SBU CKI November Newsletter

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Ev ent houghJ eweli sj us taďŹ r s ty earCKImember , s heal r eady exhi bi t ss t r ongcar eanddedi cat i onf ort hecl ubbycomi ngoutt o hel patbakes al es , campusev ent s , Beaut yBar , andmor e. I r ememberi nt hebegi nni ng, s hewasoneoft heonl yf ew new memberwhocameoutandat ewi t hol dmember s , whi chcanbe daunt i ngt os ome, s opr opst oherf orhav i ngt hecour aget odot hat . Whent hecl ubannouncedherast henew Medi aandRes our ces Chai r , Iwasgenui nel yhappybecaus eIwoul dhav echos enher my s el fi fIcoul d, gi v enhercr edent i al sandwi l l i ngnes st oconnect wi t hev er y one. Iknow s hej us ts t ar t edherpos i t i on, buts hei sdoi ng agr eatj obs of arandhast akenonherr es pons i bi l i t i eswel l . SandyZhu, Pas tMedi aChai r

Nov ember

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