of the way. The Panthers had two chances to potentially win it in the final 10 minutes. A corner kick led to a quick reaction shot that went wide of the left post. Soon after, a headed ball set up a

“We regrouped, and kept composed,” reflected

The Vaqueros will be away for their next three games, starting with a trip to face Fresno at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

golden opportunity near the top of the box for Sydney Cotter, but her shot went high and in the end, the Vaqueros would earn their third consecutive tie.

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The Vaqueros got their first good chance to score in the 7th minute, working it to midfielder Dakota Thyssen in the box for a


SBCC women’s soccer fights Chaffey to a tie, remains unbeaten

Then, the crowd let out a roar and a sigh of relief simultaneously, as the Mustangs committed an attacking error to give the Warriors a 25-23 win and a 2-1 set “Earlyadvantage.oninthe match I told the team, ‘this is our house’,” nodded McGolpin. “We needed to control the tempo of the game. We had to control our side, be patient with our blocking, and do what we do best. That’s what happened as the game got going.”

Please see WESTMONT on A4

From that point on, all the Mustangs could do was trade points with the Warriors, who steadily marched towards the magic number. Up 18-12, Distelberg’s fifth kill of the match put the Warriors up a set-high seven at 19-12.

After a Master’s timeout, the home crowd grew even louder when Taylor Distelberg recorded her third block of the evening, putting the Warriors on the brink of a 2-1 advantage. After The Master’s second timeout in as many points, the Mustangs came away with a kill to cut the lead to 24-23.

The Panthers were soon at a disadvantage as two yellow cards in quick succession in the early minutes of the second half for freshman Chelsea Bowen meant they would be playing 10 against 11 the rest of the way. However, some fortunate bounces created an opening in the Vaquero back line, and Kayla Bergin worked a one-two with Serenity DeLaTorre to get a shot past Pule and equalize in the 53rd minute.

Facing Chaffey in its first game in two weeks on Friday at La Playa Stadium, the SBCC men’s soccer team scored three second half goals to take a 3-3 draw with the Panthers.SantaBarbara (1-0-1) more than doubled Chaffey (2-2-2) in shots in the opening half, taking a 7-4 edge. However, it was the Panthers who struck first. In just the second minute, a long throw into the box led to a flick on header by Ryan Armendariz right into the path of Aidan Favero’s run, who was able to tuck it away.After a scoreless opening 45 minutes, the Vaqueros would catch fire in the second half.

Warriors quiet Mustangs to open GSAC play

The Vaqueros earned a free kick on the right wing in the 52nd minute, and midfielder Jake Dunn played it in dangerously. The Chaffey defense wasn’t able to clear it as it bounced to

In the third set, neither team would allow the other an opportunity to blink. The first timeout of the set was called when the score was 17-16 in favor of TMU, and by that point, neither team had taken larger than a two-point lead for the entire set.

With just minutes left before halftime though, a moment of magic would provide the breakthrough.Theredidn’t seem to be much as the Vaqueros switched it from defense to offense, but Thyssen had an enormous amount of space down the right flank and sent a long ball bouncing into the box towards forward Theresa English. Despite the defender being right on her hip, English was able to take it off the bounce and direct

McGolpin. “We kept on them consistently. Our blocking came through, our passing got a lot better, and as the match went on, we started to serve tougher and get them out of their system.”

Michael Jorgenson works in communications/media relations at Santa Barbara City College.

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With just minutes to go in the match, the Panthers equalized once more to seal the draw. Chaffey broke out of a trap by the left SBCC corner flag, and Melvin Rodriguez Miranda found Miguel Gonzalez Palomares in the box. Palomares turned and fired a deep curler to the far post that was able to beat Haberfield’s diving effort.

“Obviously, we had nerves in set one,” shared McGolpin. “We were playing our first home match, our first conference match, and we were playing in a crowd like that. We were nervous and overly-pumped and that game got away from us.”

New York City 80/72/t 80/63/sh Philadelphia 83/71/t 81/63/c Phoenix 97/78/t 96/78/pc Portland, Ore. 80/60/c 76/56/pc St. Louis 77/55/pc 81/59/s

Lompoc 75/57/c 72/56/pc

The Gauchos now head home for the Thunderdome Classic next weekend where they will host Georgetown for a pair of matches. Friday’s match marks the team’s home opener.

Escondido 84/68/c 82/64/pc


Game two started similarly, as Tal scored the first two goals of the game and SBCC never looked back.Olson capped the first quarter with her second goal to make it 81. She later scored the last goal of the day, putting SBCC up 19-2 and sealing her first hat trick of the season.SixVaqueros had multigoal performances, as Natalie Mancinelli, Muehring, Emily Lopez and Gressi all scored twice.

Mammoth Lakes 68/42/t 66/36/t

“Big players make big plays,” said Wolf, “and that’s what we saw with both Aldo and Braeden today. When you need someone to make a play, that’s when the big players show up. Both of those men showed up.”

Today Tue.


