STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the Months Ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 2011
Cash Flows From Operating Activities: Cash inflows Cash outflows Net cash from (used in) operating activities
1,904,546,647 (1,270,972,074) 633,574,574
1,919,592,491 (1,343,140,718) 576,451,772
Cash Flows From Investing Activities: Cash inflows Cash outflows Net cash from (used in) investing activities
153,308,832 (145,155,853) 8,152,979
194,791,336 (157,340,490) 37,450,846
Cash Flows From Financing Activities: Cash inflows Cash outflows Net cash from (used in) financing activities
0 (579,815,036) (579,815,036)
180,000,000 (442,150,852) (262,150,852)
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash Net (Decrease) Increase in Cash Cash at Beginning of Year Cash at End of Year
584,881,003 595,219,406 P
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Noted Notedby: by:
EMILIA EMILIAS.S.CANONIZADO CANONIZADO Manager, Manager,Accounting AccountingDept. Dept.
ARMAND ROBERTO C. V. ARREZA GARCIA Chairman Administrator and and CEOCEO
271,928,119 584,881,003