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Arctic Roe of Scandinavia is the pioneering producer of the world’s most unique delicacy, Black Caviar, produced without a single fish having to die. Sturgeons have become extinct and making Black Caviar without killing the fish aids in the recovery and survival of the world’s sturgeon population. A microchip is affixed to each sturgeon so its growth curve and harvests can be monitored over a decade or longer. Every second year, the females are milked for caviar, and on each caviar tin or jar sold, the name of the individual female sturgeon and the date of production are printed on a label.
The female sturgeons occupy an abandoned paper mill in southern Sweden on the banks of the massive river Lagan that empties into the North Sea. The aqua system at Arctic Roe recycles more than 99% of the daily water consumption, and on-site wells provide water for the property.
Swedish Black Caviar can be found in several Guide Michelin restaurants, fish delicacies and retail stores. It can also be ordered directly from the company.
www.arcticroe.com | info@arcticroe.com