City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Cuyama 90/61/t 89/53/s

Goleta 79/61/t 76/59/s

Pismo Beach 74/55/pc 71/55/pc

Jacob Norling is the sports information assistant at Westmont College.

today. Wind


Fresno 95/68/pc 90/62/s

SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022A4 NEWS Obituary notices are published daily in the Santa Barbara News-Press and also appear on our website To place an obituary, please email the text and photo(s) to or fax text only (no photos) to (805) 966-1421. Please include your name, address, contact phone number and the date(s) you would like the obituary to be published. Photos should be in jpeg format with at least 200 dpi. If a digital photo is not available, a picture may be brought into our office for scanning. We will lay out the obituary using our standard format. A formatted proof of the obituary and the cost will be emailed back for review and approval. The minimum obituary cost to print one time is $150.00 for up to 1.5” in length -- includes 1 photo and up to 12 lines of text, approximately 630 characters; up to approximately 930 characters without a photo. Add $60.00 for each additional inch or partial inch after the first 1.5”; up to approximately 700 characters per additional inch. All Obituaries must be reviewed, approved, and prepaid by deadline. We accept all major credit cards by phone; check or cash payments may be brought into our office located at 715 Anacapa Street. The deadline for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday’s editions is at 10a.m. on Thursdays; Tuesday’s edition deadlines at 10a.m. on Fridays; Wednesday’s edition deadlines at 10a.m. on Mondays; Thursday’s edition deadlines at 10a.m. on Tuesdays; Friday’s edition deadlines at 10a.m. on Wednesdays (Pacific Time). Free Death Notices must be directly emailed by the mortuary to our newsroom at The News-Press cannot accept Death Notices from individuals. ALMANACTEMPERATUREPRECIPITATION TIDESMARINE FORECAST SUN AND MOON STATE CITIES LOCAL NATIONALTEMPSCITIES WORLD CITIES SANTA BARBARA HARBOR TIDES Date Time High Time Low Pismo Beach Guadalupe Santa Maria Los AlamosVandenbergLompoc BuelltonGaviota Goleta CarpinteriaVentura Solvang Ventucopa New Cuyama Maricopa BARBARASANTA AIR QUALITY KEY ModerateGood Unhealthy for SG Very Unhealthy Unhealthy Not Available Source: Shown is today's weather. Temperatures are today's highs and tonight's lows. LOCAL FIVE-DAY FORECAST Report from U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Santa Barbara through 6 p.m. yesterday High/low 86/70 Normal high/low 74/56 Record high 89 in 1983 Record low 45 in 1946 24 hours through 6 p.m. yest. 0.00” Month to date (normal) 0.09” (0.03”) Season to date (normal) 10.62” (17.22”) Sunrise 6:40 a.m. 6:41 a.m. Sunset 7:11 p.m. 7:09 p.m. Moonrise 8:45 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Moonset 9:00 a.m. 10:04 a.m. Today Tue. Last New First OctFull9Oct 2Sep 25Sep 17 At Lake Cachuma’s maximum level at the point at which water starts spilling over the dam holds 188,030 acre-feet. An acre-foot is 325,851 gallons, equivalent to the amount of water consumed annually by 10 people in an urban environment. Sept. 12 11:36 a.m. 5.4’ 5:23 a.m. 0.4’ 11:54 p.m. 4.9’ 5:48 p.m. 0.8’ Sept. 13 12:09 p.m. 5.4’ 5:53 a.m. 1.1’ none 6:41 p.m. 0.9’ Sept. 14 12:48 a.m. 4.2’ 6:21 a.m. 1.7’ 12:44 p.m. 5.3’ 7:38 p.m. 1.0’ 74/55 75/57 76/57 84/5771/57 73/56 80/5576/60 79/61 77/61 76/62 87/57 84/61 90/61 93/70 77/62


Earlier this week, the Golden State Athletic Conference announced a pair of Westmont Warriors as conference athletes of the Afterweek.going 4-0 at a tournament in Omaha, Neb., sophomore Kaili Hashimoto was honored as GSAC Defender of the Week, and senior Keelyn Kistner was named GSAC setter of the week.

Oakland 72/59/pc 71/60/pc

‘It was a great team-showing’

In the first half, both the Warriors and the Sagehens threatened, but neither side could penetrate the other’s net. For Westmont, Aldo Becerril and Braeden Pryor both threatened with shots on goal, but Pomona-Pitzer’s keeper, Will Brooks, made a pair of routine stops.Onthe other end, the Sagehens had a handful of opportunities around Westmont’s 18, and pulled the trigger four times. However, not one of the first-half shots challenged Westmont keeper, Brady Highfill.“Inthe first half, we felt like we were regularly getting to the final-third,” reflected Wolf. “However, we didn’t feel like we were

On came Pryor, who let the ball travel across his body before reaching out with his right foot at the last second. Once again, with the outside of his right foot, Pryor took one soft touch. This time, the ball spun off his foot and floated to the inside of the right post, leaving Brooks without a “Braedenplay.showed up big and on multiple occasions,” nodded Wolf. “He was the provider on the first goal, and the finisher on a magnificent second goal.”

bounds, and sent a high-arcing cross to the center of the six.

Today Tue.

Twelve minutes following Pryor’s goal, the Warriors finished off their first shutout of 2022. Along with a stellar backline, Highfill made the one save he was asked to.

Tahoe Valley 71/42/t 69/40/pc

In the 72nd minute, the eventual gamechanging goal began with Pryor carrying the ball from the top of the 18-yard box to the edge of the six-bard on the near-side of the pitch.The Sagehen’s nearest defender believed he had cut-off any possible angle that Pryor had to cross the ball, while also refusing Pryor any room to take a touch before setting up his left foot. Then, Pryor improvised.Insteadof attempting to work around the defender, or clear it off of his opponent for a corner kick, Pryor softly grazed the ball with the outside of his right foot and passed the defender.Waiting without a man near him was Becerril, who was right on the goal line. All it took was one touch for Becerril to deflect the pass to the back of the net, and give the Warriors the 1-0 lead.

The SBCC women’s water polo team opened its 2022 season with a pair of blowout wins on Friday at Cuesta’s Central Coast Invitational, defeating Merced 21-4 followed by a 19-2 win over Modesto.Afterleading the team with 75 goals last season and being named SBART Women’s Water Polo Player of the Year, sophomore attacker Eden Tal wasted no time finding the back of the net, scoring four goals in each of the Vaqueros’ wins.

Bakersfield 93/72/pc 92/63/s

For Hashimoto, this is the first time she has received the honor, and for Kistner, this is the first time she’s been named setter of the week since April 5 of 2021.

three assists and four steals.


