The Hit Network: A Study Of Her - Commonalities & Complexities

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A Study of Her. Commonalities & Complexities

HEALTH: THE NEW WEALTH Why women are leading the charge and what it means for marketers

FINANCIAL FEARS Why women are pessimists when it comes to consumer confidence

MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES How women are managing their contrasting life roles

WHY 45 IS THE NEW 25 The surprising similarities in women aged decades apart

ABOUT SOUTHERN CROSS AUSTEREO Southern Cross Austereo is dedicated to entertaining audiences Australia wide. Creating more hours of live content than any other broadcast media in Australia and connecting with up to 95% of Australians each week via regional free-to-air TV networks, national radio networks, online, social media, mobile and unique one off events. Southern Cross Austereo’s wide range of media offerings provide unique opportunities to deliver incentive, interactive and cross-platform content.

Editor’s letter When I wrote the original book on marketing to women, She Marketing, in 2008, the world was a very different place. Sex and the City had wrapped its final series with record ratings, the first iPhone had recently been released and Facebook was barely mainstream. I believe Hasn’t the landscape changed in just eight years? As marketers, we now operate in an entirely new world of technology, media and communication channels.

Of course, consumers have changed also. In SheMarketing, I outlined four key female consumer segments and while many of the broad themes around these life stages still hold true, there are new and emerging this research trends that provide powerful new insights for marketers trying provides the most ROBUST to connect with an increasingly UNDERSTANDING of these discerning consumer.

new segments and how you can MARKET TO WOMEN — both collectively and specifically — in UNIQUE and INNOVATIVE ways.

The role of marketing itself has also shifted significantly. Today’s Chief Marketing Officer is no longer focused predominantly on the marketing budget and advertising campaign; marketers and brand managers are now custodians of the entire customer experience.

Increasing competition, industry convergence and the emergence of disruptive business models means today’s marketing and brand managers need to be multi-skilled, multi-disciplined and ahead of the game.

I believe this research provides the most robust understanding of these new segments and how you can market to women — both collectively and specifically — in unique and innovative ways.

This report, while providing powerful insights and inspiration on how to market to women in a post-digital world, is merely one part of an evolutionary process. It’s designed to be a conversation starter. It will hopefully raise as many questions as it answers. Continue the conversation, both with your team and the team at SCA. I believe collaboration will be the key differentiator in brands that win the battle for relevance with today’s female consumer. n

Amanda Stevens Speaker, author, marketer


Strong is the new Skinny

CONNECT WOMEN to each other and you STRENGTHEN the connection they have with your BRAND

if you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun


run like a girl

Introduction Today’s female consumer is COMPLEX. She’s MULTI-DIMENSIONAL, and she’s changing. Her priorities, motivations and circles of influence are SHIFTING. Her definitions of success, health and wealth are also changing.

Driven by demographic, employment and social change, women are wielding more consumer power than ever. Boston Consulting Group predicts that by 2018, women’s global income will reach $18 trillion, up from $13 trillion in 2013. In Australia, further increases in women’s wealth appear to be on the horizon, with social and demographic changes across education and workforce The new participation. Women currently make up more than 60% of university graduates, and while pay parity is still on the agenda in the broader workforce, female university graduates now earn around 95% of the median salary for male graduates (up from 91% in 2012).

Fertility rates are at a six-year low as more women focus on their career and flex their choice to put children on hold until their careers are forged. Fertility rates in women over 40 are at an all-time high.

challenge — and exciting OPPORTUNITY — for marketers will be how to CONNECT with FEMALE CONSUMERS in a way that considers different LIFE STAGE CHANGES while identifying and fortifying the threads of commonality.

Women are also making significant advancements in traditionally maledominated sectors, with promising increases in women on boards and in industries such as science, technology, medicine, aviation and finance.

These demographic shifts are not only blurring the lines of traditional life-stage segments, they’re changing the outlook of today’s female consumer and her expectations from the brands she interacts with. The new challenge — and exciting opportunity — for marketers is how to connect with female consumers in a way that considers different life-stage changes while identifying and fortifying the threads of commonality.

This report outlines some powerful insights to help marketers maximise the new opportunities in marketing to women, as well as provide thought starters on how to build brand loyalty. n

Gender diversity is visible and will continue to drive consumer-spending power.


Parallels & Differences A new life stage model for modern times The average Australian household has completely changed in just a few decades. ‘Mum, dad and two children’ is no longer the norm, it’s the exception. For the first time in history, there are more single-female households in Australia than non-single-female households. Women are spending a longer portion of their life single in younger years and older years. This shift is positively impacting sectors fuelled by discretionary spending. It’s also providing opportunities to connect with consumers aged decades apart


by recognising that their outlook and behaviour are more similar than ever. The life-stage model crafted from this research study reveals that connecting with women is not about age, it’s about their needs, motivations and priorities. Today, a 43-year-old woman could be single, a mum of young children or approaching empty nester. A segmentation model based on life- stage rather than age provides a much more authentic and practical framework for marketers. n

The norm is now the exception, giving marketers and brand managers a jump on competitors who are still working off old household stereotypes.

