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Rye, water, yeast... and plenty of heart

There’s a guaranteed selection of staple goods you’ll find in any Swede’s cupboard. Crispbread, or knäckebröd as the locals say, is one of them. And Leksands Knäckebröd, with its original secret recipe passed down through many generations, and its ever-evolving range of flavours, is one of Sweden’s most beloved brands.
By Nina Bressler | Photos: Leksands Knäckebröd
Leksands Knäckebröd is all about family and Swedish traditions. They take pride in their craft: the recipe was created by Jakobs Karin in 1817 and was passed from generation to generation, eventually landing in the hands of Anna Karlsdotter, who started the first bakery in 1929.
Despite its extraordinary development into one of the biggest crispbread brands in Sweden today, it has remained a family business and Jakobs Karin’s descendants play prominent roles in everything from production to leadership.
“The grandeur of Leksands Knäckebröd lies in simplicity. Our original crispbread is made with Swedish wholewheat rye, water from our own spring, yeast and salt. Rye is a fantastic grain that helps you stay full for longer, provides several health benefits, can prevent diabetes, and has been an integral part of the Swedish kitchen throughout history. We’re simply continuing that tradition, delivering a recipe as popular now as it was centuries ago, along with new editions to complement our big range,” says export coordinator Caroline Bergée.
Its Swedish roots influence every aspect of the business, from branding to the ingredients. Leksands Knäckebröd’s commitment to using local produce has resulted in a deep-seated care for nature on a local and global level. “In 2023, we’re celebrating ten years of being a fossil-free company – one of the first ones in Sweden. We’re pioneers, and we’re paving the way for other companies to follow, constantly looking for new ways to improve, and proving that a green mode of business is genuinely possible,” says Bergée.
The production, office and shop are all located in Leksand, Dalarna, a popular des- tination for tourists. The shop has quickly become a traveller hot-spot, where visitors can indulge in crispbread along with local craft and art. Their most popular product right now? “The Seed and Sea Salt triangle has skyrocketed to the top. It’s our modern take on the original recipe,” Bergée says. Some traditions are clearly worth holding on to. www.leksands.com

Instagram: @leksands_knacke