Goalkeepers Ava Donleavy and Chloe McKay split time in the cage, tallying three and one save, respectively.

Vaqueros dominate Day 1 at Cuesta Central Coast Invitational

The UCSB women’s volleyball team (2-6) dropped its Saturday morning match with New Mexico State (6-2) in four sets of 25-20, 2520, 16-25, Michelle25-23.Ohwobete led the way with 11 kills and was a dig short of her double-doublesecondofthe weekend withTallulahnine. Froley and Briana McKnight each sent down nine kills, with McKnight swinging a potent .471 clip and adding 11 digs and a solo block. Froley had three total blocks, one of which was solo as Mehanawell. Ma’a led the setting efforts with 21 assists and added threeDenidigs.Wilson had nine kills on a very efficient .692 line and added three total blocks as well.

The Aggies led the first set from 2-1 on as they hit a match-high .344 clip in their revenge game with

the Gauchos. The lead grew to as many as seven at 14-7, but UCSB began to cut away towards the end, getting to within two points at 21-19. Unfortunately, the Gauchos could not sideout at the end of the set.The second set was a back-andforth affair early that saw eight ties and five lead changes, all of which took place before the two teams arrived at 15 apiece. From there New Mexico State closed out the set on a 10-5 run to go up two sets to none.

Santa Maria 76/57/pc 72/56/s

attempts. They led the entire way, stretching it out the lead to as many as 12 at 19-7 in a set that saw them collect 20 kills.

Los Angeles 81/68/pc 82/68/pc

Daniel Moebus-Bowles writes about sports for UCSB.

Pasadena 83/67/pc 81/64/s

Sacramento 88/60/s 81/56/s

Oxnard 77/64/c 73/62/pc

Wind west 4-8 knots today. Waves 90/69/s Miami 93/78/t 92/79/t Minneapolis 75/54/s 80/58/s

Ojai 83/61/t 80/58/s

San Diego 81/72/pc 79/68/pc

Paso Robles 92/58/pc 88/51/s

San Jose 79/59/pc 75/60/s

Salt Lake City 94/66/pc 78/59/t Seattle 73/57/pc 68/55/pc Washington, D.C. 84/67/t 82/64/pc



As the match wore on, everybody started to contribute offensively. It was a great teamshowing.”TheWarriors return to the court next Friday night in Glendale when they take on Arizona Christian at 6:00 p.m.

Seven minutes later, Pryor stole the spotlight again. This time, freshman Erik Guerrero sent in a cross from the edge of the near sideline. Guerrero fired just before dribbling out of

San Francisco 72/59/pc 72/59/pc



Becerril, Pryor lead Westmont men’s soccer to win over Pomona-Pitzer

SBCC 19, Mode S to 2




“With that, the way they got through was entirely their own doing.”

Catalina 75/65/pc 74/61/pc

Beijing 89/64/pc 90/66/pc 69/55/pc 70/54/pc 94/75/s 93/72/s 89/73/t 88/73/t 77/61/c 70/57/c City 72/54/c 73/55/sh 79/66/r 75/61/r Delhi 94/80/t 92/79/t 81/66/s 80/65/t de Janeiro 76/68/pc 81/71/pc 83/64/s 83/66/s Sydney 68/52/pc 60/51/r Tokyo 83/75/pc 85/76/pc

Barstow 91/72/pc 93/70/s

Big Bear 64/47/t 64/42/s

Palm Springs 95/78/s 96/74/s

Ventura 76/62/c 74/61/pc


Terlizzi collected a match-high 14 kills, while libero Kaili Hashimoto recorded a matchhigh 20 digs. Freshman Alexa Shiner led the Warriors with 22 assists in her Murchison Gym debut, while senior Keelyn Kistner added in 17 asThewell.Warriors also collected 10 blocks on the evening, with Malone leading the club with three of her own. Kistner and Phoebe Minch each recorded a pair of service aces. Minch also contributed with 17 digs and nine kills.“We rode the Jessie-train tonight,” said McGolpin. “She got super fired up, had a ton of kills, and had a .323 attack percentage. That’s pretty“Overall,impressive.ourright sides did a good job, and both opposites kept us in the game, offensively.

Continued from Page A3

Monterey 68/58/c 68/58/pc

Jacob Norling is the sports information assistant at Westmont College.


Santa Monica 79/67/pc 76/67/pc

It was a great game and a proper college football match. These are good matches to get under your belt going into the final few preconference matches.”

SBCC 21, MerCed 4 Santa Barbara took a 3-0 lead

Mancinelli also had a team-high threeTheassists.goalkeepers were a lot busier against Modesto, as Dunleavy went for seven saves and two assists and McKay had five saves and two steals.The Vaqueros play two more games at the Central Coast Invitational on Saturday, starting with West Valley at 12:25 p.m. and then against Diablo Valley at 4:45 p.m.

In four matches last weekend, Hashimoto led the Warriors with 72 digs over matches, including a career-high 25 digs on Saturday

against Grand View (Iowa). Then, against #12 Bellevue (Neb.), Hashimoto led the club with 14 digs as the Warriors swept the host-Bears.ForKistner, she led the Warriors with 95 assists over the four matches. Against Grand View, Kistner recorded a seasonhigh 28 assists, before leading the club with another 17 against Bellevue.Hashimoto, Kistner, and the rest of the Warriors are back in action tonight at 7:00 p.m. when they host The Master’s Mustangs in both Westmont’s home and GSAC opener.

Jacob Norling is the sports information assistant at Westmont College.

The third set was all Gauchos, as the visiting team swung a ridiculous .559 team clip and converted on 13-of-17 sideout

Ohwobete picked up six of her 11 on a 6-0-8 (.750) line and McKnight notched five on a 5-0-10 (.500) line.

