Build a SharePoint Virtual Machine for Training and Development

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Bu uild d a Sh hareePo ointt 20 010 Viirtu ual Maach hinee For Tra ining and Developmeent If you wo ould like to build b your own o SharePo oint 2010 serrver environ nment for traaining and developm ment, but do on’t want to spend the money m for thee software, tthen take heeart:: all of th he necessary y componen nts are availa able as trialw ware or freew ware that yo ou can down nload and theen assemblee into your own o custom environmen nt. This book k shows you u how.

About This Book Building a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine for Training and Development This book is dedicated to the entry-level person interested in quickly gaining an understanding of the essential processes involved with SharePoint planning, installation, administration and maintenance. Published by Stephan Albert Bren August 20, 2012 Copyright Š by Stephan Albert Bren


Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 What this book covers ........................................................................................................................... 1 What you need to use this book ........................................................................................................... 1 How this book is structured ................................................................................................................. 2 Assemble the Software .............................................................................................................................. 3 Build the Virtual Machine......................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Install VMware Player ........................................................................................................................... 5 Start the New Virtual Machine wizard ............................................................................................... 5 Customize the VM ................................................................................................................................. 6 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 .................................................................................... 9 Install Windows Server 2008 R2 .......................................................................................................... 9 Configure the Administrator password ........................................................................................... 10 Install VMware Tools .......................................................................................................................... 11 Configure the Administrator Account .............................................................................................. 12 Configure Server Name ...................................................................................................................... 13 Configure IE Security .......................................................................................................................... 14 Configure Windows Firewall ............................................................................................................. 15 Enable Desktop Experience and Windows PowerShell Features ................................................. 15 Enable Active Directory Domain Services Role ............................................................................... 17 Install the Network Adaptor .............................................................................................................. 18 Install Active Directory Domain Services ......................................................................................... 20 Disable LoopBackCheck...................................................................................................................... 22 Enable Remote Access ......................................................................................................................... 23 Install Service Packs ............................................................................................................................. 24 Perform a Windows Update ............................................................................................................... 24 Install and Configure SQL Server 2008 R2 ........................................................................................... 27 Run the System Configuration Checker ........................................................................................... 27 Configure Service Accounts ............................................................................................................... 29


Configure Collations............................................................................................................................ 30 Configure the Database Engine ......................................................................................................... 32 Configure Reporting Services ............................................................................................................ 33 Begin Installation ................................................................................................................................. 33 Test the installation .............................................................................................................................. 34 Install Service Packs ............................................................................................................................. 35 Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010 ..................................................................................... 37 Install SharePoint 2010 Prerequisites ................................................................................................ 37 Create User Accounts for SharePoint 2010 Administration and Services.................................... 38 Create a SQL Server Login for the SharePoint Administrator....................................................... 41 Delegate Administration of the SharePoint Server ......................................................................... 43 Open Server Manager, and then navigate to the Users node. ....................................................... 43 Install the SharePoint Server 2010 Binaries ...................................................................................... 46 Configure SharePoint Server 2010 ..................................................................................................... 47 Configure the Farm .............................................................................................................................. 48 Post-Installation Tasks............................................................................................................................. 51 Start Additional Services..................................................................................................................... 51 Configure Local DNS........................................................................................................................... 52 Configure Alternate Access Mappings ............................................................................................. 53 Configure Internet Explorer for Automatic Windows Authentication ........................................ 55 Configure Firefox for Automatic Windows NTLM Authentication ............................................. 56 Configure Site Collection Administrators ........................................................................................ 57 Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues ................................................................................................. 59 View Health Analyzer Issues ............................................................................................................. 59 Server farm account should not be used for other services ........................................................... 60 Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value .............. 62 Databases exist on servers running SharePoint Foundation ......................................................... 66 Missing server side dependencies ..................................................................................................... 66 Outbound e-mail has not been configured....................................................................................... 68 Built-in accounts are used as application pool or service identities ............................................. 68 Verify that the Activity Feed Timer Job is enabled ......................................................................... 68


Validate the My Site Host and individual My Sites are on a dedicated Web application and separate URL domain .......................................................................................................................... 69 References ................................................................................................................................................. 71


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Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

INTRODUCTION If you would like to build your own SharePoint 2010 server environment for training and development, but don’t want to spend the money for the software, then take heart: all of the necessary components are available as trialware or freeware that you can download and then assemble into your own custom environment. This eBook shows you how.

What this book covers This eBook provides step-by-step instructions for assembling the needed software, building the VM, and then installing and configuring Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, SQL Server 2008 R2, and SharePoint Server 2010. It will also provide steps for installing the helpful SharePoint Developer utilities and SDK; and a few tips and tricks are tossed in along the way for good measure. Key steps are accompanied by graphical illustrations helping you to be sure that you are on track and experiencing the right response. In fact, with this book, you will become familiar with every step of this process without even having to sit in front of the computer. In this eBook, you will first build the VM environment using the freely available VMware Player Version 5. You’ll then install and configure a trial version of the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. Once that’s done, you’ll move on to installing and configuring a trial version of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise server. Lastly, you’ll install and configure a trial version of SharePoint 2010 Server Enterprise. If you want, you can then install SharePoint Designer 2010, which is freely available by Microsoft, along with developer resources. By working through all of the steps in this eBook, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you built your own Windows 2008 domain and installed a fully functioning instance of the SharePoint 2010 small farm configuration.

What you need to use this book Before you get started, you do need to have essential hardware resources. The author recommends that your machine meet the following minimum requirements for the best build experience: •


Hardware-based VM acceleration

40 GB disk space

DVD Writer


Introduction It will also be helpful to have an Internet connection. Note: you’ll need the DVD writer to install the downloaded trial versions to a DVD installation disk. If your machine meets these minimum requirements, then you’re ready to go.

