1 minute read

Yard Sale Tips

Before Your Sale

Prepare to start early. Collectors and antique dealers like to show up early in the morning.


Obtain a permit if required

Clean up your space. People like clean and neat places.

Gather lots of shopping bags. Gathering Items

Test any electrical items to make sure they work. Collect your items and sort it by type. (clothing, toys, tools, etc.)

Take time to clean or repair your items.

Wash all the clothes so they smell fresh.


Tools: Guys love it all, any kind.

Baby items of all kinds, especially clothing.

What Should You Not Sell?

Unused prescription drugs or medications.

Halogen floor lamps.

Old baby cribs or playpens, incomplete child safety seats.


Tell your friends, family or coworkers about your sale. Word travels. Place a classified ad in the Santa Barbara NEWS-PRESS!! Remember to check the publication’s deadline.

In your ad, give lots of details. Include the address, day(s), time of your sale. List major items such as “Lots of kids clothes.”


Check your local ordinances. List your address and sale date on all signs. Post your signs at main intersections, street corners and at the end of your driveway.

Use same colors and writing on your signs as people recognize them at a glance. to take them down.

The consumer Protection Agency offers a complete list of dangerous items to avoid selling at yard sales. Visit www.cpec.gov

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