UCSB women’s volleyball falls to Mexico State

After going 4-0 at a tournament in Omaha, Neb., sophomore Kaili Hashimoto was honored as GSAC Defender of the Week, and senior Keelyn Kistner was named GSAC setter of the week.

Concord 84/60/pc 78/60/s

Bishop 87/55/pc 83/52/pc

The fourth and final set saw the Aggies jump ahead early and look to be running away with it as they held a seven point advantage at 12-5. With their backs against the wall, the Gauchos pushed and began to chip away at the lead going on a 6-1 run that was fueled by Ohwobete and Wilson. Down 2218, Farmer went on an absolute

San Luis Obispo 82/57/pc 78/57/s



Modesto 89/62/s 82/58/s

Wind west-southwest at 6-12 knots waves 1-3 feet with a south swell 1-3 feet at 12-second intervals. Visibility clear.

Eureka 61/53/c 63/54/c

Napa 82/54/s 79/54/s

Santa Ynez 89/57/t 87/55/s

“Pomona-Pitzer was a legitimate challenge,” assured Wolf, “and we handled this challenge extremely well. On top of Aldo and Braeden, we finally pitched our first shutout. You can score goals and start to feel good about yourself, but eventually you have to put up some“We’vezeroes.talked about wanting to get our goalsagainst average below one, and the only way to do that is to put zeroes. Today, we finally got one.”Westmont returns to action this coming Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., when they host The Master’s in a non-conference matchup.

getting to the final layer of that final third. Going into that second half, we tried to give them a couple ideas on how to get better looks in the final layer.

through one quarter, as Tal scored her first two goals of the year and freshman Claire Daland notched her first of three goals on the day as a Vaquero. Tal put away two more in the second as did Jenna Olson, while Lauren Tuxill and Claire Daland also scored to send SBCC into halftime leading 9-2.The Vaquero lead reached double-figures, 12-2, on an Alessia Gressi goal early in the third. SBCC’s lead later reached its peak, 21-3, when Gabrielle Muehring secured a second half hat trick with just over a minute remaining in the game.Ella Prado led SBCC with

Michael Jorgenson works in relationscommunications/mediaatSantaBarbara City


Vandenberg 71/57/pc 70/57/pc

2 feet or less with a south-southwest swell 2-4 feet at 14 seconds. Visibility clear. Wind west 4-8 knots today. Waves 2 feet or less with a south-southwest swell 2-4 feet at 14 seconds. Visibility clear. TODAY A thunderstormaround 89 77 57 62 INLAND COASTAL TUESDAY Mostly sunny and pleasant 87 77 55 58 INLAND COASTAL WEDNESDAY Nice with plenty of sun 80 75 53 59 INLAND COASTAL THURSDAY Sunnypleasantand 84 76 53 58 INLAND COASTAL FRIDAY Sunny and nice 86 77 54 57 INLAND COASTAL AT BRADBURY DAM, LAKE CACHUMA SANTA BARBARA CHANNEL POINT ARENA TO POINT PINOS POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO LAKE LEVELS City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 Storage 69,020 acre-ft. Elevation 697.99 ft. Evaporation (past 24 hours) 17.7 acre-ft. Inflow 5.8 acre-ft. State inflow 7.4 acre-ft. Storage change from yest. -218 acre-ft. Atlanta 82/59/t 82/62/s Boston 80/67/c 76/64/t Chicago 64/57/sh 74/58/pc Dallas 87/67/pc 91/68/s Denver 89/55/s 90/59/pc Houston 92/68/s

Westmont Men’s Soccer (2-0-1) went head to head with the Pomona-Pitzer Sagehens (11) on Saturday, and came away with a 2-0 win. After a scoreless first half, the Warriors had to wait until the 72nd minute to break through. Then, the Warriors added another in the 79th minute to take control of the eventual“Therewin.was a lot to like about the day,” said Westmont head coach Dave Wolf. “Sometimes the big boys have to show up, and today, they most definitely “Pomona-Pitzerdid.was a very good opponent.


tear, sending down four straight kills in a row to tie the match. An Aggie attack error put UCSB in front 23-22 but a pair of Gaucho errors and an overpass kill sealed the win for New Mexico State.



The Gauchos now head home for the Thunderdome Classic next weekend where they will host Georgetown for a pair of matches. Friday’s match marks the team’s home opener.

Lifepage B1

The Comers started making their salsa for friends and family as well as donating salsa to fundraisers and events. They were asked to bring more salsa

“It started out of my desire for good salsa. Having moved away from home and being brought up with homemade salsa I was not able to find anything similar in the grocery market that didn’t have preservatives or sodium,” Ms. Franco-Comer told the NewsPress.Mr.Comer fell in love with watching Ms. Franco-Comer’s mom make salsa. What was important to Ms. Franco-Comer was the health aspect.

has thrived in Santa Barbara. I have always valued being in the community. This business has given us the opportunity to be a part of Santa Barbara which is awesome.“Ithink it is important to say that we are really proud of our brand, and what we have been able to bring to market,” Mr. Comer said. “Our branding encompasses everything that we are. We are a clean, healthy brand. It’s a small batch made from hard work, authentic labors and the love that you put behind

“We have been really blessed with having our family involved and being a part of the community,” the Comers told the News-Press. “This is a family business … It’s a labor of love.


The Comers’ product line has a smoky flavor because they roast everything.“Thedirector of culinary at

that repeatedly by people in our community.“Wehave been able to see the fruits of our labor, having meals around the table and talking to our children. That’s actually why we do this. It keeps us going.”The Comers have four children: Sorelle (14), Jude (12), Nolan (10) and Augie (5).

