June 10th-12th, 2021 | Rochester, New York
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thursday, June 10th
5:00 - 7:00 PM 5:45 PM 6:45 PM
Conference Check-In (Lobby)
7:15 PM 7:30 PM
Welcome & Opening Remarks (Rooms A/B)
First Shuttle Departs from the Hotel Second Shuttle Departs from the Hotel Keynote Address (Rooms A/B) Matthew Levering, “Newman and Döllinger”
8:30 PM 9:30 PM
Cocktails (Garden) First Shuttle Returns to the Hotel
10:00 PM 10:30 PM
Compline (Chapel) Second Shuttle Returns to the Hotel
Friday, June 11th Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:45 AM
First Shuttle Departs from the Hotel
8:00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration & Morning Prayer (Chapel)
8:30 AM
Second Shuttle Departs from the Hotel
9:00 - 10:30 AM Panel Session #1 (Room A) John Goyette, Thomas Aquinas College, "St. Thomas on the Analogy of Interior Word: Verbum as a Pure Perfection" Joshua Revelle, Mount Saint Mary College, "St. Thomas Aquinas on Prayer and the Unfolding of Supernatural Wisdom"
9:00 - 10:30 AM (Room C) James Kelly, Ave Maria University, “John Paul II on the Natural Knowledge of God: Reconsidering Fides et Ratio” Bryan Cross, Mount Mercy University, "Newman's Organic Development of Doctrine and Pieper's Philosophical Act: On the Relation of the Notes to Non-Deductive Growth in Understanding as Intellectus" Francis Feingold, St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, “‘Reasons of the Heart’: Pascal’s Answer to the Problem of the Certitude of Faith” (Room D) Dcn. Stephen Morgan, University of St. Joseph (China), “Hypotheses to Account for a Difficulty: the Genesis, Form and Utility of Newman’s An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine” Fr. David Koonce, LC, Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, “Beyond the Seven Notes of Development: An Examination of Other Criteria Drawn from Newman's Writings” Fr. Scott Caton, Roberts Wesleyan College, “Orestes Brownson, John Henry Newman, and Development: How's It Going?”
11:00 - 12:30 PM Panel Session #2 (Room A) Fr. Jon Tveit, Archdiocese of New York, "The Magisterium as Referee in the Dialogue of Doctrinal Development" John Joy, Diocese of Madison, "On the Ordinary Magisterium: The Development, Distortion, and Diminution of a Doctrine" William Diem, Independent Scholar, "The Development of the Doctrine of Dogmatic Facts During the Jansenist Controversy: Reassessing the Ecclesiological Significance of Ad sanctam beati Petri Sedem"
11:00 - 12:30 PM Panel Session #2 (Room C) Bradley Cypher, Ave Maria University, “Defending Dignitatis Humanae: Continuity and Development” Michael De Salvo, Ave Maria University, “Magisterial Correction or Genuine Development? Reading Dignitatis Humanae with Charles Cardinal Journet” Fr. David Tedesche, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry, “Jacques Maritain, Development of Doctrine, and Conservative Reaction to Pope Francis” (Room D) Jared Schumacher, University of Mary, “Development in Dialogue: a Catholic response to the Orthodox Critique of the Idea of Development of Doctrine” Eric Manchester, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, “Exploring Petrine and Sacramental Dimensions of Development”
12:30 PM
Lunch (Lobby)
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Panel Session #3 (Room A) Joey Belleza, University of Cambridge, "Reddeamus ad Philosophum: The Aristotelian Background of 'Development'" Matthew Messer, University of Notre Dame, "Aristotelian Method in Newman’s Essay on Development" Daniel Lendman, Ave Maria University, "The Role of Philosophy in the Development of Doctrine as Shown in the Definition of the Soul as Forma Corporis"
2:00 - 3:30 PM
