Trojan prince Paris is at a diplomatic party in sparta.
Paris, this is my beautiful wife Helen.
Prince Paris from Troy.
Escape with me, Helen. Come to Troy!
It’s a pleasure to meet you, queen of Sparta.
This offense is an act of war!
Yes, my love! I can’t live without you! The pleasure is mine, prince Paris.
The Greeks send a fleet of a thousand ships to Troy. Greeks and Trojans fight for years.
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Gods get involved in the war. Apollo helps the Trojans to win a battle.
Then Pallas Athena helps the Greeks to win the next one.
Paris, I dare you to a duel! If I win, I’ll have Helen back and the throne of Troy!
Menelaus, if I win, your army will leave and I’ll have the throne of Sparta!
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Suddenly, the brother of Menelaus interferes.
In a duel of swords, a spear is not honorable.
Paris used a spear! Greeks, kill the coward Trojan!
Hector comes to help his brother Paris.
Trojans, help your prince!
The Greek demigod Achilles intercepts Hector.
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Surprised? Nothing can kill me. Impossible!
Paris shoots Achilles’s heart...
...but Apollo guides the arrow. How did you know my only weakness?
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I have a plan to conquer Troy.
Look, the Greeks left!
And they left a tribute!
Put the trophy inside the city.
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Helen, follow them and escape.
Helen, please! Save my people!
Fight until we die!
OK. Goodbye, my love!
No, I want to be with you!
Fight for your families!
The city of Troy is finally destroyed by the Greeks.
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Worksheet 9 The Trojan War 1 Connect the dots and color the picture.
2 Label the characters.
T = Trojans
G = Greeks
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3 Match the characters with their speech. 1
Goodbye, my love! Nothing can kill me.
Trojans, help your prince! This offense is an act of war!
Escape with me.
4 Unscramble the sentences. 1. is / prince / a / Paris / Trojan
2. for / Greeks / Trojans / fight / and / years
3. Greek / is / demigod / Achilles / a
4. arrow / Apollo / guided / to / Achilles / kill / the
5. to / used / the / a / horse / Greeks / build / wood
6. some / Trojans / Helen / with / escaped
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