Stein Brunvand's Abbreviated CV

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Stein E. Brunvand The University of Michigan-Dearborn School of Education 19000 Hubbard, FCS D-7 Dearborn, MI 48126-2638

Curriculum Vitae e-mail: phone: 313-583-6415 fax: 313-593-9961

CURRENT POSITION Assistant Professor, Educational Technology. University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI.

EDUCATION Ph.D., 2005, University of Michigan Learning Technologies. Advisor: Barry Fishman Dissertation Title: Investigating the Impact of the Presentation of Scaffolds on Preservice Teacher Noticing and Learning from Video M.A., 2004, University of Michigan Learning Technologies. Advisor: Barry Fishman Michigan Elementary Certification, 1995, Michigan State University Social Studies Major. B.S., 1992, Michigan State University Telecommunications. Advisor: Lisa Whiting

SCHOLARLY WORKS Brunvand, S. (2007). Designing an Authentic Learning Opportunity with iMovie. MACUL Journal, Fall 2007, 28 (1): p. 31-33. Brunvand, S., Fishman, B. J. (2006). Investigating the Impact of the Availability of Scaffolds on Preservice Teacher Noticing and Learning from Video. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 2006. 35 (2): p. 151-174. Kubitskey, B., Fishman, B., Margerum-Leys, J., Fogleman, J., Brunvand, S., & Marx, R. W. (2006). Professional development and teacher learning: Using concept maps in inquiry classrooms. In M. McMahon, P. Simmons, R. Sommers, D. DeBaets & F. Crawley (Eds.), Assessment in Science: Practical Experiences and Education Research. Brunvand, S., Fishman, B. J., Marx, R. (2005). Moving professional development on-line: Meeting the needs and expectations of all teachers. In J. Rainer & E. Guyton (Eds.), Teacher Education Yearbook XIII. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Brunvand, S., Fishman, B. (2005, March). Assessing teacher beliefs, attitudes and expectations towards online professional development. Published in the proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2171-2176). Norfolk, VA: AACE. Brunvand, S., Fishman, B., Marx, R., & Maybaum, J. (2002). Teacher expectations of online professional development. In P. Bell, R. Stevens & T. Satwicz (Eds.), Published in the proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 516-517). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Recent Conference and Other Presentations Brunvand, S. (2009, March) Math Boot Camp Wiki: Extending the Learning Past June. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Charleston, SC. Brunvand, S. (2008, October) Exploring Reading & Writing Tools for the Digital Native. Presentation at the Innovative Learning Conference, San Jose, CA.

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Brunvand, S., Rizzo, P. (2008, September), Creating Educational Social Networks. Presentation at the Center for Teaching & Technology Annual Technology Conference, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. Brunvand, S. (2008, March), Broadcasting Budding Authors: Making First Graders’ Writing Accessible Through Podcasts and Digital Video. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Las Vegas, NV. Duran, M., Brunvand, S. (2008, March), Preparing Science Teachers to Teach with Technology: Exploring Collaborative Approaches. SITE 2008 Outstanding Paper Award Recipient. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Las Vegas, NV. Brunvand, S. (2008, January), The Digital Natives are Restless. Invited presentation for the Michigan Education Policy Fellowship Program, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. Brunvand, S. (2007, September), Making the Internet Work for You With Web 2.0 Tools. Presentation at the Center for Teaching & Technology Annual Technology Conference, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.

SELECTED TEACHING EDT210 "Technology in the Elementary Classroom" Required course for elementary certification designed to help preservice teachers become competent in the use and integration of technology in the classroom environment.

EDT211/511 "Technology in the Secondary Classroom" Required course for secondary certification designed to help preservice teachers become competent in the use and integration of technology in the classroom environment.

EDT502 "Survey of Programming, Authoring & Basic Tools" Graduate course that introduces students to a wide range of tools for creating blogs, podcasts, digital videos, Wikis, websites and more.

EDT510 "Teaching with Technology" Graduate course that provides teachers with a chance to design and implement technology-enhanced lesson plans within their classrooms.

SELECTED SERVICE 2008-Present: 2008-Present: 2006-Present: 2006-Present: 2004-Present:

Vice-President, Consortium for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching with Technology (COATT) Coordinator/Instructor, Afterschool enrichment program at MacArthur k-8 University Academy Steering Committee Member for Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning SIG: Teacher Education Proposal Reviewer for National Association for Research in Science Teaching Proposal Reviewer for Society for Informational Technology and Teacher Education

SELECTED COMMITTEE WORK 2007-Present: 2007-Present: 2005-Present: 2005-Present:

Chairperson, Curriculum Committee, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI. ePortfolio Implementation Committee, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI. K-16 Collaborations Committee, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI. Technology Recommendations and Review, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI.

SELECTED ORGANIZATION AFFILIATIONS 2006-present: 2002-present: 2002-present: 2002-present:

Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS)

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