How this book is structured Chapter 1: Assemble the Software Chapter 2: Build the Virtual Machine Chapter 3: Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 Chapter 4: Install and Configure SQL Server 2008 R2 Chapter 5: Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010 Chapter 6: Post-Installation Tasks Chapter 7: Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

1 ASSEMBLE THE SOFTWARE All of the software components that you’ll need are available either as freeware or trialware. These are the software components that you’ll need to obtain and their Internet download sites (as of this edition): VMware Player Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP2 - Express Edition Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Trial Service Pack 1 for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (KB2460045) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 (KB2687453) Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-bit) Service Pack 1 for Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (KB2460057) 32-bit Edition Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (KB2687463) 32-Bit Edition


Assemble the Software

Download all of the software components noted above, and then burn the required DVDs. Once you have finished these steps, move on to the next chapter. Also, review the Microsoft TechNet article on SharePoint 2010 hardware and software requirements: Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010):


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

2 BUILD THE VIRTUAL MACHINE Introduction In this chapter, you will first install the freely available VMware Player, and then you will create a new virtual machine (VM) using the player. Creating the new VM prepares the way for installing the operating system.

Install VMware Player The downloaded file is less than a 100 MB in size. When installing, be sure that your account has administrator privileges or that you are logged in under the Administrator account at your workstation. When ready, just double-click the file. This will launch the installer. Follow all defaults or otherwise as desired. Installation will complete after only a few minutes. Once installation is completed, move to the next section.

Start the New Virtual Machine wizard



Insert the Windows Server DVD installation disk into your workstations media drive, and then launch VMware Player. The VMware Player welcome panel appears.


Click Create a New Virtual Machine. The Welcome page of the New Virtual Machine Wizard appears.


Select the option, I will install the operating system later, and then click Next. The Select a Guest Operating System page of the wizard appears.

Build the Virtual Machine


VMware Player will likely have already detected the operating system type on the installation DVD currently in the disk drive. If not, select Microsoft Windows as the guest operating system, and then select Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 as the version.


Click Next. The Name the Virtual Machine page of the wizard appears.


Enter a name for your SharePoint 2010 development and training VM, and then navigate to where you want the VM files to be stored.


Click Next. The Specify Disk Capacity page of the wizard appears.


Adjust the setting as desired, and then select the Store virtual disk as a single file option. For the purposes of this demonstration and for most home training and development usage, 40 GB is sufficient.


Click Next. The Ready to Create Virtual Machine page of the wizard appears.

Customize the VM


Click the Customize Hardware button. This opens the Hardware panel.


Clicking C an ittem on the leeft side of th he panel open ns the config guration opttions for thaat ittem on the riight side.



Make M sure that the Memo ory item hass been selectted, and then n adjust the memory to 44GB.


Then T select th he New CD//DVD item and a set the Connection C to t the actual drive letter of your disk k drive. This will w improve performancce and reesponsiveneess.

Do on’t enable th he Device Sttatus setting ffor the adapto or jusst yet, as this would incconvenience installation. Yo ou’ll enable itt later, don’t wo orry.


Then T select th he Network Adaptor iteem.


For the purpo oses of this procedure, p I have selecteed th he Bridged setting s as thee simplest. This T enabless my m VM to be seen on my y network as just anotherr machine m and simplifies reemoting into o the server..


Seelect the Dissplay item.


Enable the Acccelerate 3D D graphics op ption, if this is availablee on your sysstem. Enabling th his will imprrove responssiveness.

Build the Virtual Machine


Click Close. You are returned to the New Virtual Machine wizard.


Click Finish. After a few moments, you’ll be returned to the VMware Welcome page, but now it will have your new VM listed at left.

You have successfully created your a VM using VMware Player.

Summary If you take a peek into the folder where this VM is saved, you’ll see that the hard disk file is only a fraction of the 40GB size that you originally specified. This is because VMware player does not have the ability to create the full size disk. Don’t be worried: this actual physical size of the disk file is transparent to the guest operating system, which for all intents and purposes sees a disk exactly the size that you originally created for the VM. Under the hood, VMware Player continually monitors storage requirements and expands the physical size of the disk file in response to need. It will continue to expand this file until it reaches the maximum 40 GB size you configured, and then no further expansion is performed. Now you’re ready to install and configure Windows Server 2008 R2 and to create your own domain. Continue to the next chapter to get started.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

3 INSTALL AND CONFIGURE WINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2 In this chapter, you will perform all of the steps necessary to fully install and configure a trial version of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 server, and then you will create a new domain. You’ll need the new Windows Server 2008 DVD that you burned previously. Additionally, if you want to update the server, after installing and configuring it, you’ll need to have an Internet connection. Total installation time is about 45 minutes. Good luck!

Install Windows Server 2008 R2 1) To get started with this installation, ensure that your Windows Server installation DVD is in the disk drive 2) Click Play virtual machine on the VMware Player welcome page. The VMware Player view will change, and become dark, just as if you were viewing a DOS window. After a few moments, you will see the Removable Devices prompt appear, listing the devices available to connect to the VM. Ignore this. 3) Click OK. After a few more moments, you will see the familiar Windows is loading files message, followed by the Install Windows prompts. 4) Accept the defaults, and then click Next. 5) Click Install now on the following prompt. The operating system version selection prompt appears. 6) Select Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Full Installation). At this point, you’ll see the VMware Tools installation prompt appear below the VM screen. Ignore this for the time being.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2

7) Click Next. The License Terms prompt appears. 8) Check I accept the license terms. 9) Click Next. The installation type prompt appears. 10) Click on Custom (advanced). The Where do you want to install Windows? prompt appears. 11) Select the VM disk, and then click Next. This will launch the installation. What follows is standard Windows installation. You’ll find that Windows installation proceeds fairly rapidly. Once it completes, and after a restart, you will be presented with the login screen requesting that you create a new password.

Configure the Administrator password 1) For this procedure, we’ll use “P@ssw0rd,” but use whatever password you find suitable. Enter your password into 2) Click the blue arrow or just press ENTER. A password confirmation screen is displayed. 3) Click OK. After a few moments, the Initial Configuration Tasks window is presented. 4) Enter a check into the Do not show this window at login option. 5) Click the Close button. The window closes, and then Server Manager window appears.


Build a SharePoint S 20 010 Virtual Machine M

c th he installatio on of Windo ows Server 20008 R2. In th he next sectiion, you will This completes installl VMware tools

Install VMware V Tools T Installing g VMware to ools will enh hance your user u experien nce using VM Mware Play yer and are w worth installation. It also gets g rid of the annoying yellow y anno ouncement b bar at the bottom of the V VM window.. 1) Click k the Install Tools T button n, on the yelllow VMwarre bar, at botttom. The S Software Upd dates prom mpt appears.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 2) Click Download and Install. The AutoPlay prompt appears. This is due to the fact that VMware Tools is on a virtual disk that was mounted to the VM, after you clicked Download and Install. 3) Click Run setup64.exe. A progress bar appears. On completion of VMware Tools installation, the progress bar closes and the VMware Tools installation wizard appears. 4) Click Next. The Setup Type prompt appears. 5) Select the Typical installation type, and then click Next. 6) At the Ready to Install the Program prompt, click Install. A progress bar will appear for a few moments, and then the final page of the installation wizard appears. 7) Click Finish. You will then be prompted to restart the server. 8) Click Yes. The VM restarts. This completes the installation of VMware Tools.

