2 minute read
‘The juggling community is welcoming and loves to teach newcomers’

TORNQUIST, Peter Allen

It was with great sadness that I tell you that Peter Allen Tornquist passed away on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at age 83. He was a man of honesty and kindness and the bonds he shared with all that loved him can never be replaced. Born in Caribou Maine in 1939 to Harold Theodore Tornquist and Vella Faye Merritt. He is survived by his children (Mike, Michelle, and Heidi), his stepchildren (Chris and Rick), his nephew Kurt and sister-in-law Cynthia, his grandchildren Nicole and Candice and his great-grandchild Tennyson. A memorial will be held at El Montecito Presbyterian Church at 2pm on May 13th, 2023 in Montecito California (near Santa Barbara). We love you Pete!
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Continued from Page A1 the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center. Over the years, the festival has been able to raise thousands of dollars for the cause, and organizers hope to continue to support STESA for many years.
Jerry Walsh, a claimed “original” of the festival, told the News-Press that one of his
favorite aspects of the festival is how many new faces join each year. “It is an opportunity to renew friendships and make new ones, all while engaging in the fantastically fun activity of juggling!”
A consistent watcher of the festival, Robert Bernstein, said he “appreciates the skill and persistence that goes into perfecting some of the tricks!”
The emcee of the event, Danielle Bushar, will be performing on the unicycle in addition to her amazing juggling skills. She got involved in 1988 and has been attending the event ever since.
The Isla Vista Juggling Festival will take place Friday through Sunday at the Isla Vista Theatre, 960 Embarcadero del Norte, Isla Vista. For more about the festival, visit sbjuggle.org. The festival is a fundraiser for Standing Together to End Sexual Assault. For more information, see sbstesa.org.
“The juggling community is welcoming and loves to teach newcomers!” Ms. Bushar exclaimed. If you want to learn how to become a pro, some of the attendees have some advice.

“Find a good teacher that can work with you in person. One can learn a lot from YouTube videos, but a beginner will save a lot of time by working on one hand at a time, and that is best done with another person,” said Matthew Thornley, a consistent attendee of the event and an avid juggler as well.
Additionally, Mr. Walsh said, “Come out to the festival this year, meet other jugglers, learn some new things, and have as much fun as you can!” email: abahnsen@newspress.com