(Room C) Paul Monson, Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, "Noonan, Newman, and the Saints: Slavery and Doctrinal Development Revisited" Timothy Streiff, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, "Organ Transplantation and the Development of the Principles of Totality and Integrity" Kevin Miller, Franciscan University of Steubenville, "Benedict XVI’s ‘Hermeneutic of Reform,’ and John Paul II’s and Francis’ Developments of Doctrine Regarding the Death Penalty" (Room D) Kevin Clarke, St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, "The Rule of Faith: A Pious Fiction or a Necessary First Principle?" Mark Heffley, Ave Maria University, "Hans Urs von Balthasar, Christian Philosophy and the Development of Theology" Daniel Drain, Pontifical John Paul II Institute, "Saving Finite Freedom: On the Metaphysics of Freedom of Balthasar and Hart"
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Panel Session #4 (Room A) Dominic Cassella, Byzantine Seminary of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, "The Unity of Christ: Theandric Energy and the Metaphysics of Maximus the Confessor" Alexander Hurtsellers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, "‘Schematic Formulas of Quasi Dogmas’: Heeding Sergei Bulgakov’s Warnings Against a Tradition of Staticity" Jonathan Gaworski, Catholic University of America, "Georges Florovsky and Yves Congar on Doctrinal Development: A Bridge across the Great Schism"
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Panel Session #4 (Room C) Brandon Eaves, Ave Maria University, "Doctrinal Development in St. Vincent of Lerins’ Commonitory: the Role of Tradition, the Magisterium, and Heresy in Safeguarding and Developing Doctrine in the One Body of Christ" Fr. Ambrose Dobrozsi, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, "Dies Irae: Development or Detour?" Brian Kusek, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, "The Continued Development in the Reform of the Mass of the Roman Rite" (Room D) John O’Neill, St. John Vianney College Seminary and Graduate School, "The Ecclesial Development of the One Science of Sacred Doctrine" Catherine Yanko, Catholic University of America, "The Relation of Acts of Faith and Testimonies of Suffering in the Thought of John Henry Newman" Matthew Kuhner, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry, "Toward an Experiential Dogmatics: Recovering the Nature and Role of Experience within the Development of Doctrine"
5:45 PM 6:30 PM
Holy Mass (Chapel)
7:30 PM
Plenary Address (Rooms A/B) Stephen Loughlin, "Becoming Who You Are: the Necessity of the Development of Doctrine"
8:30 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
Cocktails (Garden)
Dinner (Rooms A/B)
First Shuttle Returns to the Hotel Compline (Chapel) Second Shuttle Returns to the Hotel
Saturday, June 12th Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 7: 45 AM
First Shuttle Departs from the Hotel
8: 00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration & Morning Prayer (Chapel)
8: 30 AM
Second Shuttle Departs from the Hotel
9: 00 - 1 0: 30 AM
Panel Session #5 (Room A) Chase Cloutier, Catholic University of America, "Newman’s Understanding of Consensus Fidelium in Trinitarian Perspective" Sara Hulse, De Sales University / Marquette University, "Trinitarian Anthropology: Novum or Development?" Paul Chutikorn, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, "A Thomistic Analysis of the Trinitarian Anthropology in John Paul II’s Mulieris Dignitatem" (Room C) Kristi Haas, University of Notre Dame, “Knowledge of God in Israel's History: Louis Bouyer's AntiMarcionite Contribution on Development of Doctrine” Brandon and Anne Peterson, University of Utah, “Change We Can Believe In: Continuity, Discontinuity, and Fidelity” Fr. Brian Zuelke, OP, University of St. Thomas, “Toward a Lakatosian Approach to the Development of Natural Law” (Room D) Matthew McWhorter, Divine Mercy University, "Development of the Doctrine on the Necessity of Baptism: An Example for Evaluating Newman’s Seven Marks of Authenticity" Christopher Mooney, University of Notre Dame, "The Medieval Debate over the Immaculate Conception: A Test Case for Theories of Doctrinal Development" Ryan J. Brady, St. John Vianney College Seminary and Graduate School, "Mary as Co-Redemptrix: Development or Rupture?"