Configure the Administrator Account 1) In Server Manager, go: Configuration > Local users and Groups > Users. Two accounts will be listed. 2) Right click on the Administrator item. A context menu appears.

3) Select Properties. The Administrator Properties dialog appears. 4) On the General tab, enter a check into the Password never expires option.


Build a SharePoint S 20 010 Virtual Machine M

5) Click k OK. The dialog closes..

Configu ure Serverr Name 1) In Serrver Manageer, look for the t Server Su ummary secction, at righ ht. 2) Click k Change Sysstem properrties. The Sy ystem Properrties dialog aappears. 3) Click k the Changee button, on the Computter Name tab b. The Comp puter Name/ /Domain Chan nge dialog ap ppears. 4) Enterr a suitable name n for thee server; leav ve the workg group at deffault. For thee purposes of this proceedure, the seerver name was w changed d to spServerr01.


Install and Configu ure Window ws Server 20008 R2

k OK. A prom mpt indicating that a com mputer restaart is needed d will appeaar. 5) Click 6) Click k OK to closee this promp pt. You will be b returned to the Systeem Propertiees dialog. 7) Click k OK. The dialog closes,, and a prom mpt appears requesting y you to restarrt the VM. 8) Click k Restart Now w. The VM will shutdo own and then n restart a m minute or two o later.

Configu ure IE Seccurity 1) Intern net Explorerr security can n frequently y be inconven nient, particcularly when n you are meerely work king with a development d t machine. In I this sectio on, you will switch IE seecurity off. 2) Logo on to the VM M. Server Ma anager will appear. a 3) In Serrver Manageer, look for the t Security Information n section. 4) Click k Configure IE ESC. Thee Internet Ex xplorer Enhaanced Securrity Configu uration dialo og appears. oth Administrators and d Users to Offf. 5) Set bo


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 6) Click OK. The dialog closes and you are returned to Server Manager.

Configure Windows Firewall 1) Go to Server Manager. 2) Click Go to Windows Firewall. Server Manager displays the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security page. 3) Click Windows Firewall Properties. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Properties dialog appears. 4) On the Domain, Private, and Public tabs, set the Firewall state property to Off.

5) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to Server Manager.

Enable Desktop Experience and Windows PowerShell Features 1) In Server Manager, scroll down until you see the Features Summary section. 2) Click Add Features. The Add Features Wizard dialog appears.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2

3) In this dialog, look for Desktop Experience. 4) Enter a check for this feature. A prompt appears indicating that an additional component must also be installed. 5) Click Add Required Features. The prompt closes and you are returned to the Add Features wizard. 6) In this wizard, scroll down until you see Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment. 7) Enter a check for this feature. A prompt appears indicating that an additional component must also be installed. 8) Click Add Required Features. The prompt closes and you are returned to the Add Features wizard. 9) Click Next. The Confirmation page of the Add Features wizard is displayed. 10) Click Install. The Progress page of the Add Features wizard is displayed. After a few moments, the Results page of the Add Features wizard is displayed.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 11) Click Close. A prompt appears requesting whether you want to restart the machine. 12) Click Yes. The prompt closes, and the machine restarts. 13) Login to the server. After logging back in, the Results page of the Add Features wizard is again displayed, this time noting feature installation status. 14) Click Close.

Enable Active Directory Domain Services Role 1) In Server Manager, look for the Roles Summary section. 2) Click Add Roles. The Add Roles Wizard dialog appears. 3) Click Next. The Select Server Roles page is displayed. 4) Select Active Directory Domain Services.

5) Click Next. A page is displayed providing an introduction to AD and other information. 6) Click Next again. A confirmation page is displayed.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 7) Click Next. This begins installation of the selected role. A progress bar will appear. After the role installation has completed, the Results page is displayed. 8) Don’t click the link that starts the installation of AD services. If you do, it will eventually tell you that you cannot proceed since no adaptor exists. This is what you’ll install in the next section. 9) Click Close. The Add Roles Wizard closes.

Install the Network Adaptor 1) On the VMware Player toolbar, click Player, point to Manage, and then point to Virtual Machine Settings… Likewise, you can also press CTRL+D.

2) This opens the VMware Machine Settings dialog. 3) Select the Network Adaptor item, on the Hardware tab. Then, on the right panel, under Device status, enable the Connected and Connect at power on settings. Additionally, make sure that the Network connection setting is set to Bridged. 4) Click OK. The Virtual Machine Settings dialog closes. 5) On the Windows Desktop, click the Start button, point to Network, and then click Network. The Network dialog appears.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

6) On the Network dialog, click Network and Sharing Center. The Network and Sharing Center dialog appears. 7) In the View your active networks section, click Local Area Connection. The Local Area Connection Status dialog appears. 8) Click the Properties button. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog appears. 9) Select the listed item, Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog appears.

10) Select the option Use the following IP address, and then enter the IP Address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway appropriate to your network. Now enter the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server appropriate to your network.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 11) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Local Area Connection Status dialog. If everything went smoothly, you’ll note that the IPv4 Connectivity connection status is no Internet. TIP: enable the option, Validate settings upon exit, for a quick check to be performed after clicking OK. 12) Click Close. The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Network and Sharing Center window. 13) Close this window as well.

Install Active Directory Domain Services 1) In Server Manager, in the left object tree, open up the Roles branch, and then select the Active Directory Domain Services item. The Active Directory Domain Services page is displayed. 2) On this page, look for the link, Run the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (dcpromo.exe).

3) Click this link. The first page of the Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard appears 4) Enable the option, Use advanced mode installation, and then click Next. The Operating System Compatibility page of the wizard appears. 5) Click Next again. The Choose a Deployment Configuration page of the wizard appears. 6) Select the option, Create a new domain in a new forest, and then click Next. The Name the Forest Root Domain page of the wizard appears.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 7) Enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For the purposes of this procedure, I used AlsTechTips.Com. Enter a name suitable to your environment.

