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Operations continue at Goleta Beach County Park
Beach nourishment operations are expected to continue at Goleta Beach County Park until the end of March.
There will be a temporary pause in truck hauling starting today, with hauling tentatively resuming by Monday.
Truck hauling has been paused temporarily while sediment at the source locations is excavated, stockpiled and sorted to be inspected for beach compatibility. During the temporary pause in work, the Goleta park’s west end will remain closed. The material in this area is unstable and walking through the work site could lead to an injury, according to a news release from the county. On Feb. 9, the Santa Barbara County Community Services Department/Parks Division partially reopened Goleta Beach County Park to the public.
Parking, barbecue grills, beach access and restrooms will be open from sunrise to sunset in the area between the park entrance and pier.
The parking lot at the far east end and the pier will remain closed due to damage sustained during the January storms. While some repairs are under way and assessments of the pier are ongoing, it is anticipated to be several weeks before the east parking lot and pier can reopen safely.
The park’s west end will remain closed due to ongoing emergency beach operations. Work in this area will continue next week, Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Santa Barbara County officials say park visitors should be aware of large trucks entering and exiting the park and keep away from the operation area. The material in this area is unstable, and walking through the work site could lead to an injury. People traveling on the Obern Trail Path (Atascadero Creek Trail) are advised to stay on the trail for going through the park only. The county also advises them to use caution when traveling through the park due to operations near the park entrance. email: kzehnder@newspress.com
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VOL. 167 NO.