Let’s get to know how these women differ… For the Young & Free it’s all about SEEKING OUT FUN & ADVENTURE. They are up for anything at any time. Young & Free

They’re living each day as if it’s their last. They CARE ABOUT THE FUTURE of our world and know exactly what they want out of life. They are the most likely to be SINGLE and around the ages of 18-24.

Style Seekers are INDEPENDENT WOMEN. Their CAREER MATTERS as well as their physical and emotional well-being. They voyeuristically seek out style cues and like being the first to know about pop culture news and current affairs.

Style Seekers

They are most likely to be in a DE-FACTO RELATIONSHIP and around the age of 25-29.

Mrs-Multi-Taskers are part of the NEXT GENERATION OF MOTHERS. They are under more pressure than ever to BALANCE PART-TIME WORK, a FULL-TIME FAMILY LIFE and MULTIPLE FRIENDSHIPS. They are super-organised because they have to be and often turn to social media as their connection to the world. Mrs Multi Tasker

They are the most likely to be MARRIED WITH CHILDREN and are typically around the age of 30-39.

The Wise + Free are a CONFIDENT YET UNDERSTATED group of women. With their children growing older, they have more time to turn their FOCUS ONTO THEMSELVES and their marriages again. The Wise + Free sometimes display similar traits to their Young + Free counterparts as she is out and about socialising and EMBARKING ON NEW ADVENTURES. Wise & Free

They are the most likely to be MARRIED WITH OLDER CHILDREN and are typically aged 40-49.


Inside Her Head Mood matters If there was a song that all four segments would sing along to, it would be the Pharrell Williams hit ‘Happy’. Happy and content are emotions that resonate with all segments. However ‘anxious’ has also slipped into the top three moods for all segments of women. With the juggling acts of every life stage, it is not surprising that this has come through. The common worry across all life stages is concern about crime and violence.


How they would describe their mood at the moment STYLE SEEKERS


The HAPPIEST of them all. This is possibly due to the lack of financial responsibilities, life is about fun, friends and laughter.

Young & Free

Style Seekers

Her biggest macro concerns are the ENVIRONMENT, CRIME and VIOLENCE & future TERRORIST ATTACKS.

Her biggest macro concerns are HEALTHCARE, CRIME and VIOLENCE & future TERRORIST ATTACKS.



As the name suggests, has more than one person to think about. With increasing costs of living, she is getting ANXIOUS about life and her family. However, it won’t stop her from being CONTENT if everyone in her family is happy and healthy.

Mrs Multi Tasker

Wise & Free

Her biggest macro concerns are HEALTHCARE, CRIME and VIOLENCE and quality and availability of EDUCATION.

Young & Free

HAPPY and CONTENT with a touch of ANXIOUSNESS. Life is perhaps a little more demanding than Young & Free but they are content with how it is.

Much like her younger counterpart, Young & Free, WISE & FREE is happy with her life. She does have a few more concerns- older children, bills etc.- but overall she is pretty CONTENT and HAPPY. Her biggest macro concerns are DRUGS and CRIME and VIOLENCE.

Style Seekers


Mrs Multi-Tasker



















































Source: SCA Research Mood Monitor MAY 2016. Females 18-49 N= 601 National

Wise & Free


Commonalities Four key trends indicate what unifies these four life stages


Health is the new wealth Health & fitness, in its various forms and definitions, is an increasing priority for Australian women, albeit for slightly different motivations. ‘Health’ emerged as the Number One relevant product category across all life stages. Awareness, engagement and activity around health is a key priority and increases with age.

‘Health and Fitness’ has evolved from a category to a WAY OF LIFE. #FITSPO was one of the highest trending Instagram hashtags in 2015.

41% value health Young & Free

“I currently work out almost everyday, not only to keep my BODY healthy but to keep my MIND healthy. EXERCISING RELEASES STRESS for me.”

“I recently decided I wanted to LOSE some WEIGHT as I wasn’t happy with my appearance.”

47% value health Style Seekers


“I’m QUITTING SMOKING as I want to try for a baby.”

“Getting FIT and healthy and maintaining a HEALTHY WEIGHT are important as I’m about to start my very first nerve racking IVF TREATMENT.”

Source: SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. Q. Category Most Relevant- health of myself & health of my family. Females 18-49 N= 714 National. Young & Free N=244 Style Seekers N=129 Mrs Multi Tasker N=175 Wise & Free N=101

The next trillion-dollar industry globally, the HEALTH & WELLNESS market space is dominated mostly by: Beauty & anti-aging

$679 billion

Fitness, mind & body exercise

$390 billion

Health eating, nutrition & weight loss

$277 billion

62% value health Mrs Multi Tasker

“I JUST HAD A BABY 3 weeks ago. She is my world and I want to make sure myself, my husband and daughter have the BEST HEALTH POSSIBLE”

“HEALTH IS HAPPINESS. When someone is sick, the whole family feels down.”

70% value health Wise & Free

“If I am unhealthy, life is harder for me and my family as I LOOK AFTER THEM.”