Smokin’ Good Salsas

Above is a selection of Casa de Comer’s salsas. At right, crates of fresh tomatoes are shown at the family’s home in Goleta on Friday.


To learn more about Casa de Comer, go,

to events, church and more. The Comers then began selling salsa through their food truck. And Ms. Franco-Comer began taking entrepreneur classes at Santa Barbara City College Scheinfeld Center.“What really happened was we realized we had a product, and we had good people behind us through the community. We had that ‘aha’ moment,” Mr. Comer told the“OurNews-Press.salsahas a bold flavor, authentic fresh produce, cilantro and superfoods,” said the Comers. They noted their salsa has a lot of healthy benefits.

SBCC tasted it and said that there was nothing like it in the market,” Ms. Franco-Comer told the NewsPress. “It’s a natural flavor. The ingredients we used are very important because they are all fresh and have authentic flavor.”

Managing Dave dmason@newspress.comMason

it.”Smokin Good Salsa can be purchased in local stores such as Lazy Acres, Bristol Farms, California Fresh, Gelson’s and Tri-County Produce.

“I don’t know if we would be where we would be if we weren’t in a community like Santa Barbara,” Mr. Comer told the News-Press. “Our business


The Comers added that they have medium to mild salsas, as well as a spicy version.

Sean Comer and Silvia Franco-Comer start family business to produce delicious, healthy food


Casa de Comer was founded in 2017 by Santa Barbara locals Sean Comer and Silvia Franco-Comer, the husband-wife team who is fast becoming a true local legend for their Smokin’ Good Salsas.


Sean Comer, right, and Silvia Franco-Comer, center left, founded Casa de Comer in 2017. Also pictured are their children, from left, Sorelle, Jude, Augie and Nolan.


“We didn’t know going into this that it would bring our family together. We have spent birthdays in the kitchen and sacrificed trips. This is making our kids well rounded, and we are told

“It’s an important aspect of crafting a good salsa,” she said.

“You know you live in an awesome community when you can give to your community like we have and when you hit hard times the community gives back,” Mr. Comer said. “We have had our community rally behind us to keep us going.”

He became a professional artist late in life; in the British Army he suffered from an epileptic fit and was told that he should continue painting instead.

Ben was kind enough to look at L.S.’s painting (see the “greener” painting in the photo); Ben sent me back a painting he had sold (the grayer photo). Ben said L.S.’s was a copy, but to make sure he’d have the painting sent to Ihim.contrast the two paintings in the photos: L.S.’s lacks the grit of the other painting. L.S.’s lacks the depth. L.S.’s lacks the subtle gradation of hue and value (depth of color). Mr. Williams painted to evoke emotion, L.S.’s painting lacks emotion!


Painting of Wales a case study on art authentication

Auction items are shown off during the party. They varied from wine tasting in Solvang to skydiving in Lompoc. Approximately $40,000 was raised at the party for CRR.

of Llangefni, and emailed a photo. They told me to get in touch with the Rogers Jones Auction House in Wales. A number of galleries once sold his paintings, and three were particularly prominent, the Tegfryn Gallery in Menai Bridge (since 1968), the Thackeray Gallery in London (since 1975), and the Albany Gallery in Cardiff (since 1975). Mary Yapp, the owner of the Albany, acted as his agent. Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw in Llanbedrog sold. But these galleries no longer sell regularly, and most colleagues are now gone. His work is in many galleries throughout Britain and overseas, with the majority of the thousands of pictures which he painted during his lifetime in private collections. Galleries or Auction Houses are the way to go; museums usually can’t offer opinions.Aretrospective to honor the centenary of his birth (1918) in 2018 was held at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth: the director was Lona Mason, so I found her and emailed a photo; another lead: David Wynn Meredith chairs the Sir Kyffin Williams Trust. These are the experts that got me close to answering questions of authenticity. Everyone said to write directly to Ben Rogers Jones, Auctioneer, Rogers Jones & Co, Cardiff, Wales. Go to the

Michelle Graham addresses supporters of Children’s Resource & Referral of Santa Barbara County at Friday’s party at the Santa Maria Inn. Ms. Graham is the CEO of the organization, which has been helping children since 1971.

country of origin and find the expert who sells.

Celebrating history of helping children

He knew the Welsh landscape so well that when he painted a mountain, he knew what was on the other side; painting was not making images, sympathy was his creative process; to communicate, one must understand and feel the image. He said obsession was a greater asset than talent; he was prolific in all weathers with a palette knife. (Here is another clue: a palette knife gives a painting a broad, thick area of paint.)L.S.’s painting has some of those hallmarks: a Welsh industrial scene, certain colors of the gray cold climate, the hard edge of stone and a palette knife technique. And indeed, signed with just KW.

A major selection of his works is held at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth. He wrote that no other country “touches the mood … of melancholy that is in most Welshmen, a melancholy derived from the dark hills, the heavy clouds, and the enveloping

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Later, having won the Winston Churchill Fellowship, he traveled to Patagonia to paint the Welsh settlement there of Y Wladfa. He was awarded the OBE, and then knighted in 1999.

This painting, after exhaustive research, was determined to be a likely copy of a work by Kyffin Williams.

the Winter of 2020, L.S. wrote to me that he had purchased a painting at 19 x 15.5” which on the back said, “Attributed to Kyffin Williams 1918-2006, British.” He had found it for $40 in a junk shop in upstate New York. He sent photos to me at the time and asked if I thought it was by Mr. Williams, great national artist of Wales. Recently, a U.S. Auction House sold a Williams seascape estimated between $13K and $20K; Sotheby’s sold a street scene forThe$

If you think you have an original painting, see if you can find the same image in a museum or sold at auction. If you do, you are 80% of the way to certainty that you have a copy. (But not always, as artists do make oil studies!)


sea mist.” This is also a clue: how the artist reflected on what he painted tells us that he loved the ominous grays of that Welsh sky; he admired the working class grit and industrialism of the place. (Here’s another clue: the way an artist signs: this egalitarian artist signed with his initials throughout his career.) Mr. Williams died a wealthy man; he gave much art to charitable causes in Wales.