1 1 : 00 - 1 2: 30 PM
Panel Session #6 (Room A) Christopher Carr, Misericordia University, "Original Justice and the Development of Doctrine" Rev. Brandon Koble, Marquette University, "A Tripod of Causation: The Melanchthonian View of the Role of Free Will in Conversion" Taylor Patrick O’Neill, Thomas Aquinas College, "‘Grace for Grace’: The Doctrine of Merit and the Heresy of Pelagianism from Augustine to Thomas to Trent" (Room C) Fr. Matthew Hysell, Dominican University College, "From the Virtue of Faith to the Gift of Wisdom: Renewing the Paedagogy of Theological Dogmatics" Andrew Lang, Holy Spirit Academy, "The Renewal of Catholic Education?" Jeffrey Froula, St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, "The Coherence of the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching as Developed by the Magisterium" (Room D) Edmund Lazzari, Mount St. Mary’s University, “Miracles, Laws of Science, and the Epistemological Stance of the Theologian” Brett Feger, Ave Maria University, “A Defense of the Doctrine of the Immediate Creation of the Soul in the Face of Evolutionary Theory” Elizabeth Rex, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, “Organ Donation, Love of Neighbor, and Embryo Adoption: From Magisterial Condemnation to Magisterial Commendation”
1 2: 30 PM
Lunch (Lobby)
1 : o0 PM
Closing Remarks (Rooms A/B)
1 : 1 5 PM
Plenary Address (Rooms A/B) Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., “Ab imperfectis ad perfectum: St. Thomas Aquinas on Doctrine’s Theological Development”
KEYNOTE MATTHEW LEVERING, PH.D. Dr. Matthew Levering is an author or co-author of around thirty books including "Scripture and Metaphysics, Participatory Biblical Exegesis," "Biblical Natural Law," "Engaging the Doctrine of Revelation," "Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit," and "Proofs of God." He has been editor or coeditor of more than fifteen books including "The Oxford Handbook of Sacramental Theology," "Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology," and "The Reception of Vatican II," and also the translator of Gilles Emery, O.P.’s "The Trinity."
Levering is also co-editor of the academic journals "Nova et Vetera" and of the "International Journal of Systematic Theology." He is a Distinguished Fellow of the St. Paul Center, a member of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, and Vice President of the Academy of Catholic Theology.
A nat i ve of Loui si ana, Fr . Aqui nas Gui l beau, O. P. , ent er ed t he Domi ni can Pr ovi nce of St . J oseph i n 2005. Af t er sever al year s of past or al wor k i n New Yor k Ci t y, Fr . Gui l beau began doct or al st udi es i n mor al t heol ogy at t he Uni ver si t y of Fr i bour g, wher e he compl et ed a di sser t at i on on St . Thomas Aqui nas’ s doct r i ne of t he common good. I n addi t i on t o hi s t eachi ng, Fr . Gui l beau serves as seni or edi t or of Al et ei a. or g ( Engl i sh edi t i on) . He i s al so t he current pr i or of t he Domi ni can House of St udi es.
STEPHEN LOUGHLIN Dr . St ephen J . Loughl i n i s Presi dent and Pr of essor of Phi l osophy at St . Ber nar d’ s School of Theol ogy and Mi ni st r y. Dr . Loughl i n ear ned hi s Mast er ' s and Doct or at e i n Phi l osophy at t he Uni ver si t y of Tor ont o. Bef or e comi ng t o St . Ber nar d’ s, Dr . Loughl i n was an Associ at e Pr of essor of Phi l osophy and t he Chai r of t he Depar t ment of Phi l osophy and Theol ogy at DeSal es Uni ver si t y i n Cent er Val l ey, PA. , a posi t i on he hel d f or al most 20 year s. Dr . Loughl i n’ s academi c wor k has appeared i n " The Thomi st , " " Nova et Vet er a, " " Pr o Eccl esi a, " and " J osephi num, " and hi s ar eas of r esear ch i nt er est i ncl ude Medi eval phi l osophy, and Thomi st i c ant hr opol ogy.