“HEALTH is so IMPORTANT and I love seeing our whole family EATING RIGHT and choosing the best options available. We need to LOOK AFTER OURSELVES as life can be short.”




Facing financial fears Overall, the level of consumer confidence among women is 23% lower than for men and has been that way for over a decade. This supports the insight that throughout life, women are making financial decisions for themselves and on behalf of others. As they age, women become less optimistic about finances, as the additional responsibilities of family and retirement impact on budgeting decisions.

Consumer confidence: Men vs. women

While budgeting involves DIFFERENT CONSIDERATIONS at DIFFERENT LIFE STAGES, all four life stages see it as a BALANCING ACT, with competing priorities.

Levels of consumer confidence are consistently higher for men (measured as a percentage between 2005 and 2015). 100 90

Demonstrating value is no longer just about a reasonable price, a discount or a sale bargain. ADDING VALUE, delivering SURPRISE BONUSES and bundling products is a more powerful way to connect and BUILD LOYALTY.

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2005










Source: Mastercard Consumer Confidence Index.






Take me away Life is full, busy and hectic. Hence, a sense of escape is a key hot-button across all life stages. For the younger segments, this is driven by adventure, friends and fun.

It would seem that women are placing a higher VALUE on EXPERIENCES versus material things more than ever.

For mums, it’s pure ‘me time’ they’re craving, with Wise & Free finding their sense of escape in more reflective activities like yoga, walking or simple alone-time. Travel is high on the consideration list for all segments.

Combine TRAVEL with another life-stage-specific interest like FRIENDS, EXPLORATION, trying SOMETHING NEW or EXERCISE and you have a powerful combination.


The little things are the big things Women love unexpected surprises in the form of the unexpected rewards, surprise gifts and other gestures that demonstrate appreciation. Brands winning the battle for relevance are those that are setting an expectation with their customers and then exceeding it.

Who doesn’t love a reward? In a mass-market digital era, being RECOGNISED and VALUED, even in the smallest of ways, is not only driving top-of-mind brand awareness, it’s FUELLING LOYALTY and ADVOCACY.


# happiness is

Young & Free Fun freedom & fitness The Young & Free see life as a series of adventures. They care about wealth in experiences not material possessions.


always seek out FUN


are always up for any adventure


value new experiences


They are socially active online and offline. Online, they prefer to be connecting with friends on Instagram or Snapchat. They are physically active, taking part in team sports or going for regular walks.

Emotionally, they are the most passionate segment when it comes to the environment. 88.1% of them agree that if we don’t act now we’ll never control our environmental problems. 1 in 3 try to purchase organic food whenever they can. While they like to look good, they place a higher value on feeling good. They have an appetite for life and want to experience it.

How they see themselves:

Fun-loving adventurer

Captain of fun & adventure

Social butterfly

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. From the statements below, it would be great if you could let us know how much you agree or disagree with them... Young and Free N = 244. [2.] Roy Morgan Asteroid. Jan 15- Dec 15. Today’s Hit Network. Females 18-24. Attitudes / Attributes

What impresses her Simple brands, which provide a great product or service, that assist her in being the greatest version of herself. Brands that share the same values as her are also a huge bonus when it comes to impressing her.

Their guilty pleasures... They love their sweets and light-hearted entertainment but they also like to let their hair down, crank some music and sing like no one is watching.

Q: Tell us about the last time a brand did something great for you and WHY you were impressed: “ST IVES exfoliating facial washes enabled me to get rid of all my acne scars and blemishes, making me feel FRESH and CONFIDENT.”

“It’s my PLANNER to keep track of what is going on in DAY TO DAY LIFE – my jack of all trades” “CHOCOLATE… it’s always going to be there for me and I always FEEL GREAT after eating it.”

“Whether it is DANCING, SINGING to it, listening in every aspect of my life, attending GIGS or keeping up with the LATEST NEWS”

Social media

“MELROSE COCONUT OIL cleared up my stomach psoriasis. I was impressed because it’s ORGANIC, unrefined and eatable.”

Whilst Style Seekers prefer Facebook, Young & Free are loving Instagram — it’s their way of keeping ahead of trends, along with expressing their creativity. Who wouldn’t prefer an instant visual medium when you have so many BFF moments to share?

“I bought a pair of JAY JAYS JEANS. They fit my body type the best and I was so thrilled I had now fit into a size 8 again. THEY MADE ME FEEL SO GOOD about my body and I got many compliments on how my body was looking.”

# good t


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. What is your one ‘vice’ you cannot live without? Young and Free N = 244.

“When APPLE brought out the new iPhone. I loved how the TECHNOLOGY SIMPLIFIED MY LIFE and I was able to spend less time on my phone whilst getting more out of it!” 15

Young & Free Choosing to chill over a priority on partying More than other segments, Young + Free are most likely to look to external stimulus for ‘me-time’ – either watching TV or a movie, listening to movie or reading a book.

“I will go out to a cafe and buy myself a banana smoothie, read the latest GOSSIP MAGAZINES and order myself a slice of CHEESECAKE!”