How to authenticate this painting? Mr. Williams sold through galleries; museums collected his works. I researched the galleries: I tried Oriel Ynysmon, in Mr. Williams’s town

Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s “Ask the Gold Digger” column appears Mondays in the News-Press. Written after her father’s COVID19 diagnosis, Dr. Stewart’s book “My Darlin’ Quarantine: Intimate Connections Created in Chaos” is a humorous collection of five “what-if” short stories that end in personal triumphs over presentday constrictions. It’s available at Chaucer’s in Santa Barbara.


I undertook is described; and this research can be done with any painting that might be original to a very fine artist.First, research the background of the artist: Mr. Williams is regarded as the defining presence in 20th century Welsh art, and he might have been saddened that the back says “British” and not “Welsh” (our first clue that the painting is not original - anyone who had any contact with Mr. Williams’s oeuvre would have written Welsh). Although he taught in England for 30 years as a painting master, he retired at Pwllfanogl, Llanfairpwll, on the Isle of Anglesey, near the Menai Straits overlooking Snowdonia, close to his birthplace.



Unscramble these Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

Scorpio: Demands placed on you by work colleagues could have you stressed, Scorpio. You might feel that your co-workers are taking unfair advantage of you. This could start you thinking of perhaps going into business for yourself or with a partner. This could well be a great idea, but today isn’t the day to make a decision this monumental.

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Fill in the grid so every row, every column and every 3-by-3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.


Everylanguage.number in the codeword grid is ‘code’ for a letter of the alphabet. Thus, the number 2 may correspond to the letter L, for instance.


©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. freetheGet @PlayJumbleJUMBLEJUSTSKONEPRPXIEEHECCKJumbles:Answer:

Sagittarius: A close friend or loved one might drop out of sight today. You may panic when he or she doesn’t return your phone calls. Don’t jump to conclusions. They’re preoccupied with matters that for the moment appear important and will contact you in time. When you do finally connect, you could hear some interesting news.

Pisces: Stress could have you feeling uncommunicative today. You probably aren’t going to want to talk to anyone, even your dearest friend, Pisces. This might prove difficult, as people around you are going to ask for advice and help. Keep your cool. This feeling will pass, and you won’t want anyone to think you’re upset.

Cancer: An organization with which you’re affiliated may be having financial problems, and this fact could come out today. It might be a shock to you and everyone else involved, Cancer, but it’s good that it’s coming out now. This revelation might have a profound effect on your goals, and may necessitate some reevaluation.

(Answers tomorrow)


“I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse.

Aries: Finances should be going well, Aries, but your financial affairs aren’t something you want to talk about to anyone now. Perhaps you want to make a decision that’s yours and not influenced by others. Nonetheless, a close friend or lover is going to find out. Maybe they’ll guess or maybe you’ll let it slip. Don’t panic. This person understands you and won’t try to exert undue influence.

Virgo: Some disconcerting revelations about your past or the past of someone close to you could come out today. This might be a bit of a shock, Virgo, but it’s a positive development, nonetheless. It will shed some light on how to deal with current issues in your life

Sudoku puzzles appear on the Diversions page Monday-Saturday and on the crossword solutions page in Sunday’s Life section.

Capricorn: A close friend or loved one might drop out of sight today. You may panic when he or she doesn’t return your phone calls. Don’t jump to conclusions. They’re preoccupied with matters that for the moment appear important and will contact you in time. When you do finally connect, you could hear some interesting news.

— FlorenceNightingale

How to play CodewordAnswers CODEWORDpreviousto CROSSWORD PUZZLE

All puzzles come with a few letters to start. Your first move should be to enter these letters in the puzzle grid. If the letter S is in the box at the bottom of the page underneath the number 2, your first move should be to find all cells numbered 2 in the grid and enter the letter S. Cross the letter S off the list at the bottom of the

Libra: Something you might have wanted to keep between you and a few trusted friends could inadvertently be revealed, perhaps to the wrong people. Frustration and a sense of betrayal could plague you, but don’t turn against those who knew. Even though this can be disconcerting, you can learn from it.

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency


Gemini: Today you might have a strange feeling that something is wrong, perhaps in the neighborhood or with a friend or relative. This is probably going to bother you all day, Gemini, so it might be a good idea to call this person or otherwise look into the matter. There’s probably nothing really wrong, but someone close to you may have just experienced a shock of some kind.

By Monday,Horoscope.comSeptember12, 2022

Leo: Some disconcerting revelations about your past or the past of someone close to you could come out today. This might be a bit of a shock, Virgo, but it’s a positive development, nonetheless. It will shed some light on how to deal with current issues in your life or a relationship. Write down your thoughts, meditate, talk to a friend, or otherwise try to make sense of it.

Aquarius: A household member might toy with the idea of moving out or going away for a while, Aquarius. This could stress you out, but don’t make yourself crazy. Don’t try to talk him or her out of it. Listen sympathetically and let your relative get it out of their system.

or a relationship. Write down your thoughts, meditate, talk to a friend, or otherwise try to make sense of it.

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Remembergrid. that at the end you should have a different letter of the alphabet in each of the numbered boxes 1- 26, and a word in English in each of the horizontal and vertical runs on the codeword grid.