he Sacra Doctrina Project is devoted to the study of theology as a scientia which is properly speculative and sapiential in nature, aiding in both the preservation and faithful unfolding of the sacra doctrina of the Catholic Church. We aim to do this by working firmly within the Catholic intellectual tradition and especially under the tutelage of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is our hope that, in recovering the study of theology for the sake of the truth, we might help reclaim the sacred heritage of the Church’s doctrine under the banners of holy wisdom. Initiatives Annual Academic Conference Series Lux Veritatis Academic Journal - in progress Online Certificate Program in Thomistic Ethics and Spirituality Sed Contra: A Podcast of Catholic Theology A Website for the Study of St. Thomas Aquinas Membership The Sacra Doctrina Project was founded and is sustained by a fraternity of theologians, rooted in their common education at Ave Maria University under the tutelage of Fr. Matthew Lamb (♱2018). Anyone interested in public affiliation with our mission and in assisting with our initiatives can apply with curriculum vitae and an expression of interest to
or more than 125 years, St. Bernard's has steadily pursued a course of dedication and service to Christ and His Church. In 1981 St. Bernard's became one of the first Roman Catholic theological seminaries in the eastern US to offer graduate education to lay people. Striving to reunite theology, sanctity, and prayer in our courses by contemplating what is true, beautiful, and good, we appeal to both the mind and heart in coming to know and to love Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Himself. We offer graduate degrees in theology, pastoral studies, divinity, and philosophy; certificate programs in the fine arts, bioethics, philosophy, and catechetical leadership; as well as diaconal formation in surrounding dioceses, and pre-seminary studies in the diocese of Albany. Our physical campuses are located in upstate New York and have legacies that include people and places such as Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen and the nearby Cistercian Abbey of the Genesee.
Our mission is to nurture the entirety of the human person through attention to the pastoral, intellectual, spiritual, and human dimensions of formation with the hope that we may, in a definite and dedicated way, assist our students to understand the things of our Faith and to incarnate them in their day-to-day service to God's people and the world as a whole.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOUNDING MEMBERS OF THE SACRA DOCTRINA PROJECT: Ryan J. Brady, St. John Vianney College Seminary and Graduate School Matthew Kuhner, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry Daniel Lendman, Ave Maria University Taylor Patrick O’Neill, Thomas Aquinas College Sean Robertson, Ave Maria University Brandon L. Wanless, Saint Agnes School / Ave Maria University
FACULTY AND STAFF OF ST. BERNARD’S SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY AND MINISTRY, especially: Stephen Loughlin, President and Professor of Philosophy Matthew Kuhner, Academic Dean and Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology Sophia Zdanowski, Director of Development and Registrar Bernadette Bobrowski, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
AFFILIATE MEMBERS OF THE SACRA DOCTRINA PROJECT, especially: Matthew Dugandzic, St. Mary’s Seminary Patrick Gardner, Thomas Aquinas College Fr. Dylan Schrader, Diocese of Jefferson City
PANEL SESSION MODERATORS: Kevin Clarke, St. Patrick’s Seminary and University William Diem, Independent Scholar Daniel A. Drain, Pontifical John Paul II Institute Matthew Dugandzic, St. Mary’s Seminary and University Brett Feger, Ave Maria University John O’Neill, St. John Vianney College Seminary and Graduate School Joshua Revelle, Mount Saint Mary College Marco Stango, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry Fr. David Tedesche, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry Fr. Peter Van Lieshout, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry Emmaus Academic, especially James Merrick Student Volunteers from McQuaid Jesuit High School Tasteful Connections, for catering services Tyburn Academy, for shuttle transportation
HOTEL SHUTTLE A complimentary shuttle will be provided to take attendees from and to the conference hotel (Country Inn & Suites University on Henrietta Road) and conference location on Thursday evening, Friday morning, Friday evening, and Saturday morning. A shuttle will not be provided to or from the airport.
FOR THOSE ATTENDING VIRTUALLY If you elected to attend this conference virtually, you can access the Zoom links for each session throughout this program. Simply click on the hyperlinked Room Names (A, B, C, and D) listed throughout and you will automatically be redirected to the appropriate Zoom link for your intended session.
If you need to request a meeting ID, password, or Zoom call-in number, please reach out to
Note that all sessions will occur during Eastern Standard Time.