“RELAX! Sleep in, WATCH TV… might not seem like much but I appreciate these things as I rarely have the time to.”

“Shop for myself, BUY NEW CLOTHES or stuff for our house. I find it relaxing, or just spend the day laying on the couch.” “I love shopping by myself and after a days shopping I TREAT MYSELF to getting my nails done, then go home eat chocolate and WATCH A HARRY POTTER MOVIE.”

Getting to know… the Young & Free Come away with me



are planning a SHORT TRIP

are planning a LONG TRIP





believe it is important to have a FULL SOCIAL LIFE

All the single ladies

80% are currently SINGLE



Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. How do you spend ‘me-time’?. Young and Free N = 244. [2.] Roy Morgan Asteroid. Jan 15- Dec 15. . Today’s Hit Network. Females 18-24. Holiday Behaviors. Attitudes. Demographics

Stats are based on Commercial Radio Ratings only. Source: GfK Radio Ratings. Survey 3, 2016.


Young & Free Spreading her wings

41% Highly value health

14% Highly value travel

“I currently work out almost everyday, not only to keep my BODY healthy but to keep my MIND healthy. EXERCISING RELEASES STRESS for me.” “Because I want to get FIT and HEALTHY before summer comes.”

“With a PASSIONATE WANDERLUST, my goal is to experience distinct places, cultures, art, music and IMMERSE MYSELF in the lifestyle of people. I think TRAVEL IS ALL PART OF GROWTH.” “I’ve only just got home from a trip overseas and am already CRAVING MY NEXT ADVENTURE! I live and breathe travel and all my savings go toward it!”


“I recently decided I wanted to LOSE SOME WEIGHT as I wasn’t happy with my appearance.”

“I am looking to TRAVEL THE WORLD when I can. I find this topic very interesting in creating my list of places to visit.”

9% Highly value fitness

14% Highly value beauty & grooming

“I love exercising. It GIVES ME A BREAK from everything.” “I’m overweight and I want to get to a place where I really FEEL COMFORTABLE with my body.”

“I just love working out, makes me FEEL BETTER about my self and it just gives we so much ENERGY and FULLNESS for the rest of the day.”

“It’s always IMPORTANT to LOOK YOUR BEST.” “It’s an ESSENTIAL part of my EVERYDAY LIFESTYLE. I won’t leave home unless I am well groomed and look presentable.”

“I love trying out any NEW BEAUTY PRODUCTS, from hair to skin.”

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. And of those FIVE categories you just selected, which ONE would you say is most relevant to you CURRENTLY? Young and Free N = 244.


Brand Attributes That are resonating with Young & Free Young & Free love brands which represent the same values as them— style and fitness. As she has a lower income and wants to stay on top of trends, she is purchasing brands which allow her to do this.


Fresh 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%






60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


Hit Network

Hit Network




Her favourite fashion brands include…


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. Words best describe…. Young and Free N = 244. [2.] Hit Listener Perceptual Survey JAN 2014 Q: What 3 Fashion Brands do you love the MOST?

How to connect with

Young & Free Show her a good time Appeal to her sense of FEEL-GOOD FUN — beyond aesthetics and looking good, demonstrate how your brand makes her feel. Be bright, be colourful and be playful.

Show her something new Be a brand that stands for ADVENTURE and DISCOVERY. Be her partner in crime when it comes to trying new things and stretching her limits. Hold her hand and LEAD HER OUT OF HER COMFORT ZONE.

Show you care SHE HAS A VESTED INTEREST IN CAUSES so help her support those causes in ways other than money. Join forces with her for good and PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES for her to explore her altruistic side.

Speak her language She’s hanging out in a DIGITAL WORLD so ENSURE YOUR MESSAGES ARE SHORT, SHARP and would work as a Snapchat or status update.


# success is

Style Seekers In the know, connected, ambitious

74% often invest in looking and feeling great

Style Seekers enjoy clothes shopping and going away on weekends more than any segment, perhaps to balance out their career-focused weekdays. They are active digitally on both Facebook and Instagram.

Physically they are active in a more solitary way by walking, running or going to the gym on a regular basis. Emotionally she is invested in herself, her career, her inner circle of friends and her de-facto relationship.

How they see themselves:

76% like being the first to know things


Boho meets business

Queen bee

Reach new heights

are more focused on their careers than ever


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: From the statements below, could you let us know how much you agree or disagree with them? Style Seekers N=129

What impresses her Brands which add value and acknowledge her loyalty really impress her. Brands which listen to her needs and speak to her on a personal level will win her loyalty.

Q: Tell us about the last time a brand did something great for you and WHY you were impressed:

Their guilty pleasures... Style Seekers have a sweet tooth, with their guilty pleasures mainly being chocolate and ice-cream.

“I was given NUDIE COCONUT YOGHURT when walking to work. I usually never purchase items off the street but it was AMAZING, so I bought a whole heap!”