8) Click Next. A progress bar will appear momentarily. The Domain NetBIOS Name page of the wizard will then appear. 9) Accept the default value, and then click Next. The Set Forest Functional Level page of the wizard appears. 10) In the Forest functional level dropdown box, select Windows Server 2008 R2. 11) Click Next. A progress bar will again appear momentarily. The Additional Domain Controller Options page of the wizard appears. 12) Ensure that the DNS server option is enabled, and then click Next. A prompt will appear presenting a warning.

13) Click Yes. The prompt closes, and the Location for Database, Log Files, and SYSVOL page of the wizard appears. 14) Accept the defaults, and then click Next. The Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password page of the wizard appears. 15) Enter a suitable password. For this procedure, the password entered is P@ssw0rd.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 16) Click Next. The Summary page of the wizard appears. 17) Click Next. A progress prompt will appear. This prompt will remain visible for some time. 18) Enable the option, Reboot on completion. You will need to reboot anyway, after the domain is built, so you might as well as automate this step. Don’t click the Cancel button, but just let the process complete. This will take several minutes. 19) On completion, the VM will reboot. After rebooting, log back in and continue to the next section. 20) On completion, the VM will reboot. After rebooting, log back in and continue to the next section.

Disable LoopBackCheck 1) On the Windows Destop, click Start, and then click Run. The Run dialog appears. 2) In this dialog, enter regedit, and then click OK. The Registry Editor dialog appears. 3) Navigate to the following key: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa and then select the Lsa node. 4) Right-click this node, point to New, and then point to DWORD (32-bit) Value.

5) Click DWORD (32-bit) Value. A new item will appear in the right pane. 6) Into this new item, enter DisableLoopbackCheck.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

7) Press ENTER. 8) Right-click on this new item you created, and then select Modify‌ The Edit DWORD (32bit) Value dialog appears. 9) Change the Value data from 0 to 1.

10) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to Registry Editor. 11) Take a look at the new registry value you created. It should look like that below:

12) Close Registry Editor.

Enable Remote Access 1) Go to Server Manager. 2) In Server Manager, in the Server Summary section, click the link, Configure Remote Desktop. The System Properties dialog appears.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 3) Select the option, Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (from secure).

4) Click OK. A prompt appears informing you that a Remote Desktop Firewall exception will be enabled. 5) Click OK. The prompt closes, and then you are returned to the System Properties dialog. 6) Click OK again. The System Properties dialog closes.

Install Service Packs a)

Install Service Pack 1.

Perform a Windows Update 1) On the Windows Desktop, click Start, and then click Windows Update. The Windows Update dialog appears. 2) Click the link, Let me choose my settings. The Choose how Windows can install updates dialog appears. 3) On this dialog:


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine •

From the Important updates dropdown box, select Never check for updates (not recommended).

Enable the option, Give me recommend updates the same way I receive important updates;

Enable the option, Allow all users to install updates on this computer.

4) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Windows Update dialog. 5) On this dialog, click the link, Check for updates. Follow the prompts, and choose to install all recommended updates. This will take some time to complete and will likely include a reboot. At the end of this process, your VM operating system will be fully updated, and ready for installation of SQL Server, which you will do in the next chapter.


Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 R2


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

4 INSTALL AND CONFIGURE SQL SERVER 2008 R2 In this chapter, you will install and configure a trial instance of Microsoft SQL Server R2 Enterprise. You’ll need to have the new SQL Server 2008 DVD that you burned previously. Installing SQL Server is fairly straightforward and won’t require various complex steps as you had to perform for the Windows Server 2008 installation. Total installation time is about 30 minutes.

Run the System Configuration Checker 1) Insert the SQL Server DVD into the disk drive. 2) In Windows Explorer, navigate to the disk. The disk drive icon will have been replaced by that of the SQL Server 2008 DVD installation application. 3) Double-click on this icon. The SQL Server Installation Center dialog appears. 4) Click on the link, System Configuration Checker. This launches the Configuration Checker. You’ll see the dialog appear and a progress bar. 5) Once it completes, click on the Show details button to see the different rules that it checked.


Install and Configure SQL Server 2008 R2

6) Click OK. The Configuration Checker dialog closes, and you are returned to the SQL Server Installation Center dialog. 7) Select SQL Server Features to be Installed. 8) On this dialog, on the left, click Installation. The right panel changes to display the options available for this selection. 9) Click the link, New installation or add features to an existing installation. A core set of the configuration rules are checked again, and you can then see the results. 10) Click OK. The Configuration Checker panel closes, and the first page of the SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup wizard appears. 11) Click Next. The License Terms page appears. 12) Enable the option, I accept the license terms, and then click Next. The Setup Support Files page appears. 13) Click Install. This begins installation of setup support files needed for SQL Server installation. After this completes, the Rules Checker is run again, and the results are displayed. Ignore the warning regarding the domain controller.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 14) Click Next. 15) Select the option, SQL Server Feature Installation, and then click Next. The Feature Selection page appears. 16) On this page, make the selection as follows:

17) Leave the directory settings as default, and then click Next. This causes the Installation Rules to be checked. Once it completes, you can see the results displayed. 18) Click Next. The Instance Configuration page appears. 19) Leave the defaults, and then click Next. The Disk Space Requirements page appears. 20) Click Next again. The Server Configuration page appears.

Configure Service Accounts 1) This page of the wizard enables you to configure the service accounts.


Install and Configure SQL Server 2008 R2

2) Click the button, Use the same account for all SQL Server services. A small dialog will appear, enabling you to select an account to use. 3) From the Account Name dropdown list, select NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, as shown below. No need to enter a password.

4) Click OK. The dialog closes.

Configure Collations 1) Back on the Server Configuration page, select the Collation tab.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 2) On this tab, click the Customize button next to Database Engine, and then enable the options as shown below:

3) Click OK, and then click the Customize button next to Analysis Services. Enable the options as shown below:


In nstall and C Configure SQ QL Server 20008 R2 k OK. On thee Server Con nfiguration page p are listeed the collattion options selected 4) Click previiously. 5) Veriffy that these are correct. 6) Click k Next. The Database D Engine Configu uration pagee appears.

