Stony Brook CKI Spring '17 Newsletter

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Stony Brook

Circle K International

Spring 2017

Table of Contents E-board


Committee Chairs


Editor’s note


Pax Christi


Bake sales


Hobbs farm




Field Day


TheExecutiveBoard Katie Lim, President Major: Psychology Hobbies: Binge watching shows If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Being invisible Goal for CKI? Cr eating mor e student leader s on campus Fun fact about yourself? I' m addicted to caffeine

Peony Tse, Vice President Major: Sociology Hobbies: Relaxing, eating, and watching TV If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To contr ol time Goal for CKI? My gr eatest goals ar e to incr ease fellowship in our club and to create a welcoming community! Fun fact about yourself? I had an inter nship at UNICEF USA this summer! Jing Li, Secretary Major: Health science Hobbies: Playing video games If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Telepor tation because public transportation sucks Goals for CKI? Make sur e ever yone is having a good time :) Fun fact about yourself? Pusheen is my spir it animal Alicia Wong, Treasurer Major: Biology Hobbies: Cooking and baking If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To be invisible and to also be able to teleport Goal for CKI? Host mor e events ar ound campus. Also, infor m mor e people around campus about CKI. Fun fact about yourself? I can put both of my feet behind my head Angela Lu, Editor Major: Health Science Hobbies: Dr awing, gaming, and watching car toons If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To be able to stop time Goal for CKI? To gr ow together as a club, and as people Fun fact about yourself? I look mor e like my ID pic now as a senior than I did as a freshman

TheCommitteeChairs Winnie Qi, Service Major: Biochemistr y Hobbies: Shopping If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Clair voyance Goal for CKI? Keep putting smiles on people's faces Fun fact about yourself? Tr ying to take up moder n calligr aphy as a hobby! Hopefully I get better soon :)

Justin Kim, Kiwanis Public R elations Major: Biomedical Engineer ing Hobbies: Playing volleyball If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Super speed Goal for CKI? Spr ead awar eness of issues of the wor ld, and influence people to take initiatives Fun fact about yourself? I love to cook

Eshana Weerasinghe, Fundraising Major: Applied Mathematics and Statistics Hobbies: Hiking If you could have any superpower, what would it be? The ability to fly Goal for CKI? Excited to implement new fundr aising ideas and raise money to donate to causes and service projects. Spread happiness! Fun fact about yourself? I have lived in Sr i Lanka, Qatar , and USA!

Sandy Zhu, Media and Resources Major: Business and chemistr y Hobbies: Editing photos and eating out If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Tr anspor tation Goal for CKI? Gain mor e r ecognition and awar eness Fun fact about yourself? I can't swim :(

Janice Lin, Media and Resources Major: Health Science Hobbies: Gaming If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Telepor tation Goal for CKI? For mor e people to be inter ested in doing ser vice for our community! Fun fact about yourself? I love to play League of Legends and make digital art. :)

Facebook: @sbucirclek Instagram: @sbucirclek Wix: home

Editor’s Note


ello! My name is Angela Lu and I’ll be this year’s new SBU CKI editor. Although I’m majoring in health science, my second dream job would be a character and video game designer, which isn’t too far off from graphic design so I’m excited to see what I can do. I wasn’t involved in Key Club in high school so I’m pretty new to the Kiwanis family scene, but I’ve been enjoying my experience all the same. I hope you all enjoy my very first newsletter! Since joining Circle K in the Spring of 2015, I’ve watched the club nearly

double in size and my goal is to keep that trend going for years to come. In this newsletter I’ll be highlighting our commitment to service, strong fellowship, and outstanding leadership for both new members to see what we’re all about and for old members to reminisce on what we’ve accomplished. I aim to follow our previous editor Aprille’s footsteps with her minimalistic and professional aesthetic while also adding my own unique touches here and there. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Shoutout to our graduating E-board members Amanda Tam, Leah Liu, and Aprille Abuan! Many thanks to Amanda for leading our club to becoming what it is today, Leah for always making everyone feel welcome, and Aprille for inspiring me to be the best editor I could possibly be. I know we will all work hard to make you guys proud. Angela Lu SBU Circle K Editor

Pax Christi T

his spring, I volunteered to go to Pax Christi to help out. My responsibilities included mainly helping to sort out donated clothes and toiletries. I found the experience to be both fulfilling and worthwhile. I really felt that I was making some sort of improvement from my help. Although the work was somewhat monotonous, these were hours saved for the staff to perform more important duties. The experience also helped me bond with my Circle K peers.

