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Fix of the Week

Fix of the Week


Thursday, March 23, 2023


ARIES — Today may have some crazy emotional ups and downs, Aries. There seems to be an intense cloud seeping into every part of your day. Don’t try to fool people. They will see right through you. Bursts of positive energy will pop out of nowhere to remind you of your more important purpose.

TAURUS — This day will be filled with many exciting surprises for you, Taurus. Approach it with gratitude and you will be amazed at the number of things that just naturally seem to flow your way. Your generous heart will be rewarded in unexpected ways. Old friends are likely to show up. Open yourself up to conversations.

GEMINI — There’s a larger trend operating in your life, Gemini. It’s asking you to break the rules and enter a new realm - a new mindset or way of living. Today that trend comes into focus, as emotional outbursts call attention to the changes. Your heart may want to go one way while your brain wants to go another.

CANCER — Pour yourself a comforting cup of tea today, Cancer. Take a hot shower or a long bath. In short, pamper yourself. You may be picking up on the extra tension of the people around you. Be conscious of this and make a mental note to strip away the garbage that others dump on you. You’re a sensitive individual.

LEO — It may be that people are a bit upset by some of your recent actions or words, Leo. The offhand remark you made a couple weeks ago is catching up to you. What you may consider friendly, lighthearted sparring may actual do a bit of damage to someone’s sensitive emotions, especially today. Think before you speak.

VIRGO — This is an exciting day for you, Virgo. You can accomplish quite a bit. Your intuition is especially acute and your sensitivity is strong. Computers might irritate you today. It’s possible to get all worked up if your laptop crashes. Save your work often. Keep in mind that it’s just a machine. Don’t let it get the better of you.

LIBRA — You might be a bit jittery, even without caffeine, Libra. Sudden actions may cause people to freak out, since people will be on edge in general today anyway. Save the surprises for another time. If you need to tell your boss that you’re going on vacation for a little while, now isn’t the time. There’s a rough edge to the astral energy. Relax to soothe your soul.

SCORPIO — Things may be coming at you from all angles today, Scorpio. Sooner or later you will be forced to take action. It may seem like the walls of the room are slowly caving in. The pressure is building and the air is getting stagnant. Go out for a run. Exercise will help you release some of that pressure you feel.

SAGITTARIUS — You may be excited about an idea today, Sagittarius, but unfortunately no one else may be. You spring up with enthusiasm only to smack into a brick wall. One side of you may be communicative and witty while the other is confused. The two sides aren’t really connecting well, so perhaps you should just lay low.

CAPRICORN — Much of today will be a continuation of yesterday, but with perhaps a bit more intensity for you, Capricorn. There’s an added buzz in the air, like static on a radio. This background noise may not provide the best environment to work in, but you should be able to navigate with no problem. Tune out the chatter and move on.

AQUARIUS — Today is one of those days when you might feel like four people have a hold of each of your limbs, Aquarius. The people are tugging and you’re getting stretched in every direction. Someone wants you to go there, someone wants you to come here. Take some time out for yourself and clearly state your needs to others.

PISCES — There’s an emotional intensity inside you today that’s squirming to find a way out, Pisces. Sudden outbursts are likely, so take care to hold your temper in check. Surround yourself with good friends who can support your erratic feelings. Don’t be clingy. Seek friends who are thoughtful listeners, not permanent crutches.

Daily Bridge


Tribune Content Agency

Thursday, March 23, 2023

There is no expert consensus on whether to open 1NT with, or despite, a five-card major. Experts decide case-by-case and may consider factors such as suit quality and ease of rebidding.

One deal proves nothing, but in today’s deal from a team match, one South opened 1NT and played there. West led a diamond, and the defense took five diamonds. South claimed the rest, plus 120.

In the replay, South opened one heart, North raised and South had a shot at game. West led a diamond again. East took the ace and returned the ten, winning. When he led a third diamond, South ruffed in dummy and drew trumps, but eventually he lost two spades to go down.


At Trick Three, South must pitch a spade from dummy. If West shifts to a spade, South takes the ace, cashes the A-K of clubs and ruffs a club. When the suit luckily breaks 3-3, he can draw trumps ending in dummy and discard two spades on the good clubs.

Do you think this deal makes a case for opening one heart as South?



Codeword Puzzle

You hold:

Q 10 5. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one


Fill in the grid so every row, every column and every 3-by-3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Sudoku puzzles appear on the Diversions page Monday through Saturday.

Crossword Puzzle

Answers to previous CODEWORD

How to play Codeword

Codeword is a fun game with simple rules, and a great way to test your knowledge of the English language. Every number in the codeword grid is ‘code’ for a letter of the alphabet. Thus, the number 2 may correspond to the letter L, for instance. All puzzles come with a few letters to start. Your enter these letters in the puzzle grid. If the letter S is in the box at the bottom of the page underneath the numbered 2 in the grid and enter the letter S. Cross the bottom of the grid.

Remember that at the end letter of the alphabet in each of the numbered boxes 1- 26, and a word in English in each of the horizontal and vertical runs on the codeword grid.


spade, he bids two clubs and you return to two diamonds. Partner then bids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your hands appear to mesh well. You have a maximum for your bidding, and all of your honors lie in partner’s suits. He has extra strength to bid a third time despite your weak preference. Bid five diamonds or five clubs. Partner may hold

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