Configu ure the Da atabase En ngine 1) On th he Account Provisioning P g tab, click th he Add Currrent User bu utton. This w will add you ur admiinistrator acccount.

2) Now select the FIILESTREAM M tab. On th his tab, enab ble the option ns as follow ws: C the option, Enablee FILESTREA AM for Tran nsact-SQL aaccess. a) Check b) Check C the option, Enable e FILESTRE EAM for file I/O streamiing access. c) Leave L all otheer settings att their defau ult values.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 3) Click Next. The Analysis Services Configuration page appears. 4) Click the button, Add Current User. Your current account, the Administrator account, appears on the Account Provisioning tab list.

5) Leave the Data Directories settings as default, and then click Next. The Reporting Services Configuration page appears.

Configure Reporting Services 1) On the Reporting Services Configuration page, select the option, Install, but do not configure the report server. 2) Click Next. The Error Reporting page appears. 3) Click Next again. A progress bar will appear momentarily, as installation configuration rules are applied and tested. On completion, you’ll see the results – click the Show Details button to review them. 4) Click Next. The Ready to Install page appears, summarizing the selected configuration.

Begin Installation 1) Click Install. This launches the installation, which will take approximately half an hour. On completion, the Complete page will appear, summarizing the results of the installation.


In nstall and C Configure SQ QL Server 20008 R2

k Close. 2) Click

Test the e installatiion After thee installation n of SQL Serv ver and VM reboot, test the installattion by tryin ng to login an nd view the database ob bjects. You will w use the SQL S Server M Managemen nt Studio to do this. 1) On th he Windowss Desktop, cllick Start, cliick Program ms, point to M Microsoft SQ QL Server 20008 R2, and then poin nt to SQL Se erver Manag gement Stud dio.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

2) Click on this menu item. The Connect to Server prompt appears. 3) In the Server name box, enter the name of the server that you entered previously. For this procedure, the server name was spServer01. 4) Click Connect. The main interface of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio will appear.

Install Service Packs •

Install service packs 1 and 2.

This completes the installation and configuration of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.


Install and Configure SQL Server 2008 R2


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

5 INSTALL AND CONFIGURE SHAREPOINT SERVER 2010 You’ve done it! You’ve got all the preparatory pieces in place, and now you are ready to install the main software component: SharePoint Server 2010 itself. This will be the most complex part of the build process and will involve many steps and interactions with the other software components. Just work through each step slowly and carefully, and you’ll do fine. To get through this chapter as easily as possible, it’s best to have an Internet connection, as this will allow prerequisite software items to be automatically downloaded and installed without manual intervention. There are a variety of prerequisites that must be installed prior to installing SharePoint 2010. Fortunately, if you have an Internet connection to your VM, these prerequisites can be installed automatically without much attention by you. This procedure assumes that you do in fact have an Internet connection. However, if you don’t, not to worry: there are plenty of procedures available that show you how. See reference 2) for additional information on this topic. For this procedure, you will employ the SharePoint Server 2010 Prerequisite Installer.

Install SharePoint 2010 Prerequisites 1) Copy the downloaded SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise file that you obtained at the beginning of Chapter 2. All you have to do is drag and drop it onto the VM. The file is about 560MB in size. 2) Once copied over, double-click the executable. After a few moments, the SharePoint Server 2010 launch menu appears. 3) Click the link, Install the software prerequisites. The Preparation Tool page appears. 4) Click Next. The License Terms for software products page appears. 37

Instaall and Confiigure ShareP Point Serverr 2010 ble the option n, I accept th he terms of th he License A Agreement(ss), and then click Next. T The 5) Enab prereequisite insta allation proccess is launch hed, and a p progress bar will appear. This will w take abo out 5 minutees. When it completes, tthe Installattion Compleete page app pears.

6) Click k Finish. Thee Preparatio on Tool wiza ard closes, an nd you are rreturned to tthe SharePoiint Serveer 2010 launcch menu. Th his completees the installlation of preerequisites. M Move on to tthe next section s to crreate the neeeded service accounts.

Create User U Acco ounts for SharePoint S t 2010 Adm ministratio on and Serrvices In a prod duction envirronment, yo ou’ll definiteely want to p partition serv vices so thatt they are run n by their ded dicated accou unts. Doing g so greatly simplifies s ressource plann ning and tro oubleshootin ng, since log gs will clearly y identify th he account asssociated wiith the issue and thus yo ou can trace it to the servicce causing th he error. Ho owever, in a developmen nt and train ning environm ment, this iss not a issue. Still, S it’s usefful to get sta arted right aw way creating g and assign ning accountts if you are going to start trainin ng up on Sha arePoint. The follo owing are thee commonly y recommend ded short lisst of basic seervice accoun nts. All of th hese must be domain d acco ounts:


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine sp_admin: used to perform the actual installation of the SharePoint binaries. Domain account having local administrator privileges on the Windows server and the dbcreator and securityadmin roles on the SQL Server. sp_farm: used to run farm services and is the service account for the web application servicing the Central Administration site, used to manage the entire farm. Domain account that needs to have local administrator privileges on the Windows server during provisioning, but thereafter just normal user rights. sp_webapp: an application pool ID used to run a web application. sp_serviceapps: used to run various service applications. For this environment, it will be used to run all incidental services. But in a production environment, you’ll want to partition these further. sp_search: used to run the Server Search service. sp_content: used to run the site crawler to index content. sp_superuser: cache account sp_superreader: another cache account Don’t worry about trying to remember everything. You’ll be shown how to configure them. 1) Go to Server Manager. 2) In the left tree pane, open the tree as: Server Manager > Roles > Active Directory Domain Services > Active Directory Users and Computers > > Users.

3) Right-click on Users, point to New, and then point to User.


Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010

4) Click Users. The New Object – User dialog appears. Enter the fields as shown:

5) Click Next. Enter password P@ssw0rd. Disable any of the options that might be checked. 6) Click Next. 7) Click Next again. The dialog closes, and you are returned to Server Manager, now listing your newly created account. Congratulations! You’ve created your first domain account.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 8) Repeat this process for each of the other accounts list above. Once you’re done, add a description to them. To do this, just double-click on the name of one of the accounts. The Properties dialog for that account will appear. For example, by double-clicking on the SharePoint Administration account, the SharePoint Administration Properties dialog appears. 9) In the Description field of this dialog, enter SharePoint Service Account. Do this for all of the other accounts you created. Once you’re completed, you might see something like the following:

Create a SQL Server Login for the SharePoint Administrator 1) Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and then login. 2) In the Object Explorer, at left, open the Security node, then the Logins node. 3) Right-click on Logins, and then select New Login. 4) On the Login – New dialog, at right, click the Search button. The Select User or Group dialog appears. 5) Enter sp_admin.


Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010

6) At right, click the Check Names button. The account name you entered is verified. 7) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Login – New dialog. 8) At left, in the Select a page, pane, select Server Roles. 9) Then, at right in the Server roles pane, enable dbcreator and securityadmin.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 10) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Management Studio window, now listing a new login under the Logins node. Note that the domain administrator account is also listed here.

11) Close SQL Server Management Studio.

Delegate Administration of the SharePoint Server As noted previously, one of the accounts, sp_admin, must be added to the local Windows server administrators group. You will also add this account to the DNS Administrators group in the domain, so that SharePoint Administration can create DNS records for web applications in the SharePoint farm.

Open Server Manager, and then navigate to the Users node. 1) Double-click on the account, SharePoint Administration. The SharePoint Administration Properties dialog appears. 2) Select the Member Of tab.


Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010

3) Click the Add button. The Select Groups dialog appears. 4) Click the Advanced button. 5) Click the button, Find Now. The Search results pane is populated with a list of all accounts and account types. 6) On this list, first select Administrators and then, holding down the CTRL key, also select DnsAdmins.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

7) Click OK. This adds both roles at the same time to the Select Groups dialog.

8) Click OK, again. The dialog closes, and you are returned to the SharePoint Administration Properties dialog, now also listing the two new roles that you just now added.


Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010

9) Click OK. The dialog closes, and you are returned to Server Manager. Restart spServer01. You’ll need to do this before you can install the SharePoint 2010 binaries.

Install the SharePoint Server 2010 Binaries 1) Log in as sp_admin. You will be performing the installation as this identity. 2) Navigate to where the SharePoint 2010 executable is, and then double-click it. The launch menu will appear. 3) On the launch menu, click the link, Install SharePoint Server. The Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Trial dialog appears requesting a product key. 4) Enter the product trial key, VK7BD-VBKWR-6FHD9-Q3HM9-6PKMX (see reference 5).


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 5) Click the button, Continue. The Software License Terms dialog appears. 6) Enable the option, I accept the terms of this agreement. 7) Click the Continue button. The Choose a file location page appears. 8) Accept the defaults, then click the button, Install Now. This launches the installation of the binaries. A progress bar will appear. Installation time is about 5 minutes. 9) After completion of installation, you’ll be prompted to run the Configuration Wizard.

Configure SharePoint Server 2010 1) Make sure that the option, Run the SharePoint Product Configuration Wizard now option is enabled, and then click Close. The dialog will close, and then the first page of the wizard will appear. 2) Click Next. A prompt appears. 3) Click Yes. The prompt closes, and the next page of the wizard is displayed, Connect to a server farm. 4) Select the option, Create a new server farm. 5) Click Next. The Specify Configuration Database Settings page appears. 6) Enter the following (or use your own domain name and password that you created earlier): a) Database Server: spServer01. b) Database name: SharePoint_Config c) Username: alstechtips\sp_farm d) Password: P@ssw0rd 7) Click Next. The Specify Farm Security Settings page appears. 8) I entered the passphrase I Love SharePoint 2010, or enter your own passphrase. 9) Click Next. The Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page appears.


Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010 You can go with the default port option, or specify your own. If you do specify your own, be sure to select something above 2000 just to be safe. I chose 4400. Leave the NTLM option selected. 10) Click Next. The Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard appears. 11) Review of the options, and make sure they’re what you want.

12) Click Next. This begins the configuration process. A progress bar will appear. This will last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. 13) Once the configuration has completed, the Configuration Successful page will appear. 14) Don’t click the Finish button just yet. You’ll do that in the next section.

Configure the Farm 1) Click Finish. The last page of the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard closes, and an instance of your default browser is launched and navigated to the Central Administration website.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine The Help Make SharePoint Better page appears. 2) Select the option No, I don’t wish to participate, and then click OK. Your browser is then navigated to the next page, which starts the farm configuration wizard. 3) Click Start the Wizard. Your browser is then navigated to the next page. 4) On this page, set the options as follows: a) Select the option, Create new managed account b) Enter AlsTechTips\sp_serviceapps c) Enter the password, P@ssw0rd d) Leave all the Services options selected as default.

5) Click Next. You will be asked whether you want to create a new site collection. 6) Let’s create a new site collection, and configure it as follows: 7) Entered AlsTechTips, for the name of the new site


Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2010 8) Leave the URL field default 9) Leave the Select a template at the default selection of Team Site. 10) Click OK. A busy page will be shown, while the farm configuration options you selected are implemented, and a new site collection is created. Once all of this completes, you will see the completion page of the wizard. 11) Click Close. The browser is then navigated to the home page of the farm’s Central Administration site collection. 12) Leave this browser tab open to Central Administration, and then open a new tab. 13) Point this new tab to http://spServer01. This is the intranet address of your new site collection. It will take a while for the website to be compiled and built. Once this process completes, you will see the home page of the new site you created earlier.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine


Start Additional Services There are a couple of services that are not automatically turned on by the Configuration Wizard but are useful to the running of the farm. These include: Claims to Windows Token Service Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service When you connect to the main central administration site, you may see a red bar appearing at the top of the home page of Central Administration. Ignore these for the present. You’ll be resolving these later. 1) On the Central Administration home page, in the System Settings group of links, click the link, Manage services on server. The Services on Server: spServer01 page appears. 2) On this page, in the Service listing, look for Claims to Windows Token Service. In the Status column, you’ll see that it states Stopped. Next to that, in the Action column, you’ll see a link Start. 3) Click Start. A busy page will appear momentarily, and then the Services on Server: spServer01 page reappears, this time the Status of the service will be Started.


Post-Installation Tasks 4)

Now look for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service, and then start it as well. A busy page will again appear momentarily, and then the Services on Server: spServer01 page reappears.