Although I had been there for most of the day, the hours passed quickly with small talk and stories shared between us as well as some weird curiosities found in the donation piles. In conclusion, I am grateful for this opportunity and would happily do another experience like it. I joined Circle K because of a desire to serve the community and make practical use of my free time; I’m excited to see what events we will have planned next year.


who otherwise might not uring our club’s have eaten that day second visit to Pax Christi, without organizations like we were in charge of Pax Christi. Putting a smile preparing lunch for the on someone’s face and day. We had a lot of fun seeing them enjoy the improvising the menu and food and come back for preparing the food. Not more really encompasses only did we have fun the spirit of service and working together, we got why we enjoy dedicating to feed someone a meal our time.

Jonathan Yin & Winnie Qi

Baking T

his semester I attended two baking socials where we baked several sweet treats to sell, in efforts to raise money for Circle K International. I absolutely love cooking and baking so I was glad to be a part of it, not only for the baking but for the selling as well. It was a social filled with laughs and memorable moments. We were able to work together in order to mass bake those sweet treats that everyone enjoyed. We worked as a team and everyone had a role which made the social both enjoyable yet efficient. It was really nice to see everyone come together in efforts to support Circle K International.

Kevin Kuang & Ralph Huang


n April 19th, Circle K International hosted a bake sale to fundraise for the club. The night before, there was a bake sale social in which members prepared and baked goods such as sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and double-stuffed brownies. These goods were sold at the Student Activity Center for $1 each, except for the double-stuffed brownies (they were sold for $2). Volunteers set up the stand and vendored to those who were interested. The turnout was decent, and all items sold out after 2 hours. Some people didn't buy items but still donated for the club. The bake sale turned out to be a success, making over $110.

Hobbs Farm Sean Guiao


hen I think back to Hobbs Farm, from what I can remember, it can best be described with three words: Seeds, Soil, and Reward. To clarify, I think "Seeds" is a great way to describe the experience not only because there were a lot of tiny seeds we had to plant, but also because the seeds of friendship between each CKI member present were also planted that day. We worked together and the activity only strengthened our friendship. Soil is used to describe Hobbs Farm because

there was A LOT of it. And with seeds and plants, you need soil. Just like how the regular volunteers at Hobbs Farms needed us to help them expedite their planting and farming process. Lastly, reward is the biggest of them all because at the end of the day, we caused the reward for ourselves. Not only did we get rewarded with pizza and Janice got rewarded with a cute cat she wouldn't leave alone even though she was allergic, but we were rewarded with the effect of helping other people out just because we wanted to.



Kelly Yu

s a first year member of Circle K International, I had so much fun at my first New York District Convention. The event is held in Albany, New York, where my high school was. This year, Stony Brook University was honored to be the host club for this event. We did a lot of meaningful events such as raising money for the St. Baldrick’s foundation, attending professional workshops on how to become a better leader, and meeting the fellow CK-ers from other

schools. During award night, I was happy to see every deserving member getting their awards for their dedication and passion for Circle K. I also had fun at the talent show to hear about the singing and dancing from the fellow CK-ers. I also enjoyed the car rides to the events because it allowed me to get to know everyone in my club better. I am very grateful to be part of the Circle K family because I wouldn’t know so many friends. This opportunity inspired me to get involved in such a great club.



Field Day

Daniel Velez


t was a Perfect day. I remember the sun glistening on the flowers. I arrived a little late but I still felt so welcomed by my fellow Circle K'ers. Field day began with a little game of volleyball. I am a big fan of volleyball but hadn't played in a while, so I was really looking forward to this. We took a little break from volleyball after a few hours to have a water balloon toss competition. I did not win , but I was close. I didn't mind

getting wet either because it was really hot, and it cooled me off! I then made a donation to pie someone in the face, and I never did that before. I didn't pie just anyone, but our exCircle K president, Amanda Tam. Katie and Peony also got pied. To tie off field day, we took photos to remember the day. Because it was such a nice day, the photos came out really well. Overall, it was a really great way to spend time with my members and make good memories.

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