5 minute read
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
ARIES — This is a moment to start being creative in your life and stop being afraid of not having any talent. Who’s to say what talent is? And in the romance department, the love of your life might be right in front of you. Try lifting your eyes from the romance novels and look around, Aries.
TAURUS — You may be a bit unclear about your professional direction today, Taurus. Your motivation has disappeared without warning. What happened? It may be that you need to become involved in projects that have more universal resonance. Projects of a narrow scope that concern only your interests no longer hold your attention.
GEMINI — It could be that you see mirages, Gemini, most notably in the environment around you. You may have the impression that people are lying to you or hiding something from you. Or it may be you’re the one who lies about certain things or hides what you do. Why are you making things so complicated?
CANCER — Hold tight to your money, Cancer, because you may have some strange {though noble) impulses to give it away or spend a large amount on something completely useless. You should think about spending your money in a better way or, better yet, not at all. Why not consider donating some time rather than money to those in need?
LEO — Today isn’t a good day to sign contracts or make any substantial purchases. Go to the grocery store, by all means, but buy hamburger not tenderloin. Keep your money in a safe place and save your reserves. Don’t negotiate anything today, Leo. No matter how good the offer sounds or how compelling the deal, just walk away.
VIRGO — Are you certain that you can’t modify your current situation, Virgo? Are you a prisoner of a lifestyle that isn’t of your own making or that may be a throwback from the past? People have been asking you to take on too many responsibilities and this is what weighs you down.
LIBRA — The forecast for you is excellent, Libra. You can rely on today’s aspects to restore your confidence, which has been sorely tried in the past few days. The warrior of seduction within you can swagger forth, certain of conquest. However, don’t go too far.
SCORPIO — You may have some trouble communicating today, Scorpio. It’s as though something is distorting your perception. Don’t be surprised if, once evening comes, you feel like forgetting about all of your responsibilities and traveling to the other end of the world.
SAGITTARIUS — You’re radiant and glowing with happiness today. This is a refreshing change after the gloom and doom of the past few weeks. Apparently the decisions you made worked out for the best. Or, even better, perhaps you’re in love? In any case, Sagittarius, it will be even easier than usual for you to communicate with others and share your joy.
CAPRICORN — Your goal for the day seems to be to enchant your mate. There’s no reason not to try. Indeed, today is excellent for love. But don’t exaggerate your romantic wiles, Capricorn. Since the day’s aspects tend to distort your perception of things, you may be betrayed by what you see in the mirror.
AQUARIUS — You’re in splendid shape today, Aquarius! Did a fairy godmother conjure away all the little difficulties of the past few weeks? Enjoy this moment of relief from your worries. As for your love life, some exciting opportunities may arise. Be on the lookout for them, and whatever you do, don’t let them escape!
PISCES — It’s certainly clear that you have faith in your actions, Pisces! You feel no fear or doubt as you progress toward your goals, cruising along on calm seas under clear skies. This new atmosphere is likely the product of your renewed commitment. Reward yourself for your accomplishments, by all means, but you should wait a few days before launching a fullfledged celebration.
Fill in the grid so every row, every column and every 3-by-3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Sudoku puzzles appear on the Diversions page Monday-Saturday and on the crossword solutions page in Saturday’s Life section.
Crossword Puzzle
Codeword Puzzle
Eddie Kantar, who left us last year, was one of bridge’s most engaging and prolific writers for eight(!) decades, an honored teacher and a world champion player.
Eddie was declarer at today’s four spades and faced the problem of disposing of his third club. He also had to manage his trump suit correctly (my topic for this week).
Eddie won the first diamond with the ace and immediately led a club: deuce, ten, jack. West led another diamond, and Eddie took the king and led a second club to his queen and West’s ace.
When West led a third diamond, Eddie carefully withheld the queen; he played low from dummy, ruffed in his hand and next took the A-K of trumps. When East-West played low, Eddie ruffed his last club in dummy and discarded a heart on the queen of diamonds. He lost a trump and two clubs, making four. Declarer would go down if he took the high trumps too soon. West would get in with a high club to cash his queen of trumps, leaving declarer with a third club loser.
You hold: J 6
Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens one heart. What do you say?
ANSWER: You might get away with a takeout double. If your partner responded (“advanced”) in spades with a five-card suit or in diamonds, you might reach a playable contract or even a game. But if partner bid clubs, you would be in bad shape. Pass. This is a good defensive hand. If the opponents stop low, your side may come in later. South dealer N-S vulnerable ogist who is the world s foremost expert on chimpanzees
19 Take off
20 Natural Thanksgiving decor
21 Tire pattern
23 Fresh from the garden
25 Postimpressionist painter whose
29 Fiendish
31 Starter served with a spoon
5 Rumor, to a rumor mill
37 Cartoonist who created Snoopy and
2 Mover s challenge
Answers to previous CODEWORD
How to play Codeword
Codeword is a fun game with simple rules, and a great way to test your knowledge of the English language. Every number in the codeword grid is ‘code’ for a letter of the alphabet. Thus, the number 2 may correspond to the letter L, for instance. All puzzles come with a few letters to start. Your first move should be to enter these letters in the puzzle grid. If the letter S is in the box at the bottom of the page underneath the number 2, your first move should be to find all cells numbered 2 in the grid and enter the letter S. Cross the letter S off the list at the bottom of the grid. Remember that at the end you should have a different letter of the alphabet in each of the numbered boxes 1- 26, and a word in English in each of the horizontal and vertical runs on the codeword grid.
43 Cheer ng wildly
45 Pinochle kin
48 Sullen
51 Radio personality who declared himself “King of All Media”
55 Have a nosh
56 Ticked off
57 Crimson Tide coach Nick
59 Apiece