Thought for Today

Codeword is a fun game with simple rules, and a great way to test your knowledge of the English

Taurus: You’re likely to be in a solitary mood today, Taurus, and probably want to spend the evening reading or working on a project of your own. However, it isn’t likely to work out that way. Family could drop by or some equipment could go on the blink and require repairs. Some unexpected calls could come your way. Take a deep breath and summon your good manners.,contactKevinDeLosSantos.Theapplicationrequiredtofileanappealmaybeviewedatordownloadedfrom:dde-4b99ae964af9?cache=1800

WARNING: Failure by a person to request a public hearing may result in the loss of the person’s ability to appeal any action taken by Santa Barbara County on this Coastal Development Permit to the County Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors and ultimately the California Coastal Commission.

Classified To place an ad please call (805) 963-4391 or email to Business RealEstateInfoWantedInvestmentsRealEstateLoansVacantLotsTimeShare.....................380RecreationalExchangesDevelopmentPropAcreageRanchMountainPropertyDesertBeachPropertyBeachHomesOutofStateOutofCountyVenturaCountyS.L.O.CountyManufacturedHomesOtherSBCountyPropSummerlandSolvangSantaYnezRanchoEmbarcaderoMoreMesaSantaMariaMontecitoLosOlivosLosAlamosLompocHopeRanchGoletaGaviotaBuelltonBallardSharedEquityHousesP.U.DCondosR.E.General........................30..................40..........................50.............................60..........................70................80..........................90.........................100.........................115...........................120...................130..........................140....................150.....................160......................170...................180....................190......195....................200.........................210...................220....230.....240.................250..............260................270..................280.................290.............300...........................310........320...........................330.........................340..........350.....................360..................370...................390...........400...................410.........................420.............430 REAL ESTATE Honest, Caring, Santa#9Randy@randyglick.com805-689-7167ProvenRandyGlick.comTop1/2%BerkshireHathawayAgentsNationwide.residentialagentfortheBarbaraMLSfor2019. RANDY GLICK Care and maintenance of all your gardening needs. Pruning fruit trees, roses, hedges & REASONABLERELIABLE.more!RATES.CALLScott4489824 J.W.’s Landscape & Gardening Services We fulfill all gardening & landscape needs! Commercial & Residential 805-448-7177 Express Hauling FREE EST., ANY DAY, JUNK, BRUSH, CLEAN YARD & GARAGE, TRIM TREES, CEMENT METAL, DIRT, JACUZZI, LIFT GATE, HANDYMAN 805-886-2410 House Cleaning Honest, Responsible, & Reliable. Excellent ref’s upon request. Free Estimates! 15 Years of Local Experience Ask for Esther, 805-705-2668 House Cleaning HealthBuildingAudio/StereoAppliancesAntiquesArtAuctionsAutoPartsBicyclesMaterialsCollectibleCommunicationsComputersFarmEquipmentFeed/FuelFurnitureGarageSalesServices/SuppliesHobbiesJewelryLivestockMachineryMiscellaneousMisc.WantedMusicalNurserySuppliesOfficeEquipmentPetsPhotographyRentalsRestaurantEquipmentSewingMachinesSportingStoreEquipmentSwapsTV/VideoWaterConservation MERCHANDISE$$ New/Used/Rentals (Day Wk Mo) LOW PRICES! Isla Vista Bikes • 805-968-3338 Female spayed Doberman who was rescued from a high kill shelter with her puppies. Elegant with her tail and long ears. A real lady who will be a great addition to your home. 805-612-7181 Cooper—A real gentleman neutered male Saint Bernard cross. Short haired about 3yrs old rescued from high kill shelter. He looks like a dog from the 50’s handsome & noble with a sense of joy. 805-612-7181 Pets OPENDIRECTORYHOUSE Please submit your Open House Directory ads at Click “SPECIAL EDITION” then click “OPEN HOME” If you have any questions, please e-mail openhomes@newspress.comus:LEGAL AD DEADLINES Publication Day:Sat.-Mon. Due: Thursday 9 a.m. Publication Day:Tuesday Due: Friday 9 a.m. Publication Day:Wednesday Due: Monday 9 a.m. Publication Day:Thursday Due: Tuesday 9 a.m. Publication Day:Friday Due: Wednesday 9 a.m. For information,additionalpleaseemaillegals@newspress.comorcall(805)564-5218. KENNETH SONG / NEWS-PRESS PHOTOS Dr. Paul Mori led the Prime Time Band of Santa Barbara during a free performance for the public at the Stow House in Goleta on Sunday. Prime Time Band plays the Stow House

SANTACNS-3617669#BARBARA NEWS-PRESS AUG 22, 29; SEP 5, 12 2022 -- 58599

publichearingrequirementunlessawrittenrequestforsuchhearingissubmittedbyaninteresteddeterminedthatthisprojectqualifiesasminordevelopmentandthereforeintendstowaivetheapplication.However,incompliancewithCaliforniaCoastalActSection30624.9,theDirectorhasapplicationisnormallyrequiredpriortoanyactiontoapprove,conditionallyapproveordenytheCommissionfollowingfinalactionbySantaBarbaraCountyandthereforeapublichearingontheSantaBarbaraCountyPlanningandDevelopmentDepartment.ThisprojectrequirestheapprovalNoticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationfortheprojectdescribedbelowhasbeensubmittedtotheandissuanceofaCoastalDevelopmentPermitbythePlanningandDevelopmentDepartment.ThedevelopmentrequestedbythisapplicationissubjecttoappealtotheCaliforniaCoastalpartytothePlanningandDevelopmentDepartmentwithinthe15workingdaysfollowingtheDateofNoticelistedbelow.Allrequestsforahearingmustbesubmittednolaterthan5:00p.m.ontheRequestforHearingExpirationDatelistedbelow,toKevinDeLosSantosatPlanningandDevelopment,123E.AnapamuStreet,SantaBarbara93101-2058,,orbyfaxat(805)568-2030.Ifapublichearingisrequested,noticeofsuchahearingwillbeprovided. additionalinformationregardingthisproject,includingthedatetheCoastalDevelopmentPermitisDatelistedbelow,thenthePlanningandDevelopmentDepartmentwillacttoapprove,approvewithIfarequestforpublichearingisnotreceivedby5:00p.m.ontheRequestforHearingExpirationconditions,ordenytherequestforaCoastalDevelopmentPermit.Atthistimeitisnotknownwhenthisactionmayoccur;however,thismaybetheonlynoticeyoureceiveforthisproject.Toreceiveapproved,and/ortoviewtheapplicationandplans,ortoprovidecommentsontheproject,pleasecontactKevinDeLosSantosatPlanningandDevelopment,123E.AnapamuStreet,SantaBarbara93101-2058,,orbyphoneat(805)884-8051.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. FBN 2022-0002093 The following person(s) is doing business as: Grizelda Publishing, 1705 San Marcos Pass Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, County of Santa GrizeldaBarbara. Records LLC, 1705 San Marcos Pass Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105; CA This business is conducted by A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Not Applicable /s/ Jennifer Terran, Managing ThisMemberstatement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 08/19/2022. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26/22 SANTACNS-3621457#BARBARA NEWS-PRESS SEP 5, 12, 19, 26 / 2022 -- 58625

SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022B4 NEWS / CLASSIFIED Houses 70 Bicycles GardeningHauling Call 805 963-4391 or classad@newspress.comemail:toplaceyourhomeorbusinessservicelisting. DirectoryService Advertise Here For As Low as *Rate$5.97*Per-Day!Based on 30 consecutivedayrun. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. FBN 2022-002012 The following person(s) is doing business as: 1. Sunworks, 2. Rapid Rack, 2270 Douglas Blvd.,Suite 216, Roseville, CA, 95661, County Placer County of MailingPlacer.Address: 1555 Freedom Blvd., Provo, UT 84604 Commercial Solar Energy, Inc., 155 Freedom Blvd, Provo, Ut 64604; California This business is conducted by a TheCorporation.registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 07/18/2022 /s/ Chaye Besherse, Secretary This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 08/12/2022. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/22 SANTACNS-3616220#BARBARA NEWS-PRESS AUG 22, 29 SEP 5, 12 / 2022 -- 58588 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. FBN 2022-0001983 The following person(s) is doing business as: Vision Center Brough to you by Walmart, 2220 South Bradley Road Ste 700, Santa Maria, CA 93455 County of Santa Barbara. Mailing Address: 2435 Commerce Avenue Building 2200, Duluth, GA This30096 business is conducted by A TheCorporation.registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on March 31, 1999 /s/ Jared Brandman, SVP, GENERAL CONUSEL & ThisSECRETARYstatement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 08/10/2022. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/22


is (are) doing business as: Channel Mortgage Group, 2617 Samarkand Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 County of SANTA MailingBARBARAAddress: 10 Pointe Dr., Suite 330, BREA, CA 92821 - Brea American Financial Network, 10 Pointe Dr., Suite 330, SUITE 330, BREA, CA 92821 This business is conducted by a TheCorporationregistrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. American Financial Network S/ Andy Kalyviaris, CCO, This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 09/01/2022. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3/22 SANTACNS-3616560#BARBARA NEWS-PRESS SEP 12, 19, 26; OCT 3 2022 -- 58656 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PENDING ACTION BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: (1) WAIVE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT THAT MAY BE APPEALED TO THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION AND (2) APPROVE, CONDITIONALLY APPROVE, OR DENY THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT This may affect your property. Please read.

This Coastal Development Permit may be appealed to the California Coastal Commission after an appellant has exhausted all local appeals, therefore a fee is not required to file an appeal.

PROPOSAL: COHENTRUST-LIGHTWELL,RETAININGWALLS&ACUNIT PROJECT ADDRESS: 4045BAJADALN,SANTABARBARA,CA93110 2nd SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE COASTAL ZONE DATE OF NOTICE: 9/7/2022 REQUEST FOR HEARING EXPIRATION DATE: 9/28/2022 PERMIT NUMBER: 22CDH-00000-00019 APPLICATION FILED: 6/16/2022 ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO.: 063-233-025 ZONING: 1.5-EX-1 PROJECT AREA: 1.84 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant: JasonCohen Proposed Project: 1.84-acreparcelzoned1.5-EX-1andshownasAssessor’sParcelNumber063-233-025,locatedat404565dBatthepropertyline.Nogradingortreeremovalisproposed.TheparcelwillcontinuetobeThisprojectisforaCoastalDevelopmentPermitwithHearing(CDH)toallowforconstructionofnewretainingwallsthatwillbeamaximumoffourfeetinheightandwillspanatotaldistanceof31feet.Alsoproposedisexteriordoorandwindowchangesandtheinstallationofanewlight-well,anewA.C.unit,andnewexteriorlighting.AssociatednoiselevelsfromtheA.C.unitwillnotexceedservedbytheLaCumbreMutualWaterCompany,anexistingsepticsystem,andtheSantaBarbaraCountyFireDepartment.AccesswillcontinuetobeprovidedoffofBajadaLane.ThepropertyisaBajadaLaneintheEasternGoletaValleyCommunityPlanArea,SecondSupervisorialDistrict.

FICTITIOUS Santa Barbara Marquees, 10 E Yanonali St. #2, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, County of Santa Barbara. Architectural Detail Group Inc., 21700 Oxnard Street #950, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 This business is conducted by A TheCorporation.registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Jul 01, 2022 /s/ Gerald Olesker, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on 08/16/2022. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk 8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/22

The following person(s)


SANTACNS-3617379#BARBARA NEWS-PRESS AUG 22, 29; SEP 5, 12 / 2022 -- 58596

BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. FBN 2022-0002042 The following person(s) is doing business as:



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