Does your website offer a good mobile experience? Else you will lose all your mobile traffic in about a month.
The following slides will help you realize why it is important for your site to rank in mobile search.
Here is a glimpse of US mobile search market share
Otherwise your site will be banished.
Overall desktop ad spending dropped in 2014 while mobile grew by 83.0%
Smartphone users are more likely to visit the local store within a day of performing a local search using their device.
We will offer you a complete mobile readiness plan We will design a responsive layout for your website keeping conversion in mind On responsive website, content will be displayed differently—and in an optimal layout—depending on the screen/window size We will optimize your site to boost its mobile search ranking & conversion
Make your site mobile ready today and cherish the uninterrupted flow of mobile visitors to your site.
Contact now for Responsive Website Website: Phone: +1 707-3945-707 Email: