1 minute read
Dear Reader,
April is here so we can finally say that spring has well and truly arrived!
To embrace the outdoors to the fullest, we have many inspiring travel tips for you in our latest issue. In our cover story, for example, we travel to Berlin to explore how the German capital reconciles sustainability and tourism in a clever way. Here, you can find simple tips on how to travel more sustainably this year.
Further to that, we take a look at a great distillery to get you inspired for that first outdoor drink of the year. Or, if you prefer a glass of wine, check out our monthly wine column where we introduce some firstclass Franconian wines this month. If you’re a fan of active outdoor adventures, read our feature on adventure holidays in Bavaria in which travel writer Matt Johanson takes us on an exciting trek to one of Germany’s highest peaks.
Other topics covered in our April issue are an interview with actor Langston Uibel, art, culture and museum highlights, design and lifestyle trends, top businesses in the DACH region, great distilleries, exclusive destinations, top hotels, retreats and rehabilitation centres, top beauty experts, medical centres, great architects, innovative coaches, and much, much more.
And now, sit back, relax and thanks for reading.
Nane Steinhoff Editor
Eine Gerade mit 138 perfekt angeordneten Schriftzeichen, beleuchtet von 276 LEDs. Auf einem Meter Länge lässt sich die aktuelle Zeit als Satz ablesen.
Industriedesigner Cristoffel Bonorand entwickelte in enger Zusammen arbeit mit Adrian Hauser das unverkennbare Design der Textuhr. Jedes Stück wird in präziser Handarbeit in Mettlen, Thurgau, gefertigt. ZEITMETER ist Schweizer Konzept, Design und Manufaktur. Ein Designerstück aus dem Land der Uhren.