Configure Local DNS Now let’s configure DNS settings on your server to enable you to use fully qualified domain names to access the new site collection. In a production environment, DNS settings would be handled on the DNS server. However, for the development environment, this can easily be handled using the LMHOST file, which maps IP addresses to domain names. While it’s called the LMHOST file, the actual name of the physical file is just HOSTS (no file ending). 1) Navigate to the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\.

2) Open the HOSTS file using NOTEPAD. 3) Delete the entire contents of this file, and then edit the file such that you see the following contents displayed:

4) Close the file.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 5) Now let’s verify that domain names are being correctly mapped. Open a command prompt, and then enter the command: 6) Ping 7) Press ENTER. You should see the responses shown below.

Configure Alternate Access Mappings 1) Now that you have manual DNS set up, it’s time to configure alternate access mappings to your SharePoint server. These enable your SharePoint server to recognize the FQDN of the website. 2) On the Central Administration page, click Application Management; and then on the Application Management page, under the Web Applications section, you’ll see the link, Configure alternate access mappings.

3) Click this link. The Alternate Access Mappings page appears.


Post-Installation Tasks 4) Note the drop down box entitled, Alternate Access Mapping Collection. Currently this displays Show All.

5) Click it, and then select the only option that appears: Select Alternate Access Mapping Collection. A new page appears. 6) On this page, click the entry, SharePoint – 80. The new page will close, and then you are returned to the Alternate Access Mappings page. However, now, this page only displays one item – the one you selected. 7) Click Edit Public URLs. Your browser displays the Edit Public Zone URLs page. 8) Enter the URLs as shown in the next figure:


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine Note that the entries for Intranet, Internet, and Extranet correspond exactly to what you entered into the HOSTS file edited earlier. 9) Click Save. Your browser is navigated back to the Alternate Access Mappings page.

Configure Internet Explorer for Automatic Windows Authentication 1) On IE, select Tools, and then select Internet Options. 2) On the General tab, in the Home page section, enter the following as the new home page address: 3) Click Apply. 4) Select the Security tab. Select the zone called Local intranet. 5) Click the Sites button. The Local intranet dialog appears. 6) On this dialog, click the Advanced button. Another dialog with the same name as the previous one appears. 7) Enter the following URL into the textbox labeled, Add this website to the zone: http://* 8) Now click the Add button. You should see something like that shown in the next figure:


Post-IInstallation T Tasks

k Close, then n OK, and th hen OK again n. 9) Click 10) Closee all open insstances of In nternet Explo orer. Then o open a new iinstance. Yo ou should seee it open to the homee page of thee new website without y you having tto login. n to repeeat this for ea ach user you u configure o on this VM. For examplle, Note that you’ll need when n you next lo ogin as the domain d administrator, yo ou’ll likely w want to conffigure IE to aavoid havin ng to login every time yo ou connect to t the site.

Configu ure Firefox x for Auto omatic Win ndows NT TLM Auth hentication n 1) Laun nch Firefox. 2) In thee address ba ar, enter about:config, an nd then presss ENTER. 3) Click k the button, I’ll be carefful, I promisse! 4) In thee Search (filtter box) enteer NTLM. This T will filteer the list to jjust a few lisst items. 5) Select the entry, network.aut n tomatic-ntlm m-auth.trustted-uris. 6) Doub ble-click thiss entry. The Enter a strin ng value pro ompt appearrs. 7) Enterr http://intra 8) Click k OK.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

9) Close Firefox 10) Launch Firefox and connect to the website.

Configure Site Collection Administrators Currently, you are logged in as the sp_admin account. Remember that this was only to be used for installation and configuration and not for routine use. When you completed SharePoint Server 2010 configuration and chose the option to create a new website, it created it for you using the current identity at that time, or sp_admin. Thus, sp_admin is the only configured user for this site and is the current collection administrator. You can’t keep using the sp_admin account, so, you’ll need to add your regular account to the list of users before you log out of spServer01. 1) Open Central Administration. 2) Click Application Management, and then, in the Site Collections group, click Change site collection administrators. Note that in the Site Collection drop down box, http://spserver01 is already selected. If not, select it. 3) Leave the current sp_admin account (noted as SharePoint Administration) as the primary collection. 4) Enter Administrator for the Secondary site collection administrator.


Post-Installation Tasks 5) Click the arrow icon next to it. You should see something like that below:

6) Click OK. You’re done. This completes Post-Installation round up. Your SharePoint Server farm is up and running and ready to use for testing and development.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine

7 RESOLVE INITIAL HEALTH ANALYZER ISSUES After your new SharePoint Server has run for a while, the Health analyzer job will kick in and return a few issues. You’ll be alerted to these by the red bar appearing on the Central Administration home page. Don’t worry: these are normal and expected and will be resolved in this section. Note: some of these issues can be safely ignored and others may not apply to your specific installation. Let’s get started.

View Health Analyzer Issues 1) Open Central Administration. Note the red bar, indicating that Health Analyzer has discovered critical issues.


Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues 2) On the red bar, locate the link, View these issues, and then click this link. You are navigated to the Review problems and solutions page. You will likely see the following issues: •

The server farm account should not be used for other services.

The Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value.

Databases exist on servers running SharePoint Foundation.

Missing server side dependencies.

Outbound e-mail has not been configured.

Built-in accounts are used as application pool or service identities.

Verify that the Activity Feed Timer Job is enabled.

Validate the My Site Host and individual My Sites are on a dedicated Web application and separate URL domain.

Drives are at risk of running out of free space.

Let’s work through these one by one.

Server farm account should not be used for other services 1) Click on the link to this issue. A popup dialog will appear. Look in the Explanation section.

Note the two services that it is calling attention to: •


Web Analytics Data Processing Service

2) Close this dialog.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 3) In Central Administration, go to Security, and then click Configure service accounts. The Service Accounts page appears.

If you click on the Select one‌ drop down list box, you will see this:

4) Select Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service. Note the service account that is currently running under:

5) Change this to the sp_ServiceApps service account:


Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues

6) Repeat this for the Web Analytics Data Processing Service, changing its service account also to sp_ServiceApps. 7) Click OK. The Service Accounts page closes, and you are returned to the Security page. 8) Navigate back to the Central Administration home page, and then click the View these issues link. 9) Click the server farm account should not be used for other services link. The popup dialog will appear again. 10) On this dialog, click the Reanalyze Now button.