“Probably my PHONE! It’s my calendar, my accounts, my sanity! It’s pretty much a boyfriend who doesn’t talk back”

“MUSIC is what my heart beats to”

“CHOCOLATE or something sweet before bed”

“I recently received a GIFT BY POST for being a loyal customer. It was completely unexpected and made me FEEL really VALUED!”

“UNEXPECTED DISCOUNTS impress me—always a great outcome!”

Social media Not surprisingly, social media apps are favourites for Style Seekers to keep up-to-date with friends, fashion, news & celebrity gossip.

# o n t re n

d “Last week, I got a call from my salon offering me a FREE HAIR APPOINTMENT.” “OPTUS—they gave me a $100 Google Play voucher for being a LOYAL CUSTOMER.”

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: What is your one ‘vice’ you cannot live without? Style Seekers N=129


Style Seekers Me time, it’s all about me When Style Seekers have down time, they make the most of it. They value their sleep and a part from chilling out with a book or some TV, they can be found enjoying a massage or just relaxing with a glass of wine.

“Usually with some WINE and catch up TV. I occasionally TREAT MYSELF to a facial with my wonderful beauty therapist.”

Getting to know… the Style Seekers Ahead of the pack



use the INTERNET more than once EVERY DAY

say that SUCCESS is very important to them

18% are EARLY ADOPTERS of new technologies

Career focussed

26% have a HOUSEHOLD INCOME of $100,000+


49% are WHITE COLLAR workers

77% say that it’s important to have RESPONSIBILITY in their job

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: How do you spend ‘me-time’? Style Seekers N=129 [2.] Roy Morgan Asteroid. Jan 15- Dec 15. National Hit Network listeners. Females 25-29. Activities/Attributes. [3.] SCA Research 2Day Day in the Life Study. MAR 2016. Sydney. Q: How do you spend ‘me-time’? Style Seekers N=60


Style Seekers Looking good and having something to look forward to

46% Highly value health

10% Highly value travel


“I’m QUITTING SMOKING as I want to try for a baby.”

“Healthy body and healthy mind can BRING PEACE to myself = POSITIVELY INFLUENCE the people around me.”

“Want to see and do most things WHILE I STILL CAN.”

“I want to EXPERIENCE NEW THINGS and go on adventures.”

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: Of the 5 categories you just selected, which ONE would you say is most relevant to you currently? Style Seekers N=129


Highly value fitness

5% Highly value fashion

“I’m trying to get back into EXERCISE, and TONE FOR SUMMER and my sister’s wedding April next year.” “It’s something that KEEPS ME SANE, it keeps me HEALTHY and HAPPY and it’s the industry that I work in.”

“I’m ADDICTED to clothing!”

“My work as an actress and model means that I do my best to keep UP-TO-DATE with TRENDS and looking I love FASHION!”


Brand Attributes That are resonating with Style Seekers Style Seekers, as the name suggests, loves to be stylish. However, she is a quality-over-quantity lady. She has a higher income to spend on these brands and they make her feel good and confident. She also values brands that help her realise her love of fitness. Fresh

Real 80% 60% 40% 20%





60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


Hit Network

Hit Network





Her favourite fashion brands include‌ Colourful


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. Q. Words best describe‌.. Style Seekers N=129 [2.] Hit Listener Perceptual Survey JAN 2014 | Q: What 3 Fashion Brands do you love the MOST?

How to connect with

Style Seekers Compliment her She puts EFFORT into her sense of STYLE and, whether she admits it or not, she RESPONDS TO RECOGNITION. She loves to be noticed (it helps justify her ‘investment’ purchases).

Help her succeed She’s DRIVEN by a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT. She has BIG GOALS and has self-imposed milestones looming. Help her achieve and celebrate the wins.

Help her work hard & play hard She’s all about BALANCE. She works the longest hours in paid employment and likes to REWARD her CAREER ACHIEVEMENTS with LITTLE LUXURIES — a new pair of boots or a weekend away with her partner.

Reward her for sharing Outside her relationship, her core friendship circles are a place of INSPIRATION and DISCOVERY. Make it easy for her to SHARE her BRAND RELATIONSHIPS with her friends and reward her when she does.


# jugglingact

Mrs Multi-Tasker Last on the list

86% I’m organised because I have to be


I miss having time to myself

For Mrs-Multi-Tasker, helping others is an integral part of who she is—it’s been her way of life since becoming a mum.

Because her time is precious, she actively seeks out productivity tools and she uses Facebook actively to connect digitally and socially.

She puts everyone else before herself so when a brand or service goes out of their way to make her the centre of attention and reward her, it really matters to her.

When she needs to escape, you’re likely to find her watching her favourite TV show or playing candy crush.

How they see themselves:

77% Social media is my connection to the world


Fun loving mother of all, friend of many

The juggler

Busy mum

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. From the statements below, it would be great if you could let us know how much you agree or disagree with them... Mrs Multi-Tasker N = 175.

What impresses her A personable approach impresses Mrs-Multi-Tasker. Give her a personal phone call, call her by name or help her to celebrate her birthday and she’ll be telling all her friends about you.

Their guilty pleasures...

