SBU CKI Summer Issue 2016

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Support the Kid


Regional Training Conference



Leah Liu



Katie Lim

Aprille Abuan

Vice President


Nicole Chan

Gianfranco Trotta


Lieutenant Governor

Justin Kim

Jake Fogel

Janice Lin

Public/Kiwanis Relations



Jing Li

Sandy Zhu




(TOP) From le6: Ka e Lim, Edgar Hu, Franco Tro a, Nicole Chan, Sandy Zhu From le6: Ka e Lim & Nicole Chan; Ka e Lim, Franco Tro a, Nicole Chan

This was my first official event with Circle K as a commi ee chair. I was nervous and excited at the same me. I was nervous because I thought my encounter with the other members would be awkward since I barely knew them. But I was also excited since this was the first event I would be a ending for Circle K in a while. When I got to the loca on, the other members greeted me warmly. They were all very open and pre y down to earth. This was also a K-Family event, so I got to meet many high school-ers as well as other Circle K members. Since the event did not have enough volunteers, we ended up being part of both the Set-Up team and Route Volunteers team. Although everyone got drenched at the end, it was fun mee ng new people. Did I men on they also had rainbow bagels? - SANDY ZHU

The grassroots event was held on June 11 th, 2016 in the Stony Brook School very close to Stony Brook University’s campus, a beautiful campus with a large track field which was the center of the event. Member Matthew Maloof, Editor Aprille, and President Amanda greeted our Kiwanis Advisers who are the leaders of the new organization, Support the Kid, and immediately started helping by moving chairs to behind tables, setting up tents, and taping signs to increase Instagram publicity. The turnout was a little smaller than last year, possible because of the potential thunderstorms, but the

participants were very excited and eager to raise money for children battling long-term illnesses. One of the babies that the organization supports was present at the event and he was all smiles spreading inspiration and home to everyone at the event. The volunteers painted on arms and faces of children adding some color that instantly brightened their expressions. Clean up was a struggle: the tents were fighting being broken down, the chairs felt even heavier than before, but it all ended well knowing that thousands of dollars were raised to support children. - AMANDA TAM

Regional trainin

ng conference The Downstate Regional Conference is a day-long event that featured workshops about leadership, event planning, and Circle K! This year, the conference was hosted at Macaulay Honors College and Officers from the Liberty, Empire, and Long Island divisions came together to par cipate this event. Unfortunately, I came a bit late to the conference so I didn’t get to network with the officers as much as I would have liked. However, I made in me to hear a guest speaker from the American Founda on for Suicide Preven on. I learnt how our clubs (like Stony Brook Circle K) can raise awareness about suicide by doing Out of the Darkness Walks. Then we broke into our first set of workshops. The one I went was “CKI 301: What’s a Servant Leader?" hosted by Liberty LTG Sara Louie. At this workshop, we had people ask Sara or experienced people there about informa on about the Circle K district. A6er that, we all broke down for group lunch with our respec ve officers (or members). As District Treasurer, I got the pleasure of mee ng some of the treasurers that were in the city and discuss about the job they’ll do for the year while ea ng pizza. They’ll all amazing people and

I’m confident they’ll be baller treasurers by the end of the year. For my second set of workshop, I must say it was interes ng. It was about planning large scale service events hosted by Long Island LTG Franco. Every minute, he would men on how he has no experience in planning such events. In the end, he let District Execu ve Assistant Tina Lee to handle serious discussion with Hofstra University CKI’s president Zhanna about how she can host one for her club. The last part of the conference, we all performed an in house service project making birthday cards or making peanut bu er & jelly sandwiches for homeless. I decided to make awesome PB&J sandwiches! :) At the Downstate Regional Conference, I had the opportunity to meet many dedicated Circle K officers that were eager to learn how they can be er serve their communi es and grow their club. This conference gave the opportunity for their ques ons to be answered, explore new ideas, and confidence to lead their clubs for the service year. - EDGAR HU

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