11) Click Close. It will take awhile for the Health Analyzer to reapply its rules and check on this issue. After a minute or two, refresh the Review problems and solutions page, and this issue will now have gone away. Note that the elimination of this one issue will have changed the red bar to yellow.

Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value 1) In Central Administration, on the Home page, in the Application Management section, click Manage service applications.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 2) On the Service Applications page, click the Secure Store Service service application.

3) A message will appear indicating that you need to generate a new key:

4) Click the Generate New Key button in the ribbon. 5) The Generate New Key dialog will appear:

6) Enter the phrase I Love SharePoint 2010. After a few moments, a new message will be displayed. 7) In the ribbon, click the New button. 8) The Create New Secure Store Target Application page appears. Enter the parameters as shown, in the next figure. Note down the Target Application ID that you enter. You’ll need this later.


Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues

9) Click Next. 10) Leave the settings at their default, and then click Next. 11) Enter the domain administrator account for both settings, as shown:

12) From Central Administration, click Application Management. 13) In the Service Applications section, click Manage service applications. 14) Scroll down to the bottom until you can see the Visio Graphics Service listing. 15) Click this link. The Manage the Visio Graphics Service page appears.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 16) On this page, click the Global Settings link. The Visio Graphics Service Settings page appears. 17) Scroll down this page to the bottom, to the External Data section. 18) Enter the Target Application ID you noted down earlier.

19) Click OK. 20) Return to the Health Analyzer All Reports page, and then click the link, Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value. A dialog will appear.

21) On this dialog, click the Reanalyze Now button on the ribbon.


Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues 22) Scroll down and then click the Close button, to return to the All Reports page. 23) Refresh the page: the issue no longer appears.

Databases exist on servers running SharePoint Foundation This is not a significant issue, given that you are only creating a development and training instance and not a production instance of SharePoint 2010. Therefore, to resolve this issue, you’ll need to disable the rule. 1) On the Central Administration page, click Monitoring. 2) In the Health Analyzer section, click Review rule definitions. The All Rules page appears. 3) Scroll down to the Category: Performance section, and then look for the Databases exist on servers running SharePoint Foundation item. 4) Click this item. 5) In the ribbon, click the Edit Item button. 6) Look for the Enabled section. Uncheck this. 7) Scroll down to the bottom and click Save. 8) Open a command prompt window as administrator (right-click on the CMD shortcut and choose Run as Administrator). 9) Enter iisreset /noforce. 10) Return to the Health Analyzer All Reports page. 11) Click the issue, Databases exist on servers running SharePoint Foundation. 12) Click the Reanalyze Now button. 13) Close the dialog. 14) Refresh the Health Analyzer All Reports page: the issue no longer appears.

Missing server side dependencies This is not a significant issue and is actually due to a bug. The fix, however, is simple.


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 1) First, in Health Analyzer All Reports, click the link to the issue to view its description.

2) Close the dialog. 3) In Central Administration, click General Application Settings. 4) On the General Application Settings page, in the Search section, click Farm Search Administration. The Farm Search Administration page appears. 5) On this page, in the Search Service Applications listing, click Search Service Application. The Search Administration page appears. 6) Return to the Health Analyzer All Reports page. 7) Click the link to the issue to open it. 8) Click the Reanalyze Now button. 9) Close the dialog. 10) Open a command prompt as Administrator. 11) Enter IISRESET /NOFORCE.


Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues 12) Refresh the Health Analyzer All Reports page. The issue has gone away.

Outbound e-mail has not been configured This is not a serious issue and can either be ignored or the underlying rule generating this issue can be disabled. The next few steps disable this rule. 1) On Central Administration, click Monitoring. 2) In the Health Analyzer section, click Review Rule definitions. 3) Scroll down to the Configuration listing, and then click Outbound e-mail has not been configured. 4) Click the Edit button. 5) Uncheck Enabled. 6) Click the Save button. 7) Open a command prompt window as administrator (right-click on the CMD shortcut and choose Run as Administrator). 8) Enter iisreset /noforce. 9) Return to the Health Analyzer All Reports page. 10) Delete this entry. It won’t reappear.

Built-in accounts are used as application pool or service identities tbd

Verify that the Activity Feed Timer Job is enabled 1) On Health Analyzer All Reports page, click the link to open this issue. Note what the remedy is: enable the Activity Feed Timer Job. 2) Close this dialog. 3) On Central Administration, click Monitoring. 4) On the Monitoring page, in the Timer Jobs section, click Review job definitions. 68

Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine 5) Scroll down until you see User Profile Service Application – Activity Feed Job.

6) Click this link. The Edit Timer Job page appears. 7) Accept all defaults, scroll down to the bottom, and then click the Enable button. 8) Return to the Health Analyzer All Reports page. 9) Re-open the issue dialog. 10) Click the Reanalyze Now button, and then click the Close button. 11) Refresh the Health Analyzer All Reports page. The issue no longer appears.

Validate the My Site Host and individual My Sites are on a dedicated Web application and separate URL domain When you used the Farm Configuration Wizard, it automatically created the My Site host on the same web application as the root site collection. This is not an issue for a development site, and so this rule can be ignored and disabled. Follow the same process as used previously for disabling a rule. 1) Once the rule has been disabled, return to the Health Analyzer All Reports page, and then delete the entry for this issue. 2) Run the IISRESET /NOFORCE command again. The issue won’t reappear.


Resolve Initial Health Analyzer Issues


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine


Microsoft TechNet SharePoint 2010: Deployment for SharePoint Server 2010

Todd Klindt's SharePoint Admin Blog: Service Account Suggestions for SharePoint 2010

Microsoft Support: KB2460045: Description of SharePoint Server 2010 SP1

Microsoft Support: KB976127: An update is available that provides additional features and improvements for ADO.NET Data Services in the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Trial

SharePoint Adam: Reset the Farm Passphrase in SharePoint 2010

MSDN Blogs - Rares Marinescu: Easy farm passphrase recovery

Microsoft TechNet – SharePoint 2010: Initial deployment administrative and service accounts (SharePoint Server 2010)


SharePoint Health Analyzer rules reference (SharePoint Foundation 2010)

Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or value is invalid value

Initial deployment administrative and service accounts (SharePoint Foundation 2010)

Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or value is invalid value

The Unattended Service Account Application ID is not specified or has an invalid value.

Web Part Error on a clean SP2010 install in Document Center


Build a SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine Notes


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