Q: Tell us about the last time a brand did something great for you and WHY you were impressed:

Although Mrs-Multi-Taskers have a sweet tooth like their younger counterparts, her guilty pleasure (on top of shopping for herself) is unwinding with some wine and music. “Having to work messed up hours my PHONE allows me to have semi-normal CONTACT WITH MY FAMILY when my working hours coincide with my family time” “It’s MY ONE DOWNFALL - I have to have some most nights - I try not too but I just have to have it...”

“BOOST JUICE gave me a FREEBIE on my BIRTHDAY and the workers sung happy birthday to me. Very cool!”

“I have MUSIC on for everything that I do! Driving, cooking, cleaning, running and even sleeping.”

“OROTON called me up to let me know they were having a MEMBERS-ONLY SALE the next day – it was perfect as I had my eye on a wallet.”

Social media Facebook is Number One for these females but they also love Instagram — it’s their way of keeping ahead of trends along with expressing their creativity. Plus, Candy Crush is always a good time waster!

# mywor


“COUNTRY ROAD gave me a BIRTHDAY VOUCHER for $20 with no restrictions. It made me feel very special and I got to go shopping.” Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q.What is your one ‘vice’ you cannot live without? Mrs Multi-Tasker N = 175.


Mrs Multi-Tasker Me time, what me time? Mrs-Multi-Tasker can only daydream about ‘me time’. When she can steal an hour or two, she’ll pop out to see a movie or browse the shops on her own. Often, even just window shopping gives her all the ‘me- time’ retail therapy she needs.

“Very hard at the moment. I would say the RADIO and COFFEE when I can squeeze it in! DOG TIME, PHOTOGRAPHY and filming, music and film.”

Getting to know… Mrs Multi-Tasker Organised and in-charge

94% are the MAIN GROCERY BUYER for their household


60% view their MOBILE as a tool to manage their time better

Putting others first

96% are VERY PROUD of their family


66% say there are NOT ENOUGH HOURS in the day

76% HAVE CHILDREN under the age of 18 in the home

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016. Q. How do you spend ‘me-time’?. Mrs Multi-Tasker N = 175. [2.] Roy Morgan Asteroid. Jan 15- Dec 15. Today’s Hit Network. Females 30-39. Attitudes. Demographics


Mrs Multi-Tasker Lifestyle and little luxuries

66% Highly value health

8% Highly value travel


“HEALTH IS HAPPINESS. When someone is sick, the whole family feels down.”

“I just had a baby three weeks ago. She is my world and I want to make sure myself, my HUSBAND and my DAUGHTER have the BEST HEALTH POSSIBLE.”

“We leave to go overseas for a FAMILY HOLIDAY on Tuesday.”

“IT’S MY DREAM. I should have done it before I married, had a child with special needs, got divorced. Because now I may never do it. I JUST WANT TO SEE THE WHOLE WORLD!”

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study. MAY 2016 Q. And of those FIVE categories you just selected, which ONE would you say is most relevant to you CURRENTLY? Mrs Multi-Tasker N = 175.


Highly value toys & kids-wear

5% Highly value beauty & grooming

“I have a TODDLER and a BABY that I want to look CUTE and HAVE FUN.” “I have a ONE-YEAR-OLD and there’s a nine-year gap between him and my second child so we’ve been buying things that weren’t around for our previous children.”

“I like to look the best I can when going out. I see the way some people dress & it drives me crazy... I TAKE PRIDE in what I wear & HOW I LOOK.” “I am at an age where I need to start TAKING CARE OF MY SKIN and body. I work enough to BUY REASONABLYPRICED ITEMS with more benefits.”


Brand Attributes That are resonating with Mrs Multi-Taskers Mrs-Multi-Tasker is at the bottom of the shopping list so she is less likely to spend lots of money on big name brands. She wants to be comfortable yet feel good—she doesn’t want to be the daggy mum. She wants to pick up the kids in her Lorna Jane active wear. Spontaneous


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Hit Network

Hit Network





Her favourite fashion brands include… Colourful


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. Q. Words best describe… Mrs Multi-Tasker N=175 [2.] Hit Listener Perceptual Survey JAN 2014 Q: What 3 Fashion Brands do you love the MOST?

How to connect with

Mrs Multi-Tasker Save her time and money Help her with her DAILY JUGGLING ACT with tools, tips and hints. Offer her multi-dimensional solutions that not only save her time but serve as a stress reliefvalve. If you can HELP HER BE MORE ORGANISED and have more UNINTERRUPTED TIME WITH HER FAMILY, she’ll love you forever.

Spoil her She’s last on the shopping list and leaves little for herself. Give her MINI MOMENTS of TIME TO HERSELF. She’s not seeking indulgence, just anything that will give her a SENSE OF ESCAPE, WELLNESS and TIME OUT will resonate.

Help her connect Her CONNECTION to OTHER MUMS, both online and offline, is a place of REASSURANCE, VALIDATION and COMMUNITY. Be a part of that connection rather than talking at her.

