4 minute read



Wednesday, March 22, 2023


ARIES — Inner transformation is likely to make a big difference in your communications right now, Aries. Your relationships could improve because you’re more open and honest without being too blunt.

You seem to have a greater understanding of the needs and desires of those closest to you.

TAURUS — Increased enthusiasm for your favorite project may take you in a new direction, Taurus. You could even decide to change careers in order to devote yourself more fully to doing what you’ve discovered you love the most.

Your physical, emotional, and spiritual health should be very good right now.

GEMINI — If you’re in a committed relationship, expect to feel a new sense of mutual purpose and make some new friends. If you aren’t involved, Gemini, love could come into your life today. You may just think it’s about time, but changes in you are attracting interesting people.

CANCER — Positive emotions like love, enthusiasm, or optimism that have been repressed for years could surface today, bringing a new sense of joy and anticipation for the future, Cancer. This could involve activities that you enjoyed as a child. Don’t feel silly if you want to ride a merry-go-round or go to the circus.

LEO — Group activities like rallies or festivals could take place in your neighborhood today. You may attend, Leo, and you could learn some new concepts that give impetus to your spiritual growth. You may run into some old friends you haven’t seen for a while. Talking with others could start your mind in a new direction.

VIRGO — The development of a talent that you’ve neglected could have surprising results, Virgo. You could find that it’s just what you need in order to expand your horizons and catapult you into whatever situation you want to be in. This could lead to an increased income. You’re changing inside, and these changes are mostly positive.

LIBRA — A period of great inner transformation and powerful upheaval in your outer life is coming upon you now, Libra. A part of you wants to welcome it and charge ahead, while another part holds back, possibly out of fear or lack of selfconfidence. While resistance can delay the change, it can’t stop it. It might be best to continue forward in spite of misgivings. Hang in there!

SCORPIO — Your intuition should be growing by leaps and bounds. Today you may get psychic messages from everywhere, both personal and universal. This can be a bit overwhelming, Scorpio, particularly if you aren’t used to it, but don’t fight it. It’s a symptom of your inner growth.

SAGITTARIUS — A number of new and exciting relationships could appear in your life now, some of them showing promise of becoming close. Old ones seem to be fading. This can make you a little sad, Sagittarius, but it’s a process that you can’t stop. As you change inside, so your relationships change.

CAPRICORN — Rewards from hard work and dedication could finally be in the offing, Capricorn. You experience the warm feeling that comes from deep satisfaction and knowing that you deserve everything wonderful that’s happening. You will want to bask in your happiness with your loved ones.

P AQUARIUS — Educational or spiritual growth on your part is likely to attract new friends who could become close companions. There could even be a new romantic partner in the bunch. This comes from the expansion of your mind, Aquarius. The new people should share your interests and turn into companions on your quest for enlightenment.

PISCES — An increase in your financial status could lead to changes in your household. You might choose to redecorate or purchase new furniture or move to a better place. A household member might move out. Although it seems illogical, Pisces, the changes in your surroundings reflect the transformations taking place within you.

Daily Bridge


Tribune Content Agency

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

“I thought I had a serious problem today,” a club player told me. “We were running late for the afternoon duplicate. My wife dashed in from Target and grabbed something from the fridge for lunch. She mistakenly gobbled down some leftover cat food.

“She seemed okay, but on the second round she started licking her dress, and then she booted this 3NT. East won the first heart with the king and returned a heart. My wife took the queen and cashed the A-K of diamonds.

“When East discarded, my wife tried the A-K and a third spade. The suit broke 3-3, but West took two diamonds and led a club. My wife never got dummy’s ace of hearts and won only eight tricks.”


South didn’t need nine lives to make 3NT. She lands on her feet by leading a low spade from dummy at Trick Five, keeping communication to take all nine of her winners.

“Is your wife all right now?”

“Seems so. To be safe, I called our vet.”

“What did he say?”

“Said if my wife starts meowing, bring her in.”

You open one


Codeword Puzzle


Fill in the grid so every row, every column and every 3-by-3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Sudoku puzzles appear on the Diversions page Monday through Saturday.

Crossword Puzzle

Answers to previous CODEWORD

How to play Codeword

Codeword is a fun game with simple rules, and a great way to test your knowledge of the English language. Every number in the codeword grid is ‘code’ for a letter of the alphabet. Thus, the number 2 may correspond to the letter L, for instance. All puzzles come with a few letters to start. Your first move should be to enter these letters in the puzzle grid. If the letter S is in the box at the bottom of the page underneath the number 2, your first move should be to find all cells numbered 2 in the grid and enter the letter S. Cross the letter S off the list at the bottom of the grid. Remember that at the end you should have a different letter of the alphabet in each of the numbered boxes 1- 26, and a word in English in each of the horizontal and vertical runs on the codeword grid.


diamond, and your partner responds one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: In some bidding styles, to raise a major-suit response absolutely guarantees four-card support. A more flexible and effective style allows a raise with three-card support in a suitable hand. I would surely raise to two spades here (and would also raise if the response had been one heart). South dealer N-S vulnerable

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