2 minute read
The long and not-so-winding road
Armour Ranch Road stands empty at this moment last week in Santa Ynez.
On Dec. 4, 2022 Ruth Foster passed away in the warm cozy home of her son in Morro Bay Ca. after 97 years. Beloved mother to Brenda Greene (Mik Lamming), Ellen Diamond d.2017 (Eliot Diamond), and son, Eric Foster; and proud grandmother to Adam Clammer (Kate), Benjamin Clammer (Cathy), Zachary Clammer (Bridget), and Jason Diamond. Also GiGi to Charles, Alexander, Caroline, Jack, Lila, Emma, Callie, and Maggie. Ruth Seidman was born in Baltimore MD Feb. 5, 1925, to Rebecca and Harry Seidman, the youngest of 4 sisters and 3 brothers; Jesse, Rita, Hannah, Bernie, Nathaniel and Leona. When she was one, her family moved to the Chesapeake Bay community of Churchton, operating a vital local general store and gas station during the Great Depression. The values she learned there served her very well the rest of her life. Coming of age in 1942, she moved to Washington operated a suburban retail store until 1972; then traveled extensively and eventually moved to CA to be near her children. They moved to Morro Bay in 1978, where Ruth Barbara, where she spent time with her daughter, Brenda, and eventually married Max in music led her to volunteer to the Assistance League where a Ukulele group formed, bringing cheer to wherever they played. Throughout her life her kindness, generosity, advice. She will be missed greatly but her lovely glow will permeate forever to the people she loved and who loved her.
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