Be real Above all, be AUTHENTIC. Mrs-Multi-Tasker DEALS IN REAL. She values transparency, HONEST VALUE and SIMPLICITY. She loves nothing more than a shortcut but she’s SHORT ON TIME, so tell it to her straight. Consider talking to her through the voices of other mums she can relate to.


# youngathear t

Wise & Free Coming full circle

86% say new experiences are important

69% feel incredibly comfortable with who they are

The newfound freedom that comes with having children that are growing up and becoming increasingly independent is demonstrated in Wise & Free, displaying behavioural traits that mirror the Young + Free segment. It’s a time of transition — a fresh sense of adventure and zest for life.

Wise + Free women feel the most secure about who they are inside and out. She is self-aware and knows exactly what she wants to get out of life moving forward. While she is busy embracing new and exciting experiences, she keeps a level head and is most likely to be financially stable and well-insured for the future.

How they see themselves:

97% are selfaware


The New Independent Me

Mirzia, Mistress Of Her World

Free As A Bird

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: From the statements below, could you let us know how much you agree or disagree with them? Wise & free N=101

What impresses her She is one of the most challenging segments to impress. Many Wise & Free women struggle to recall the last time a brand really impressed her. That said, super service gets her talking.

Their guilty pleasures...

Q: Tell us about the last time a brand did something great for you and WHY you were impressed:

Wise & Free have very indulgent guilty pleasures, on top of expensive wine and chocolate, they love going all out and treating themselves to luxury experiences too.


“NIVEA sent me a goodie bag on my birthday, totally out of the blue. I was so IMPRESSED as it was a beautiful thing.”

“COFFEE. No question”

“Plonk RED WINE to be specific”

“TICKETMASTER Resale got me a SOLD-OUT SEAT at Florence and the Machine. Love my concerts and these fantastic second chance ticket options!”

Social media Facebook for these females is really the only social media app they use along with a bit of Instagram. They love killing time on Candy Crush and Googling anything that springs to mind.

“NO BRAND has ever done anything great for me.”

# new m


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: What is your one ‘vice’ you cannot live without? Wise & free N=101

“BUDGET DIRECT said they would TAKE CARE OF ME to get me the best deal.” 39

Wise & Free Reclaiming & rediscovering their self-indulgent passions With more ‘me-time’ than they’ve enjoyed in years, the Wise & Free are making up for lost time and indulging in their favourite activities—an afternoon at the day spa free of guilt and an hour of curling up with her favourite book on the couch without little people interrupting her.

“A trip to the BEAUTICIAN or go for a THAI MASSAGE up the road, a few times a year.”

“Sitting on the train LISTENING TO MUSIC on my phone to and from work or WATCHING RECORDED TV PROGRAMS late at night when all the kids are in bed.”

“CHATTING with my best friend ON THE PHONE— great way to DE-STRESS.”

Getting to know… the Wise & Free New experiences





are FEELING WELL and in good health


Comfortable with themselves

68% live a FULL and BUSY LIFE


44% consider themselves more of a LEADER than a follower

27% believe in TAKING RISKS

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: How do you spend ‘me-time’? Wise & free N=101 [2.] SCA Research 2Day Day in the Life Study. MAR 2016. Sydney. Wise & Free N=64 | Q: How do you spend ‘me-time’? [3.] Roy Morgan Asteroid. Jan 15- Dec 15. National Hit Network listeners. Females 40-49. Activities/Attributes.

Spreading her wings

71% Highly value health

6% Highly value fitness

“HEALTH IS WEALTH and I strongly feel my family needs more health wealth.” I am at an age that everything starts to break down, so I am working to IMPROVE MY HEALTH ready for when I have grandchildren I WANT TO BE AROUND FOR THEM and for my husband and children for as long as possible.

“It’s DIFFICULT ACCEPTING the AGING process.” “I have my daughters wedding in February 2016 and I HAVE TO LOOK GOOD.”

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. Q: Of the 5 categories you just selected, which ONE would you say is most relevant to you currently? Wise & Free N=101


Brand Attributes That are resonating with Wise & Free Wise & Free is older and more refined. She doesn’t want to look like ‘mutton dressed as lamb’. She likes quality brands but she is not afraid to mix it up with some Target. After all, she still has kids and a mortgage to worry about.



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Hit Network

Hit Network


Special K


Her favourite fashion brands include…


Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. Q. Words best describe…. Wise & Free N=101 [2.] Hit Listener Perceptual Survey JAN 2014 Q: What 3 Fashion Brands do you love the MOST?

How to connect with

Wise & Free Emphasise the pursuit of passion Help her understand how your brand will help them FULFILL THEIR VISIONS and ASPIRATIONS. Give her permission and FREEDOM to live life in drive and EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITIES. Show her the journey, not the destination.

Celebrate her bravery Show her the LIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE and rejoice with her in her newfound lease on life. INSPIRE HER to try new things and RECONNECT WITH HER OLD SELF. Help her celebrate when things turn out, and laugh at herself when they don’t.

