1 minute read
No end to our troubles
In 2020, we had an election. One nominee traveled the country and spoke to overflowing enthusiastic crowds every time, standing room only. The other nominee stayed in his basement, coming out occasionally to speak to a small audience.
Amazingly, when the votes were counted, the basement man had more votes than had ever been cast, outnumbering the popular candidate who himself numbered in millions more than the last time.
How could this be?
Then the truth began to come out about malfunctioning voting machines, ballots entered secretly at night, millions given by a social network to fund illegal vote harvesting, ballots cast by deceased voters, other ballots from conservative areas mysteriously disappearing. For some reason, to this day no one will recall an illegally elected president.
Millions of illegals come through our open southern border, bringing disease and enough fentanyl to kill all of us, and actually killing 100,000 a year. Where are they going? Into indentured service as laborers or criminals or sex slaves to the cartels.
Ukraine and China have bought favored nation status with our new president, while industries here are punished. Our own gas reserves have been shuttered and pipelines canceled while we beg our enemies to supply our needs.
Part of that is the push to turn everything electric.Guess where the solar panels, windmills and batteries come from? You’re right. China. Furthermore, when all these electrical supplies wear out, they become hazardous waste.
As millions of dollars are going to Ukraine, and our strategic oil reserves are being sold to China, a rail accident in Ohio threatens the residents in the area, and nothing is done. In the aftermath of COVID-19, small business owners lost everything they had, thousands died needlessly, being denied effective treatments, our children may never catch up scholastically and more suffer from after effects of a vaccine that was mandated and is not only ineffective, but dangerous.
Furthermore, our whole country is being attacked with racist lies trying to divide us as we were finally really coming together. And our young people are being fed lies about their own sexual identity. There seems to be no end to our troubles.
And Joe Biden shrugged.
Gretchen Kieding Solvang
Who’s helping East Palestine?
How can Santa Barbara County residents help East Palestine, Ohio and Pennsylvania poor citizens who need water, testing services, medical attention, and relocation?
There is NO government entity, no non-government organization, no nonprofit, helping these citizens with their survival needs.
I’ve called several organizations (Direct Relief, Red Cross, …) plus Congressman Salud Carbajal asking “where’s the leadership?” Everyone is MIA. This is shameful; and it horrifies donors and taxpayers.