Tell her a story ENGAGE with her EMOTIONALLY with storytelling. 68% say they appreciate brands that use story telling to engage them. How? Show her how you’ve helped others and DEMONSTRATE WHAT YOUR BRAND HAS IN COMMON with her life stage.

Appeal to her youthful side For Wise & Free, life is just beginning, it’s not ending. She almost doesn’t believe she’s reached the age she has. She FEELS YOUNGER than she might look so DON’T STEREOTYPE HER AS OLD or older.

Source: [1.] SCA Research Female Study MAY 2016. National. Q: From the statements below, could you let us know how much you agree or disagree with them? Wise & Free N=101


Summary As the rise of female consumer power and influence continues to grow, What Women Want is a topic that will continue to challenge, mystify, excite and inspire marketers. implications for individual brands and marketers, With a shifting demographic landscape, new there’s no doubt that women themselves are now a opportunities for connecting with today’s female powerhouse of influence consumer will emerge and over the purchase shape the evolution of brands decisions of other women. across nearly every product As the rise of FEMALE Tap into that and you and service category. potentially have an CONSUMER POWER Certain opportunities relate immediate jump on your and INFLUENCE to resonating with women competitors. continues to grow, ‘WHAT across all life stages — This research and report WOMEN WANT’ is a through greater transparency has no doubt answered and authenticity and a focus topic that will continue to questions and provided on health and wellness — challenge, mystify, excite insight into many of while many relate to how to those changes. Hopefully and inspire marketers. connect at an profound and it’s also raised questions personal level with women at and will serve as a rich different life stages by truly conversation starter. understanding their unique priorities, motivations, fears and considerations. Armed now with the ‘what’ and much of the ‘why?’, the next step is to identify the ‘how’. What And while this study highlights different the commonalities and complexities of today’s Australian woman means specifically for your brand is a discussion that at SCA we’re always ready to have n

For more information on how to get The Brand Jury Panel reviewing your brand, please get in touch with your local SCA representative: Sydney: 02 9375 1041

Adelaide: 08 8301 1071

Melbourne: 03 9252 1019

Perth: 08 9382 0929

Brisbane: 07 3837 1053 44

Tap into and leverage the AUTHENTIC VOICE of REAL WOMEN and you potentially have an immediate jump on your competitors.


About this report Online Research The results of these surveys are “INDICATIVE” ONLY. Over the past 2 years, SCA Research has conducted multiple studies on female listeners of the Hit network. The surveys were conducted by Southern Cross Austereo using its online panel nationally. The panel is obtained from our radio networks database under the labels of ‘Hit VIP’ on the HIT Network. All members of these databases would be considered listeners to these stations. For one survey (Segmentation Survey #2), an external sample was also used of 490 people. For Mood Monitor studies, the Triple M and regional databases were also used. • Hit Segmentation Study #1 conducted in February 2014: 1,107 total completes • Hit Segmentation Study #2 conducted in July 2014: 4,934 total completes • Mood Monitor conducted in October 2015: 2,989 total completes • 2Day Female Study conducted in November 2015: 201 total completes • Hit Quick Read conducted in January 2016: 251 total completes • 2Day Day in the Life conducted in March 2016: 360 total completes • Mood Monitor conducted in MAY 2016: 2 517 total completes • Hit Female Study conducted in MAY 2016: 714 total completes Various filters have been placed over the data at different times. A mixture of quantitative and qualitative questions are asked in the surveys. Certain questions asked for an ‘essay’ or ‘verbatim’ type of response OR brands/words that first came to mind (Qualitative). A keyword search was used to sort and rank the responses to these questions. The results are an un-weighted sample, but are reflective of the Southern Cross Austereo, particularly Hit, audience. Furthermore, as it is an online survey, the respondents would also be skewed towards being ‘early adopters’ for technology, ‘trend setters’ in general and likely to be a good early indication of brand leaders, trend setters and early adopters in general. These research surveys conducted by Southern Cross Austereo are done so to provide a general understanding of the opinions, interests and attitudes of the metropolitan marketplaces only.


Roy Morgan In order to even further understand women at a quantitative level, Roy Morgan Single Source was also used. Roy Morgan Single Source is the largest syndicated survey of its type in Australia that provides an unparalleled holistic view of a consumer. Information is collected from a single respondent across a comprehensive range of topics, industries, consumer attitudes, behaviour and media consumption.

Where does the information come from? In Australia Roy Morgan interviews over 50,000 people per year in all states and territories. Roy Morgan surveys are in market 50 weeks of the year and people 14+ are surveyed. The data is collected through a combination of a face to face interviews (Establishment Survey), and SelfCompletion Diaries (Product and Media). Online and web tracking metrics are also used. Surveys are weighted monthly by geography, age, sex and household size.

One-On-One Interviews To bring to life and better understand what we knew about women at different life stages, four one on one interviews were conducted using recruits from the ‘2Day Day in the Life’ study. Each interview went for approx. one hour and were conducted by Amanda Stevens. Interviewees were asked a series of open ended questions to gauge what a day in their life looks like, where they see themselves in the future, their biggest challenges and also how brands can better connect with them. n

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